Was John Wilkes Booth right to shoot Lincoln?

But regardless- Booth was no soldier- as a citizen of the United States he was nothing more than a murderer. Or he could be considered a traitor.

The civil war was not really a civil war (since the south did not want control of the country), but it was an internal war and that makes it very tough to say who was
a traitor. THINK

Whether Booth was an ordinary murderer or a traitor really makes no difference to me.
Of course the rebellious states abused the Constitution by the act of rebellion.

How so.? There is nothing in the constitution directly about secession which means, by the tenth amendment, that the states have the right to secede. THINK
Lincoln wanted to make America Great Again.
Didn't work out too well did it? We are still divided north vs south. STILL
FORCE is NEVER the answer

LOL.......divided how?

Just because some idiots like yourself pine away for the grand old days of slavery the reality is compared to 1860, or even 1776, all of the United States is gloriously more united now than then.
You know where you can shove your strawman :)

LOL......poor Harley- still yearning for the pro-slavery Confederacy.
Who fired the first shot? That's usually how we determine who started the war.

Not so. If you caught a tresspasser in your house and you told him to leave and he refused and so you shot him, then YOU fired the first shot - but the incident is still his fault. THINK
You remain a moron. Fort Sumter was not South Carolina's "house." It belonged to the federal government. Along with the land it was on as well as adjacent territory. The war started when the Confederacy opened fire on Union soldiers in a federal installation.

Not Union soldiers- American soldiers.

Members of the United States Army.

These idiots applaud those who attacked United States troops.

Hell I am surprised that they didn't start a whole thread applauding the Japanese for their attack on Pearl Harbor.
The Confederacy was nothing more than states in rebellion against the lawful authority of the United States- a rebellion for the express purpose of protecting the institution of slavery.

HAHAHA. What an ignorant thing to say. The Union had 4 slave states of their own ( ky md mo de) with a total of 400,000 slaves. How could the war be about ending slavery when both sides practiced slavery all 4 years of the war? THINK
It is AMAZING how people say Lincoln didn't shit on our COTUS. In his proclamation to call Congress together, he himself even said he needs Congress to OK his unconstitutional actions..
Revisionist bullshit is all this is.

Oh I agree that President Lincoln abused the Constitution as he worked to end the rebellion.

Of course the rebellious states abused the Constitution by the act of rebellion.

In the end, Lincoln's action kept the United States united- and that directly lead to the United States becoming the most powerful and affluent nation in the world 80 years later.
How did they abuse the COTUS?
Lincoln wanted to make America Great Again.
Didn't work out too well did it? We are still divided north vs south. STILL
FORCE is NEVER the answer

LOL.......divided how?

Just because some idiots like yourself pine away for the grand old days of slavery the reality is compared to 1860, or even 1776, all of the United States is gloriously more united now than then.
You know where you can shove your strawman :)

LOL......poor Harley- still yearning for the pro-slavery Confederacy.
I recently married into Nathan Bedford Forrests family. He is my great great uncle in law.. Or something like that lol.

LOL That's like bragging about being related to Charles Manson.
Wow you must be so proud. ahahhaa
I recently married into Nathan Bedford Forrests family. He is my great great uncle in law.. Or something like that lol.

LOL That's like bragging about being related to Charles Manson.
Wow you must be so proud. ahahhaa
Im not "proud" just thought it was worth mentioning in a thread about the civil war considering he was so badass lol
It is AMAZING how people say Lincoln didn't shit on our COTUS. In his proclamation to call Congress together, he himself even said he needs Congress to OK his unconstitutional actions..
Revisionist bullshit is all this is.
The revisionist shit is all the op's and yours.
Who knows what that means?
Looks like even you don't know what that means.
What? Socially assassinated? Calling the govt? Wiping your own ass? What kind of moron doesn't understand that?
I dunno, what kind of moron thinks it's only the left who does those things?
I dunno, what kind of moron think its only the right that wants a race war?
Maybe because lots of assholes on the right proclaim they do?

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