Was "Make America great again" a cultural OR economic slogan?

Probably. I worry about me and mine and leave you to worry about yours. Without the Government forcibg either of us to help tbe other. THAT is Morality.

Actually, what you're describing is the mentality of a survivalist.....What the hell are you then doing on a forum such as this if all you want is to be left to your own isolation?
Polls show that the vast majority of Trump's undaunted and never discouraged base is made up of older (retired,) white, evangelical Americans, who are willing to forgo (if not outright forgive) the less than stellar business and personal history of Trump.

Bankruptcies, divorces, pending law suits, and the impending investigations, ALL seem frivolous to that base of trump supporters.....

So, the question arose in my mind if that "make America great gain" slogan had a cultural or economic appeal to voters last November......FULLY realizing that most trump supporters would respond to my question with the facile "BOTH," a closer scrutiny may yield a more nuanced response.
Making America great really does confuse the shit out of you people doesn't it? You just can't figure out why anyone would want a country unlike the rest of the socialist crap ones.
Actually, what you're describing is the mentality of a survivalist.....What the hell are you then doing on a forum such as this if all you want is to be left to your own isolation?

It's not a Survivalist mentality as much as it is a mentality of Personal Responsibility. Just because I only concern myself with the betterment of my own family doesn't mean I isolate myself completely from Society. One needs to always keep an eye out for potential threats .
Polls show that the vast majority of Trump's undaunted and never discouraged base is made up of older (retired,) white, evangelical Americans, who are willing to forgo (if not outright forgive) the less than stellar business and personal history of Trump.

Bankruptcies, divorces, pending law suits, and the impending investigations, ALL seem frivolous to that base of trump supporters.....

So, the question arose in my mind if that "make America great gain" slogan had a cultural or economic appeal to voters last November......FULLY realizing that most trump supporters would respond to my question with the facile "BOTH," a closer scrutiny may yield a more nuanced response.

Of course the IRONY is that the slogan appears on Chinese made hats........Gotta love it. LOL

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