Was "Make America great again" a cultural OR economic slogan?

"Make ameria great again" was rehashed reformulated "hope and change". Goldman Sachs always winds up running the white house "either" way.

Actually, it's a variant of Reagan's slogan "Let's Make America Great Again".

Make America Great Again - Wikipedia

I liked lady bird's vow to grow wild flowers . If she had grown more------we would still have
bees and honey ----maybe
Shame Nancy can't see all this marijuana legislation.
Polls show that the vast majority of Trump's undaunted and never discouraged base is made up of older (retired,) white, evangelical Americans, who are willing to forgo (if not outright forgive) the less than stellar business and personal history of Trump.

Bankruptcies, divorces, pending law suits, and the impending investigations, ALL seem frivolous to that base of trump supporters.....

So, the question arose in my mind if that "make America great gain" slogan had a cultural or economic appeal to voters last November......FULLY realizing that most trump supporters would respond to my question with the facile "BOTH," a closer scrutiny may yield a more nuanced response.

business bankruptcy and divorce seems like BIG DEAL to you?
I would think that would be a pretty BIG DEAL to most people, wouldn't you?

no-----more than 1 out of three marriages end in divorce and BUSINESSES go
bankrupt left and right, I was far more annoyed by Hilary's lawyerly machinations
I was wondering how long it would take to drag Hillary into this.

Sorry, but I have to disagree. To the persons going through divorce, it is a big thing. As for bankruptcy, they may not have been big deals to trump, but they sure were big deals to all of the people he fucked over/put out of business.
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"Make ameria great again" was rehashed reformulated "hope and change". Goldman Sachs always winds up running the white house "either" way.

Actually, it's a variant of Reagan's slogan "Let's Make America Great Again".

Make America Great Again - Wikipedia

I liked lady bird's vow to grow wild flowers . If she had grown more------we would still have
bees and honey ----maybe

Actually, it's not a lack of flowers. It's the crap we are putting on and in our crops (pesticides and GMO's) that is contributing to the decline of the bee population.

For you people that think getting rid of just one insect isn't a bad thing, consider that without bees we don't have any crops or fruit. Pollination is essential for that.
"Make ameria great again" was rehashed reformulated "hope and change". Goldman Sachs always winds up running the white house "either" way.

Actually, it's a variant of Reagan's slogan "Let's Make America Great Again".

Make America Great Again - Wikipedia

I liked lady bird's vow to grow wild flowers . If she had grown more------we would still have
bees and honey ----maybe

Actually, it's not a lack of flowers. It's the crap we are putting on and in our crops (pesticides and GMO's) that is contributing to the decline of the bee population.

For you people that think getting rid of just one insect isn't a bad thing, consider that without bees we don't have any crops or fruit. Pollination is essential for that.
You're gonna really have to get remedial if you're going into science and biology with her, seriously remedial.
Polls show that the vast majority of Trump's undaunted and never discouraged base is made up of older (retired,) white, evangelical Americans, who are willing to forgo (if not outright forgive) the less than stellar business and personal history of Trump.

Bankruptcies, divorces, pending law suits, and the impending investigations, ALL seem frivolous to that base of trump supporters.....

So, the question arose in my mind if that "make America great gain" slogan had a cultural or economic appeal to voters last November......FULLY realizing that most trump supporters would respond to my question with the facile "BOTH," a closer scrutiny may yield a more nuanced response.

Talk about grasping at straws. The man is a self-made billionaire, and you talk about bankruptcies, what a complete moron!
"Make ameria great again" was rehashed reformulated "hope and change". Goldman Sachs always winds up running the white house "either" way.

Actually, it's a variant of Reagan's slogan "Let's Make America Great Again".

Make America Great Again - Wikipedia

I liked lady bird's vow to grow wild flowers . If she had grown more------we would still have
bees and honey ----maybe

Actually, it's not a lack of flowers. It's the crap we are putting on and in our crops (pesticides and GMO's) that is contributing to the decline of the bee population.

For you people that think getting rid of just one insect isn't a bad thing, consider that without bees we don't have any crops or fruit. Pollination is essential for that.
You're gonna really have to get remedial if you're going into science and biology with her, seriously remedial.

Okay................I'll go remedial for her......................

Pesticides BAD. Bees GOOD. Pesticides kill bees. Bees help produce food. Pesticides bad.
Polls show that the vast majority of Trump's undaunted and never discouraged base is made up of older (retired,) white, evangelical Americans, who are willing to forgo (if not outright forgive) the less than stellar business and personal history of Trump.

Bankruptcies, divorces, pending law suits, and the impending investigations, ALL seem frivolous to that base of trump supporters.....

So, the question arose in my mind if that "make America great gain" slogan had a cultural or economic appeal to voters last November......FULLY realizing that most trump supporters would respond to my question with the facile "BOTH," a closer scrutiny may yield a more nuanced response.

It is cultural. All those older white people saw a black man as president, elected twice, and in THEIR minds they saw this as the world changing around them and they were not ready for it AT ALL. Many of them are racist, some are casual racists, some aren't but they still saw the world around them as TOO different TOO fast for them to handle. Trump was just the protest vote of all those people who said "oh yeah force me to accept a black president and gay marriage? Well then here is my gigantic shit on the White House, now you get to smell that for four years."

It was a revenge vote, in their minds anyway.
so isnt this now kind of the same situation for the democrats?....they see this chubby big mouthed opinionated old white guy as president,out campaigning their candidate,"the most qualified woman ever to run".....and in their minds they saw this as the world changing around them and they were not ready for it AT ALL.....and trump was the protest vote for many who felt Clinton was a worse person than trump...so there was a gigantic shit on the democrats for picking a not well liked person with a baggage train so long you could not see the end....
Talk about grasping at straws. The man is a self-made billionaire, and you talk about bankruptcies, what a complete moron!

Speaking of morons.......did you know that Madoff and Milken were ALSO self-made billionaires???
Polls show that the vast majority of Trump's undaunted and never discouraged base is made up of older (retired,) white, evangelical Americans, who are willing to forgo (if not outright forgive) the less than stellar business and personal history of Trump.

Bankruptcies, divorces, pending law suits, and the impending investigations, ALL seem frivolous to that base of trump supporters.....

So, the question arose in my mind if that "make America great gain" slogan had a cultural or economic appeal to voters last November......FULLY realizing that most trump supporters would respond to my question with the facile "BOTH," a closer scrutiny may yield a more nuanced response.

Talk about grasping at straws. The man is a self-made billionaire, and you talk about bankruptcies, what a complete moron!
He had the great fortune of beginning life via spermatogenesis in the nut sack of Fred Trump, and nothing more.
I watched the American Experience PBS documentary about Gov. George Wallace recently. The parallels to The Donald and his appeal were frightening.

It's an hour and a half long, but well worth the view.

"Make ameria great again" was rehashed reformulated "hope and change". Goldman Sachs always winds up running the white house "either" way.

Actually, it's a variant of Reagan's slogan "Let's Make America Great Again".

Make America Great Again - Wikipedia

I liked lady bird's vow to grow wild flowers . If she had grown more------we would still have
bees and honey ----maybe

Actually, it's not a lack of flowers. It's the crap we are putting on and in our crops (pesticides and GMO's) that is contributing to the decline of the bee population.

For you people that think getting rid of just one insect isn't a bad thing, consider that without bees we don't have any crops or fruit. Pollination is essential for that.
You're gonna really have to get remedial if you're going into science and biology with her, seriously remedial.

Okay................I'll go remedial for her......................

Pesticides BAD. Bees GOOD. Pesticides kill bees. Bees help produce food. Pesticides bad.
May take a picture or two, jussayin'. She thinks food comes from Monsanto.
Polls show that the vast majority of Trump's undaunted and never discouraged base is made up of older (retired,) white, evangelical Americans, who are willing to forgo (if not outright forgive) the less than stellar business and personal history of Trump.

Bankruptcies, divorces, pending law suits, and the impending investigations, ALL seem frivolous to that base of trump supporters.....

So, the question arose in my mind if that "make America great gain" slogan had a cultural or economic appeal to voters last November......FULLY realizing that most trump supporters would respond to my question with the facile "BOTH," a closer scrutiny may yield a more nuanced response.

He meant make SCOTUS less Fascist, and he did
Polls show that the vast majority of Trump's undaunted and never discouraged base is made up of older (retired,) white, evangelical Americans, who are willing to forgo (if not outright forgive) the less than stellar business and personal history of Trump.

Bankruptcies, divorces, pending law suits, and the impending investigations, ALL seem frivolous to that base of trump supporters.....

So, the question arose in my mind if that "make America great gain" slogan had a cultural or economic appeal to voters last November......FULLY realizing that most trump supporters would respond to my question with the facile "BOTH," a closer scrutiny may yield a more nuanced response.

He meant make SCOTUS less Fascist, and he did
Less fascist as in actually seating judges?
Polls show that the vast majority of Trump's undaunted and never discouraged base is made up of older (retired,) white, evangelical Americans, who are willing to forgo (if not outright forgive) the less than stellar business and personal history of Trump.

Bankruptcies, divorces, pending law suits, and the impending investigations, ALL seem frivolous to that base of trump supporters.....

So, the question arose in my mind if that "make America great gain" slogan had a cultural or economic appeal to voters last November......FULLY realizing that most trump supporters would respond to my question with the facile "BOTH," a closer scrutiny may yield a more nuanced response.

Talk about grasping at straws. The man is a self-made billionaire, and you talk about bankruptcies, what a complete moron!
He had the great fortune of beginning life via spermatogenesis in the nut sack of Fred Trump, and nothing more.

He had the great fortune of being born as an alpha male with IQ higher than his height in centimeters.

The rest is hard work, that you would know nothing about.
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I watched the American Experience PBS documentary about Gov. George Wallace recently. The parallels to The Donald and his appeal were frightening.

It's an hour and a half long, but well worth the view.

The parallels are undeniable to the rational mind.
He meant make SCOTUS less Fascist, and he did

hey, moron, ALL that Trump did was replace an all out right wing maniac, SCALIA, with a slightly less right wing maniac, GORSUCH......

Think before you type.
Polls show that the vast majority of Trump's undaunted and never discouraged base is made up of older (retired,) white, evangelical Americans, who are willing to forgo (if not outright forgive) the less than stellar business and personal history of Trump.

Bankruptcies, divorces, pending law suits, and the impending investigations, ALL seem frivolous to that base of trump supporters.....

So, the question arose in my mind if that "make America great gain" slogan had a cultural or economic appeal to voters last November......FULLY realizing that most trump supporters would respond to my question with the facile "BOTH," a closer scrutiny may yield a more nuanced response.

Talk about grasping at straws. The man is a self-made billionaire, and you talk about bankruptcies, what a complete moron!
He had the great fortune of beginning life via spermatogenesis in the nut sack of Fred Trump, and nothing more.

He had the great fortune of being born as an alpha male with IQ higher than is height in centimeters.

The rest is hard work, that you would know nothing about.

Did you go to the Mooch school of Trump praising? Mooch also told us how smart Trump is, as well as that he can hit a basket from the top of the key, throw a perfect spiral through a tire from a long way away, and can also sink 3 ft. putts.

Seems like you Trump supporters are starting to praise The Donald like N. Korea praises Kim Jong Un.
Polls show that the vast majority of Trump's undaunted and never discouraged base is made up of older (retired,) white, evangelical Americans, who are willing to forgo (if not outright forgive) the less than stellar business and personal history of Trump.

Bankruptcies, divorces, pending law suits, and the impending investigations, ALL seem frivolous to that base of trump supporters.....

So, the question arose in my mind if that "make America great gain" slogan had a cultural or economic appeal to voters last November......FULLY realizing that most trump supporters would respond to my question with the facile "BOTH," a closer scrutiny may yield a more nuanced response.

Talk about grasping at straws. The man is a self-made billionaire, and you talk about bankruptcies, what a complete moron!
He had the great fortune of beginning life via spermatogenesis in the nut sack of Fred Trump, and nothing more.

He had the great fortune of being born as an alpha male with IQ higher than is height in centimeters.

The rest is hard work, that you would know nothing about.
You worship wealth and nothing more, many americans have that disease, as intended by the power structure. The man's an idiot and Goldman Sachs always runs your white house "either" way. All you have now that you would not have had with Hilary are braggin' rights. Your entire existence is based upon unfounded assumptions just like your "knowing" someone on a chat board's relationship to hard work.

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