Was "Make America great again" a cultural OR economic slogan?

No wonder MAGA resonated so much with the conservatives.

(I know that republicans hate to hear this).....BUT, do you believe that MAGA has a tinge of also racial intolerance toward Obama?


Obama wasn't running!!

You're right...............Obama wasn't running. But, neither was Bill, but that didn't stop Trump and the GOP from tying Hillary to both. Hillary not only had to run against Trump, but she was also hopelessly tied to Obama and Bill, and sometimes when the Republicans were ramping up their rhetoric on the campaign trail, you couldn't tell if they were talking about Obama, Bill or Hillary.

Because they tied Hillary to Obama so closely, MAGA could be considered a slight against Obama and his policies as well.
No wonder MAGA resonated so much with the conservatives.

(I know that republicans hate to hear this).....BUT, do you believe that MAGA has a tinge of also racial intolerance toward Obama?


Obama wasn't running!!

You're right...............Obama wasn't running. But, neither was Bill, but that didn't stop Trump and the GOP from tying Hillary to both. Hillary not only had to run against Trump, but she was also hopelessly tied to Obama and Bill, and sometimes when the Republicans were ramping up their rhetoric on the campaign trail, you couldn't tell if they were talking about Obama, Bill or Hillary.

Because they tied Hillary to Obama so closely, MAGA could be considered a slight against Obama and his policies as well.

It's the entire system, no one wants to run on issues, ever.
You're right...............Obama wasn't running. But, neither was Bill, but that didn't stop Trump and the GOP from tying Hillary to both. Hillary not only had to run against Trump, but she was also hopelessly tied to Obama and Bill, and sometimes when the Republicans were ramping up their rhetoric on the campaign trail, you couldn't tell if they were talking about Obama, Bill or Hillary.

Because they tied Hillary to Obama so closely, MAGA could be considered a slight against Obama and his policies as well.

The above is so freaking OBVIOUS that CrusFrankie's half brain will never comprehend it.
No wonder MAGA resonated so much with the conservatives.

(I know that republicans hate to hear this).....BUT, do you believe that MAGA has a tinge of also racial intolerance toward Obama?


Obama wasn't running!!

You're right...............Obama wasn't running. But, neither was Bill, but that didn't stop Trump and the GOP from tying Hillary to both. Hillary not only had to run against Trump, but she was also hopelessly tied to Obama and Bill, and sometimes when the Republicans were ramping up their rhetoric on the campaign trail, you couldn't tell if they were talking about Obama, Bill or Hillary.

Because they tied Hillary to Obama so closely, MAGA could be considered a slight against Obama and his policies as well.

It's the entire system, no one wants to run on issues, ever.

You know, that is one place where Hillary screwed up. Instead of trying to roll around in the mud with Trump, she should have been blasting away with policy and what she would actually do.
No wonder MAGA resonated so much with the conservatives.

(I know that republicans hate to hear this).....BUT, do you believe that MAGA has a tinge of also racial intolerance toward Obama?


Obama wasn't running!!

You're right...............Obama wasn't running. But, neither was Bill, but that didn't stop Trump and the GOP from tying Hillary to both. Hillary not only had to run against Trump, but she was also hopelessly tied to Obama and Bill, and sometimes when the Republicans were ramping up their rhetoric on the campaign trail, you couldn't tell if they were talking about Obama, Bill or Hillary.

Because they tied Hillary to Obama so closely, MAGA could be considered a slight against Obama and his policies as well.

It's the entire system, no one wants to run on issues, ever.

You know, that is one place where Hillary screwed up. Instead of trying to roll around in the mud with Trump, she should have been blasting away with policy and what she would actually do.
She couldn't, the donor class will not allow such a thing, they know full well where the population is with the issues and these candidates are merely vessels for the donor class. They're going to attempt the same shit with Kamala Harris, watch.
You know, that is one place where Hillary screwed up. Instead of trying to roll around in the mud with Trump, she should have been blasting away with policy and what she would actually do.

If the DNC were smarter (and less corrupt) they would come up with a Gingrich-like, Contract with America and strictly adhere to its fulfillment.
If the DNC were smarter (and less corrupt) they would come up with a Gingrich-like, Contract with America and strictly adhere to its fulfillment.

With Democrats it would have to be a Contract Against America, since they find the Founding Documents too restrictive and limiting to carry out their Socialist agenda.
Polls show that the vast majority of Trump's undaunted and never discouraged base is made up of older (retired,) white, evangelical Americans, who are willing to forgo (if not outright forgive) the less than stellar business and personal history of Trump.

Bankruptcies, divorces, pending law suits, and the impending investigations, ALL seem frivolous to that base of trump supporters.....

So, the question arose in my mind if that "make America great gain" slogan had a cultural or economic appeal to voters last November......FULLY realizing that most trump supporters would respond to my question with the facile "BOTH," a closer scrutiny may yield a more nuanced response.

It is cultural. All those older white people saw a black man as president, elected twice, and in THEIR minds they saw this as the world changing around them and they were not ready for it AT ALL. Many of them are racist, some are casual racists, some aren't but they still saw the world around them as TOO different TOO fast for them to handle. Trump was just the protest vote of all those people who said "oh yeah force me to accept a black president and gay marriage? Well then here is my gigantic shit on the White House, now you get to smell that for four years."

It was a revenge vote, in their minds anyway.
so isnt this now kind of the same situation for the democrats?....they see this chubby big mouthed opinionated old white guy as president,out campaigning their candidate,"the most qualified woman ever to run".....and in their minds they saw this as the world changing around them and they were not ready for it AT ALL.....and trump was the protest vote for many who felt Clinton was a worse person than trump...so there was a gigantic shit on the democrats for picking a not well liked person with a baggage train so long you could not see the end....

This current conservative meme, that EVERYTHING is some false equivalency is just so fucking ponderous to have to see over and over.

There is no equivalency. You take all these disparate things and try to put them all into some muddied up goulash and try to stir everything together and claim it's all the same thing. Sorry, it isn't.

It is so mentally lazy to constantly claim 'well everyone is the same so nobody is that bad really'. BULL SHIT. The OP is about Trump, if you can't make an argument on that just admit it and bow out. Why is that so hard?
Thank God that Trump prevented another Kagan or Sotomayor from getting on SCOTUS. He stopped the Progressive Jihad on the US Constitution
Polls show that the vast majority of Trump's undaunted and never discouraged base is made up of older (retired,) white, evangelical Americans, who are willing to forgo (if not outright forgive) the less than stellar business and personal history of Trump.

Bankruptcies, divorces, pending law suits, and the impending investigations, ALL seem frivolous to that base of trump supporters.....

So, the question arose in my mind if that "make America great gain" slogan had a cultural or economic appeal to voters last November......FULLY realizing that most trump supporters would respond to my question with the facile "BOTH," a closer scrutiny may yield a more nuanced response.
Economic. Culture is for fags.
You're right...............Obama wasn't running. But, neither was Bill, but that didn't stop Trump and the GOP from tying Hillary to both. Hillary not only had to run against Trump, but she was also hopelessly tied to Obama and Bill, and sometimes when the Republicans were ramping up their rhetoric on the campaign trail, you couldn't tell if they were talking about Obama, Bill or Hillary.

Because they tied Hillary to Obama so closely, MAGA could be considered a slight against Obama and his policies as well.

The above is so freaking OBVIOUS that CrusFrankie's half brain will never comprehend it.

Jake, take a nap. Get outside. Step away from the keyboard.

Obama wasn't running, neither was Bill. Hillary ran a worse campaign than Juan McCain, and Juan was trying to lose.
With Democrats it would have to be a Contract Against America, since they find the Founding Documents too restrictive and limiting to carry out their Socialist agenda.

I don't expect for you to understand, but for others that are a bit more objective.....what the Democrats have done for common Americans certainly beats their many, many mistakes......Here are a few benefits enjoyed by even the likes of you:

• Social Security
• Medicare, Medicaid, Healthcare Reform, Food Safety
• New Deal, Great Society, Peace Corp, Vista, Job Corp
• Civil Rights, Women’s Right to Vote, Equal Rights, The Voting Rights Act, Equal Pay Act,
• Consumer Protection, FDIC, Banking and Wall Street Regulations, SEC, Federal Reserve System, Anti-trust Legislation
• Funding for Science, Medical and Engineering Research, Space Exploration, NSF, NIH
• Support for Public Education, Head Start, School Lunch and Breakfast Programs
• NLRB, 8 hr. Work Day/40 hr. Work Week, Overtime, Unemployment
• Protection for the Environment, Increased Numbers and Support of National Parks and Wilderness Areas, Endangered Species Act, FEMA
• Veterans’ Benefits, GI Bill
• UN, NATO, Marshall Plan
• Vehicles Safety Requirements, Reduced Emissions, and Fuel Economy Standards (CAFE)
• TVA, Federal Loan Program, PBS, NPR, the Internet
I don't expect for you to understand, but for others that are a bit more objective.....what the Democrats have done for common Americans certainly beats their many, many mistakes......Here are a few benefits enjoyed by even the likes of you:

• Social Security
• Medicare, Medicaid, Healthcare Reform, Food Safety
• New Deal, Great Society, Peace Corp, Vista, Job Corp
• Civil Rights, Women’s Right to Vote, Equal Rights, The Voting Rights Act, Equal Pay Act,
• Consumer Protection, FDIC, Banking and Wall Street Regulations, SEC, Federal Reserve System, Anti-trust Legislation
• Funding for Science, Medical and Engineering Research, Space Exploration, NSF, NIH
• Support for Public Education, Head Start, School Lunch and Breakfast Programs
• NLRB, 8 hr. Work Day/40 hr. Work Week, Overtime, Unemployment
• Protection for the Environment, Increased Numbers and Support of National Parks and Wilderness Areas, Endangered Species Act, FEMA
• Veterans’ Benefits, GI Bill
• UN, NATO, Marshall Plan
• Vehicles Safety Requirements, Reduced Emissions, and Fuel Economy Standards (CAFE)
• TVA, Federal Loan Program, PBS, NPR, the Internet

With the exception of the Civil Rights Act and Veterans benefits, not a single one of those items is Constitutional, Legal, or Moral.
If the DNC were smarter (and less corrupt) they would come up with a Gingrich-like, Contract with America and strictly adhere to its fulfillment.

With Democrats it would have to be a Contract Against America, since they find the Founding Documents too restrictive and limiting to carry out their Socialist agenda.

Agreed. If they were honest, it would be the Contract On America
With the exception of the Civil Rights Act and Veterans benefits, not a single one of those items is Constitutional, Legal, or Moral.

Sure.........Lets take away a woman's right to vote and lets leave the safety of what old farts like you eat up to profit-driven companies........LOL
Agreed. If they were honest, it would be the Contract On America

Somehow.....in your half brain....you "think" that morons like you "represent" America and this country's values......You're such a delusional asshole....LOL
Sure.........Lets take away a woman's right to vote and lets leave the safety of what old farts like you eat up to profit-driven companies........LOL

It's not about what we like or want. It's about what the Founding Documents say the Government is and is not supposed to be involved in.
It was a racial message, an eye wink to the nations white supremacist.

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