Was Obama tougher on Russian than Trump is ??

You just proved my point, Syria didn't get rid of WMDs.

They did get rid of about a thousand tons and destroyed their production facilities. You are in denial of that.

I never disagreed with possibility that they did not get rid of every single last drop. So you make no point and no sense.

Your problem right now is explaining why Trumpo is inviting Putin,who killed civilians with WMD this year, to the White House, when Obama and Hillary never would have done that.

I’m waiting to hear why you are so proud of. The Trumpo Putin bromance.
with the communist left saying Trump is weak on Russia please enlighten us simple minded patriots who cling to our Bibles and guns that you can smell in Wallmart what Obama did to fight Russian influence around the world !

Obama and Medvedev:

Obama to Russia: ‘After My Election I Have More Flexibility’


"President Obama: "On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space."

President Medvedev: "Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…"

President Obama: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility."

President Medvedev: "I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir, and I stand with you.""

with the communist left saying Trump is weak on Russia please enlighten us simple minded patriots who cling to our Bibles and guns that you can smell in Wallmart what Obama did to fight Russian influence around the world !
Obama removed Ukraine, a country on Russia's doorstep, from the Russian sphere and delivered it to the West. That's about as a big a move as one could make.
Yea, because Obama had so much influence in that part of the world.:laughing0301:
More than you care to admit.

Obama coordinated global economic sanctions against Russia
Trump lifted them

Congress passed bipartisan sanctions against Russia
Trump refused to enforce them
bear513, post: 20404050
Assad used them again on three occasions

Chlorine bombs, right? That does not negate the fact that tons and tons of banned chemical weapons were in fact removed from a major war zone. You just can’t give Obama credit for anything. At least Obama never kissed Putin’s ass, Trumpo would have believed Putin when he denied Assad had any wespons at all.

Give him credit? Gtfo..

They stumbled into it like the two stooges, Obama made his " red line" in Syria and Kerry opened his mouth bluffing to Putin (remember France wanted to bomb the fuck out of Syria but couldn't do it with out Obama's help...)

Putin said fine I will get Assad to remove the WMDs ( a lie)

Obama was so embarrassed by it he ran to Iran to change the newspaper headlines and made his bullshit nuclear deal and paid them off

Obama and Kerry was a fucking joke on foreign relations..

For Republicans, this is how Europe hates Obama:


And this proves Europe LOVES Trump:

who gives a fuck ??
You just proved my point, Syria didn't get rid of WMDs.

They did get rid of about a thousand tons and destroyed their production facilities. You are in denial of that.

I never disagreed with possibility that they did not get rid of every single last drop. So you make no point and no sense.

Your problem right now is explaining why Trumpo is inviting Putin,who killed civilians with WMD this year, to the White House, when Obama and Hillary never would have done that.

I’m waiting to hear why you are so proud of. The Trumpo Putin bromance.

Wait so you want world war III?

You ever hear of the saying keep your friends close and your enemy's closer? And this reminds me since I have been here I never heard you complain when Fidel Castro when he was alive coming to the States or Obama normalizing relations with communist cuba. Why is that?

What in your mind you didnt think Fidel murdered anyone?
Obama coordinated global economic sanctions against Russia
Trump lifted them

Congress passed bipartisan sanctions against Russia
Trump refused to enforce them

Fucking liar , Trump never lifted any sanctions against Russia..
bear513, post: 20404935
Wait so you want world war III?

You think if Trumpo refuses to kiss Putin’s ass in the White House there is going to be WWIII?

Are you nuts?

Obama didn’t do that and there is no WWIII.

Trumpo’s got a man crush on Vladi and you think Trumpo is stronger on Putin than Obama was.

Again are you nuts?
with the communist left saying Trump is weak on Russia please enlighten us simple minded patriots who cling to our Bibles and guns that you can smell in Wallmart what Obama did to fight Russian influence around the world !
Obama removed Ukraine, a country on Russia's doorstep, from the Russian sphere and delivered it to the West. That's about as a big a move as one could make.

What a laughable assertion. Ukraine began relations with NATO immediately upon the fall of the Soviet Union. If anything obummer hindered Ukraine's inclusion within the western sphere of influence. I don't see obummer mentioned anywhere in the list below.

Go figure....

  • Dialogue and cooperation started after the end of the Cold War, when newly independent Ukraine joined the North Atlantic Cooperation Council (1991) and the Partnership for Peace programme (1994).
  • Relations were strengthened with the signing of the 1997 Charter on a Distinctive Partnership, which established the NATO-Ukraine Commission (NUC) to take cooperation forward.
  • The Declaration of 2009 to Complement the NATO-Ukraine Charter mandated the NUC, through Ukraine’s Annual National Programme, to underpin Ukraine’s efforts to take forward reforms aimed at implementing Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations
  • Cooperation has deepened over time and is mutually beneficial with Ukraine actively contributing to NATO-led operations and missions.
  • Priority is given to support for comprehensive reform in the security and defence sector, which is vital for Ukraine’s democratic development and for strengthening its ability to defend itself.
  • In response to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, NATO has reinforced its support for capability development and capacity building in Ukraine.
  • Since the NATO Summit in Warsaw in July 2016, NATO’s practical support for Ukraine has been subsumed in the Comprehensive Assistance Package (CAP) for Ukraine.
  • In June 2017, the Ukrainian Parliament adopted legislation reinstating membership in NATO as a strategic foreign and security policy objective.

Relations with Ukraine
The Ukrainian coup is not on your list.........go figure.

Trump is a piker in comparison.

Explain how the coup moved Ukraine into the western sphere.

Ukraine: Council adopts EU-Ukraine association agreement - Consilium

Use your own words. You people are famous for spewing crap out, but instead of a link i want you to tell me what the results of the coup were, and how did obummer influence/direct/ or in any way have an impact on what the Ukraine is doing.
You just proved my point, Syria didn't get rid of WMDs.

They did get rid of about a thousand tons and destroyed their production facilities. You are in denial of that.

I never disagreed with possibility that they did not get rid of every single last drop. So you make no point and no sense.

Your problem right now is explaining why Trumpo is inviting Putin,who killed civilians with WMD this year, to the White House, when Obama and Hillary never would have done that.

I’m waiting to hear why you are so proud of. The Trumpo Putin bromance.

Wait so you want world war III?

You ever hear of the saying keep your friends close and your enemy's closer? And this reminds me since I have been here I never heard you complain when Fidel Castro when he was alive coming to the States or Obama normalizing relations with communist cuba. Why is that?

What in your mind you didnt think Fidel murdered anyone?

I was not even ten years old when Fidel came to the US.

I don’t recall our intel community revealing that Castro has interfered in our elections trying to bend the outcome for the Republican candidate of Putin’s choice.

So why are you defending Trumpo regarding current events if normalization with Cuba was so horrible?
Obama coordinated global economic sanctions against Russia
Trump lifted them

Congress passed bipartisan sanctions against Russia
Trump refused to enforce them

Fucking liar , Trump never lifted any sanctions against Russia..

The United States Treasury announced an adjustment on sanctions against the FSB that would allow technology goods to be imported to Russian consumers..

look it up
with the communist left saying Trump is weak on Russia please enlighten us simple minded patriots who cling to our Bibles and guns that you can smell in Wallmart what Obama did to fight Russian influence around the world !
His pinnacle IMO was drawing that line in the sand and double dog daring Syria/Russia to cross it. That they instead told Barry to pound sand while laughing at the tough guy in his Mom jeans astride his girly bike and sporting the goofiest looking helmet since Dukakis doesn’t mean he didn’t severely damage their influence. You have to understand Barry’s ingenious leading from behind strategery adapted from his community agitator days to fully appreciate it.
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blastoff, post: 20406746
That they instead told Barry to pound sand while laughing at the tough guy in his Mom jeans

No they didn’t. They admitted having tons of CW and the let the OPCW remove and destroy then.

Obama got most of the work done but Trumpo began failing six months after taking office.

Benjamin Netanyahu: World Must Remove Chemical Weapons from Syria - Breaking ...
Apr 5, 2017 · One of the major points credited to Obama was his activities in disarming Assad from his chemical weapons, which .

Netanyahu Says Obama Got Syria Right

Israel's prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has some uncharacteristically positive words for one of U.S. President Barack Obama's most controversial foreign policy initiatives: the deal struck last year to remove chemical weapons from Syria

Netanyahu Says Obama Got Syria Right

Now Trumpo is inviting the butcher responsible for recent chemical attacks to the White House.
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bear513, post: 20404594,
You just proved my point, Syria didn't get rid of WMDs.

Poor bear513, reduced to calling even Netanyahu a liar.

Netanyahu Says Obama Got Syria Right

Israel's prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has some uncharacteristically positive words for one of U.S. President Barack Obama's most controversial foreign policy initiatives: the deal struck last year to remove chemical weapons from Syria

Netanyahu Says Obama Got Syria Right

Now Trumpo is inviting the mass murdering killer responsible for recent chemical attacks to the White House.
bear513, post: 20404594,
You just proved my point, Syria didn't get rid of WMDs.

Poor bear513, reduced to calling even Netanyahu a liar.

Netanyahu Says Obama Got Syria Right

Israel's prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has some uncharacteristically positive words for one of U.S. President Barack Obama's most controversial foreign policy initiatives: the deal struck last year to remove chemical weapons from Syria

Netanyahu Says Obama Got Syria Right

Now Trumpo is inviting the mass murdering killer responsible for recent chemical attacks to the White House.

What do I look like a liberal sheep and get matching orders?

They didn't removed all the WMDs like Obama and Kerry bragged about..even you admit he gassed his citizens again


bear513, post: 20410870
They didn't removed all the WMDs like Obama and Kerry bragged about..even you admit he gassed his citizens again

Never said they did. Point one is that 1000 tons were removed and even Netanyahu understands the value of that.

Point two is directly related to the topic of this thread. Trumpo is a squished worm under Putin’s shoe. He invited the man you acknowledged has a hand in recent chemical attacks in Syria to the White House. Obama would never be that supine to a foreign leader.
You must admit that Obama is much tougher on Putin than Trumpo ever could be.
Obama gave Putin Crimea, 20% of the US supply of uranium, TOP SECRET data off of Hillary's server, & the approval to interfere / hack DNC e-mails.

Putin gave Obama permission to In-Constitutionally invade Syria.

Your right wing opinion writer fails to mention that Obama was not responding to Russian election meddling for eight years. Obama never granted Putin a world stage exhibition of respect, fondness and praise for Putin that Trumpo is giving up now. The invite of Putin to the White House undoes all the actions taken by the GOP Congress against Russia since Trumpo’s taking office.

From your link:
“Obama’s lackluster track record with Russia is in stark contrast to the Trump administration that has already, in its first 18 months, surpassed what Obama did over a total of eight years.”

It’s a phony comparison. Not apples to apples.

And who knows what Trumpo promised and gave up in Syria during the private secret meeting in Helsinki.

Trumpo thought about rounding up Americans and delivering them to Putin in Moscow as Putin asked. The worm didn’t say no the second Putin asked. Trumpo is scum.

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