Was the 2020 election stolen? What do the stats say?

I am not OK with 70mil thinking the election was stolen. We need Better optics period. To me if you state that mail in ballots have to be in 24 hrs before the election then all the resources may be devoted to counting the ballots and ensuring accuracy and bipartisan overwatch. Then you go and do the same with the physical election. Why is that so hard to understand and implement. You fix the optics you fix a lot of the ills in America. Like how about for one week we all stop the racism talk and see how we do. Would that not be wonderful?
Have you ever thought to yourself just how stupid those 70 million people "REALLY" are? Not one of them has any evidence of any large or small scale voter fraud, and yet, they would take the word of a career criminal that there in fact was. The only one who delivered these people that false information was Trump. And where is his evidence? :laughing0301: No where to be found. I mean, let that sink in for a second. Do you know what most people of sound mine would call that, other than just pure stupidity? They would call it a cult. A cult is simply a population of people, usually a small group, who, if told something utterly ludicrous by one person, would believe it. In this case, it's millions. That would be a cult, but on a massive scale.
So you admit you’re a foreigner and you said “China did everything right”. Correct?
I am not OK with 70mil thinking the election was stolen. We need Better optics period. To me if you state that mail in ballots have to be in 24 hrs before the election then all the resources may be devoted to counting the ballots and ensuring accuracy and bipartisan overwatch. Then you go and do the same with the physical election. Why is that so hard to understand and implement. You fix the optics you fix a lot of the ills in America. Like how about for one week we all stop the racism talk and see how we do. Would that not be wonderful?
You didn't answer his question, because you can't. You're dishonest and a coward.
Have you ever thought to yourself just how stupid those 70 million people "REALLY" are? Not one of them has any evidence of any large or small scale voter fraud, and yet, they would take the word of a career criminal that there in fact was. The only one who delivered these people that false information was Trump. And where is his evidence? :laughing0301: No where to be found. I mean, let that sink in for a second. Do you know what most people of sound mine would call that, other than just pure stupidity? They would call it a cult. A cult is simply a population of people, usually a small group, who, if told something utterly ludicrous by one person, would believe it. In this case, it's millions. That would be a cult, but on a massive scale.
Until you admit you are a foreigner and said “China did everything right” your posts will be unread by me.
You didn't answer his question, because you can't. You're dishonest and a coward.
Your posts will not be read by me until you admit you’re a foreigner and said “China did everything right”. Thank you
Until you admit you are a foreigner and said “China did everything right” your posts will be unread by me.
I don't really care. You can play the retarded game forever. No one cares. It's you who looks like the idiot, no one else.
I don't really care. You can play the retarded game forever. No one cares. It's you who looks like the idiot, no one else.
Until you admit you’re a foreigner and said “China did everything right” your posts won’t be read by me and when I see your posts to others I will tell them what you said and who you are.

Total Eligible
Total Registered
% of Registered
Total Voted
% of Voted
Increase of votedNA

Are there shenanigans? IDK but here are the stats. We see a big dip in % who voted in 2004 post 2000 and a big spike in 2004 with BHO garnering strong support as the economy was in serious trouble. 46% cycle over cycle increase in pretty impressive. Note that for some reason in 2004 the % of registered voters was low too. Since then the % of registered voters has hovered in the mid 60s. Interestingly % of increase of those eligible to vote spiked by 12% in 2020 when compared to 2016 when it was just 1% and 3% in the prior years, respectively.

Does it prove there was fraud? IDK. It is interesting to see the spike however. My guess it was due to more mail in ballots and those are always prone to shenanigans.

What are your thoughts?

Faun This is how your review stats and even this is pretty sophomoric. But I just did a quick and dirty.
Who was the democratic candidate in 2004?

That's right. The Never Exciting John Kerry.

No one has demonstrated any significant fraud with mail in ballots w/e, of course, GOP types killing people so they can make sure the dead person votes correctly.

NOTE: You call "FRAUD" in 2020 with a 12% jump but not in 2008?
Perhaps your interpretation of the data is skewed?
Who was the democratic candidate in 2004?

That's right. The Never Exciting John Kerry.

No one has demonstrated any significant fraud with mail in ballots w/e, of course, GOP types killing people so they can make sure the dead person votes correctly.

NOTE: You call "FRAUD" in 2020 with a 12% jump but not in 2008?
Perhaps your interpretation of the data is skewed?
Perhaps yours is?

I watched Network. It was goofy but quite right about foreshadowing. News loses money for networks. News Entertainment makes money. Thank you for the recommendation.

PS - First time seeing a young Faye Dunaway. Not bad looking.
Of course it was stolen

false. not one shred of proof 'cept the wishful thinking of a wanna be dictator scared shitless that he's going to prison 'cause he doesn't have the protection of the oval office no' mo'.

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