Was the 2020 election stolen? What do the stats say?

there's not much difference in reporting between the WSJ, WAPO or NYT. it's the OP/ED that makes them right or left leaning.
No no there is. Absolutely there is. The WSJ insiders are significantly better equipped to write about the economy than WAPO and NYT in an objective manner. Just like some sports writers are better than others. Same with broadcasters. Romo is the GOAT!
& yet i heard a little sumpthin' sumpthin' that the economy is rocking - did yer WSJ report that accurately?

huh ... i didn't know narcissism was contagious.
It is it is. Very contagious.

Just six hours old:

Yet the economy is a much bigger problem for Biden, with inflation hitting a 39-year high of 7.3%. Disapproval of Biden's economic policies deepened to 29%-47% from 34%-43% the prior month. Independents disapprove by a lopsided 55%-18% margin. Meanwhile, Democratic support for Biden's economic stewardship slumped to 51%-20% in February from 60%-14%.

All signs point to inflation as the source of Biden's poor reviews. U.S. employers added 6.6 million jobs in the 12 months of Biden's presidency, while the average hourly wage jumped 5.7%, the most since 1982. However, inflation has eaten away all of that increase and a bit more.
It is it is. Very contagious.

Just six hours old:

Yet the economy is a much bigger problem for Biden, with inflation hitting a 39-year high of 7.3%. Disapproval of Biden's economic policies deepened to 29%-47% from 34%-43% the prior month. Independents disapprove by a lopsided 55%-18% margin. Meanwhile, Democratic support for Biden's economic stewardship slumped to 51%-20% in February from 60%-14%.

All signs point to inflation as the source of Biden's poor reviews. U.S. employers added 6.6 million jobs in the 12 months of Biden's presidency, while the average hourly wage jumped 5.7%, the most since 1982. However, inflation has eaten away all of that increase and a bit more.

inflation is world wide ... you can't pin it all on biden.

start with the antivaxxers & the supply chain ... plus throw in a little wall street AND bigoil greed for wanting to recoup their 'losses' from nobody working or driving or buying because the shelves were even more empty.
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inflation is world wide ... you can't pin it all on biden.

start with the antivaxxers & the supply chain ... plus throw in a little wall street AND bigoil for wanting to recoup their 'losses' from nobody working or driving or buying because the shelves were even more empty.
Who is "you"? The people see what they want to see. This isn't "you" but "they".
my family is chock full of them. except for my nuclear family, & a nephew - they all watch fox. i literally heard one brother in law say that obama was a mooooooslem & one of my sisters was all about jailing hillary over BENGHAZIIII!!!!!!!!!

Mine two. My mother and step father retired to the foothills of the Smokey mountains. My mom had a Masters in teaching and my Step Father had a PHD in Protozoology and was literally the worlds foremost expert in his field when he retired.

They had no TV just satellite radio to which they listened to Hannity and Rush and others. The only news they got was via that and the couple of rightwing magazines they subscribed to a few years after moving up there. The change in them was profound, two of the smartest people I will ever know and they believed the dumbest shit that they were told by the rightwing radio host.

It was scary to watch.
Mine two. My mother and step father retired to the foothills of the Smokey mountains. My mom had a Masters in teaching and my Step Father had a PHD in Protozoology and was literally the worlds foremost expert in his field when he retired.

They had no TV just satellite radio to which they listened to Hannity and Rush and others. The only news they got was via that and the couple of rightwing magazines they subscribed to a few years after moving up there. The change in them was profound, two of the smartest people I will ever know and they believed the dumbest shit that they were told by the rightwing radio host.

It was scary to watch.

yep, & if i weren't close to them, it would be hard to believe there are actually people like that 'in real life'.
yep, & if i weren't close to them, it would be hard to believe there are actually people like that 'in real life'.

When you live in a tiny bubble and hear the same things echoed back and forth it is bound to happen. I even remember my mom telling me "well, we heard it on 3 different radio shows" as if that some how made it more real.
You are not wrong about either of these things.

I have to wonder if someone with Trump's personality but no money would be considered to have charisma
Fuck no. His money is part of his package. If the Rock were 5’6 and 130 pounds his act would not sell at all. Part of his act was that he was/is a house.
I have to wonder if someone with Trump's personality but no money would be considered to have charisma

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion. ~ DJT.

donny is all about the con.

if he didn't have that cash ( & he isn't as wealthy as he portrays ) you know he wouldn't have had the women he acquired over the years.
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