Was the 2020 election stolen? What do the stats say?


Try and focus, ShortBus. We're not talking about Russian collusion or the border. We're talking about the election. So yes, your rambling about other topics is a strawman.

Now you blamed the media for why 70 million (your figure) think the election was stolen. First you blamed the media for reporting on "shenanigans." When I asked you if the media shouldn't have reported that, you switched to how they don't report honestly. That led me to point out some of the media did report honestly as they reported claims of fraud and debunked them. So now I'm asking you what is dishonest about the news debunking false claims of fraud and you seem to have gone into a tailspin.

Again I ask, what is dishonest about the news debunking false claims of fraud?
Follow along, Fido. I will go slowly since you're stupid.

Media lost a lot if not all credibility from 2016-2019 with its awful and biased reporting so of course many don't trust it when it comes to situations like this. I hope this helps. Was there fraud? Fox says yes, MSNBC says no. Who to believe?

Optics matter
Follow along, Fido. I will go slowly since you're stupid.

Media lost a lot if not all credibility from 2016-2019 with its awful and biased reporting so of course many don't trust it when it comes to situations like this. I hope this helps. Was there fraud? Fox says yes, MSNBC says no. Who to believe?

Optics matter

As always, you prove to be too retarded to articulate a lucid thought. :cuckoo:

Again, YOU said you blame the media for 70 million Americans to believe the election was stolen. That in itself is absurd as 70 million (your figure) would not believe that had Trump simply conceded the election he lost instead of lying about it constantly. That aside, I asked you what the media did to cause that and you answered....

For reporting that there may have been shenanigans.

... now you abandon your own position about election "shenanigans" to make some nebulous claim about other events having nothing at all to do with the election.

As always, you prove to be too retarded to articulate a lucid thought. :cuckoo:

Again, YOU said you blame the media for 70 million Americans to believe the election was stolen. That in itself is absurd as 70 million (your figure) would not believe that had Trump simply conceded the election he lost instead of lying about it constantly. That aside, I asked you what the media did to cause that and you answered....

... now you abandon your own position about election "shenanigans" to make some nebulous claim about other events having nothing at all to do with the election.
Yeah the media claims the optics are bad and show videos of it. Google it. It creates doubt. I stand by what I said, Fido.
Shows videos of what, ShortBus?
These and didn't even verify what they were, Fido


Total Eligible
Total Registered
% of Registered
Total Voted
% of Voted
Increase of votedNA

Are there shenanigans? IDK but here are the stats. We see a big dip in % who voted in 2004 post 2000 and a big spike in 2004 with BHO garnering strong support as the economy was in serious trouble. 46% cycle over cycle increase in pretty impressive. Note that for some reason in 2004 the % of registered voters was low too. Since then the % of registered voters has hovered in the mid 60s. Interestingly % of increase of those eligible to vote spiked by 12% in 2020 when compared to 2016 when it was just 1% and 3% in the prior years, respectively.

Does it prove there was fraud? IDK. It is interesting to see the spike however. My guess it was due to more mail in ballots and those are always prone to shenanigans.

What are your thoughts?

Faun This is how your review stats and even this is pretty sophomoric. But I just did a quick and dirty.

On what evidence is you comment that "mail-in ballots are prone to shenanigans" based?
These and didn't even verify what they were, Fido

So videos like those sowed the seeds of doubt among the 70 million of which you speak??
So videos like those sowed the seeds of doubt among the 70 million of which you speak??
Correct. That many believe that only an idiot would vote for Biden and are having a tough time believing there are 81mil idiots in the US. But I believe there are a lot more. You're case in point, Fido.
Even really smart people can fall for partisan propaganda.

my family is chock full of them. except for my nuclear family, & a nephew - they all watch fox. i literally heard one brother in law say that obama was a mooooooslem & one of my sisters was all about jailing hillary over BENGHAZIIII!!!!!!!!!
m'k; you don't believe those numbers. so what? covid could be the direct cause or be the vehicle that cause one to die.

dead is dead.
It makes a big difference. If they were going to die anyway then you can't blame COVID. I lie pie.
because he's a malignant narcissist & conman with arrested development who's outa his fucking mind.
And Biden is a dementia ridden career politician with questionable ties to China and Ukraine. I mean we can do this all day. The perfect candidate is me but I didn't run. :)
We force MSNBC and Fox to label themselves as News Entertainment. Same as WWE is Sports Entertainment. We change the qualifications of what is news and what is news entertainment.

Joe Biden wins the presidency = News

Joe Biden wins over a Russian Agent despite the Agent getting 74million racist votes is news entertainment.

Joe Biden steals the election is news entertainment.

back in the day - the news dept of any network had their own budget; separate & apart from their other programming. & they sure didn't have bigpharma pay for commercials or from the petro institute of america.
back in the day - the news dept of any network had their own budget; separate & apart from their other programming. & they sure didn't have bigpharma pay for commercials or from the petro institute of america.
I believe there is a movie about that with Al Pacino.

News Entertainment is as much news as WWE is sports.

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