Was the 2020 election stolen? What do the stats say?

I like people like Trump. They are aggressive.

aggressively trying to cover up his bigley crimes.

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Ahhh we don't know what he flushed. Could have been box scores, post it notes, we don't know. Another leftist sham.

okey dokey!

1) confirmed ripped up presidential records, taped back up.

2) 15 boxes of records, etc brought down to mar a lagooooooooooo..........

3) some with the words TOP SECRET & CLASSIFIED on them.


& hell, i'll even throw in omarosa's claim of him chewing on some evidence for giggles....

are you a bettin' man, zogster? cause the odds look pretty good that's it's not lookin' good for donny.
okey dokey!

1) confirmed ripped up presidential records, taped back up.

2) 15 boxes of records, etc brought down to mar a lagooooooooooo..........

3) some with the words TOP SECRET & CLASSIFIED on them.


& hell, i'll even throw in omarosa's claim of him chewing on some evidence for giggles....

are you a bettin' man, zogster? cause the odds look pretty good that's it's not lookin' good for donny.
No man. See too much MSNBC. They have no idea what it was. Donny is teflon. But I am more worried about now not 2024. Our current president is a disaster. 56% of Americans cannot name on good thing he has done in office. It would be funny if it weren’t so sad.
No man. See too much MSNBC.

i don't watch msnbc.

They have no idea what it was.

ain't gonna find out now, either. may not have to if the other stuff pans out, though <insertpopcornemojihere>

Donny is teflon.

ticky tocky.

But I am more worried about now not 2024.

me too zoggy.

Our current president is a disaster.

your opinion.

56% of Americans cannot name on good thing he has done in office.

just like the media ... in your opinion - is too blame for the reaction to jan 6 ... they are also to blame for a good chunk of the bad coverage of biden - why? he's boring AF & they want a ratings maker.

It would be funny if it weren’t so sad.

dark comedy ... see: network.
i don't watch msnbc.

ain't gonna find out now, either. may not have to if the other stuff pans out, though <insertpopcornemojihere>

ticky tocky.

me too zoggy.

your opinion.

just like the media ... in your opinion - is too blame for the reaction to jan 6 ... they are also to blame for a good chunk of the bad coverage of biden - why? he's boring AF & they want a ratings maker.

dark comedy ... see: network.
The media is mostly pro Biden. So not sure what you mean?
The media is mostly pro Biden. So not sure what you mean?

not much reporting about the good stuff he's responsible for... the infrastructure bill that passed - really good job numbers - & pay checks are higher... & although afghanistan was a clusterfuck - it was always gonna be & HE finally ended it. some of that country's frozen assets are gonna be lifted with 1/2 of the cash going to the afghani people to ease their hunger eyc & the other 1/2 for american families/victims of 9/11.

but they sure like to push the negative numbers- i love the one about how shitty his covid response cause we still have the virus going around. are you kidding me?

Total Eligible
Total Registered
% of Registered
Total Voted
% of Voted
Increase of votedNA

Are there shenanigans? IDK but here are the stats. We see a big dip in % who voted in 2004 post 2000 and a big spike in 2004 with BHO garnering strong support as the economy was in serious trouble. 46% cycle over cycle increase in pretty impressive. Note that for some reason in 2004 the % of registered voters was low too. Since then the % of registered voters has hovered in the mid 60s. Interestingly % of increase of those eligible to vote spiked by 12% in 2020 when compared to 2016 when it was just 1% and 3% in the prior years, respectively.

Does it prove there was fraud? IDK. It is interesting to see the spike however. My guess it was due to more mail in ballots and those are always prone to shenanigans.

What are your thoughts?

My thoughts are, "So what?"

What are you suggesting with all this? That more people voted because of mail-in ballots?

Maybe? I guess. But there was more at play than the mail in ballots. It was the single most contentious, bitterly-fought election in my lifetime. And it took place in the middle of a worldwide pandemic. Those factors skew the turnout so heavily, it's impossible to know what impact the broader use of mail in ballots had on the number of people who voted.

It doesn't seem surprising to me, at all, that there was a radical increase in the number of people who voted. I'd be suspicious if there wasn't. But Covid likely kept some people from the polls. Mail-in ballots mitigated that to some degree, but people were also far more motivated to vote in the past. Again, I don't see how we can tell without information we just don't have.

In any case, the bigger question is "Why does it matter if there were more votes because of mail-in balloting?"

You seem to answer that with the bolded portion below:

"My guess it was due to more mail in ballots and those are always prone to shenanigans."

But that last bit isn't supported by your statistics at all. It's just another dubious claim by Trump. One that can't be disproved. This is key to the lies of con-artists. They always "could" be true, and if the marks want to believe, they will.
not much reporting about the good stuff he's responsible for... the infrastructure bill that passed - really good job numbers - & pay checks are higher... & although afghanistan was a clusterfuck - it was always gonna be & HE finally ended it. some of that country's frozen assets are gonna be lifted with 1/2 of the cash going to the afghani people to ease their hunger eyc & the other 1/2 for american families/victims of 9/11.

but they sure like to push the negative numbers- i love the one about how shitty his covid response cause we still have the virus going around. are you kidding me?
Hold on. Sans Fox. What other main stream media is anti Biden?
My thoughts are, "So what?"

What are you suggesting with all this? That more people voted because of mail-in ballots?

Maybe? I guess. But there was more at play than the mail in ballots. It was the single most contentious, bitterly-fought election in my lifetime. And it took place in the middle of a worldwide pandemic. Those factors skew the turnout so heavily, it's impossible to know what impact the broader use of mail in ballots had on the number of people who voted.

It doesn't seem surprising to me, at all, that there was a radical increase in the number of people who voted. I'd be suspicious if there wasn't. But Covid likely kept some people from the polls. Mail-in ballots mitigated that to some degree, but people were also far more motivated to vote in the past. Again, I don't see how we can tell without information we just don't have.

In any case, the bigger question is "Why does it matter if there were more votes because of mail-in balloting?"

You seem to answer that with the bolded portion below:

"My guess it was due to more mail in ballots and those are always prone to shenanigans."

But that last bit isn't supported by your statistics at all. It's just another dubious claim by Trump. One that can't be disproved. This is key to the lies of con-artists. They always "could" be true, and if the marks want to believe, they will.
Hence it's a guess. 100%
okey dokey!

1) confirmed ripped up presidential records, taped back up.

2) 15 boxes of records, etc brought down to mar a lagooooooooooo..........

3) some with the words TOP SECRET & CLASSIFIED on them.


& hell, i'll even throw in omarosa's claim of him chewing on some evidence for giggles....

are you a bettin' man, zogster? cause the odds look pretty good that's it's not lookin' good for donny.
How'd you get through the last six years of it not looking too good for the Trumpster?

Hold on. Sans Fox. What other main stream media is anti Biden?

i didn't say 'anti biden' ... i said pro ratings. they loooooooooved donny because he was ratings gold with all the childish, dangerous 'exciting' news cycles 24/7. people don't tune in like they did because biden is just chugging along, not making headline chaos news & they want that back.

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