Was the 2020 election stolen? What do the stats say?

Didn't you want to find out what was in Hillary's emails? They've already found classified material at Mara logo you dumb fuck.

Hillary Clinton Touts 'But Her Emails' Merch amid Reports Trump Tore Up Important Files

By Janine HenniFebruary 08, 2022 09:09 AM
Hillary Clinton; But Her Emails Ceramic Mug


Is Hillary Clinton having a laugh?
The former Secretary of State, 74, tweeted a link Monday to merchandise she inspired with the tagline "but her emails" – a jab at former President Donald Trump.
"Take a sip from your new mug as you read the news...," Clinton wrote, posting the headline from The Washington Post's recent deep dive into Trump's reported paper-shredding, along with a "but her emails" mug.

Hillary Clinton Touts 'But Her Emails' Merch amid Reports Trump Tore Up Important Files
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What classified material? What are you talking about? HRC deleted 33k emails and bleached her server and then smashed 15 blackberries. What did Trump do? Flush post it notes? Lol

You are a deranged, feeble old man.
Trump Reportedly Brought Docs To Mar-a-Lago That Were Clearly Marked as Classified Feeble is when people become detached to the world around them. And reality, the truth, accuracy, no longer enter into their world. You obviously have had that from the beginning.

welllllll, i can't say i have ever heard or read anything good about the dude. you wanna tell me why you asked?
Answer is no. He was a horrible person. But the UK and US formed an alliance with him in WW2 anyway. I know Trump is no angel but he triggers leftists who have made life miserable for my kids, like no other. So I will support him for that reason. Leftists and their stupid shit of mask mandates, vaccine mandates, defund the police, trans girls playing sports vs my kids, support for BDS. I ve had it. You want to piss me off? Fine. Trump pisses you off and losers like BWK more than anyone. The more times you post his name the more it warms my heart because I know he still lives in your heads.

Hillary Clinton Touts 'But Her Emails' Merch amid Reports Trump Tore Up Important Files

By Janine HenniFebruary 08, 2022 09:09 AM
Hillary Clinton; But Her Emails Ceramic Mug


Is Hillary Clinton having a laugh?
The former Secretary of State, 74, tweeted a link Monday to merchandise she inspired with the tagline "but her emails" – a jab at former President Donald Trump.
"Take a sip from your new mug as you read the news...," Clinton wrote, posting the headline from The Washington Post's recent deep dive into Trump's reported paper-shredding, along with a "but her emails" mug.

Hillary Clinton Touts 'But Her Emails' Merch amid Reports Trump Tore Up Important Files
She must be having a blast with this shit.

I always said from the beginning, when you crow enough about what someone else is doing without any evidence, it's a safe bet you are the one guilty of doing exactly what you accuse that person of doing. Sure enough!
She must be having a blast with this shit.

I always said from the beginning, when you crow enough about what someone else is doing without any evidence, it's a safe bet you are the one guilty of doing exactly what you accuse that person of doing. Sure enough!
Bleached servers and smashed blackberries equals “without any evidence “? You’re such a dickhead. Idiot.
It shows pictures of them taking them out of there dumb ass. So it is a fact.
Like we saw pictures of ballots being destroyed? If it’s a fact then why does your link say “reportedly”? Do you not know what that word means? Dumbass.
Answer is no. He was a horrible person. But the UK and US formed an alliance with him in WW2 anyway.

yep. my father fought in that war.

I know Trump is no angel but he triggers leftists who have made life miserable for my kids, like no other.

leftists, huh? alrightyyyyyy............

So I will support him for that reason.

sounds mature.

Leftists and their stupid shit of mask mandates, vaccine mandates,


I ve had it. You want to piss me off? Fine. Trump pisses you off and losers like BWK more than anyone. The more times you post his name the more it warms my heart because I know he still lives in your heads.

got that all outa yer system?


trump libray books prison.jpg
okey dokey!

are you a bettin' man, zogster? cause the odds look pretty good that's it's not lookin' good for donny.

Where could revelations about Trump records lead?​

The Justice Department routinely receives referrals from Congress and other government agencies when those agencies come upon conduct they think might break the law.

Sometimes those referrals result in investigations and even criminal charges, though in many other instances they do not. The Justice Department is generally not bound to take any action suggested to it by another agency.
The Washington Post first reported
this week that the archivist asked the Justice Department to investigate the discovery of 15 boxes of White House records recovered from Trump at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, and that the former president had a habit in office of tearing up records both “sensitive and mundane.”

From WAPO:
The National Archives and Records Administration has asked the Justice Department to examine Donald Trump’s handling of White House records, sparking discussions among federal law enforcement officials about whether they should investigate the former president for a possible crime, according to two people familiar with the matter. :auiqs.jpg:


WASHINGTON (AP) — The Washington Post reported Wednesday that the National Archives and Records Administration has asked the Justice Department to investigate whether former President Donald Trump violated federal law in the handling of documents.
The Associated Press was unable to independently confirm the report.

But a potentially more serious issue concerns the handling of classified material. The Post also reported that some of the recovered documents were clearly marked as classified, including at the top secret level.

“I think the obvious legal issue presented is whether the removal of classified information from the White House and its transport and storage at Mar-a-Lago — a place unauthorized to keep classified information — was a violation of law, and if so whether it merits criminal prosecution,” said David Laufman, who as the former head of the Justice Department’s counterintelligence section was involved in the 2016 investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Though prosecutors could theoretically charge an individual for extreme negligence, Justice Department prosecutions over the last century have focused on what former FBI Director James Comey described in 2016 as a “clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information,” indications of disloyalty to the United States, efforts to obstruct justice or the exposure of vast quantities of classified information that could suggest an intent to commit misconduct.

Comey made the statement in announcing the FBI would not recommend charging Clinton for her handling of classified material through a private email server she used as secretary of state in the Obama administration.

In other words, the mere misuse of classified information does not necessarily form the basis of a prosecution.


It’s hardly unheard of for senior government officials to find themselves entangled in classified information investigations.

The most notable recent probe is the Clinton one.

In closing out the case, the FBI said 110 emails in 52 email chains were found to have contained classified information at the time they were sent and received, but officials decided against charges because officials concluded that she had not intended to break the law.

This will be a key question since Trump could presumably attempt to argue that, while president, he had original classification authority and was the ultimate arbiter in determining what is classified — and what is no longer so — and that the documents in his possession had been declassified.

“I doubt that Trump or people close to him went through such a formality given what we know about the informality with which he treated official documents,” Laufman said. “But the fact that he possessed that authority could muddy the water, potentially, for the government meeting its burden of proof in a criminal case.”
EXPLAINER: Where could revelations about Trump records lead?
Bleached servers and smashed blackberries equals “without any evidence “? You’re such a dickhead. Idiot.
You mean for private emails? You still want her in jail? And Trump? Just depends on what kind of shit you are holding in your hand right?
Like we saw pictures of ballots being destroyed? If it’s a fact then why does your link say “reportedly”? Do you not know what that word means? Dumbass.
But you didn't see pictures of ballots destroyed because it wasn't confirmed. The pictures I showed were classified documents confirmed to be what was pulled out of the house. No one has confirmed from a reputable source about the ballots you claim.
She must be having a blast with this shit.

I always said from the beginning, when you crow enough about what someone else is doing without any evidence, it's a safe bet you are the one guilty of doing exactly what you accuse that person of doing. Sure enough!

projection is a very common tool.
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