Was the 2020 Election Stolen?

Were you always a Crybaby Loser?

I mean when you were a kid and you lost in sports, did you whine, stamp your feet and claim you were cheated?
Or did you just become a Crybaby Loser because Trumptold you to?
Trigger little bitch Trump will be your president in 2025
I didn’t vote for either candidate in 2020. I’d prefer to have seen Trump win, but not enough to vote for him a second time.

The election was not “stolen” in the sense of stuffed ballot boxes or changed votes. However, there were a large number of changes to processed and policies very late in the election season which materially assisted the Biden campaign. Many of these changes were made in a dubious manner or timing.

It would be nice to see a clean, honest election in 2024. I’d also like a pet dragon. I believe the latter of those two requests to be more likely fulfilled.
Honesty is so refreshing
Okay, great! An honest attempt to deal with the data. Just the kind of serious discussion we need. The article cites Georgia, but your refutation is about a claim in Ohio. So ... what about Georgia? I've had a look at some links on Georgia, voting there, etc. Of course, the mainstream media and the 'fact checkers' say, "Oh, nothing to see here!" But I wasn't convinced by what I have read so far ... maybe if I read more things on Georgia.

Here's an idea: why don't all the serious people here, Left and Right, do a bit of Googling about the Georgia elections, and we can have an in-depth discussion of Georgia elections.

Here's an idea. Go fuck yourself. We're done with 2020. Trump lost. It's over.
This is exactly what I’ve been saying since November of 2020. My view on the topic has never changed
I can respect that but you and those who sat out or voted third party made it easier for democrats to manipulate the vote in their favor.
I have always wondered about Crybaby Losers

Are you too immature to admit you lost?
Or just plain Stupid?
You believe Biden with low rally numbers lost more county's than Obama did got more votes than Obama actually won?
No, letting people vote by mail is not cheating. We should do more of that.

here's what happened in 2020.

Trump screwed up the response to covid, the recession and the riots.

All the nitwits that voted for third parties or sat it out in 2016 came back for 2020.

It's really... just that simple.

There was increased voter turnout on both sides, but that's kind of normal.
Absentee ballot was already in place to let people vote by mail. I did. Democrats wanted “Mail In Ballots” so that they could proactively mail ballots to any name without cross checking in advance. And then, it took forever for the election to be called and when it was called, Biden kicked the shit out of Obama.
I say we stop thinking about it at around 2 in the morning, and then we'll see what happens.
Absentee ballot was already in place to let people vote by mail. I did. Democrats wanted “Mail In Ballots” so that they could proactively mail ballots to any name without cross checking in advance. And then, it took forever for the election to be called and when it was called, Biden kicked the shit out of Obama.
Yep 81 million votes to Obama's 68 million

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