Was the 2020 Election Stolen?

Ah yes, I didn't mean we have to cheat. I mean we have to get out there and register people to vote, organize bringing them to the polls on election day, harvest ballots where we can. In some key states, just a few thousand votes can make a difference.
I can get in the mud with these bastards and still not be as dirty as they are.
Fox news doesn't say a thing dumb ass they called Arizona 1 minute after the polls closed. No the events that transpired that night tells me it was stolen

Fox found out that trying to be a legitimate news organization just for election night cost them viewers
I can get in the mud with these bastards and still not be as dirty as they are.
Well, it's fun to argue with them sometimes, and it's useful too, on a know-your-enemy basis. But .... what we really need to be doing, or spending a lot of time doing, is registering young patriots to vote.

The other side works day and night to register people who will vote for them. The people they register can be functionally illiterate, drugged up, welfare dependents, criminals ... the Left will register every single one. And maybe then some.

And if we just sit around and gripe about it on line, they'll get away with it.
Biden's victory is hardly inexplicable. A Trump victory would have been inexplicable given his approval ratings, covid, racial unrest, trade wars, farm bankruptcies, crashed economies, lies, sucking up to dictators and murderers, and all around incompetence.
Well, yes. That explains the huge Biden rallies, and the anemic Trump ones.
Here's an idea: why don't all the serious people here, Left and Right, do a bit of Googling about the Georgia elections, and we can have an in-depth discussion of Georgia elections.
Okay, great! An honest attempt to deal with the data. Just the kind of serious discussion we need. The article cites Georgia, but your refutation is about a claim in Ohio. So ... what about Georgia? I've had a look at some links on Georgia, voting there, etc. Of course, the mainstream media and the 'fact checkers' say, "Oh, nothing to see here!" But I wasn't convinced by what I have read so far ... maybe if I read more things on Georgia.

Ok, the claim in I. is that the NATION cast 5 million more votes that registered voters.
That is a proven LIE.
Also in I. It says Georgia cast 5 million vote with only 4.8 million registered voters.

Now, let’s consider nine categories of suspicious anomalies that led to Biden’s squeaker of a victory.

I. Census Bureau Data

In 2020, the Census Bureau found 5 million fewer voters than the number of ballots counted. This is the largest gap recorded since these post-election surveys began in 1964. These 5 million excess ballots account for most of Biden’s national popular vote lead. To cite one state-level example, the Census Bureau found 4.8 million voters in Georgia, but Georgia reported 5 million counted ballots.
Okay, great! An honest attempt to deal with the data. Just the kind of serious discussion we need. The article cites Georgia, but your refutation is about a claim in Ohio. So ... what about Georgia? I've had a look at some links on Georgia, voting there, etc. Of course, the mainstream media and the 'fact checkers' say, "Oh, nothing to see here!" But I wasn't convinced by what I have read so far ... maybe if I read more things on Georgia.

Here's an idea: why don't all the serious people here, Left and Right, do a bit of Googling about the Georgia elections, and we can have an in-depth discussion of Georgia elections.
Check out the 'googling' below and tell me if Census Bureau Data I. is correct.
Or is he wrong.

You asked for it, I expect a response. Georgia Active Voters Report | Georgia Secretary of State

I. Census Bureau Data
Ok, the claim in I. is that the NATION cast 5 million more votes that registered voters.
That is a proven LIE.
Also in I. It says Georgia cast 5 million vote with only 4.8 million registered voters.

Now, let’s consider nine categories of suspicious anomalies that led to Biden’s squeaker of a victory.

I. Census Bureau Data

In 2020, the Census Bureau found 5 million fewer voters than the number of ballots counted. This is the largest gap recorded since these post-election surveys began in 1964. These 5 million excess ballots account for most of Biden’s national popular vote lead. To cite one state-level example, the Census Bureau found 4.8 million voters in Georgia, but Georgia reported 5 million counted ballots.
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Well, it's fun to argue with them sometimes, and it's useful too, on a know-your-enemy basis. But .... what we really need to be doing, or spending a lot of time doing, is registering young patriots to vote.

The other side works day and night to register people who will vote for them. The people they register can be functionally illiterate, drugged up, welfare dependents, criminals ... the Left will register every single one. And maybe then some.

And if we just sit around and gripe about it on line, they'll get away with it.

Two straight Elections "tgey got away with it". Those "on your side, in power in State GOVT" have to act to prevent it or act after the Crime. "They" refuse to do either. Doesnt matter if you add ten million legitimate names to the Voter roll. They just use that new name to print even more ballots and Vote for that name.

Thats why they have been labeled "THE UNIPARTY".

I dont know a legal or peaceful method to stop Criminality. Neither do you. We have to let them collapse USA completely and fight the rebuild? Or rise up prior to.
Georgia where the Republican governor wins in a landslide and the presidency and Senate goes to the democrat. Now that's unheard of

Yea…Trump really drove off voters who otherwise voted Republican
I didn’t vote for either candidate in 2020. I’d prefer to have seen Trump win, but not enough to vote for him a second time.

The election was not “stolen” in the sense of stuffed ballot boxes or changed votes. However, there were a large number of changes to processed and policies very late in the election season which materially assisted the Biden campaign. Many of these changes were made in a dubious manner or timing.

It would be nice to see a clean, honest election in 2024. I’d also like a pet dragon. I believe the latter of those two requests to be more likely fulfilled.

Your second paragraph explains it quite properly, as I have done repeatedly.
They can't or won't comprehend it.
Fake is fake but that's what you leftists do fake investigations for fake crimes.
Were you always a Crybaby Loser?

I mean when you were a kid and you lost in sports, did you whine, stamp your feet and claim you were cheated?
Or did you just become a Crybaby Loser because Trumptold you to?

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