Was the border broken before Joe Biden broke it? (Poll)

Was the US border broken before Joe Biden, or did Joe Biden break it? (Poll)

  • Trump had the border right. Wait in Mexico for your hearing. Immigration LAW was enforced.

    Votes: 26 92.9%
  • Biden has the border right. Immigration LAW is being ignored.

    Votes: 2 7.1%

  • Total voters
No mistake. I know what I said and it was accurate
Oh I remember the kids in cages pictures that the media showed, blaming
Trump, come to find out that it was pictures from the Obama years. :rolleyes-41:
Yes, we can always tell a conservative in that the Cruelty is often the point.

The problem is that the court dates AREN'T realistic. It takes years to get an asylum hearing.

Also, as long as you have businesses willing to hire them for jobs Americans won't do, you are always going to have illegal immigration.

What we actually need is a Guest worker program, that will allow immigrants to fill jobs while not granting them permanent status.

You see, in many ways, you nativists have created this problem. Before all this talk about "Cracking down on the border", workers would come up from Mexico, work a few months in construction or agriculture, and go back home and live pretty well.

Then you all made crossing the border a complete pain in the ass. So instead of trying to navigate it every year, they just come over once and bring the family.
Yeah, if you want to talk “broken” that is one place where there is an obvious problem that could remedy the situation.

You build a wall. People go over/under/through.
You ramp up enforcement at checkpoints, they just become more creative on how folks come through.
Saying you’ll “seal the border” is just silly.

Once someone gets onto American soil and says they seek asylum...they enter our legal system which is slow as molasses. Charter more courts, get more judges involved, get more immigration attorneys on the cases. You should be able to have your hearing in weeks; not months or years. That nobody in Washington has “thought” of this is rather shocking...my guess is that they recognize the border situation helps both nations and aren’t really interested in solving anything.

As for the guy you reponded to about putting mines on the border; I don’t read all of his stuff. But shit...that was pretty shocking. Weapons of war to stop someone who is just looking for a job. MAGA at it’s most appalling.
Just saw KJP lie her ass off again at today's presser.

She said that "the border was broken for decades", and the dickless reporters didn't call her out for lying.

This is ridiculous. Why does the "free press" enable and support her obvious lies?

Democrat mayors are saying "no mas", and KJP is saying Republicans are the problem for blocking comprehensive immigration reform.

The Biden Administration ignited the worst border crisis in American history and placed U.S. Border Patrol agents’ lives at risk by removing deterrent-focused immigration policies and border enforcement tools.
YOu know she wasn't lying. When was the last time you guys weren't bitching about the border?
However, the picture was actually taken during a June 10 protest against White House immigration policies at Dallas City Hall, as first reported by fact-checking site Snopes.

Other Facebook photos from the protest, organized by the Texas chapter of the Brown Berets de Cemanahuac, a Latino advocacy group, show the same boy outside the cage as activists hold signs urging the White House to “stop separating families.”

Leroy Pena, head of the Brown Berets’ Dallas-Fort Worth chapter, took two pictures of the caged crying boy and posted them on Facebook with the caption: “This was part of our protest yesterday, but this is actually going on right now, at this very moment, in child detention centers throughout the country.” The post was later deleted, but a version is still on the Wayback Machine.

Pena told CNN the toddler was following his older sibling, who took part in the Dallas cage protest along with other teens.

“He got confused on how to get out (of the cage) and cried when he saw his mother,” Pena said. “He was only in there about 30 seconds.”

Pena expressed frustration at how the photo was taken out of context.
What's the point? The border was broken for a long time. Trump tried to fix it but he was threatened by democrats and the DOJ and ridiculed by the media.
Issues with caravans and massive amount of people coming to the border as well as ridiculously long and tedious processing times pushing people to sneak in illegally
There is no one "pushing" people to sneak in.

The US is a sovereign country. WE say who comes in, and when.

Those who snuck in need to be removed ASAP.
You know she wasn't lying. When was the last time you guys weren't bitching about the border?
Yes she was lying. The border is wide open. Trump and Obama had the border closed.

Obama was even called the "deporter-in-chief"

When people don't respect America's border, they need to be removed.
Not enough voting options...

(3) Trump was on the right track but had a long, long way to go, and he wasn't able to finish. The border's been broke for decades.
Oh I remember the kids in cages pictures that the media showed, blaming
Trump, come to find out that it was pictures from the Obama years. :rolleyes-41:
are you saying that it didn’t happen under Trump because an old photo was used once?
Okay, serious answers to serious points.

They do not have to come across illegally. They can stand in line at border crossing we set up for the purpose of entry into the country. Any other travel into the country is simply whatever risk they choose to take. If they wish to navigate a minefield, that is equally up to them, as I would mark it as a mine field and signs that say keep out. Not cruel, just uncaring.

Well, first, the current lot ARE following the process. They are showing up at the border and asking for asylum.

The first time a little girl steps on one of your mines, whatever idiot thought of it would be done.

How many letters have you written to increase the courts that hear these cases, since the swell of migrants (illegal and otherwise) began? None. How many candidates have you asked for solution to the problem of the present totally overwhelmed system? I have not even heard it discussed.

Written to who and why would that do any good. I learned a long time ago, writing to politicians is kind of useless as an activity.

I've given a list of what I think should be done. They actually had a pretty good solution back in 2008 with the McCain-Kennedy bill that George W. Bush supported. The crazy right wing shot it down.

There are still people that come up, work a few months and then go home, returning again in early spring, using H1B visas. These are the people that built my pool, as I insisted no illegals were allowed on my property.

That's nice. Not sure what your point is. Did you check all their papers with ICE?

Nope. I am in Tennessee and had nothing to do with the border.
Except... we all kind of do when we enjoy the benefits of undocumented laborers without trying to fix the problem.
Not enough voting options...

(3) Trump was on the right track but had a long, long way to go, and he wasn't able to finish. The border's been broken for decades.
How has the border been broken for decades?

Just because people keep trying to sneak in doesn't mean that the border is broken.
Obama could have been charged with accessory to murder for authorizing the shipment of firearms to Mexican drug cartels under "Op-Fast/Furious" when one of them turned up in the shooting death of a Border Patrol officer. In a just world Biden could be charged in the deaths of thousands of American kids for doing nothing to curtail the shipment of fentanyl across the open border. Meanwhile the weaponized DOJ goes after Trump's taxes.
idiot libs claim "republicans dont want to fix the border"

Republicans block Ukraine funding in order to force dems to, you guessed it.....FIX THE FUCKING BORDER

and Dems claim, Republicans are the problem!

its absolutely hysterical, and BULLSHIT.
Okay, serious answers to serious points.

Well, first, the current lot ARE following the process. They are showing up at the border and asking for asylum.

The first time a little girl steps on one of your mines, whatever idiot thought of it would be done.

Written to who and why would that do any good. I learned a long time ago, writing to politicians is kind of useless as an activity.

I've given a list of what I think should be done. They actually had a pretty good solution back in 2008 with the McCain-Kennedy bill that George W. Bush supported. The crazy right wing shot it down.

That's nice. Not sure what your point is. Did you check all their papers with ICE?

Except... we all kind of do when we enjoy the benefits of undocumented laborers without trying to fix the problem.
No, no. I would not mine the legitimate border crossing, but the areas that have nothing or the stupid wall, to they would have to enter only at the approved designated crossing point. Last I heard, they were still coming across where there was not fencing or walls, sometimes still swimming the river.

I have corresponded back and forth a time or tim or two, with one or two and met a few. Have been more effective on chance meeting, but better understood the thinking on times writing, when got past the administrative assistants and that was only with a formal letter (a total different writing style than I use here). In my opinion, it has been worth the effort to make my views known. I haven't received reply or the sweat off their balls on an email.

In talking about the pool people, I was simply pointing out legal work visa programs such as H1B do work and do supply excellent labor, on jobs that cannot be filled locally by people willing to do the work well.

To your last thing, Nope. Politicians do not want to solve the problem as it is a campaign money-maker. I do not approve and am in no way responsible for the decisions to ignore the problem.

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