Was the border broken before Joe Biden broke it? (Poll)

Was the US border broken before Joe Biden, or did Joe Biden break it? (Poll)

  • Trump had the border right. Wait in Mexico for your hearing. Immigration LAW was enforced.

    Votes: 26 92.9%
  • Biden has the border right. Immigration LAW is being ignored.

    Votes: 2 7.1%

  • Total voters
are you saying that it didn’t happen under Trump because an old photo was used once?
What I'm saying, is context is everything. Kids were being rented to get across the border during
the last administration. There were a lot of red flags that had to be dealt with. :smoke:
Joe Biden has taken the flood of the third-world to a new level when he siphoned the pump:

Biden in 2019: The Fact​

A video clipping of Biden speaking at a debate prior to general elections in 2019 clearly shows him say, 'Surge the borders.' "I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border. They deserve to be heard. That's who we are. "We're a nation that says, 'You want to flee, and you're fleeing oppression, you should come,'" Biden had told during a debate moderated by Univision's Jorge Ramos in 2019.

It doesn't take even a Dimocrat, to see that we are experiencing the worst EVER flood of humanity.

ANY Republican in the White House, would at least try and stop as much of it as possible! Dimocrats, on the other hand, WANT this flood. They want to transform this nation. They want to dismantle the power of conservatives. They haven't found the way yet, to take our guns, so they've decided to dilute our power by overwhelming us with their "victims of white oppression".
In time, the destruction of capitalism, and in time, the destruction of our rights to bear arms.

Get it in your head, DIMOCRATS ARE THE ENEMY!!!! Act accordingly!!
What I'm saying, is context is everything. Kids were being rented to get across the border during
the last administration. There were a lot of red flags that had to be dealt with. :smoke:
Correct… hence problems dating way back. Decades.
Correct… hence problems dating way back. Decades.
What problem goes back decades? That too many illegal trying to sneak into the US?

Trump had that problem fixed. He built the wall and sent them back to Mexico. Trump solved the "problem".
It baffles me that conservatives never blame the businesses hiring illegals for the problem

That’s what creates the demand, and is 100% the root of the problem

You can make whatever laws you want, the key word is “illegal”
What problem goes back decades? That too many illegal trying to sneak into the US?

Trump had that problem fixed. He built the wall and sent them back to Mexico. Trump solved the "problem".
Yes we have had a problem with the legal immigration process being slow and clogged up, we’ve had problems with caravans heading to the border and we’ve had problems with illegal crossings. Trump did not have it secured and under control. He had the same issues and Biden and presidents that preceded him
Yes we have had a problem with the legal immigration process being slow and clogged up, we’ve had problems with caravans heading to the border and we’ve had problems with illegal crossings. Trump did not have it secured and under control. He had the same issues and Biden and presidents that preceded him
We disagree on your "factoids".
1. We agree that we have problems with illegal crossings
2. We disagree that Trump did not have the border secured and under control. No one that was intercepted by the CBP got into the US.
3. Biden is letting 10,000 illegals a day into the US, many from Russia, China, and other US adversaries. Biden is a TRAITOR.
How has the border been broken for decades?

Just because people keep trying to sneak in doesn't mean that the border is broken.
Remember Ronald Reagan's Shamnesty of 3,000,000... which we were all reassured was a one-time shot?

And THAT was in reaction to years-long sloppiness in border control and multiple surges of Illegal Aliens.

What is happening now is worse, of course, but it's not exactly "news", is it? Merely a matter of degree.

I stand by the observation.
No, no. I would not mine the legitimate border crossing, but the areas that have nothing or the stupid wall, to they would have to enter only at the approved designated crossing point. Last I heard, they were still coming across where there was not fencing or walls, sometimes still swimming the river.

You realize that the problem with mines is that they can be easily defeated, right.


Just like fences can be defeated. They can be climbed over, dug under or broken through. Penn and Teller went to a Home Depot and hired six Day laborers to build a replica of the kind of fencing they use at the border. It took them about a day to build a 20 Foot section. Then they asked them to either dig under it, climb over it or break through it. It took them less than three minutes to do. "Hey, you think they've done this before?" Penn remarked.

I have corresponded back and forth a time or tim or two, with one or two and met a few. Have been more effective on chance meeting, but better understood the thinking on times writing, when got past the administrative assistants and that was only with a formal letter (a total different writing style than I use here). In my opinion, it has been worth the effort to make my views known. I haven't received reply or the sweat off their balls on an email.

To be fair, I've had two times where I had to write congressmen. One was when I left the military and had an issue with pay on the way out. That got resolved quickly. The other was when I complained about the Secretary of State's office turning into such a clusterfuck. The State Rep admitted there were problems and they are working on them.

In talking about the pool people, I was simply pointing out legal work visa programs such as H1B do work and do supply excellent labor, on jobs that cannot be filled locally by people willing to do the work well.

Okay, what about the lower-pay jobs? The ones Americans just don't want to do? I remember when COVID was happening, and we only had one person in the office a week; they had cleaning crews coming in to scrub everything down. Gues who they were. "Halo, Senor!" they would say to me when they saw me in the office.

To your last thing, Nope. Politicians do not want to solve the problem as it is a campaign money-maker. I do not approve and am in no way responsible for the decisions to ignore the problem.

I think the problem is that the solutions wouldn't be popular, especially with the Republican base that wants the benefits of illegal labor but doesn't want Mexicans to date their daughters.
No one is mentioning the dangers of open borders.

Chinese, Russians, Iranians, very dangerous people are flooding into the US.

Eventually that will bite us on the ass. Joe Biden is a traitor.
That just ain’t happening

Save the fear mongering
Remember Ronald Reagan's Shamnesty of 3,000,000... which we were all reassured was a one-time shot?

And THAT was in reaction to years-long sloppiness in border control and multiple surges of Illegal Aliens.

What is happening now is worse, of course, but it's not exactly "news", is it? Merely a matter of degree.

I stand by the observation.

The reason why the Reagan Amnesty failed was what was in the fine print. The responsibility to verify eligibility to work was shifted from the government to the employer. This was pretty much leaving the foxes in charge of the henhouse.
Just saw KJP lie her ass off again at today's presser.

She said that "the border was broken for decades", and the dickless reporters didn't call her out for lying.

This is ridiculous. Why does the "free press" enable and support her obvious lies?

Democrat mayors are saying "no mas", and KJP is saying Republicans are the problem for blocking comprehensive immigration reform.

The Biden Administration ignited the worst border crisis in American history and placed U.S. Border Patrol agents’ lives at risk by removing deterrent-focused immigration policies and border enforcement tools.

your poll does not have enough choices. Neither of them have the border right
We disagree on your "factoids".
1. We agree that we have problems with illegal crossings
2. We disagree that Trump did not have the border secured and under control. No one that was intercepted by the CBP got into the US.
3. Biden is letting 10,000 illegals a day into the US, many from Russia, China, and other US adversaries. Biden is a TRAITOR.
They may not have been let in but many snuck in. So the difference in policy is having more people that have been processed in the country vs less people who were unprocessed. Fair to say both scenarios still present problems
Here's how you solve the Immigration problem.

1) Create a system of National ID's based on Social Security Numbers with a national database. If someone tries to use my SSN in California with a fake name, the system should immediately come back with a picture of me and stating I live and work in Illinois.

2) Create a Guest Worker system to allow cheap labor to be available but with no expectation of permanent residency and strict time limits.

3) Strict enforcement of labor laws, with fines on employers who hire illegals, including a hotline to report them. Heck, it works for OSHA in resolving unsafe working conditions.

4) Clean up the backlog in the asylum courts. It should not take seven years to get a hearing on your asylum claim. We have a million lawyers in this country; we should have no problem enlisting them to represent both sides in these cases.

5) Fences are useless. If mountains and oceans can be overcome, anything built by man can be overcome.
Just saw KJP lie her ass off again at today's presser.

She said that "the border was broken for decades", and the dickless reporters didn't call her out for lying.

This is ridiculous. Why does the "free press" enable and support her obvious lies?

Democrat mayors are saying "no mas", and KJP is saying Republicans are the problem for blocking comprehensive immigration reform.

The Biden Administration ignited the worst border crisis in American history and placed U.S. Border Patrol agents’ lives at risk by removing deterrent-focused immigration policies and border enforcement tools.

The southern border has been a mess since before Reagan was in office. Reagan gave amnesty to 6 million illegal immigrants because the US economy couldn’t afford to deport them.

Reagan then negotiated a free trade agreement with Mexico, so that the Mexican people would have jobs at home and they wouldn’t have to jump the border. Of course, Reagan didn’t tell you that the jobs that the Mexicans would be getting would be your jobs but I digress.

Donald Trump is the guy who declared an National Emergency on the southern border and then did nothing to solve it other than to stop people from legally entering the country. Everything Trump did while he was in office increased the number of people crossing the border illegally.

But you blame Biden for this mess. You must suffer from a lot of memory loss to forget how bad the southern border has been for as long as I’ve been alive.
Remember Ronald Reagan's Shamnesty of 3,000,000... which we were all reassured was a one-time shot?
And THAT was in reaction to years-long sloppiness in border control and multiple surges of Illegal Aliens.
What is happening now is worse, of course, but it's not exactly "news", is it? Merely a matter of degree.
I stand by the observation.
Did Trump have border policy correct? yes or no? ANS: YES

Trump had to battle his ass off to find money to build the wall.
Congress could have done what Desantis is promising, to implement a Remittance Tax on money sent out of the US to pay for the wall.

We may also need to remove the "amnesty" loop-hole and admit immigration only by "merit" as Trump wanted.
That just ain’t happening

Save the fear mongering

They may not have been let in but many snuck in. So the difference in policy is having more people that have been processed in the country vs less people who were unprocessed. Fair to say both scenarios still present problems
Secure borders are a necessity for national security.

Trump's system, where fewer migrants tried to sneak in because they knew they would be caught was better than the mass migration Biden is allowing.

"Processed" by Trump means being sent to Mexico, being "processed" by Biden means being given $5000 and a free iPhone and a free ride to a city of your choice. See the difference?

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