Was the border broken before Joe Biden broke it? (Poll)

Was the US border broken before Joe Biden, or did Joe Biden break it? (Poll)

  • Trump had the border right. Wait in Mexico for your hearing. Immigration LAW was enforced.

    Votes: 26 92.9%
  • Biden has the border right. Immigration LAW is being ignored.

    Votes: 2 7.1%

  • Total voters
No one is mentioning the dangers of open borders.

Chinese, Russians, Iranians, very dangerous people are flooding into the US.

Eventually that will bite us on the ass. Joe Biden is a traitor.
No one is mentioning the dangers of open borders.

Chinese, Russians, Iranians, very dangerous people are flooding into the US.

Eventually that will bite us on the ass. Joe Biden is a traitor.
We don’t have open borders so you can rest easy
The Secure the Border Act of 2023, which I linked to above, passed the House way back in May.

When Chuck Schumer offered his zero-conditions amendment the other day, all the Senate Republicans had to do was attach the Secure the Border Act bill to the military aid bill and boom, the military aid bill with the Secure the Border Act of 2023 attached, would have immediately gone to a vote in the Senate.
Here's what we need to do.

1) Establish a guest worker program (temporary work visas for six months, only to be renewed upon a favorable recommendation from your employer) to meet the labor needs that drive illegal immigration.

2) Strict enforcement of workplace eligibility, go after the people who hire them, from the sweatshop owner to the Yuppies who can't be bothered to raise their own kids to the idiot who hires a truckload of day laborers outside the Home Depot to finish that DIY project.

3) Recruit or draft a bunch of lawyers to clear out the backlog at asylum claims. It should not take three years to get a resolution on your asylum claim.

4) Work with the countries they come from to improve economic and political conditions. For instance, a very large chuck of the current wave of refugees are coming from Venezuela. You know, the country we've been punishing for the last 20 years for picking a government we didn't like.
Yes, we can always tell a conservative in that the Cruelty is often the point.

The problem is that the court dates AREN'T realistic. It takes years to get an asylum hearing.

Also, as long as you have businesses willing to hire them for jobs Americans won't do, you are always going to have illegal immigration.

What we actually need is a Guest worker program, that will allow immigrants to fill jobs while not granting them permanent status.

You see, in many ways, you nativists have created this problem. Before all this talk about "Cracking down on the border", workers would come up from Mexico, work a few months in construction or agriculture, and go back home and live pretty well.

Then you all made crossing the border a complete pain in the ass. So instead of trying to navigate it every year, they just come over once and bring the family.
They do not have to come across illegally. They can stand in line at border crossing we set up for the purpose of entry into the country. Any other travel into the country is simply whatever risk they choose to take. If they wish to navigate a minefield, that is equally up to them, as I would mark it as a mine field and signs that say keep out. Not cruel, just uncaring.

How many letters have you written to increase the courts that hear these cases, since the swell of migrants (illegal and otherwise) began? None. How many candidates have you asked for solution to the problem of the present totally overwhelmed system? I have not even heard it discussed.

There are still people that come up, work a few months and then go home, returning again in early spring, using H1B visas. These are the people that built my pool, as I insisted no illegals were allowed on my property.

Nope. I am in Tennessee and had nothing to do with the border.
Who cares? Who built them. That was an issue during Trump. It wasn’t all solved like that poster claimed
LOL!! So why was it an issue for Trump, and not an issue for Obama? Obama built those "cages" to protect the kids.

A judge said that kids couldn't be held with adults. Those "cages" are what the Obama admin came up with.
LOL!! So why was it an issue for Trump, and not an issue for Obama? Obama built those "cages" to protect the kids.

A judge said that kids couldn't be held with adults. Those "cages" are what the Obama admin came up with.
Obama had issues with the border as well. That’s the point… issues have been ongoing for decades
That is a LIE that no one is pushing back on. People from many countries are flooding into the US. This will end badly.
Republicans will not play along with the democrats as they flood the US with illegals.
We have checkpoints and border patrol a processing system and record deportations. That’s not open like you implied
That's what your propagandists are telling you, with ZERO evidence.

Don't be a parroting rube.
So out of 8,000,000 to 13,000,000 illegals Biden let in you don't think that many thousands were from China, Russia, Iran, Somalia, North Korea, and other enemies of the US?

Don't be a naive rube.
If we did the right thing in a system that is woke and on immigration for many decades there will be the vilest vicious attacks on those who do it. So, they do not do it. We used to send people back. Let people in as we needed them. Now we are becoming poorer and in decline. It does not seem like it as we see people partying and stadiums full. A rising percentage of people depend on checks mailed to them to survive. And those younger are not earning as much as the older generations did and the taxes are higher for them also.
Here's what we need to do.

1) Establish a guest worker program (temporary work visas for six months, only to be renewed upon a favorable recommendation from your employer) to meet the labor needs that drive illegal immigration.

2) Strict enforcement of workplace eligibility, go after the people who hire them, from the sweatshop owner to the Yuppies who can't be bothered to raise their own kids to the idiot who hires a truckload of day laborers outside the Home Depot to finish that DIY project.

3) Recruit or draft a bunch of lawyers to clear out the backlog at asylum claims. It should not take three years to get a resolution on your asylum claim.

4) Work with the countries they come from to improve economic and political conditions. For instance, a very large chuck of the current wave of refugees are coming from Venezuela. You know, the country we've been punishing for the last 20 years for picking a government we didn't like.
Maybe you haven't noticed, but there are 10,000 migrants a day flooding into the US.
We need to end asylum and seal the border immediately.
Then deport all those who entered illegally.
Obama had issues with the border as well. That’s the point… issues have been ongoing for decades
What issues? Obama wanted to protect low income workers from being undercut by cheap labor.

If you had a landscaping business and American workers, and paid a decent wage, you'd go out of business from illegals working for your competition.
What issues? Obama wanted to protect low income workers from being undercut by cheap labor.

If you had a landscaping business and American workers, and paid a decent wage, you'd go out of business from illegals working for your competition.
Issues with caravans and massive amount of people coming to the border as well as ridiculously long and tedious processing times pushing people to sneak in illegally

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