Was the impeachment of Yanukovich legal?


Feb 7, 2014
I've done a little reading about the Ukranian Parliament's impeachment of Yanukovich, and I'm not sure this impeachment complied with their Constitution.

"Article 111 of the prior constitution would have allowed for a president to be impeached "if he commits treason or other crime." The constitutional guidelines provide for a review of the case by Ukraine's Constitutional Court and a three-fourths majority vote by parliament (338 deputies). However, the same report noted, "That discrepancy may soon become irrelevant, with parliament expected to elect a new prime minister no later than February 24."[170] The decision to remove Yanukovich was supported by 328 deputies.[171] Ukraine's parliament dismissed five judges of the Constitutional Court on February 24 for violating their oaths, who were then investigated for alleged malpractice"

Viktor Yanukovych - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So if the impeachment wasn't fully Constitutional, is Putin required to recognize it? Probably not.

But he still doesn't have the legal right to occupy Crimea.
Geez...I would think that Yanukevich having snipers pick off protesting citizens, killing over 80 of them ... Would constitute breaking the law...and aligning with Russia against the interests and will of Ukrainians kinda feels like treason...

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Yanukovich was not impeached legally and still is supposed to be a president (if talking about legality).
I am from Kiev and I can say for sure that almost noone wants him to be a president, neither do I.
But he was not impeached and he did not ordered snipers to kill protesting people.
Snipers were hired by new coalition. It was provocation aiming to acquit the seizure of power in Ukraine...and they were succesfull.

That were ordinary ukranian people who protested against Yanukovich.
But that were some nationalists and terrorists who fought against police and used weapon against both sides.

Who likes this change of government most of all? EU and USA. So guess now who sponsored all that actions in Ukraine..

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