Was The Iraq War A Success Or Blunder?

Was The Iraq War a Success Or Blunder

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That's a lie, and you know it. Step along.

The far right would rather burn the world then not have their way.

Goes to show the truth hurts the far left Obama drones.

You can hide behind your fears of the darkness, which does not excuse your lies.

They are not lies they are the truth and if you can face the truth, continue burying you head in the sand like a good little far left religious zealot.

The far left is the problem and always has been.

I long for the days for the true liberals to hijack their party back from these far left idiots.

So would you change your mind about GWB if the far left helped make Iraq a success?
The lies of the Far Right and the demonizing of the responsible right and center as Far Left makes for grins and chuckles.

Definite far left Obama drone propaganda!

Then again the far left can not own up and admit they are wrong so they have to let the world burn so they can say they are right!
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My vote is the far left turned it into a blunder because if they had made it a success all their propaganda in the Bush years would have made them look like hypocrites. Then if had to do this again the far left war propaganda would fall on deaf ears.

So yes the far left made Iraq a blunder and they will continue to do so as they need to prove that they are right.

Only if the neo-cons had won the peace in Iraq, which they had not. They lost it long before Obama took office.

Iraq was one of Obama's great achievements. He lost Iraq all by himself.
The war was a success.

Pawns in George Bush's re-election campaign.

Yep. Then Obama took over and made Iraq one of his great achievements. Then got re-elected and ignored his achievement to go play golf. I guess Obama forgot he was still in charge, huh.
For it or not, at the beginning of 2009 it was an American success; June 2014 it's a success for Jihadists

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If the far left had been quiet like they are now, Iraq would have been a success.

However the far left made such a big deal they have to let it fail so they can say they were right.

The far left would much rather see the world burn than admit they are wrong.

Maybe you're not as stupid as I thought, were you dropped on your head often as a child?
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The war was a success.

Pulling out before the other side was finished fighting, and leaving no troops to resist them, was a blunder.

So overall as it stands now, what's your vote?

success or blunder depends .... success for special interest groups and government contractors ... blunder in most any other aspect ... IMO full blown blunder.

Leave the mid east and stay gone !
If we were greeted as Liberators, why did the Iraqi government refuse the status of forces agreement? If the insurgency was in it's last throes in 2003, why is Iraq in flames today? If America could not stabilize Iraq after ten years of war, occupation and training the Iraqis, what would change today if we re-entered that desert buzz saw? If we sacrificed 4,500 American lives, two trillion dollars, uncounted maimed and wounded soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi citizens claimed as 'collateral damage', what could motivate us to go back and win the peace? If the Americans had not blundered into Iraq without an exit strategy while disbanding the Iraqi Army, what could we possibly do to prevent the same mistakes twice?

What a pity Iraq is today. Colin Powell said we should hold the Pottery Barn policy: if we break it, we buy it. But after a surge, the loss of lives and treasure, the loss of international stature and our colossal arrogance and lack of understanding about the Middle East, we should put our cards on the table and admit that the Bush administration blundered in Iraq in an irreparably manner.
Well, let's see: As a result of the war, the Iraqi people got to hold their real election in decades, and that election led other Arab peoples to demonstrate and push harder for real elections in their countries. I'd call that a pretty positive development.

Was the war perfect? Were all results of the war positive? Did things go exactly as we'd hoped and planned? Of course not.

Was WW II an unqualified success when it led the enslavement of several Eastern European nations under Soviet tyranny? Yet, was it worth fighting? You see, things aren't so simple when it comes to judging the outcomes of wars.

Liberals just can't come to grips with the simple fact that if Obama had left a residual force in Iraq, we wouldn't be facing this crisis now. A sufficiently strong residual force would have nipped this attack in the bud, if ISIS had dared to attack Iraq at all. Maliki basically told Obama and Biden to go jump in a lake, and they scampered off like the amateurs they are. A President McCain would not have allowed such a thing to happen and we wouldn't be faced with the mess we're now facing there.
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Invading Iraq was a mistake according to Dick Cheney:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YENbElb5-xY]Cheney in 1994 on Iraq - YouTube[/ame]
Unmitigated disaster blunder.

Someone pointed out that Iraqis had elections. Whoopdeeshit. What the hell do I care if a bunch of religious fanatics have elections for a bunch of other religious fanatics.. Who the fuck cares. And the majority of you right wingers don't even like Muslims of any shape or sort.

Thanks for asking my opinion though.
Unmitigated disaster blunder.

Someone pointed out that Iraqis had elections. Whoopdeeshit. What the hell do I care if a bunch of religious fanatics have elections for a bunch of other religious fanatics.. Who the fuck cares. And the majority of you right wingers don't even like Muslims of any shape or sort.

Thanks for asking my opinion though.

I'll take that as a vote for Blunder. ;)
Unmitigated disaster blunder.

Someone pointed out that Iraqis had elections. Whoopdeeshit. What the hell do I care if a bunch of religious fanatics have elections for a bunch of other religious fanatics.. Who the fuck cares. And the majority of you right wingers don't even like Muslims of any shape or sort.

Thanks for asking my opinion though.

Iraq is one of Obama's great achievements.
Joe Biden, 2011.
With the recent chaos in Iraq, this seems like a pretty good time to ask this question. What say you?
We are too badly divided to ever try the civilian architects of the Iraq War for war crimes, although, by the standards of Nuremburg, they deserve to hang.

It's possible we might agree to prosecute many of the same war whores for the massive amounts of graft and corruption that occurred because of an illegal US war of aggression.

If Dick, and Dubya, and Rummie, and all the rest did a slow death in federal prison on racketeering charges, it will send the same message to future "deciders."

"WASHINGTON -- In nine years of war in Iraq, 4,448 Americans died and 32,221 were wounded in battle, leaving behind a deeply divided country steeped in corruption.

"And despite a $60 billion U.S effort to rebuild Iraq, life for most Iraqis has not improved significantly, according to a bitter and regretful retrospective by Iraqi officials and U.S. diplomats, military officers and politicians.

"Their views come with the final report of the Special U.S. Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, released Wednesday.

"Congress set up the SIGIR office in November of 2003 to monitor the vast sums of Iraqi and U.S. money being spent by the U.S. occupation authorities in Baghdad.

"Over nine years, Inspector General Stuart W. Bowen and his staff relentlessly tracked down what happened to the $146 billion in Iraqi money and the $60 billion in U.S. funds -- much of it airlifted to Iraq in pallets of shrink-wrapped $50 bills.

"Despite the claims of President George W. Bush and other U.S. officials that the United States would rebuild an even better Iraq after the March 2003 invasion and occupation, the money 'underperformed,' Bowen noted dryly in the report."

Iraq Reconstruction Cost U.S. $60 Billion, Left Behind Corruption And Waste
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