Was The Iraq War A Success Or Blunder?

Was The Iraq War a Success Or Blunder

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A typical load of crap from the rabbi. What bush handed Obama was a ticking time bomb where the different factions in Iraq were just waiting for the US to move out. Oh, and as far as moving out of Iraq it was george w. bush who signed the agreement to withdraw American forces from Iraq. President Obama merely followed through on the agreement bush had sign with the Iraq government.
Obama did try to leave some forces in Iraq for just the kind of uprising we are seeing now but he was turned down by the Iraqi government. The sticking point was that Iraq demanded that American troops be subject to Iraqi law rather than to US military law. Obama WISELY refused to allow that. Imagine the cries that would be heard if an American soldier were tried under Sharia Law.

Did we not set goals for the war?
Yes. Not really. There was no real planning for what would happen after we won the war. As the war dragged on the reasons for the war kept changing. We went there for WMD. Then we were there to remove Saddam. Then we were there to give the Iraqi people democracy. Then we were there to establish an Iraqi state.
DId we not achieve all of them?
Yes. Not really. The questions of democracy and an Iraqi state were never fully resolved.
Did we not leave a stable Iraq? If you wish to call a ticking time bomb a stable country the answer is yes. Or let me put it another way, if the country was stable why is there a civil war now. It couldn't have been to stable.
Yes, see Obama's comments in my last post. If you wish to call a ticking time bomb a stable country the answer is yes. Or let me put it another way, if the country was stable why is there a civil war now. It couldn't have been to stable.

QED: Ron, you're a partisan Obama cock sniffing moron.
I love when people like you cannot respond in an adult manner. It shows just how small and empty your mind is. But if you wish to respond in a childish manner I will speak in a language you understand: KISS MY BROWN SPOT.

Ron, your responses consist of "Boosh" and "nuh-uh". That really isn't debating.
REPORT: Judge Who Sentenced Saddam Hussein to Death – Captured & Executed by ISIS

Several Arab News websites are reporting the news.
Al-Mesyroon reported (translated)

There were reports of the execution of Iraqi judge, Raouf Abdel-Rahman, who sentenced Iraqi President Saddam Hussein to death, according to confirmed the pages on the social networking site, without official confirmation from the Iraqi government.

The pages on social networking sites, including Page MP Jordanian Khalil Attieh on the site “Facebook” to “revolutionaries Iraqis arrested him and sentenced him to death in retaliation for the death of the martyr Saddam Hussein,” he said, adding that Rauf tried to escape from Baghdad after wearing uniforms dancers. She page Izzat al-Douri, vice-president Saddam Hussein, the “Facebook” to the rebels Iraqis were able to arrest the Kurdish judge Rauf Rashid, who issued a death sentence against the former Iraqi leader, which is currently in the “grip of the soldiers of the Islamic State and the men of the Baath Party.”

REPORT: Judge Who Sentenced Saddam Hussein to Death ? Captured & Executed by ISIS | The Gateway Pundit
In the magical world of the GOP,it was a stunning success. But a mistake helping such ungrateful people. We could have used the money wisely by giving it to the "Job CREATORS" so they could create jobs.
How Will History Judge President George W. Bush?

However, Bush, 66 years of age, says he is “comfortable” with both his life and legacy and defends his decisions on Iraq.

History will judge the decision to go to war in Iraq. It should be remembered this was a bi-partisan decision at the time and was backed by majority of Americans. As the war dragged on and no WMD’s were found, opinion turned against our involvement in Iraq.

Growing up during the Vietnam War, I never thought I would live to see the day that Americans went as tourists in large numbers to visit Vietnam. It has become a booming honeymoon destination for many American couples.

If Iraq becomes a successful democracy and a future tourist site for Americans and others to visit, Bush 43’s vision of freedom and democracy in Iraq and the Middle East will be revisited and his political standing as president will go up.

That scenario is quite hard to imagine now in 2013 but as Vietnam reminds us anything is possible as time goes by and soothes many wounds.

How Will History Judge President George W. Bush?

Denial is so great. I make it a point to be in denial about two things every day.
Looks like it's 'Blunder' in a landslide so far. Too bad Obama is getting ready to involve us again in that awful mess.
Sadly, our Government has considered ISIS a 'Friend' in Syria. Now it looks like we'll have to fight against them and the weapons we supplied. More of your Tax Dollars at work. What an awful tragedy.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6X-0GTX36HY]ISIS In Iraq Unleash Hell Across The Country as They Marc - YouTube[/ame]
The Bush years = All Success


FALLUJA, Iraq, March 31 - Four Americans working for a security company were ambushed and killed Wednesday, and an enraged mob then jubilantly dragged the burned bodies through the streets of downtown Falluja, hanging at least two corpses from a bridge over the Euphrates River.

Less than 15 miles away, in the same area of the increasingly violent Sunni Triangle, five American soldiers were killed when a roadside bomb ripped through their armored personnel carrier.

Enraged Mob in Falluja Kills 4 American Contractors - NYTimes.com
The Bush years = All Success


FALLUJA, Iraq, March 31 - Four Americans working for a security company were ambushed and killed Wednesday, and an enraged mob then jubilantly dragged the burned bodies through the streets of downtown Falluja, hanging at least two corpses from a bridge over the Euphrates River.

Less than 15 miles away, in the same area of the increasingly violent Sunni Triangle, five American soldiers were killed when a roadside bomb ripped through their armored personnel carrier.

Enraged Mob in Falluja Kills 4 American Contractors - NYTimes.com

Yup, they love us over there.
Sadly, our Government has considered ISIS a 'Friend' in Syria. Now it looks like we'll have to fight against them and the weapons we supplied. More of your Tax Dollars at work. What an awful tragedy.

ISIS In Iraq Unleash Hell Across The Country as They Marc - YouTube
There's another possibility that borders on treason, if it's true:

"The green light for the use of ISIS brigades to carve up Iraq, widen the Syria conflict into a greater Middle East war and to throw Iran off-balance was given behind closed doors at the Atlantic Council meeting in Turkey, in November 2013, told a source close to Saudi – Lebanese billionaire Saad Hariri, adding that the U.S. Embassy in Ankara is the operation’s headquarter.

"A 'trusted source' close to the Saudi – Lebanese multi-billionaire and former Lebanese P.M. Saad Hariri told on condition of anonymity, that the final green light for the war on Iraq with ISIS or ISIL brigades was given behind closed doors, at the sidelines of the Atlantic Council’s Energy Summit in Istanbul, Turkey, on November 22 – 23, 2013."

U.S. Embassy in Ankara Headquarter for ISIS War on Iraq - Hariri Insider | nsnbc international

There's a fairly simple explanation linking the US ambassador's murder in Libya with a weapons/Jihadi smuggling ring running between Benghazi and Turkey with fighters and heavy weapons then crossing into Syria.

I don't know of any "credible" source that could verify ISIS is being run from the US Embassy in Turkey, but if one materializes, it would give US voters something to think seriously about on their way to the polls next November
Our Government's meddling has created this awful mess over there. Only poor misguided dupes believe more meddling is the solution.
Our Government's meddling has created this awful mess over there. Only poor misguided dupes believe more meddling is the solution.

Actually withdrawing from the region created the problem. Withdrawing US power always creates problems. The narco-libertarians are simply America-haters.
Our Government's meddling has created this awful mess over there. Only poor misguided dupes believe more meddling is the solution.

Actually withdrawing from the region created the problem. Withdrawing US power always creates problems. The narco-libertarians are simply America-haters.

No, our Government's constant meddling has created this mess. So more meddling isn't the answer. The Sunni Rebels aren't going away. Especially after we've heavily funded & armed them in Syria. The groups are all connected. The Sunnis feel they've been brutally oppressed by the Shiites in Iraq. That sentiment is never gonna change. Let them sort out their own problems. We've done enough damage over there.
More American troops killed in Afghanistan under Obama in 6 years than Bush in 8.


it is a shame that Bush abandoned Afganistan to pursue his blunder into Iraq

Another Bush mess left for Obama to clean up
NBC News - Breaking News & Top Stories - Latest World, US & Local News

A divided nation finally agrees on something overwhelmingly: the war in Iraq was simply not worth fighting.

Seventy-one percent of Americans now say that the war in Iraq “wasn’t worth it,” a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Annenberg poll shows, with skepticism about the lengthy war effort up substantially even in the last 18 months.

Just 22 percent now believe the 2003 war effort was worthwhile
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With the recent chaos in Iraq, this seems like a pretty good time to ask this question. What say you?
For WHOM? apparently 86% of the people who voted in this poll are unaware that those who orchestrated the operations profited greatly, which defines success. Successful fishing trip may not necessarily be successful outcome for a flock of fish - people think too highly of themselves :cuckoo:
With the recent chaos in Iraq, this seems like a pretty good time to ask this question. What say you?
For WHOM? apparently 86% of the people who voted in this poll are unaware that those who orchestrated the operations profited greatly, which defines success. Successful fishing trip may not necessarily be successful outcome for a flock of fish - people think too highly of themselves :cuckoo:

I hear ya, some select Globalist Elite assholes did very well off the Iraq War. Like VP Biden and his little brat son getting rich off the Ukraine conflict. But i think it is important to see what average citizens think. It's important because maybe next time they won't be so willing to go along.
NBC News - Breaking News & Top Stories - Latest World, US & Local News

A divided nation finally agrees on something overwhelmingly: the war in Iraq was simply not worth fighting.

Seventy-one percent of Americans now say that the war in Iraq “wasn’t worth it,” a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Annenberg poll shows, with skepticism about the lengthy war effort up substantially even in the last 18 months.

Just 22 percent now believe the 2003 war effort was worthwhile

Support for the war has dropped in almost all categories, but particularly among Republicans and conservatives. Now, Republicans are split about equally (46 percent worth it / 44 percent not worth it) on the issue

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