Was The Iraq War A Success Or Blunder?

Was The Iraq War a Success Or Blunder

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With the recent chaos in Iraq, this seems like a pretty good time to ask this question. What say you?
For WHOM? apparently 86% of the people who voted in this poll are unaware that those who orchestrated the operations profited greatly, which defines success. Successful fishing trip may not necessarily be successful outcome for a flock of fish - people think too highly of themselves :cuckoo:

I hear ya, some select Globalist Elite assholes did very well off the Iraq War. Like VP Biden and his little brat son getting rich off the Ukraine conflict. But i think it is important to see what average citizens think. It's important because maybe next time they won't be so willing to go along.
Right, and even MORE important is to let the citizens KNOW what majority of citizens think BECAUE, the way the establishment manipulates us is by DICTATING the ILLUSION of what majority of citizens think - THAT is how the so called elections are won, THAT is why if you talk to most people, most people will tell you that majority of people are idiots:
By controlling mass media the political industry makes themselves appear much more popular than they really are: When they criticize their president for example, and claim that his approval rating is only 37%, if you conduct your own poll, you will find out that his approval rating is closer to 10%. They ELECT their own politicians, a good example is recent elections in UKRAINE where a billionaire was put up against a jail bird Julia Timoshenko and a billionaire won. - those who do not believe in their new savior, are called SEPARATISTS and pro RUSSIANS. And when the people decided to hold their own elections in the east, with over 90% voter turnout, the political industry all over the world, were quick to claim that those elections were ILLEGITIMATE.
Well, looks like most feel the Iraq War was a blunder. So let's sit this current chaos out. Time to move on.
Well, looks like most feel the Iraq War was a blunder. So let's sit this current chaos out. Time to move on.
"Whether Iraq can survive this most serious threat to its existence remains to be seen.

"But those who claim it could only have peace if it is divided into three states do not appreciate the makeup of Iraqi society – the three regions would quickly fall under the rule of violent sectarians and chauvinists.

"Given how ethnically and religiously mixed Iraq's regions are, particularly in Baghdad and central Iraq, a three-way national breakup would be a recipe for permanent wars in which only the oil companies, the arms suppliers, and the warlords will be the winners."

Perhaps "moving on" could begin with a "Death Tax" imposed on all arms and resource sales that come from conflict zones where innocent civilians have died?

With Nuremburg outcomes for ALL warlords, starting in DC and London.

The sectarian myth of Iraq | Sami Ramadani | Comment is free | The Guardian
Well, looks like most feel the Iraq War was a blunder. So let's sit this current chaos out. Time to move on.
"Whether Iraq can survive this most serious threat to its existence remains to be seen.

"But those who claim it could only have peace if it is divided into three states do not appreciate the makeup of Iraqi society – the three regions would quickly fall under the rule of violent sectarians and chauvinists.

"Given how ethnically and religiously mixed Iraq's regions are, particularly in Baghdad and central Iraq, a three-way national breakup would be a recipe for permanent wars in which only the oil companies, the arms suppliers, and the warlords will be the winners."

Perhaps "moving on" could begin with a "Death Tax" imposed on all arms and resource sales that come from conflict zones where innocent civilians have died?

With Nuremburg outcomes for ALL warlords, starting in DC and London.

The sectarian myth of Iraq | Sami Ramadani | Comment is free | The Guardian

Just read Obama is demanding $500 Million in Tax Dollars for Syrian Rebels. Man, the Interventionists never learn. Funding and arming all these terror-linked rebel groups in Syria has created this current mess. Yet he's demanding more for them. And he just sent 300 Military 'Advisers' to Iraq. He's a lost soul at this point. A lame duck for sure. We shouldn't have funded & armed any groups in the Syrian War. That was a miserable blunder. Let's just sit this one out. Enough is enough.
It was a success for about a week but in the end it was a blunder.
Well, looks like most feel the Iraq War was a blunder. So let's sit this current chaos out. Time to move on.
"Whether Iraq can survive this most serious threat to its existence remains to be seen.

"But those who claim it could only have peace if it is divided into three states do not appreciate the makeup of Iraqi society – the three regions would quickly fall under the rule of violent sectarians and chauvinists.

"Given how ethnically and religiously mixed Iraq's regions are, particularly in Baghdad and central Iraq, a three-way national breakup would be a recipe for permanent wars in which only the oil companies, the arms suppliers, and the warlords will be the winners."

Perhaps "moving on" could begin with a "Death Tax" imposed on all arms and resource sales that come from conflict zones where innocent civilians have died?

With Nuremburg outcomes for ALL warlords, starting in DC and London.

The sectarian myth of Iraq | Sami Ramadani | Comment is free | The Guardian

Just read Obama is demanding $500 Million in Tax Dollars for Syrian Rebels. Man, the Interventionists never learn. Funding and arming all these terror-linked rebel groups in Syria has created this current mess. Yet he's demanding more for them. And he just sent 300 Military 'Advisers' to Iraq. He's a lost soul at this point. A lame duck for sure. We shouldn't have funded & armed any groups in the Syrian War. That was a miserable blunder. Let's just sit this one out. Enough is enough.
I think we have to define "blunder." The term is accurate for 99% of humanity, but the policies we're talking about have been spectacularly successful for a few of us. Every US administration since WWII has deliberately pursued policies that have lead to where we are today. Each administration has been staffed by brilliant, well-educated elites who have made one decision after another to pursue divide and conquer around the globe, especially in the Middle East. The current mess is exactly what our leaders, Republicans AND Democrats, want. We have to change the sectarian nature of the US Congress if we have any concern for Sunni and Shiite in Iraq and Syria.
Final Poll results are in. And it's 'Blunder' by a large margin. Thanks all for voting and contributing.

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