Was the Kansas referendum fraudulent?

Absolutely false. They may have created it, but like many a piece of intellectual property, somebody else takes it, and uses it.

Ironically an American invented Total Quality Control, that the Japanese used to make their cars better than American vehicles.

Deming was a professor of statistics in New York University graduate school of business administration (1946–1993) and taught at Columbia University's graduate school of business (1988–1993). He also was a consultant for private business.

Deming often is referred to as the father of “ Total Quality Management .”. After World War II, he contributed to Japan ‘s economic recovery

Japan's world leadership in product quality is the result of the lectures given four decades ago by two Americans -- W. Edwards Deming and...
Nice diversion from the FACT that the Democrats do something that is okay as long as Democrats are in power, but once out of power if those Democrat Tactics are used then it is very bad. Get some balls dude, live with what your Democrats have done to you.
oh yes. It appears that the rest of us don't realize how this was presented and what it means. I am beginning to think that Kansas is NOT pro-abort....they are anti gov't interference in medical decisions. Remember we just came off of two years of them killing us off with covid protocols that MEAN DEATH to covid patients and others.

The people of Kansas spoke. The decision was in the voters hands and they overwhelmingly decided. It's all good.
oh yes. It appears that the rest of us don't realize how this was presented and what it means. I am beginning to think that Kansas is NOT pro-abort....they are anti gov't interference in medical decisions. Remember we just came off of two years of them killing us off with covid protocols that MEAN DEATH to covid patients and others.

well that's interesting, was it a pro abortion bill or anti mandate bill?
Yes, but she didn't incite a mob to try and overthrow the election process. Nor did she come up with numerous plans for undermining the electoral college and prevent the orange idiot from being certified.
You're ignorant or lying, and I don't care which.
You're ignorant or lying, and I don't care which.

So you're saying that H. Clinton DID try to overthrow the election process and prevent the orange idiot from being certified?

You're either ignorant or lying or

Yes, I owned you in this discussion, thank you. Now if you can refrain from any insults, please tell us how H. Clinton tried to undermine the orange idiots certification.

Can't? Then STFU!
We appreciate your opinion. Thanks for sharing it. We'll let you know if we want to hear more.
Last resort of the OWNED!


Yes, I owned you in this discussion, thank you. Now if you can refrain from any insults, please tell us how H. Clinton tried to undermine the orange idiots certification.

Can't? Then STFU!
We appreciate your opinion. Thanks for sharing it. We'll let you know if we want to hear more.

I'll give you more whether you like it or not. If you can't take the heat stay off the message board!
Given the 2-1 gop participation rate over the dems I'd not think so.

It's just that a shit-ton of right-leaners (like myself) see the utility in abortion.
what the hell?

There is no "utility" in abortion, spiritually or otherwise.

You have to answer to God (Jesus Christ) in the End, so you may want to re-think your comments

You cannot kill a child God created (and of course only He can create one).

and get off scot free forever

What? Are u a dimrat?
Yes, but she didn't incite a mob to try and overthrow the election process. Nor did she come up with numerous plans for undermining the electoral college and prevent the orange idiot from being certified.
They produced a false document that created as impeachment that still hasn’t stopped
what the hell?

There is no "utility" in abortion, spiritually or otherwise.

You have to answer to God (Jesus Christ) in the End, so you may want to re-think your comments

You cannot kill a child God created (and of course only He can create one).

and get off scot free forever

What? Are u a dimrat?
What if the "woman" seeking abortion is a satanically possessed person who would otherwise give birth to and raise another satanist?
what the hell?

There is no "utility" in abortion, spiritually or otherwise.

You have to answer to God (Jesus Christ) in the End, so you may want to re-think your comments

You cannot kill a child God created (and of course only He can create one).

and get off scot free forever

What? Are u a dimrat?
What part of right-leaning did you not understand?

It's the "Gawd" crowd that fucks things up for the rest of us moderate right-leaners.

In fact as far as politics go you are every bit as bad as the dems are. I don't want no part of either of you fuckin' nut-jobs.

If you think you are going to expound from some magic book and try to tell me how I should think and live my life you have another fuckin' think coming to you.....Piss on that noise.

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