Was the U.S. Unprepared for the China COVID-19 Virus?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Was the U.S. Unprepared for the China COVID-19 Virus?

Was the U.S. Unprepared for the China COVID-19 Virus?
14 Apr 2020 ~~ By Brian Tomlinson
Being sequestered at home gives one the opportunity to reflect on the political actions taken over the past several weeks and the associated praise and criticisms resulting from those actions.
President Trump has repeatedly referred to the actions he's taken in terms of military execution, and rightfully so. His team has garnered their resources to get key supplies to combat this viral enemy at the hot spots that arise. There is no politicizing priorities of help. After all, it appears the hardest hit states are run by Democrats. There’s little politicizing the facts about human-to-human transmission of the Chinese virus and its fission-like spreading, either. It makes one wonder when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her ally, Rep. Adam Schiff promote a 9/11-like commission regarding response to the spread of the virus when Pelosi championed Chinese Lunar Year celebrations in San Francisco just weeks earlier. My assumption was that they were referring to the 9/11/01 commission and not the 9/11/12 (Benghazi), but I digress.
The reason I ask the question about preparedness is because I wonder how many of us remember or were even aware of the multiple simulated biowarfare attack exercises performed over the past in major urban areas. I have to admit that I was a little surprised that 60 Minutes had uncovered in the 1970s or early 1980s the existence of such exercises. The government used high concentrations of certain bacteria and spores for the simulations.
In 1968, the U.S. population was 200 million when the “esteemed” professor from Stanford, Paul Ehrlich, advocated in his book, “The Population Bomb,” to limit population growth due to food shortages. We are currently over 330 million people in the U.S. and we export food around the world. China’s population was 775 million in 1968 and currently they are at 1.4 billion. They scavenge the world for resources unavailable in their country. Did Chairman Xi Jinping take Ehrlich’s book to heart and damn the rest of the world?
China may have tossed us this curve but the responsiveness of our President Trump and his team have been phenomenal in my humble opinion. He has improved the playbook via private industry partnering with slow government bureaucrats. His leadership in this crisis is the envy of the world. The globalists are cowering in the shadows but are waiting to strike at a moment’s notice once he hits the restart button on the economy. Please show our support to not only those who have responded to keep us healthy and provide us the resources to live like our grocers and upstream folks from the farmers on down. Give a shout out to our president, too.

Despite all the work previously done, the US was not prepared, but it was not unique. None of the major countries in the world were prepared. This is why it is unfair to call any national leader out on the topic....or if you prefer.... why they should all be called out. To throw this at Trumps feet and blame him is asinine. Blame China for not following regulations and leave it at that.
When we get past this, there should be a careful examination of what was wrong, not who was wrong. People should be encouraged to be open and honest without recrimination. There should not be witch hunts that promote "cover your ass" responses. Problem solving is about fixing what was wrong, not finding our who screwed up. However, knowing the politics it will not be done because many in Washington will be on total CYA.
WE have just seen how easy it is to throw the USA and Europe into a frenzy. A huge solar storm or EMP knocking out electronics and transformers is a deadly problem. Just imagine the last month with no electrical grid. information. cars, trucks, trains, planes or communication.
America was prepared for a virus bloom but it wasn't prepared for the obvious mutation of a SARS types virus or the lies from the prime source of the virus.
But Americans have proven to respond well to challenges as our track record has proven. It is unreasonable to be prepared for every unknown thing on the horizon.
Drumpf ran around with his finger stuck up his anus for at least 3 weeks claiming the virus was a dem hoax. He deserves every bit of blame. He is a pathetic, incompetent fuckup with blood on his hands.
Was the U.S. Unprepared for the China COVID-19 Virus?

Was the U.S. Unprepared for the China COVID-19 Virus?
14 Apr 2020 ~~ By Brian Tomlinson
Being sequestered at home gives one the opportunity to reflect on the political actions taken over the past several weeks and the associated praise and criticisms resulting from those actions.
President Trump has repeatedly referred to the actions he's taken in terms of military execution, and rightfully so. His team has garnered their resources to get key supplies to combat this viral enemy at the hot spots that arise. There is no politicizing priorities of help. After all, it appears the hardest hit states are run by Democrats. There’s little politicizing the facts about human-to-human transmission of the Chinese virus and its fission-like spreading, either. It makes one wonder when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her ally, Rep. Adam Schiff promote a 9/11-like commission regarding response to the spread of the virus when Pelosi championed Chinese Lunar Year celebrations in San Francisco just weeks earlier. My assumption was that they were referring to the 9/11/01 commission and not the 9/11/12 (Benghazi), but I digress.
The reason I ask the question about preparedness is because I wonder how many of us remember or were even aware of the multiple simulated biowarfare attack exercises performed over the past in major urban areas. I have to admit that I was a little surprised that 60 Minutes had uncovered in the 1970s or early 1980s the existence of such exercises. The government used high concentrations of certain bacteria and spores for the simulations.
In 1968, the U.S. population was 200 million when the “esteemed” professor from Stanford, Paul Ehrlich, advocated in his book, “The Population Bomb,” to limit population growth due to food shortages. We are currently over 330 million people in the U.S. and we export food around the world. China’s population was 775 million in 1968 and currently they are at 1.4 billion. They scavenge the world for resources unavailable in their country. Did Chairman Xi Jinping take Ehrlich’s book to heart and damn the rest of the world?
China may have tossed us this curve but the responsiveness of our President Trump and his team have been phenomenal in my humble opinion. He has improved the playbook via private industry partnering with slow government bureaucrats. His leadership in this crisis is the envy of the world. The globalists are cowering in the shadows but are waiting to strike at a moment’s notice once he hits the restart button on the economy. Please show our support to not only those who have responded to keep us healthy and provide us the resources to live like our grocers and upstream folks from the farmers on down. Give a shout out to our president, too.

Despite all the work previously done, the US was not prepared, but it was not unique. None of the major countries in the world were prepared. This is why it is unfair to call any national leader out on the topic....or if you prefer.... why they should all be called out. To throw this at Trumps feet and blame him is asinine. Blame China for not following regulations and leave it at that.
When we get past this, there should be a careful examination of what was wrong, not who was wrong. People should be encouraged to be open and honest without recrimination. There should not be witch hunts that promote "cover your ass" responses. Problem solving is about fixing what was wrong, not finding our who screwed up. However, knowing the politics it will not be done because many in Washington will be on total CYA.
WE have just seen how easy it is to throw the USA and Europe into a frenzy. A huge solar storm or EMP knocking out electronics and transformers is a deadly problem. Just imagine the last month with no electrical grid. information. cars, trucks, trains, planes or communication.
America was prepared for a virus bloom but it wasn't prepared for the obvious mutation of a SARS types virus or the lies from the prime source of the virus.
But Americans have proven to respond well to challenges as our track record has proven. It is unreasonable to be prepared for every unknown thing on the horizon.

Sorry but this article is pure horesehit.

There is no such thing as preparation.....it's a childish and wishful thought that seeks to lay blame where none is due.

Drumpf ran around with his finger stuck up his anus for at least 3 weeks claiming the virus was a dem hoax. He deserves every bit of blame. He is a pathetic, incompetent fuckup with blood on his hands.
Trump was trying to save the economy that you liberals don't give a crap about. If Trump had been yelling about a possible pandemic, it could have scared off investors and caused a crash on Wall Street. Maybe you'd care about the economy if you had a job.
Drumpf ran around with his finger stuck up his anus for at least 3 weeks claiming the virus was a dem hoax. He deserves every bit of blame. He is a pathetic, incompetent fuckup with blood on his hands.
Trump was trying to save the economy that you liberals don't give a crap about. If Trump had been yelling about a possible pandemic, it could have scared off investors and caused a crash on Wall Street. Maybe you'd care about the economy if you had a job.
Hey dumbass. If everyone was dead who gives a fuck about the economy? Typical dumbass conservative thinking.
Was the U.S. Unprepared for the China COVID-19 Virus?

Was the U.S. Unprepared for the China COVID-19 Virus?
14 Apr 2020 ~~ By Brian Tomlinson
Being sequestered at home gives one the opportunity to reflect on the political actions taken over the past several weeks and the associated praise and criticisms resulting from those actions.
President Trump has repeatedly referred to the actions he's taken in terms of military execution, and rightfully so. His team has garnered their resources to get key supplies to combat this viral enemy at the hot spots that arise. There is no politicizing priorities of help. After all, it appears the hardest hit states are run by Democrats. There’s little politicizing the facts about human-to-human transmission of the Chinese virus and its fission-like spreading, either. It makes one wonder when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her ally, Rep. Adam Schiff promote a 9/11-like commission regarding response to the spread of the virus when Pelosi championed Chinese Lunar Year celebrations in San Francisco just weeks earlier. My assumption was that they were referring to the 9/11/01 commission and not the 9/11/12 (Benghazi), but I digress.
The reason I ask the question about preparedness is because I wonder how many of us remember or were even aware of the multiple simulated biowarfare attack exercises performed over the past in major urban areas. I have to admit that I was a little surprised that 60 Minutes had uncovered in the 1970s or early 1980s the existence of such exercises. The government used high concentrations of certain bacteria and spores for the simulations.
In 1968, the U.S. population was 200 million when the “esteemed” professor from Stanford, Paul Ehrlich, advocated in his book, “The Population Bomb,” to limit population growth due to food shortages. We are currently over 330 million people in the U.S. and we export food around the world. China’s population was 775 million in 1968 and currently they are at 1.4 billion. They scavenge the world for resources unavailable in their country. Did Chairman Xi Jinping take Ehrlich’s book to heart and damn the rest of the world?
China may have tossed us this curve but the responsiveness of our President Trump and his team have been phenomenal in my humble opinion. He has improved the playbook via private industry partnering with slow government bureaucrats. His leadership in this crisis is the envy of the world. The globalists are cowering in the shadows but are waiting to strike at a moment’s notice once he hits the restart button on the economy. Please show our support to not only those who have responded to keep us healthy and provide us the resources to live like our grocers and upstream folks from the farmers on down. Give a shout out to our president, too.

Despite all the work previously done, the US was not prepared, but it was not unique. None of the major countries in the world were prepared. This is why it is unfair to call any national leader out on the topic....or if you prefer.... why they should all be called out. To throw this at Trumps feet and blame him is asinine. Blame China for not following regulations and leave it at that.
When we get past this, there should be a careful examination of what was wrong, not who was wrong. People should be encouraged to be open and honest without recrimination. There should not be witch hunts that promote "cover your ass" responses. Problem solving is about fixing what was wrong, not finding our who screwed up. However, knowing the politics it will not be done because many in Washington will be on total CYA.
WE have just seen how easy it is to throw the USA and Europe into a frenzy. A huge solar storm or EMP knocking out electronics and transformers is a deadly problem. Just imagine the last month with no electrical grid. information. cars, trucks, trains, planes or communication.
America was prepared for a virus bloom but it wasn't prepared for the obvious mutation of a SARS types virus or the lies from the prime source of the virus.
But Americans have proven to respond well to challenges as our track record has proven. It is unreasonable to be prepared for every unknown thing on the horizon.

W.H.O influenced your medical "experts" as they did ours in Canada, and as it were, China influenced the W.H.O to mold the story for all to consume. We are probably 2-3 weeks behind you in our response because we refused to risk any economic harm and we parroted the communist line. So did many health experts around the world, instead of taking the word of the now deceased Chinese doctor who knew this was very bad.

Time for the U.N, W.T.O and organization like the W.H.P to be replaced, and G7 nation to focus more on what kind of nations they want to be. China has destroyed these nations, and this means America must lead the way and drag us back.

I'm not sure we've had Western leadership so weak in our history. This doesn't bode well for our futures.
Was the U.S. Unprepared for the China COVID-19 Virus?

Was the U.S. Unprepared for the China COVID-19 Virus?
14 Apr 2020 ~~ By Brian Tomlinson
Being sequestered at home gives one the opportunity to reflect on the political actions taken over the past several weeks and the associated praise and criticisms resulting from those actions.
President Trump has repeatedly referred to the actions he's taken in terms of military execution, and rightfully so. His team has garnered their resources to get key supplies to combat this viral enemy at the hot spots that arise. There is no politicizing priorities of help. After all, it appears the hardest hit states are run by Democrats. There’s little politicizing the facts about human-to-human transmission of the Chinese virus and its fission-like spreading, either. It makes one wonder when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her ally, Rep. Adam Schiff promote a 9/11-like commission regarding response to the spread of the virus when Pelosi championed Chinese Lunar Year celebrations in San Francisco just weeks earlier. My assumption was that they were referring to the 9/11/01 commission and not the 9/11/12 (Benghazi), but I digress.
The reason I ask the question about preparedness is because I wonder how many of us remember or were even aware of the multiple simulated biowarfare attack exercises performed over the past in major urban areas. I have to admit that I was a little surprised that 60 Minutes had uncovered in the 1970s or early 1980s the existence of such exercises. The government used high concentrations of certain bacteria and spores for the simulations.
In 1968, the U.S. population was 200 million when the “esteemed” professor from Stanford, Paul Ehrlich, advocated in his book, “The Population Bomb,” to limit population growth due to food shortages. We are currently over 330 million people in the U.S. and we export food around the world. China’s population was 775 million in 1968 and currently they are at 1.4 billion. They scavenge the world for resources unavailable in their country. Did Chairman Xi Jinping take Ehrlich’s book to heart and damn the rest of the world?
China may have tossed us this curve but the responsiveness of our President Trump and his team have been phenomenal in my humble opinion. He has improved the playbook via private industry partnering with slow government bureaucrats. His leadership in this crisis is the envy of the world. The globalists are cowering in the shadows but are waiting to strike at a moment’s notice once he hits the restart button on the economy. Please show our support to not only those who have responded to keep us healthy and provide us the resources to live like our grocers and upstream folks from the farmers on down. Give a shout out to our president, too.

Despite all the work previously done, the US was not prepared, but it was not unique. None of the major countries in the world were prepared. This is why it is unfair to call any national leader out on the topic....or if you prefer.... why they should all be called out. To throw this at Trumps feet and blame him is asinine. Blame China for not following regulations and leave it at that.
When we get past this, there should be a careful examination of what was wrong, not who was wrong. People should be encouraged to be open and honest without recrimination. There should not be witch hunts that promote "cover your ass" responses. Problem solving is about fixing what was wrong, not finding our who screwed up. However, knowing the politics it will not be done because many in Washington will be on total CYA.
WE have just seen how easy it is to throw the USA and Europe into a frenzy. A huge solar storm or EMP knocking out electronics and transformers is a deadly problem. Just imagine the last month with no electrical grid. information. cars, trucks, trains, planes or communication.
America was prepared for a virus bloom but it wasn't prepared for the obvious mutation of a SARS types virus or the lies from the prime source of the virus.
But Americans have proven to respond well to challenges as our track record has proven. It is unreasonable to be prepared for every unknown thing on the horizon.

W.H.O influenced your medical "experts" as they did ours in Canada, and as it were, China influenced the W.H.O to mold the story for all to consume. We are probably 2-3 weeks behind you in our response because we refused to risk any economic harm and we parroted the communist line. So did many health experts around the world, instead of taking the word of the now deceased Chinese doctor who knew this was very bad.

Time for the U.N, W.T.O and organization like the W.H.P to be replaced, and G7 nation to focus more on what kind of nations they want to be. China has destroyed these nations, and this means America must lead the way and drag us back.

I'm not sure we've had Western leadership so weak in our history. This doesn't bode well for our futures.
So you admit that the fuckup in the white house was fooled by China instead of listening to his intelligence community? I agree. Drumpf is a weak, incompetent fuckup as a leader.
Was the U.S. Unprepared for the China COVID-19 Virus?

Was the U.S. Unprepared for the China COVID-19 Virus?
14 Apr 2020 ~~ By Brian Tomlinson
Being sequestered at home gives one the opportunity to reflect on the political actions taken over the past several weeks and the associated praise and criticisms resulting from those actions.
President Trump has repeatedly referred to the actions he's taken in terms of military execution, and rightfully so. His team has garnered their resources to get key supplies to combat this viral enemy at the hot spots that arise. There is no politicizing priorities of help. After all, it appears the hardest hit states are run by Democrats. There’s little politicizing the facts about human-to-human transmission of the Chinese virus and its fission-like spreading, either. It makes one wonder when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her ally, Rep. Adam Schiff promote a 9/11-like commission regarding response to the spread of the virus when Pelosi championed Chinese Lunar Year celebrations in San Francisco just weeks earlier. My assumption was that they were referring to the 9/11/01 commission and not the 9/11/12 (Benghazi), but I digress.
The reason I ask the question about preparedness is because I wonder how many of us remember or were even aware of the multiple simulated biowarfare attack exercises performed over the past in major urban areas. I have to admit that I was a little surprised that 60 Minutes had uncovered in the 1970s or early 1980s the existence of such exercises. The government used high concentrations of certain bacteria and spores for the simulations.
In 1968, the U.S. population was 200 million when the “esteemed” professor from Stanford, Paul Ehrlich, advocated in his book, “The Population Bomb,” to limit population growth due to food shortages. We are currently over 330 million people in the U.S. and we export food around the world. China’s population was 775 million in 1968 and currently they are at 1.4 billion. They scavenge the world for resources unavailable in their country. Did Chairman Xi Jinping take Ehrlich’s book to heart and damn the rest of the world?
China may have tossed us this curve but the responsiveness of our President Trump and his team have been phenomenal in my humble opinion. He has improved the playbook via private industry partnering with slow government bureaucrats. His leadership in this crisis is the envy of the world. The globalists are cowering in the shadows but are waiting to strike at a moment’s notice once he hits the restart button on the economy. Please show our support to not only those who have responded to keep us healthy and provide us the resources to live like our grocers and upstream folks from the farmers on down. Give a shout out to our president, too.

Despite all the work previously done, the US was not prepared, but it was not unique. None of the major countries in the world were prepared. This is why it is unfair to call any national leader out on the topic....or if you prefer.... why they should all be called out. To throw this at Trumps feet and blame him is asinine. Blame China for not following regulations and leave it at that.
When we get past this, there should be a careful examination of what was wrong, not who was wrong. People should be encouraged to be open and honest without recrimination. There should not be witch hunts that promote "cover your ass" responses. Problem solving is about fixing what was wrong, not finding our who screwed up. However, knowing the politics it will not be done because many in Washington will be on total CYA.
WE have just seen how easy it is to throw the USA and Europe into a frenzy. A huge solar storm or EMP knocking out electronics and transformers is a deadly problem. Just imagine the last month with no electrical grid. information. cars, trucks, trains, planes or communication.
America was prepared for a virus bloom but it wasn't prepared for the obvious mutation of a SARS types virus or the lies from the prime source of the virus.
But Americans have proven to respond well to challenges as our track record has proven. It is unreasonable to be prepared for every unknown thing on the horizon.

W.H.O influenced your medical "experts" as they did ours in Canada, and as it were, China influenced the W.H.O to mold the story for all to consume. We are probably 2-3 weeks behind you in our response because we refused to risk any economic harm and we parroted the communist line. So did many health experts around the world, instead of taking the word of the now deceased Chinese doctor who knew this was very bad.

Time for the U.N, W.T.O and organization like the W.H.P to be replaced, and G7 nation to focus more on what kind of nations they want to be. China has destroyed these nations, and this means America must lead the way and drag us back.

I'm not sure we've had Western leadership so weak in our history. This doesn't bode well for our futures.
So you admit that the fuckup in the white house was fooled by China instead of listening to his intelligence community? I agree. Drumpf is a weak, incompetent fuckup as a leader.

They have to take it all together with other nations and considerations. As I said about Canadas response, there were polls that suggested people wouldn't have listened early on. Furthermore, even our intel give at least some reverence to our medical experts. They, sadly, haven't shown themselves to be the most creative or skeptical thinkers.

I've always maintained, any blame on this should begin and end with the communist party of China. I think another 4 years for Trump would be the best punishment of these communists there, as they desperately want him replaced with a China First patsy.
If we were unprepared, the big question is how unprepared were we really?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. At the end of the day, no one is perfect and so maybe things could have been done better, but maybe they could've been done a whole lot worse too. All that you can do is your best and pray that it is good enough when all is said and done.

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