Was there more Anti Muslims after 9/11?

Was there more Anti Muslims after 9/11?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 91.7%
  • No

    Votes: 1 8.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I quoted your exact words. If they are poorly worded in such a way as to invite misinterpretation, then clarify. I have given you ample opportunity to do so.

And by the way, the irony is lost on you isn’t it? The many times you accuse others here of saying things they did say? And now you are having a meltdown when you feel it is done to you?

Clearly your hatred is so extreme, you are incapable of recognizing trends in history (hell, I did a research paper on East European immigrants and American attitudes). The parallels are there. What you are accusing Muslims, as an entire group, of doing is almost word for word what accused Jewish immigrants of...rape, communism, lack of assimilation, subversive ideologies...

History repeats itself thanks to the mindless parroting of people like you multiplied by millions.
Nobody else is intentionally misinterpreting my words, Islamist filth.

Only you.
I notice she's derailing the thread and making the thread about you.
She derails EVERY thread about Islam.
One cannot talk about what Islam IS without her indulging in these dishonest ruses of hers.All this maniacal frothing of hers over the fact I said I prefer to discuss Islam as an ideology is just part of her Islamist agenda.

It's all about trying to portray any opposition to a Supremacist ideology as some sort of blind bigotry. She indulges in this agitprop quite knowingly and intentionally hoping to prevent any honest discussion about Islam .
So what would you do? Ban the religion in America? Imprison Muslims? Tattoo them?

What are your “solutions”?
Dont allow the practice of Islam in this country.

It is already here. What are going to do?
It is already here. What are going to do?

Categorize it the way you categorize the KKK, and treat them as such. Remember: The KKK also calls itself a religious organization, sort of. They burn crosses and have services and pray at their services. Well, just like the KKK, Islam is a combo political/religious ideology of hate and conquest and oppression. Treat them the same way.

One would think that they would be the natural enemy of Liberals, the way they cover up women and treat them us second class and all that.
You said you prefer not to call them a people. Go back and read your post. Then rethink who is a liar.

“I’m prefer to think on terms of Islam as an ideology rather than Muslims as a people.”

You serve hatred and bigotry in every post you make about Muslims. You are coy and dodge and deflect whenever directly confronted with your own words.

You call direct questions on your words “childish bugling demands”. Why? You made the statements. Are simple questions asking you to clarify your position now “bullying”? Goodness, I recall you accusing me of dodging questions in the past.

It is people like you who sent the refugees of the St. Louis back to Europe. It is people you who’s attitudes inspire people like the gunman who murdered 50 people at mosques in New Zealand.

If Muslims aren’t people or a people...what are they? The answers to those questions and the systemic dehumanization of a people in this way is exactly what leads to persecution, discrimination, and at it’s worst, genocide. It starts with ideas, words, campaigns of rhetoric and fear. You know where it ends. Look at the topic title. Is there more anti Muslim since 911?

The answer is simple. Yes. There is. People are afraid. Their way of life is changing, jobs are gone, the globalization of economies and even cultures leave people worried and desperate to protect what they see as their cultural values under attack by masses of impoverished immigrants. But this isn’t new. At the turn of the century, America was inundated with a flood of poor Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe. They attacked for their consertive religious traditions (most American Jews were either of Sephardic origin, who came over in the 1600’s, or from Germany, who had come over in the 1840’s) where most of American Jews were reform. They were attacked for being dirty, breeding like rabbits, and bringing “dangerously radical“ ideas of equality and workers rights (socialism and communism). There is a parallel trend going on now, against Muslims. But you don’t want to see it because you are in the midst of fomenting it.

Then it was communism, now it is Jihad. Even though most, then and now, just want to make a life, raise their families and experience opportunities and freedoms they never had in their home countries.

So if Muslims aren’t people or a people what are they?

If you do not believe in religious freedom in this country, what do you propose for our nation’s Muslims? Banning mosques? Outlawing the Quran? A national registry? Microchips or tattoos? Barring them from elected office?

These are all reasonable questions, yet you characterize it as bullying”. Is your position so dicey you are unwilling to explore it?

Feel free to ask me similar questions. I don’t have a problem answering or defending, or, if the argument is persuasive, reconsidering my views.
You are a lying piece of utter filth.

You are intentionally portraying my words as indicating something they did not say because you are pure excrement.

Any honest person can see what I actually wrote, you bullying Islamist slug.

As to your ridiculously idiotic sophistry, Judaism is not a supremacist ideolohy, Jews are not trying to increase their ranks, Judaism has not spread by the sword, Judaism does not have a central figure who was a mass murdering serial rapists who they revere as perfect and Jews have no history of indulging in massive and widespread rape of children or mass murder of innocent people.

You are beneath contempt.

I quoted your exact words. If they are poorly worded in such a way as to invite misinterpretation, then clarify. I have given you ample opportunity to do so.

And by the way, the irony is lost on you isn’t it? The many times you accuse others here of saying things they did say? And now you are having a meltdown when you feel it is done to you?

Clearly your hatred is so extreme, you are incapable of recognizing trends in history (hell, I did a research paper on East European immigrants and American attitudes). The parallels are there. What you are accusing Muslims, as an entire group, of doing is almost word for word what accused Jewish immigrants of...rape, communism, lack of assimilation, subversive ideologies...

History repeats itself thanks to the mindless parroting of people like you multiplied by millions.
Nobody else is intentionally misinterpreting my words, Islamist filth.

Only you.
I notice she's derailing the thread and making the thread about you.
She derails EVERY thread about Islam.
One cannot talk about what Islam IS without her indulging in these dishonest ruses of hers.All this maniacal frothing of hers over the fact I said I prefer to discuss Islam as an ideology is just part of her Islamist agenda.

It's all about trying to portray any opposition to a Supremacist ideology as some sort of blind bigotry. She indulges in this agitprop quite knowingly and intentionally hoping to prevent any honest discussion about Islam .
It is already here. What are going to do?

Categorize it the way you categorize the KKK, and treat them as such. Remember: The KKK also calls itself a religious organization, sort of. They burn crosses and have services and pray at their services. Well, just like the KKK, Islam is a combo political/religious ideology of hate and conquest and oppression. Treat them the same way.

One would think that they would be the natural enemy of Liberals, the way they cover up women and treat them us second class and all that.

So the KKK are Christian (they are Christian nationalists along with white nationalists).

Should we treat all Christians like the KKK then since you seem to think we should treat all Muslins like the KKK?

It is funny...the Muslims I know don’t treat their women second class. One husband and wife team are both professors. Their daughter is in medical school. They don’t wear burkas. Maybe you need to actually meet some Muslim families.
You are a lying piece of utter filth.

You are intentionally portraying my words as indicating something they did not say because you are pure excrement.

Any honest person can see what I actually wrote, you bullying Islamist slug.

As to your ridiculously idiotic sophistry, Judaism is not a supremacist ideolohy, Jews are not trying to increase their ranks, Judaism has not spread by the sword, Judaism does not have a central figure who was a mass murdering serial rapists who they revere as perfect and Jews have no history of indulging in massive and widespread rape of children or mass murder of innocent people.

You are beneath contempt.

I quoted your exact words. If they are poorly worded in such a way as to invite misinterpretation, then clarify. I have given you ample opportunity to do so.

And by the way, the irony is lost on you isn’t it? The many times you accuse others here of saying things they did say? And now you are having a meltdown when you feel it is done to you?

Clearly your hatred is so extreme, you are incapable of recognizing trends in history (hell, I did a research paper on East European immigrants and American attitudes). The parallels are there. What you are accusing Muslims, as an entire group, of doing is almost word for word what accused Jewish immigrants of...rape, communism, lack of assimilation, subversive ideologies...

History repeats itself thanks to the mindless parroting of people like you multiplied by millions.
Nobody else is intentionally misinterpreting my words, Islamist filth.

Only you.
I notice she's derailing the thread and making the thread about you.
She derails EVERY thread about Islam.
One cannot talk about what Islam IS without her indulging in these dishonest ruses of hers.All this maniacal frothing of hers over the fact I said I prefer to discuss Islam as an ideology is just part of her Islamist agenda.

It's all about trying to portray any opposition to a Supremacist ideology as some sort of blind bigotry. She indulges in this agitprop quite knowingly and intentionally hoping to prevent any honest discussion about Islam .
It is already here. What are going to do?

Categorize it the way you categorize the KKK, and treat them as such. Remember: The KKK also calls itself a religious organization, sort of. They burn crosses and have services and pray at their services. Well, just like the KKK, Islam is a combo political/religious ideology of hate and conquest and oppression. Treat them the same way.

One would think that they would be the natural enemy of Liberals, the way they cover up women and treat them us second class and all that.

So the KKK are Christian (they are Christian nationalists along with white nationalists).

Should we treat all Christians like the KKK then since you seem to think we should treat all Muslins like the KKK?

It is funny...the Muslims I know don’t treat their women second class. One husband and wife team are both professors. Their daughter is in medical school. They don’t wear burkas. Maybe you need to actually meet some Muslim families.


These guys don't seem to realize there a Christians that believe women should all wear long dresses. They can't wear pants and shorts are out of the question. Then you have those who believe the man is the commander of the family, women do not get to make decisions, hold a job or do anything but tend to the mans needs and take care of the children. Everything these guys put on Muslims, Christians do. Including terrorism.

And they do it by virtue of state command to protect western "interests."
I quoted your exact words. If they are poorly worded in such a way as to invite misinterpretation, then clarify. I have given you ample opportunity to do so.

And by the way, the irony is lost on you isn’t it? The many times you accuse others here of saying things they did say? And now you are having a meltdown when you feel it is done to you?

Clearly your hatred is so extreme, you are incapable of recognizing trends in history (hell, I did a research paper on East European immigrants and American attitudes). The parallels are there. What you are accusing Muslims, as an entire group, of doing is almost word for word what accused Jewish immigrants of...rape, communism, lack of assimilation, subversive ideologies...

History repeats itself thanks to the mindless parroting of people like you multiplied by millions.
Nobody else is intentionally misinterpreting my words, Islamist filth.

Only you.
I notice she's derailing the thread and making the thread about you.
I am including topical material. That is the difference. Insult each other all you want, but include material relevant to the topic. Asking some one clarify their statements and positions is relevant. Feel free to make me do the same.
Here's the thing.

"Are Muslims human?" is absolutely NOT the thread topic. You feel you can derail a thread when it make you uncomfortable, but apply different rules to others. Everybody sees it but you.
Hmmm...perhaps you ought to bring that up with Dogma then, since he said he does not regard them as a people.
You make no sense except apparently to our I hate whitey poster.
I quoted your exact words. If they are poorly worded in such a way as to invite misinterpretation, then clarify. I have given you ample opportunity to do so.

And by the way, the irony is lost on you isn’t it? The many times you accuse others here of saying things they did say? And now you are having a meltdown when you feel it is done to you?

Clearly your hatred is so extreme, you are incapable of recognizing trends in history (hell, I did a research paper on East European immigrants and American attitudes). The parallels are there. What you are accusing Muslims, as an entire group, of doing is almost word for word what accused Jewish immigrants of...rape, communism, lack of assimilation, subversive ideologies...

History repeats itself thanks to the mindless parroting of people like you multiplied by millions.
Nobody else is intentionally misinterpreting my words, Islamist filth.

Only you.
I notice she's derailing the thread and making the thread about you.
I am including topical material. That is the difference. Insult each other all you want, but include material relevant to the topic. Asking some one clarify their statements and positions is relevant. Feel free to make me do the same.
Here's the thing.

"Are Muslims human?" is absolutely NOT the thread topic. You feel you can derail a thread when it make you uncomfortable, but apply different rules to others. Everybody sees it but you.
Hmmm...perhaps you ought to bring that up with Dogma then, since he said he does not regard them as a people.
You know what? I give up. You convinced me.

Muslims are not people. They are a virus. And liberal posters are turds that carry dangerous viruses
Last edited:
You make no sense except apparently to our I hate whitey poster.

LOL. Its pretty bad when you only poster who agrees with someone is that POS racist IM2

It is already here. What are going to do?

Categorize it the way you categorize the KKK, and treat them as such. Remember: The KKK also calls itself a religious organization, sort of. They burn crosses and have services and pray at their services. Well, just like the KKK, Islam is a combo political/religious ideology of hate and conquest and oppression. Treat them the same way.

One would think that they would be the natural enemy of Liberals, the way they cover up women and treat them us second class and all that.
Islam's Halal Sexual Practices
islam-watch.org - Islam's Halal Sexual Practices

..........following sunna and examples of the Prophet (PBUH) is mandatory for Muslims. Following them prepares the way, if not guarantees, paradise, whereas rejection of them leads to hell. Thus, it is utmost important to study what sexual practices were carried out by him in his life so that all Muslims can practice those sunnas and follow his footsteps.


Sunan Bayhaqi and Al Halabi

According to this hadith, a (gay) man named Zahir, who used to say, “The prophet loves me,” said that one day Muhammad crept unawares behind him and put him in a bear-hug. Zahir, alarmed, yelled, “Get off me!” After turning his head and discovering that it was Muhammad, he stopped struggling and proceeded to “push his back into the prophet’s chest.”

Sunan Bayhaqi, which traces to Sunan Abu Dawud (one of the six canonical hadith collections), has Muhammad lifting up his shirt for a man, who proceeded to kiss his entire torso, “from his bellybutton to his armpits.”

Tafsir of al-Qurtubi—an authoritative exegesis in Islam. Aisha said that, one day, while Muhammad was lying naked in bed, Zaid came knocking; Muhammad, without getting dressed, opened the door and “hugged and kissed him”.


Incest with daughters-in-law


Incest with daughters



Aya of pedophilia

65.4: If you divorce your (child) wife before she reaches menstruation, the age her idda is three months.
Motto of Islam: ‘Thou Shall Not Live in Peace and Harmony’
islam-watch.org - Motto of Islam: ‘Thou Shall Not Live in Peace and Harmony’

Muslims created Pakistan in 1947 fearing that the majority Hindus would not let them live in peace, honor and dignity. Today, it's proven beyond doubt that it is Muslims, who have not let non-Muslims, including Hindus, live in peace and dignity---thanks to the Islamic mantra: Thou shall not live in peace and harmony.
I notice she's derailing the thread and making the thread about you.
I am including topical material. That is the difference. Insult each other all you want, but include material relevant to the topic. Asking some one clarify their statements and positions is relevant. Feel free to make me do the same.
Here's the thing.

"Are Muslims human?" is absolutely NOT the thread topic. You feel you can derail a thread when it make you uncomfortable, but apply different rules to others. Everybody sees it but you.
Hmmm...perhaps you ought to bring that up with Dogma then, since he said he does not regard them as a people.
You know what? I give up. You convinced me.

Muslims are not people. They are a virus. And liberal posters are turds that carry dangerous viruses
Lying - it's what she does.
I still stand by my statement. Islam is a virus and it is being spread by allowing unhygienic turds to carry it
Lying - it's what she does.
I still stand by my statement. Islam is a virus and it is being spread by allowing unhygienic turds to carry it
Have you noticed how excrement keeps following the both of us and taunting us by using the "funny" reply?

Even when I am careful to distinguishing that I an addressing Islam as an iseolofy, the excrement still behaves in this fashion.
It's all shes got
Harassing people by following them around and mocking them in this fashion is SUPPOSED to be illegal here as well.
To be fair, I "funny" her, but only because she offers nothing of substance on that topic in particular.

Must be some reason she's so attached to the "religion of peace"

Same reason I funny you and Dogma. When you post excrement - that's all it's worth. But Dogma has a meltdown at even one funny and carries a grudge into eternity. It isn't illegal. We just ask that you don't do it more than 6 times a day to the same poster. I've been hit with "funny" much more then 6 times a day - why get in a lather about it?

Islam is a religion like any other. The way in which it is practiced varies around the world. In the US we have freedom of religion and a constitution that protects it and other right. People seem to think the Constitution is incapable of preventing religious excess' despite the fact it has over several hundred years of Christian attempts to incorporate religion into governance. These same people think freedom of religion only applies to their chosen religions. It's a good thing it doesn't because if it did...well, who would be the decider? Every religion would be in trouble eventually. I don't care what religion people follow as long as they stay within our laws. They can follow cannibalism for all I care - as long as they confine their fetish to eating Jelly Babies and not real babies.

Religious rights are hard won - and all you need to do is look around the world to see how lacking it is elsewhere. We shouldn't be trying to join that club. That's why I don't get why you guys try to do that in our country.
9/11 caused a lot of people to hate Muslims
Why is this even an issue? Japan Attacked us on 12/7 and Saudi Arabia attacked 9/11. Nobody cared about the politics then. We didn't have sub committees investigate, no we didn't attack outer Mongolia instead. One day latter we focused on the attackers...What the hell is wrong with us?
Why is this even an issue? Japan Attacked us on 12/7 and Saudi Arabia attacked 9/11. Nobody cared about the politics then. We didn't have sub committees investigate, no we didn't attack outer Mongolia instead. One day latter we focused on the attackers...What the hell is wrong with us?
As you can see by this thread, some have joined the attack.

When W said "You're either with us or against us" far to many leftists here said "o.k., so I'm against us, then"
Why is this even an issue? Japan Attacked us on 12/7 and Saudi Arabia attacked 9/11. Nobody cared about the politics then. We didn't have sub committees investigate, no we didn't attack outer Mongolia instead. One day latter we focused on the attackers...What the hell is wrong with us?
As you can see by this thread, some have joined the attack.

When W said "You're either with us or against us" far to many leftists here said "o.k., so I'm against us, then"
9/11/ happened, then the rest happened. I used to be a liberal back then. Now, Its like liberals are just .. the party of anarchists that oppose everything just to be contrarians like children that wont eat their broccoli. God I hate that shit. Eat your broccoli kids, its good for you.
Why is this even an issue? Japan Attacked us on 12/7 and Saudi Arabia attacked 9/11. Nobody cared about the politics then. We didn't have sub committees investigate, no we didn't attack outer Mongolia instead. One day latter we focused on the attackers...What the hell is wrong with us?
As you can see by this thread, some have joined the attack.

When W said "You're either with us or against us" far to many leftists here said "o.k., so I'm against us, then"
9/11/ happened, then the rest happened. I used to be a liberal back then. Now, Its like liberals are just .. the party of anarchists that oppose everything just to be contrarians like children that wont eat their broccoli. God I hate that shit. Eat your broccoli kids, its good for you.
I was a registered Democrat, then, as well.

Watching what has happened to the left since 911 sickens me, but I would never call vile, repulsive creatures like Coyote liberal. Not in a million years. What kind of liberal laughs about the rape of children like this one does?

Identity politics has replaced liberalism, which might as well be given up for dead these days so seldom is it practiced.
Why is this even an issue? Japan Attacked us on 12/7 and Saudi Arabia attacked 9/11. Nobody cared about the politics then. We didn't have sub committees investigate, no we didn't attack outer Mongolia instead. One day latter we focused on the attackers...What the hell is wrong with us?
As you can see by this thread, some have joined the attack.

When W said "You're either with us or against us" far to many leftists here said "o.k., so I'm against us, then"
President George W. Bush:

"Here in the United States our Muslim citizens are making many contributions in business, science and law, medicine and education, and in other fields. Muslim members of our Armed Forces and of my administration are serving their fellow Americans with distinction, upholding our nation's ideals of liberty and justice in a world at peace."

“Islam is a faith that brings comfort to people. It inspires them to lead lives based on honesty, and justice, and compassion."

“ All Americans must recognize that the face of terror is not the true faith -- face of Islam. Islam is a faith that brings comfort to a billion people around the world. It's a faith that has made brothers and sisters of every race. It's a faith based upon love, not hate."

“America rejects bigotry. We reject every act of hatred against people of Arab background or Muslim faith America values and welcomes peaceful people of all faiths -- Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Hindu and many others. Every faith is practiced and protected here, because we are one country. Every immigrant can be fully and equally American because we're one country. Race and color should not divide us, because America is one country."
I am a liberal, but these assholes are just shithead contrarian anarchists. I am almost at my limit here, they need to be outlawed or constrained. Whatever these assholes are, they don't speak for us democrat liberals, I don't know what the hell they really are...

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