Was this a Good day for Trump or for Comey?

In his testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee Thursday, former FBI Director James Comey recalled his state of mind as a White House meeting ended and President Trump ordered everyone but Comey to clear the room.

Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions and Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law were reluctant to go, he said.

“My impression was something big was about to happen. I need to remember every single word that was spoken,” he said. “My sense was the attorney general knew he shouldn’t be leaving, that is why he was lingering. And I don’t know Mr. Kushner well, but I sense he was picking up on the same thing.”

When the two were alone, Comey said, Trump repeatedly requested that he pledge loyalty.

"I remember thinking: This is a very disturbing development,” he said, adding that he made a mental note that he needed to remember every word of the conversation and document it. He said he also made a decision to document it in a way that would not trigger security classification, so his notes could later be shared with colleagues and government investigators.

“My thinking was if I write in such a way that won’t include anything that trigger classification, that will make it easier to discuss within FBI and government.”

Comey says he deliberately avoided classified information in his memos -- so they could be shared
Is today a good day for President Trump or James Comey?

Politically, Trump may be damaged by innuendo from Comey's interrogation.

Legally, Trump should not be legally damaged.

Politically, Comey may be damaged because if he felt threatened by losing his job from anything Trump said, he should have gone to a higher up in the Justice Department that was in place at the time. Comey may have a vandetta against Trump because of his firing, but that doesn't end the fact that he didn't report that Trump told him to stop any interrogation if this is indeed what Trump wanted.

Legally, comey should be fine. Even the "leak" is not, by definition a "leak" because it was not a government document that was released by his friend.

In the eyes of the public, Comey is depicted as a timid, cowardly FBI Director because if he felt "queasy" about the discussion with Trump, it was his place to tell him that the President 's comments were not appropriate. If he was intimidated, which clearly he was demonstrated by making precise notes on his conversations with the president, he should have reported that to Jeff Sessions regardless if Sessions was going to recuse himself from a different investigation weeks later. The sea gull defense is silly. BTW, how did he know that Sessions was going to recuse himself on the Russian question weeks later?

Doesn't matter to Comey...he is already fired

We learned what we already know
He is a liar who is not trusted by his own people, he is a narcissist who demands loyalty without earning it, he pressured the person investigating his key advisor into dropping the case

Enough to prove obstruction? Borderline but unlikely given Republicans are calling the shots
B'loney. Former Government Employees do not have carte blanche to leak privileged information.

Comey took notes, put them in his pocket,

who marked them classified


When you are asked to a private meeting with your boss, with only the 2 of you present......confidentiality of the conversation would be the norm.

Most people already know not to blab their mouth off, especially to others of the same or lower level of seniority. IF Comey thought the conversation was of 'national security' importance or a crime, then he could/should have went to the authority that would handle that aspect. Sessions?? But not to his peeps &/or the media


no, comey went thru the proper channels under the circumstances, at the time and then after the fact too... that means ALL things considered factual, not just trumpswab fantasy circumstances in full denial of the legal facts and processes.

our dumbo president calls highly regarded FBI director a "nut job" because trump is evidently incapable of comprehending protocol and legal processes and limitations.

FACT is, only after trump fired him and then tweeted threats about possible tapes, did private citizen comey then deliberately and legally, let it be know publicly that he indeed had saved transcripts of their conversations.

only dumbo or dishonest observers can't discern the difference between an illegal leak that compromises national security vs what comey did which was a fully legal exposure of important facts.

It's apparent you didn't see or hear Comey's testimony......or you would have known Comey said himself, that as soon as he left that meeting he was writing notes and told his friends to go to the media. Do you do that when you have an 'uncomfortable' meeting with your boss's boss??????

Reread the whole post that you quoted...do it slowly & carefully so you understand what I said........then get back to me

I never said Comey blabbing his mouth was illegal

I read his opening statement. You've got to get over this Trump his Comey's boss--he isn't his boss--Jeff Sessions as attorney general is. You'll also note that Comey only met with Obama twice during his tenure, once to attend a security briefing with others, and the last time for Obama to say goodbye when he left office. There were no phone calls--because it is extremely rare for the FBI Chief to meet with the President in PRIVATE. If it was an innocent meeting Trump would have never told Jeff Sessions to leave the room--because any investigation would have been under his title also--as Attorney General. 3 meetings and 6 phone calls Trump made to Comey in 3 months and--then he fired him.

Trump is a pathological liar
--and that's been well-known since he was on the campaign trail. There hasn't been a comment that has come out of his mouth that he hasn't exagurated the truth, or flat out lied about.
PolitiFact awards Donald Trump its 'Lie of the Year'
Donald Trump wins PolitiFact’s ‘Lie of the Year,’ doesn’t take it lying down

Comey made these memo's after Trump made the comments to him about "letting go of Michael Flynn, a case that he was in charge of, knowing Trump's history of lying. Any prudent person with half a brain would have done the same thing. He also told Jeff Sessions to never leave him in a room alone again with Trump. And I am certain that Jeff Sessions will verify that under oath--as eventually he will be called in or subpoenaed to testify to that account. In fact Sessions has already verified that because he corrected the record--as Comey stated that Sessions did not reply to his comment, and in fact Sessions did reply to that in an email sent to Comey. Session's has probably already verified it to the Special Prosecutor in this case, Robert Mueller. As far as Comey--he told his friend to release the memo to the press (after Trump fired him and attacked him verbally and on tweeter)--in order to promote a special prosecutor--which worked.

And that's exactly what was needed in this investigation, an independent special prosecutor--that could not be influenced or intimidated by threats of losing their job or bought and paid for by anyone.

I imagine right now, Trump regrets the day that he fired Comey. He intended to put in a new FBI chief--that would bow to his will and pledge loyalty to him--and instead he's stuck with Robert Mueller--who has turned what was an congressional probe into a now Criminal Investigation.
Lindsey Graham: Russia probe 'now a criminal investigation'

Clearly, you failed Civics in High School.

Just sayin'.

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