Was this a Good day for Trump or for Comey?

Bad day for Trump. The obstruction of justice cloud hanging over him is as dark as ever.

No matter how much noise his Chumps make, no matter how much smoke they emit from their asses, that fact remains.

The ball is now in Mueller's court. Trump will have to deal with that cloud for a long time.
Keep trying.
I don't have to.

I'll tell you who needs to get to work.

Trump needs to stop acting like he's guilty and get to work punishing Russia and protecting our country from further attacks. So far, he has not done jack shit in either direction.

He has surrendered to the Russians. That should make every American very angry. We have a fake President who is a traitor.
Perhaps he is waiting for proof that the Russians hacked our election...
Do you think all our investigative units are stupid?
The people who are stupid who continue to believe there is any validity to ANYTHING that has been promoted by the exposed, lying, leftists who control our media and the last admin.

Equally stupid are those who think that you will EVER get the truth out of any FBI employee.
Go back to Israel traitor
Keep trying.
I don't have to.

I'll tell you who needs to get to work.

Trump needs to stop acting like he's guilty and get to work punishing Russia and protecting our country from further attacks. So far, he has not done jack shit in either direction.

He has surrendered to the Russians. That should make every American very angry. We have a fake President who is a traitor.
Perhaps he is waiting for proof that the Russians hacked our election...
Do you think all our investigative units are stupid?
The people who are stupid who continue to believe there is any validity to ANYTHING that has been promoted by the exposed, lying, leftists who control our media and the last admin.

Equally stupid are those who think that you will EVER get the truth out of any FBI employee.
Go back to Israel traitor
What kind of comment is that???? Oh, I know...someone who doesn't have an answer. Grow up!
I don't have to.

I'll tell you who needs to get to work.

Trump needs to stop acting like he's guilty and get to work punishing Russia and protecting our country from further attacks. So far, he has not done jack shit in either direction.

He has surrendered to the Russians. That should make every American very angry. We have a fake President who is a traitor.
Perhaps he is waiting for proof that the Russians hacked our election...
Do you think all our investigative units are stupid?
The people who are stupid who continue to believe there is any validity to ANYTHING that has been promoted by the exposed, lying, leftists who control our media and the last admin.

Equally stupid are those who think that you will EVER get the truth out of any FBI employee.
Go back to Israel traitor
What kind of comment is that???? Oh, I know...someone who doesn't have an answer. Grow up!
An answer ??? What kind of answer would satisfy you, lying party first before country cowards?? If you can't tell by now what a sack of crap you elected you are blind
Is today a good day for President Trump or James Comey?

Politically, Trump may be damaged by innuendo from Comey's interrogation.

Legally, Trump should not be legally damaged.

Politically, Comey may be damaged because if he felt threatened by losing his job from anything Trump said, he should have gone to a higher up in the Justice Department that was in place at the time. Comey may have a vandetta against Trump because of his firing, but that doesn't end the fact that he didn't report that Trump told him to stop any interrogation if this is indeed what Trump wanted.

Legally, comey should be fine. Even the "leak" is not, by definition a "leak" because it was not a government document that was released by his friend.

In the eyes of the public, Comey is depicted as a timid, cowardly FBI Director because if he felt "queasy" about the discussion with Trump, it was his place to tell him that the President 's comments were not appropriate. If he was intimidated, which clearly he was demonstrated by making precise notes on his conversations with the president, he should have reported that to Jeff Sessions regardless if Sessions was going to recuse himself from a different investigation weeks later. The sea gull defense is silly. BTW, how did he know that Sessions was going to recuse himself on the Russian question weeks later?

I don't know... But this was a very, very bad day for Trump haters. Their butts were already so hurt, it's difficult to even imagine their state now.
Is today a good day for President Trump or James Comey?

Politically, Trump may be damaged by innuendo from Comey's interrogation.

Legally, Trump should not be legally damaged.

Politically, Comey may be damaged because if he felt threatened by losing his job from anything Trump said, he should have gone to a higher up in the Justice Department that was in place at the time. Comey may have a vandetta against Trump because of his firing, but that doesn't end the fact that he didn't report that Trump told him to stop any interrogation if this is indeed what Trump wanted.

Legally, comey should be fine. Even the "leak" is not, by definition a "leak" because it was not a government document that was released by his friend.

In the eyes of the public, Comey is depicted as a timid, cowardly FBI Director because if he felt "queasy" about the discussion with Trump, it was his place to tell him that the President 's comments were not appropriate. If he was intimidated, which clearly he was demonstrated by making precise notes on his conversations with the president, he should have reported that to Jeff Sessions regardless if Sessions was going to recuse himself from a different investigation weeks later. The sea gull defense is silly. BTW, how did he know that Sessions was going to recuse himself on the Russian question weeks later?

I don't know... But this was a very, very bad day for Trump haters. Their butts were already so hurt, it's difficult to even imagine their state now.

Actually, by regulation it would be considered a govt document.
Is today a good day for President Trump or James Comey?

Politically, Trump may be damaged by innuendo from Comey's interrogation.

Legally, Trump should not be legally damaged.

Politically, Comey may be damaged because if he felt threatened by losing his job from anything Trump said, he should have gone to a higher up in the Justice Department that was in place at the time. Comey may have a vandetta against Trump because of his firing, but that doesn't end the fact that he didn't report that Trump told him to stop any interrogation if this is indeed what Trump wanted.

Legally, comey should be fine. Even the "leak" is not, by definition a "leak" because it was not a government document that was released by his friend.

In the eyes of the public, Comey is depicted as a timid, cowardly FBI Director because if he felt "queasy" about the discussion with Trump, it was his place to tell him that the President 's comments were not appropriate. If he was intimidated, which clearly he was demonstrated by making precise notes on his conversations with the president, he should have reported that to Jeff Sessions regardless if Sessions was going to recuse himself from a different investigation weeks later. The sea gull defense is silly. BTW, how did he know that Sessions was going to recuse himself on the Russian question weeks later?
Is today a good day for President Trump or James Comey?

Politically, Trump may be damaged by innuendo from Comey's interrogation.

Legally, Trump should not be legally damaged.

Politically, Comey may be damaged because if he felt threatened by losing his job from anything Trump said, he should have gone to a higher up in the Justice Department that was in place at the time. Comey may have a vandetta against Trump because of his firing, but that doesn't end the fact that he didn't report that Trump told him to stop any interrogation if this is indeed what Trump wanted.

Legally, comey should be fine. Even the "leak" is not, by definition a "leak" because it was not a government document that was released by his friend.

In the eyes of the public, Comey is depicted as a timid, cowardly FBI Director because if he felt "queasy" about the discussion with Trump, it was his place to tell him that the President 's comments were not appropriate. If he was intimidated, which clearly he was demonstrated by making precise notes on his conversations with the president, he should have reported that to Jeff Sessions regardless if Sessions was going to recuse himself from a different investigation weeks later. The sea gull defense is silly. BTW, how did he know that Sessions was going to recuse himself on the Russian question weeks later?

Once you're a private citizen--like Comey was after he was fired--you can talk all you want too. I think G.W. Bush had about 7 books written about him after department heads left office under his administration.

Comey did tell Trump the importance of the independence of the Justice Department and his job as FBI director--and Trump didn't get the message obviously, because he phoned him directly 6 different times--discussing the "russian cloud."

Was this a bad day for TRUMP--Oh Hell yeah. It's what he or anyone else is refusing to answer in a public hearing is what you have to be concerned about.

B'loney. Former Government Employees do not have carte blanche to leak privileged information.

Comey took notes, put them in his pocket,

who marked them classified


When you are asked to a private meeting with your boss, with only the 2 of you present......confidentiality of the conversation would be the norm.

Most people already know not to blab their mouth off, especially to others of the same or lower level of seniority. IF Comey thought the conversation was of 'national security' importance or a crime, then he could/should have went to the authority that would handle that aspect. Sessions?? But not to his peeps &/or the media

Nope that's not how works. That's what made Comey uncomfortable. Anything regarding the Justice department goes through the Attorney General's office FIRST in this case Jeff Sessions and then gets relayed on down to the FBI chief. Comey states that Trump asked everyone to leave--including Jeff Sessions to have a one on one contact with Comey. That is NOT done. You did not elect a King or Dictator.

February 14, 2017

The President signaled the end of the briefing by thanking the group and telling them all that he wanted to speak to me alone. I stayed in my chair. As the participants started to leave the Oval Office, the Attorney General lingered by my chair, but the President thanked him and said he wanted to speak only with me.
READ: James Comey's prepared testimony - CNNPolitics.com

Furthermore--Trump is not the boss of the Justice department--they work separately and independently from the Executive branch--as does the Legislative branch. They have their own authority over certain issues--that Trump cannot interfere with. In this case Trump interferred with an on-going investigation--and then fired Comey when he refused to cooperate with him. Trump even admitted that during an NBC T.V interview. That is Obstruction of Justice--an impeachable offense.

"President Trump on Thursday said he was thinking of “this Russia thing with Trump” when he decided to fire FBI Director James B. Comey, who had been leading the counterintelligence investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.

Recounting his decision to dismiss Comey, Trump told NBC News, “In fact, when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said, ‘You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story, it’s an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won.’”

Trump’s account flatly contradicts the White House’s initial account of how the president arrived at his decision, undercutting public denials by his aides that the move was influenced in any way by his growing fury with the ongoing Russia probe."
Trump said he was thinking of Russia controversy when he decided to fire Comey

Actually that's exactly how it works........Trump may not have followed proper chain of command, but as President he IS ultimately Comey's boss and fully within his right to ask for a private meeting.
The problem is more with how Comey conducted himself after the meeting.....if Comey didn't like what went on in that meeting or thought something criminal had taken place, he should have went to his direct superior.....Sessions. Instead he runs out making notes & tells his buddies to run to the media.
Comey took notes, put them in his pocket,

who marked them classified


too hard to answer ?

then STFU
Any communication with the president in the capacity of being the FBI director is automatically controlled and sensitive.its not like someone has to stamp your notes.
Honestly, that isn't what the news, (Fox said). If it was controlled or privileged, it had to be a government document and subject to being considered a "leak."
When you take a job having private meeting with the president you don't share the meeting notes. Ever. He may get off technically by not being absolutely illegal but it sure justifies canning his sorry ass.

As with any boss, in any job........ President is even bigger.

Comey didn't help Trump any today......but I think he screwed himself even more.

That's the ticket, lol. You keep saying that, maybe someone, somewhere will believe it hahahahaha

So what part of my post you don't like??

That your boss's boss can't request a private meeting?? Or that after said meeting, you take notes of it & then run your mouth to the media about it?? But with the President & the country at stake would be an even bigger problem???

I don't think Comey helped Trump's reputation today by having called him a liar and giving examples.......and I do think Comey kinda screwed himself by much of what he'd said. As for legalities of any of it????? IDK, he did basically admit that Trump didn't act criminally........but did mention the possibility of Lynch's comments being criminal
Once you're a private citizen--like Comey was after he was fired--you can talk all you want too. I think G.W. Bush had about 7 books written about him after department heads left office under his administration.

Comey did tell Trump the importance of the independence of the Justice Department and his job as FBI director--and Trump didn't get the message obviously, because he phoned him directly 6 different times--discussing the "russian cloud."

Was this a bad day for TRUMP--Oh Hell yeah. It's what he or anyone else is refusing to answer in a public hearing is what you have to be concerned about.

B'loney. Former Government Employees do not have carte blanche to leak privileged information.

Comey took notes, put them in his pocket,

who marked them classified


When you are asked to a private meeting with your boss, with only the 2 of you present......confidentiality of the conversation would be the norm.

Most people already know not to blab their mouth off, especially to others of the same or lower level of seniority. IF Comey thought the conversation was of 'national security' importance or a crime, then he could/should have went to the authority that would handle that aspect. Sessions?? But not to his peeps &/or the media

Nope that's not how works. That's what made Comey uncomfortable. Anything regarding the Justice department goes through the Attorney General's office FIRST in this case Jeff Sessions and then gets relayed on down to the FBI chief. Comey states that Trump asked everyone to leave--including Jeff Sessions to have a one on one contact with Comey. That is NOT done. You did not elect a King or Dictator.

February 14, 2017

The President signaled the end of the briefing by thanking the group and telling them all that he wanted to speak to me alone. I stayed in my chair. As the participants started to leave the Oval Office, the Attorney General lingered by my chair, but the President thanked him and said he wanted to speak only with me.
READ: James Comey's prepared testimony - CNNPolitics.com

Furthermore--Trump is not the boss of the Justice department--they work separately and independently from the Executive branch--as does the Legislative branch. They have their own authority over certain issues--that Trump cannot interfere with. In this case Trump interferred with an on-going investigation--and then fired Comey when he refused to cooperate with him. Trump even admitted that during an NBC T.V interview. That is Obstruction of Justice--an impeachable offense.

"President Trump on Thursday said he was thinking of “this Russia thing with Trump” when he decided to fire FBI Director James B. Comey, who had been leading the counterintelligence investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.

Recounting his decision to dismiss Comey, Trump told NBC News, “In fact, when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said, ‘You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story, it’s an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won.’”

Trump’s account flatly contradicts the White House’s initial account of how the president arrived at his decision, undercutting public denials by his aides that the move was influenced in any way by his growing fury with the ongoing Russia probe."
Trump said he was thinking of Russia controversy when he decided to fire Comey

Actually that's exactly how it works........Trump may not have followed proper chain of command, but as President he IS ultimately Comey's boss and fully within his right to ask for a private meeting.
The problem is more with how Comey conducted himself after the meeting.....if Comey didn't like what went on in that meeting or thought something criminal had taken place, he should have went to his direct superior.....Sessions. Instead he runs out making notes & tells his buddies to run to the media.

Comey has made it perfectly clear that his primary objection to Trump is that Trump doesn't treat him like an indepdendent, untouchable entity that has no checks and balances.

All fbi-ers think that. Because they're a fucking CRIMINAL AGENCY. They operate outside the law, and outside the constitution..and they know it.
B'loney. Former Government Employees do not have carte blanche to leak privileged information.

Comey took notes, put them in his pocket,

who marked them classified


When you are asked to a private meeting with your boss, with only the 2 of you present......confidentiality of the conversation would be the norm.

Most people already know not to blab their mouth off, especially to others of the same or lower level of seniority. IF Comey thought the conversation was of 'national security' importance or a crime, then he could/should have went to the authority that would handle that aspect. Sessions?? But not to his peeps &/or the media

Nope that's not how works. That's what made Comey uncomfortable. Anything regarding the Justice department goes through the Attorney General's office FIRST in this case Jeff Sessions and then gets relayed on down to the FBI chief. Comey states that Trump asked everyone to leave--including Jeff Sessions to have a one on one contact with Comey. That is NOT done. You did not elect a King or Dictator.

February 14, 2017

The President signaled the end of the briefing by thanking the group and telling them all that he wanted to speak to me alone. I stayed in my chair. As the participants started to leave the Oval Office, the Attorney General lingered by my chair, but the President thanked him and said he wanted to speak only with me.
READ: James Comey's prepared testimony - CNNPolitics.com

Furthermore--Trump is not the boss of the Justice department--they work separately and independently from the Executive branch--as does the Legislative branch. They have their own authority over certain issues--that Trump cannot interfere with. In this case Trump interferred with an on-going investigation--and then fired Comey when he refused to cooperate with him. Trump even admitted that during an NBC T.V interview. That is Obstruction of Justice--an impeachable offense.

"President Trump on Thursday said he was thinking of “this Russia thing with Trump” when he decided to fire FBI Director James B. Comey, who had been leading the counterintelligence investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.

Recounting his decision to dismiss Comey, Trump told NBC News, “In fact, when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said, ‘You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story, it’s an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won.’”

Trump’s account flatly contradicts the White House’s initial account of how the president arrived at his decision, undercutting public denials by his aides that the move was influenced in any way by his growing fury with the ongoing Russia probe."
Trump said he was thinking of Russia controversy when he decided to fire Comey

Actually that's exactly how it works........Trump may not have followed proper chain of command, but as President he IS ultimately Comey's boss and fully within his right to ask for a private meeting.
The problem is more with how Comey conducted himself after the meeting.....if Comey didn't like what went on in that meeting or thought something criminal had taken place, he should have went to his direct superior.....Sessions. Instead he runs out making notes & tells his buddies to run to the media.

Comey has made it perfectly clear that his primary objection to Trump is that Trump doesn't treat him like an indepdendent, untouchable entity that has no checks and balances.

All fbi-ers think that. Because they're a fucking CRIMINAL AGENCY. They operate outside the law, and outside the constitution..and they know it.

Then why you laugh at my previous post? KNOCK IT OFF, you're confusin me. I keep tellin ya we're usually on the same side. sheesh
Is today a good day for President Trump or James Comey?

Politically, Trump may be damaged by innuendo from Comey's interrogation.

Legally, Trump should not be legally damaged.

Politically, Comey may be damaged because if he felt threatened by losing his job from anything Trump said, he should have gone to a higher up in the Justice Department that was in place at the time. Comey may have a vandetta against Trump because of his firing, but that doesn't end the fact that he didn't report that Trump told him to stop any interrogation if this is indeed what Trump wanted.

Legally, comey should be fine. Even the "leak" is not, by definition a "leak" because it was not a government document that was released by his friend.

In the eyes of the public, Comey is depicted as a timid, cowardly FBI Director because if he felt "queasy" about the discussion with Trump, it was his place to tell him that the President 's comments were not appropriate. If he was intimidated, which clearly he was demonstrated by making precise notes on his conversations with the president, he should have reported that to Jeff Sessions regardless if Sessions was going to recuse himself from a different investigation weeks later. The sea gull defense is silly. BTW, how did he know that Sessions was going to recuse himself on the Russian question weeks later?

Once you're a private citizen--like Comey was after he was fired--you can talk all you want too. I think G.W. Bush had about 7 books written about him after department heads left office under his administration.

Comey did tell Trump the importance of the independence of the Justice Department and his job as FBI director--and Trump didn't get the message obviously, because he phoned him directly 6 different times--discussing the "russian cloud."

Was this a bad day for TRUMP--Oh Hell yeah. It's what he or anyone else is refusing to answer in a public hearing is what you have to be concerned about.

B'loney. Former Government Employees do not have carte blanche to leak privileged information.

Comey took notes, put them in his pocket,

who marked them classified


When you are asked to a private meeting with your boss, with only the 2 of you present......confidentiality of the conversation would be the norm.

Most people already know not to blab their mouth off, especially to others of the same or lower level of seniority. IF Comey thought the conversation was of 'national security' importance or a crime, then he could/should have went to the authority that would handle that aspect. Sessions?? But not to his peeps &/or the media


no, comey went thru the proper channels under the circumstances, at the time and then after the fact too... that means ALL things considered factual, not just trumpswab fantasy circumstances in full denial of the legal facts and processes.

our dumbo president calls highly regarded FBI director a "nut job" because trump is evidently incapable of comprehending protocol and legal processes and limitations.

FACT is, only after trump fired him and then tweeted threats about possible tapes, did private citizen comey then deliberately and legally, let it be know publicly that he indeed had saved transcripts of their conversations.

only dumbo or dishonest observers can't discern the difference between an illegal leak that compromises national security vs what comey did which was a fully legal exposure of important facts.

Head of FBI Group: Agents 'Appalled' at Comey's Removal

Despite the White House claim that FBI Director James Comey had “lost the confidence” of his agents in the field, the head of the Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI told Newsmax that Comey was highly regarded by current and former agents.

“The overwhelming opinion of our membership is that Director Comey was outstanding,” said Nancy Savage, executive director of the 80-year-old society that includes more than 8,500 members.

Savage, herself an FBI agent from 1977-2011, was also president of the FBI Agents Association while she was on active duty. She insisted that current agents were "appalled" at Comey’s firing by President Trump on Tuesday.

“Nearly all of my contacts among the agents on active duty recalled how Director Comey worked very well with us during his four years as head of the FBI,” she told me. “And they mentioned how evenhanded he was in dealing with the Bureau and the Department of Justice when he was deputy attorney general [2001-02].”

Head of FBI Group: Agents 'Appalled' at Comey's Removal

Last edited:
Is today a good day for President Trump or James Comey?

Politically, Trump may be damaged by innuendo from Comey's interrogation.

Legally, Trump should not be legally damaged.

Politically, Comey may be damaged because if he felt threatened by losing his job from anything Trump said, he should have gone to a higher up in the Justice Department that was in place at the time. Comey may have a vandetta against Trump because of his firing, but that doesn't end the fact that he didn't report that Trump told him to stop any interrogation if this is indeed what Trump wanted.

Legally, comey should be fine. Even the "leak" is not, by definition a "leak" because it was not a government document that was released by his friend.

In the eyes of the public, Comey is depicted as a timid, cowardly FBI Director because if he felt "queasy" about the discussion with Trump, it was his place to tell him that the President 's comments were not appropriate. If he was intimidated, which clearly he was demonstrated by making precise notes on his conversations with the president, he should have reported that to Jeff Sessions regardless if Sessions was going to recuse himself from a different investigation weeks later. The sea gull defense is silly. BTW, how did he know that Sessions was going to recuse himself on the Russian question weeks later?

Once you're a private citizen--like Comey was after he was fired--you can talk all you want too. I think G.W. Bush had about 7 books written about him after department heads left office under his administration.

Comey did tell Trump the importance of the independence of the Justice Department and his job as FBI director--and Trump didn't get the message obviously, because he phoned him directly 6 different times--discussing the "russian cloud."

Was this a bad day for TRUMP--Oh Hell yeah. It's what he or anyone else is refusing to answer in a public hearing is what you have to be concerned about.

B'loney. Former Government Employees do not have carte blanche to leak privileged information.

Comey took notes, put them in his pocket,

who marked them classified


When you are asked to a private meeting with your boss, with only the 2 of you present......confidentiality of the conversation would be the norm.

Most people already know not to blab their mouth off, especially to others of the same or lower level of seniority. IF Comey thought the conversation was of 'national security' importance or a crime, then he could/should have went to the authority that would handle that aspect. Sessions?? But not to his peeps &/or the media


no, comey went thru the proper channels under the circumstances, at the time and then after the fact too... that means ALL things considered factual, not just trumpswab fantasy circumstances in full denial of the legal facts and processes.

our dumbo president calls highly regarded FBI director a "nut job" because trump is evidently incapable of comprehending protocol and legal processes and limitations.

FACT is, only after trump fired him and then tweeted threats about possible tapes, did private citizen comey then deliberately and legally, let it be know publicly that he indeed had saved transcripts of their conversations.

only dumbo or dishonest observers can't discern the difference between an illegal leak that compromises national security vs what comey did which was a fully legal exposure of important facts.

It must be such a consolation for you to have such an active fantasy life.

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