Was this a Good day for Trump or for Comey?

Is today a good day for President Trump or James Comey?
Bad day for Trump. The obstruction of justice cloud hanging over him is as dark as ever.

No matter how much noise his Chumps make, no matter how much smoke they emit from their asses, that fact remains.

The ball is now in Mueller's court. Trump will have to deal with that cloud for a long time.
Keep trying.
I don't have to.

I'll tell you who needs to get to work.

Trump needs to stop acting like he's guilty and get to work punishing Russia and protecting our country from further attacks. So far, he has not done jack shit in either direction.

He has surrendered to the Russians. That should make every American very angry. We have a fake President who is a traitor.
Perhaps he is waiting for proof that the Russians hacked our election...
Do you think all our investigative units are stupid?
Bad day for Trump. The obstruction of justice cloud hanging over him is as dark as ever.

No matter how much noise his Chumps make, no matter how much smoke they emit from their asses, that fact remains.

The ball is now in Mueller's court. Trump will have to deal with that cloud for a long time.
Keep trying.
I don't have to.

I'll tell you who needs to get to work.

Trump needs to stop acting like he's guilty and get to work punishing Russia and protecting our country from further attacks. So far, he has not done jack shit in either direction.

He has surrendered to the Russians. That should make every American very angry. We have a fake President who is a traitor.
Perhaps he is waiting for proof that the Russians hacked our election...

There is a preponderance of evidence. It can't be helped if you willfully blind Chumps won't look at it.

Trump has already admitted they did. And then did nothing.

Not even a tweet!

If someone from SNL hurts his feelings, Trump can't sleep. He tweet storms at 3 am.

But Russia attacks us? Nothing. He takes no action to protect us. He takes no action to retaliate.

Trump has not even said one single word criticizing the Russians for their attacks. Not one tweet, not one press conference, not one press release, not even through his mouthpieces Spicer and Huckabee.

Not. One. Word.

We have a fake President who is a fucking traitor.

He surrendered to his boy crush Putin.
Yes or no?

If Russia hacked our election it was during Obie's watch.
Yes, and Obama took immediate action, while Trump and you creduloids denied the attacks were happening.

In fact, Trump publicly BEGGED Russia to help him win. And he couldn't praise the marxist at Wikileaks enough for helping him.

And now Trump has surrendered.

Idiot. Nice try.
Keep trying.
I don't have to.

I'll tell you who needs to get to work.

Trump needs to stop acting like he's guilty and get to work punishing Russia and protecting our country from further attacks. So far, he has not done jack shit in either direction.

He has surrendered to the Russians. That should make every American very angry. We have a fake President who is a traitor.
Perhaps he is waiting for proof that the Russians hacked our election...

There is a preponderance of evidence. It can't be helped if you willfully blind Chumps won't look at it.

Trump has already admitted they did. And then did nothing.

Not even a tweet!

If someone from SNL hurts his feelings, Trump can't sleep. He tweet storms at 3 am.

But Russia attacks us? Nothing. He takes no action to protect us. He takes no action to retaliate.

Trump has not even said one single word criticizing the Russians for their attacks. Not one tweet, not one press conference, not one press release, not even through his mouthpieces Spicer and Huckabee.

Not. One. Word.

We have a fake President who is a fucking traitor.

He surrendered to his boy crush Putin.
Yes or no?

If Russia hacked our election it was during Obie's watch.
Yes, and Obama took immediate action.

Yes he did. He said there was no Russian interference.

So now what?
it was an ok day for the investigation ... there were no winners and losers.

While I think this whole situation is a bunch of poppycock, I'd put today's loser as John McCain. His line of questioning was totally bizarre and he was forced into damage control mode within hours.
Bad day for Trump. The obstruction of justice cloud hanging over him is as dark as ever.

No matter how much noise his Chumps make, no matter how much smoke they emit from their asses, that fact remains.

The ball is now in Mueller's court. Trump will have to deal with that cloud for a long time.
Keep trying.
I don't have to.

I'll tell you who needs to get to work.

Trump needs to stop acting like he's guilty and get to work punishing Russia and protecting our country from further attacks. So far, he has not done jack shit in either direction.

He has surrendered to the Russians. That should make every American very angry. We have a fake President who is a traitor.
Perhaps he is waiting for proof that the Russians hacked our election...

There is a preponderance of evidence. It can't be helped if you willfully blind Chumps won't look at it.

Trump has already admitted they did. And then did nothing.

Not even a tweet!

If someone from SNL hurts his feelings, Trump can't sleep. He tweet storms at 3 am.

But Russia attacks us? Nothing. He takes no action to protect us. He takes no action to retaliate.

Trump has not even said one single word criticizing the Russians for their attacks. Not one tweet, not one press conference, not one press release, not even through his mouthpieces Spicer and Huckabee.

Not. One. Word.

We have a fake President who is a fucking traitor.

He surrendered to his boy crush Putin.
Yes or no?

If Russia hacked our election it was during Obie's watch.
Yeah Obama really wanted to see ah trump president
This is exactly why Obama worked so feverishly before he left office to preserve the evidence of Russia's attacks on us.

He knew Trump the traitor would surrender.
It was a terrible day for Comey. He confirmed that he is a vindictive, sneaky, creepy SWAMP WEASEL....the Littlefinger of DC Landing.

lol, triggered

You've been ranting and raving all day about Comey. What's the matter? Are you panicking?

Panic over what? Comey screwed the pooch, Trump is vindicated.

The hearing exposed------- that Trump is a corrupt president.

That's the bottom line. So he is not vindicated not even close. And no matter how you look at it---------All of these chaos, drama, amateurism, unprofessional, discombobulated, toxic administration are ALL self inflicted wounds created by an un fit disgusting president.

The whole White House staff are very busy concentrating, baby sitting and defending this boy.

You fail the reality test.
It was a terrible day for Comey. He confirmed that he is a vindictive, sneaky, creepy SWAMP WEASEL....the Littlefinger of DC Landing.

lol, triggered

You've been ranting and raving all day about Comey. What's the matter? Are you panicking?

Panic over what? Comey screwed the pooch, Trump is vindicated.

The hearing exposed------- that Trump is a corrupt president.

That's the bottom line. So he is not vindicated not even close. And no matter how you look at it---------All of these chaos, drama, amateurism, unprofessional, discombobulated, toxic administration are ALL self inflicted wounds created by an un fit disgusting president.

The whole White House staff are very busy concentrating, baby sitting and defending this boy.
The fuck are you talking about? It proved all of that was true for the obie admin. None of it touched Trump.

You are lying and in denial mike.

Your head is so far up your ass that you can lick your own sternum.
No one resolved today whether Trump asking Comey to back off Flynn was obstruction or not. So as I said, that cloud remains.

No matter how much noise Trump's Chumps make, or how much smoke they emit from their asses, that fact remains.

The fact remains Mueller will have to be the one to resolve that question.
Let's recap...

Comey testified that...

There was no crime, collusion, or obstruction by Trump

Comey self-identified as a leaker

Former Obama US AG Lynch obstructed justice by interfering in the Clinton FBI investigation, asking him to downgrade the investigation to an 'issue', making it clear the DOJ did not want an indictment

That Lynch meeting with Clinton convinced him the DOJ had been tainted and biased

That he became convinced a Special Prosecutor was required but Lynch would never allow it so he was 'forced' to leak information in an attempt to get one appointed

That the reason he went 'rogue' and re-opened the investigation because of Lynch & Clinton's unethical meeting.

Comey completely destroyed the Democrats' campaign of lies and false accusations and hopes of Impeachment, placed his own lefal status as an illegal leaker in jeopardy, and identified Lynch as having criminally obstructed his invetigation...which in turn potentially effected the election.

Lynch and Bill Clinton, not the Russians, potentially effected the election.
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Keep trying.
I don't have to.

I'll tell you who needs to get to work.

Trump needs to stop acting like he's guilty and get to work punishing Russia and protecting our country from further attacks. So far, he has not done jack shit in either direction.

He has surrendered to the Russians. That should make every American very angry. We have a fake President who is a traitor.
Perhaps he is waiting for proof that the Russians hacked our election...

There is a preponderance of evidence. It can't be helped if you willfully blind Chumps won't look at it.

Trump has already admitted they did. And then did nothing.

Not even a tweet!

If someone from SNL hurts his feelings, Trump can't sleep. He tweet storms at 3 am.

But Russia attacks us? Nothing. He takes no action to protect us. He takes no action to retaliate.

Trump has not even said one single word criticizing the Russians for their attacks. Not one tweet, not one press conference, not one press release, not even through his mouthpieces Spicer and Huckabee.

Not. One. Word.

We have a fake President who is a fucking traitor.

He surrendered to his boy crush Putin.
Yes or no?

If Russia hacked our election it was during Obie's watch.
Yeah Obama really wanted to see ah trump president
We apparently really didn't want four more years of his policies. What he wanted doesn't matter. Did he allow Russia to hack our election?
It was a terrible day for Comey. He confirmed that he is a vindictive, sneaky, creepy SWAMP WEASEL....the Littlefinger of DC Landing.

lol, triggered

You've been ranting and raving all day about Comey. What's the matter? Are you panicking?

Panic over what? Comey screwed the pooch, Trump is vindicated.

The hearing exposed------- that Trump is a corrupt president.

That's the bottom line. So he is not vindicated not even close. And no matter how you look at it---------All of these chaos, drama, amateurism, unprofessional, discombobulated, toxic administration are ALL self inflicted wounds created by an un fit disgusting president.

The whole White House staff are very busy concentrating, baby sitting and defending this boy.
The fuck are you talking about? It proved all of that was true for the obie admin. None of it touched Trump.

You are lying and in denial mike.

you betcha!
Is today a good day for President Trump or James Comey?
Bad day for Trump. The obstruction of justice cloud hanging over him is as dark as ever.

No matter how much noise his Chumps make, no matter how much smoke they emit from their asses, that fact remains.

The ball is now in Mueller's court. Trump will have to deal with that cloud for a long time.
Keep trying.
I don't have to.

I'll tell you who needs to get to work.

Trump needs to stop acting like he's guilty and get to work punishing Russia and protecting our country from further attacks. So far, he has not done jack shit in either direction.

He has surrendered to the Russians. That should make every American very angry. We have a fake President who is a traitor.
Perhaps he is waiting for proof that the Russians hacked our election...
Do you think all our investigative units are stupid?
The people who are stupid who continue to believe there is any validity to ANYTHING that has been promoted by the exposed, lying, leftists who control our media and the last admin.

Equally stupid are those who think that you will EVER get the truth out of any FBI employee.
Is today a good day for President Trump or James Comey?

Politically, Trump may be damaged by innuendo from Comey's interrogation.

Legally, Trump should not be legally damaged.

Politically, Comey may be damaged because if he felt threatened by losing his job from anything Trump said, he should have gone to a higher up in the Justice Department that was in place at the time. Comey may have a vandetta against Trump because of his firing, but that doesn't end the fact that he didn't report that Trump told him to stop any interrogation if this is indeed what Trump wanted.

Legally, comey should be fine. Even the "leak" is not, by definition a "leak" because it was not a government document that was released by his friend.

In the eyes of the public, Comey is depicted as a timid, cowardly FBI Director because if he felt "queasy" about the discussion with Trump, it was his place to tell him that the President 's comments were not appropriate. If he was intimidated, which clearly he was demonstrated by making precise notes on his conversations with the president, he should have reported that to Jeff Sessions regardless if Sessions was going to recuse himself from a different investigation weeks later. The sea gull defense is silly. BTW, how did he know that Sessions was going to recuse himself on the Russian question weeks later?
Pretty okay day for both of them, I think. Comey got to tell his side of the story. Trump's side of the story still doesn't sound like anything "illegal" to me.

On a personal level with regard to Trump himself, I agree. Then again, Nixon himself didn't break into the DNC offices.
But he and those working for him did commit crimes.
When one of the following two things happens, I'll think someone committed an act that was/is potentially criminal.
  • Someone is charged with a crime.
  • It is announced that someone acted criminally, but the "powers that be" have opted not to prosecute them for having done so.
Unless and until one or both those things happen, I maintain that, at best, there are events, actions and people that need to be examined to determine whether a (or several) crime was committed.
Is today a good day for President Trump or James Comey?

Politically, Trump may be damaged by innuendo from Comey's interrogation.

Legally, Trump should not be legally damaged.

Politically, Comey may be damaged because if he felt threatened by losing his job from anything Trump said, he should have gone to a higher up in the Justice Department that was in place at the time. Comey may have a vandetta against Trump because of his firing, but that doesn't end the fact that he didn't report that Trump told him to stop any interrogation if this is indeed what Trump wanted.

Legally, comey should be fine. Even the "leak" is not, by definition a "leak" because it was not a government document that was released by his friend.

In the eyes of the public, Comey is depicted as a timid, cowardly FBI Director because if he felt "queasy" about the discussion with Trump, it was his place to tell him that the President 's comments were not appropriate. If he was intimidated, which clearly he was demonstrated by making precise notes on his conversations with the president, he should have reported that to Jeff Sessions regardless if Sessions was going to recuse himself from a different investigation weeks later. The sea gull defense is silly. BTW, how did he know that Sessions was going to recuse himself on the Russian question weeks later?
Pretty okay day for both of them, I think. Comey got to tell his side of the story. Trump's side of the story still doesn't sound like anything "illegal" to me.

On a personal level with regard to Trump himself, I agree. Then again, Nixon himself didn't break into the DNC offices.
But he and those working for him did commit crimes.
When one of the following two things happens, I'll think someone committed an act that was/is potentially criminal.
  • Someone is charged with a crime.
  • It is announced that someone acted criminally, but the "powers that be" have opted not to prosecute them for having done so.
Unless and until one or both those things happen, I maintain that, at best, there are events, actions and people that need to be examined to determine whether a (or several) crime was committed.

Hilary already met point two......
Is today a good day for President Trump or James Comey?

Politically, Trump may be damaged by innuendo from Comey's interrogation.

Legally, Trump should not be legally damaged.

Politically, Comey may be damaged because if he felt threatened by losing his job from anything Trump said, he should have gone to a higher up in the Justice Department that was in place at the time. Comey may have a vandetta against Trump because of his firing, but that doesn't end the fact that he didn't report that Trump told him to stop any interrogation if this is indeed what Trump wanted.

Legally, comey should be fine. Even the "leak" is not, by definition a "leak" because it was not a government document that was released by his friend.

In the eyes of the public, Comey is depicted as a timid, cowardly FBI Director because if he felt "queasy" about the discussion with Trump, it was his place to tell him that the President 's comments were not appropriate. If he was intimidated, which clearly he was demonstrated by making precise notes on his conversations with the president, he should have reported that to Jeff Sessions regardless if Sessions was going to recuse himself from a different investigation weeks later. The sea gull defense is silly. BTW, how did he know that Sessions was going to recuse himself on the Russian question weeks later?
Pretty okay day for both of them, I think. Comey got to tell his side of the story. Trump's side of the story still doesn't sound like anything "illegal" to me.

On a personal level with regard to Trump himself, I agree. Then again, Nixon himself didn't break into the DNC offices.
But he and those working for him did commit crimes.
When one of the following two things happens, I'll think someone committed an act that was/is potentially criminal.
  • Someone is charged with a crime.
  • It is announced that someone acted criminally, but the "powers that be" have opted not to prosecute them for having done so.
Unless and until one or both those things happen, I maintain that, at best, there are events, actions and people that need to be examined to determine whether a (or several) crime was committed.

Hilary already met point two......

His nonsense is nonsense when you consider the fact that he refuses to acknowledge reality or facts.
Equally stupid are those who think that you will EVER get the truth out of any FBI employee.

FIrst it was the 17 intelligence agencies with fake news. Now it's the FBI. Is there any government agency that Trump trusts? Maybe the air traffic controllers?
When one of the following two things happens, I'll think someone committed an act that was/is potentially criminal.
  • Someone is charged with a crime.
  • It is announced that someone acted criminally, but the "powers that be" have opted not to prosecute them for having done so.

They already said that russian state actors illegally hacked, and interfered with the election. But because we can't arrest Goosifer 2.0 or the other russian actors, we've opted not to prosecute them for having done so.
I don't have to.

I'll tell you who needs to get to work.

Trump needs to stop acting like he's guilty and get to work punishing Russia and protecting our country from further attacks. So far, he has not done jack shit in either direction.

He has surrendered to the Russians. That should make every American very angry. We have a fake President who is a traitor.
Perhaps he is waiting for proof that the Russians hacked our election...

There is a preponderance of evidence. It can't be helped if you willfully blind Chumps won't look at it.

Trump has already admitted they did. And then did nothing.

Not even a tweet!

If someone from SNL hurts his feelings, Trump can't sleep. He tweet storms at 3 am.

But Russia attacks us? Nothing. He takes no action to protect us. He takes no action to retaliate.

Trump has not even said one single word criticizing the Russians for their attacks. Not one tweet, not one press conference, not one press release, not even through his mouthpieces Spicer and Huckabee.

Not. One. Word.

We have a fake President who is a fucking traitor.

He surrendered to his boy crush Putin.
Yes or no?

If Russia hacked our election it was during Obie's watch.
Yeah Obama really wanted to see ah trump president
We apparently really didn't want four more years of his policies. What he wanted doesn't matter. Did he allow Russia to hack our election?
No That was trump and his people from hell BEFORE he was elected

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