Was this a hate crime? You be the judge

Is this a hate crime?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 83.3%
  • No

    Votes: 1 16.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
So, an Alabama white man gets mobbed and beaten in front of his wife and 4 year old by a black mob screaming "Get that white!" Is this a hate crime?

I have no problem calling it a hate crime. Either way, every one of those kids should be publicly caned. Of course, we do not have that type of justice in this country, but maybe we should.
Didn't you know, in North America it's only a hate crime when it is the black person who is the victim.

Of course the police would never want to arrest these black boys for doing this because then that would be considered a racist hate crime on the part of the police department especially if they had to use physical force for wanting to throw black people in jail especially if one of them had a camera for recording the arrest who not only want to get away with the act of violence, but make the police out to be the bad guy if they get caught.

Didn't you know that the media is making it so that black people can commit murder and get away with it while white people aren't even suppose to say the word black any more otherwise you are a racist discriminator.

White people can't even say the word white or whites are a bunch of discriminators.

Black people discriminate or hate no, they just have black history month which excludes everyone for the color of their skin except people with black skin and it doesn't matter what part of the world you are from as long as you have black skin you could never possibly hate anyone or be racist in North America.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. be good, be strong!
Don't know enough to make a judgement either way. That's what the local police are saying as well. Does the OP have reason to believe that the local police are hiding something from us?
By the sounds of it, it would be a hate crime in Alabama where it took place.

It would not however be a hate crime in Alabama if these guys were beating up someone because he was gay.
I put yes because of the "law" however,
I don't think there is such a thing as a hate crime, crimes like this are done out of love and compassion, no hate involved.
is it a hate crime to be a total freeloader, is it a hate crime to be a mooch? or is it simply just a crime.....i will go with skull a crime is a crime
No...it is not a "hate" crime...it is a crime and should be punished as a violent assualt...no "hate" crime silliness needs to happen. Catch them, put them in jail..........why do you libprogs want to complicate easy things.......
These people need to carry guns......that would have stopped the attack....this could very easily have resulted in the death of these two people......
lol, it's not a hate crime to the many conservatives who claim there's no such thing as a hate crime.

It is assault and battery or attempted murder. What the perpretrator said or thought at the time does not matter.

If you are killed because someone hates liberals or to steal your money, is exactly the same crime. You are dead and the perp is a murderer.

you are correct, there is no such thing as a hate crime.

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