Was Trump mocking the disabled "cool"?

Trump deliberately mocked a disabled journalist who disagrees with Trump.

We will see that again in the campaign ads against him.
Now homosexuality is a sin...yesterday it was so cool...today it is so awful...

I wish you guys would be consistent sometimes.

It seems that some right wing folks (like you) are a bit obsessed over latent and unfulfilled urges......

I included those Bush pictures regarding the "presidential demeanor" that someone of your ilk posted about Obama and the Saudi royalty.....It is you who went off on the homosexuality interpretation. Interesting.......
Here’s Donald Trump’s new cringe-inducing excuse for mocking a reporter’s disability

This guy is truly a world class Hall of Shame Asshole ...read what this bitch Trump says..the Great Alpha Male Pussy
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Barry Hussein said his bowling was like the "special olympics". Is that offensive. Democrats constantly made fun of Sarah Palin's Down's Syndrome child. Do democrats have a problem with special ed. kids?
I don't remember people making fun of Sarah Palin's child. Did they do what Trump did?

But why do Republicans always say "See? They did it first" as if that makes it OK?

Of course you don't remember it, b/c your a partisan dumb shit.

There's a difference between "Democrats" and "the Democrat nominee for President."

It's appalling that people would mock Palin's child. But it would be beyond belief if the Democrat nominee for President would do it.

NOthing is more damaging to this nation that the poisonous tactics of the Race Card, which EVERY Democratic Nominee for the President uses, either directly, indirectly, by proxy, or implicitly.

WIth the full support of their accomplices, the media.

So, your apparent belief in the civility and responsibility of the Democratic candidates seems very, very ill advised.

As a Republican, msm reporters are your enemy.

If you don't know that, you are kidding yourself.

THey will NEVER speak out in defense of you or yours.
Republicans are 90% white. The race gap is between them and everyone else.

What in the hell does that have to do with this topic? Not that it's even true or relevant.

For the record, the US is 77% white, so it's not really a stretch to imagine that a majority of a major political party would be white.
Only Republicans would vote for someone who ran on bravado and personal attacks and nothing else.
Wow, the Hillary machine is cranking up the hate early.
Crazy post. Trump is full of hate and personal attacks. But . . . wait until the ad campaign from left and right roll out aainst him.
No doubt Trump is such. He's a real estate tycoon, and you don't get to that status by being a nice guy. That does not, however, detract from the hate and sleaze spewed from the Clinton machine. They're well known for it.
Only Republicans would vote for someone who ran on bravado and personal attacks and nothing else.
Wow, the Hillary machine is cranking up the hate early.
Crazy post. Trump is full of hate and personal attacks. But . . . wait until the ad campaign from left and right roll out aainst him.
No doubt Trump is such. He's a real estate tycoon, and you don't get to that status by being a nice guy. That does not, however, detract from the hate and sleaze spewed from the Clinton machine. They're well known for it.
Trump started it, and I think the Dems have the bigger club on those issues. Time will tell.

The Scam Below is only used for the purposes of Illustrating How Trump uses the Legal System...

Post Office Investigator (1949)

The setting is an auction being held in a downtown office building. The auction is for a collection of rare stamps. There is a trio of less than savory types among those attending. Audrey Long, in a criminal role for a change, plays the new secretary of the auctioneer. She is the inside contact. Marcel Journet and Richard Benedict are the other two crooks. They pose as buyers. As the bidders examine the goods she slips a $100,000 stamp to Journet. Journet in turn hands off a fake to Long and returns to his seat.

The fake is replaced into the collection
. Once Journet reaches his seat, he slips the stamp to confederate, Richard Benedict. Benedict asks the security guard if he could step out to grab a glass of water. Once in the hall, Benedict seals the stolen stamp inside a self- addressed envelope and drops it down the handy mail chute. Benedict then returns to his seat with his drink. The fake is soon discovered and the Police called. They do a search of the room and the patrons. Not finding anything, they release everyone.


L.A. Times Examines Trump's Gold-Plated Corporate Welfare .... how Trump has also won benefits that cost tax payers hundreds of billions ...
Only Republicans would vote for someone who ran on bravado and personal attacks and nothing else.
Wow, the Hillary machine is cranking up the hate early.
Crazy post. Trump is full of hate and personal attacks. But . . . wait until the ad campaign from left and right roll out aainst him.
No doubt Trump is such. He's a real estate tycoon, and you don't get to that status by being a nice guy. That does not, however, detract from the hate and sleaze spewed from the Clinton machine. They're well known for it.
Trump started it, and I think the Dems have the bigger club on those issues. Time will tell.
You don't understand. The Clinton's have made an art form out of attacking and smearing opponents for decades. Trump is just another target to them, the difference being that Trump is not likely to act like a Republican and refuse to get down in the mud with them.


I know Republicans thought it was hilarious and still do, but what about the rest of America?

Not only that, this played all over the world. This crude man is how the rest of the world will see America. I'm surprised that Republicans are fine with that. Republicans have said Obama has no class. If this is the GOP's definition of class, what is their definition of crude?

Wow, we will be ridiculed and hated by the international left, that will certainly be different ...
Trump got down in the mud first, which was a mistake. He is down, and the Clintons are going to kick hard and often to keep him there.
You don't understand. The Clinton's have made an art form out of attacking and smearing opponents for decades. Trump is just another target to them, the difference being that Trump is not likely to act like a Republican and refuse to get down in the mud with them.

I don't like the Clintons....never had and never will like them....HOWEVER, Trump's tactics a-la, "lying-Ted", "crooked Hillary", "little Marco", etc. are downright stupid and childish....appealing to a population that is mostly stupid and childish.
You don't understand. The Clinton's have made an art form out of attacking and smearing opponents for decades. Trump is just another target to them, the difference being that Trump is not likely to act like a Republican and refuse to get down in the mud with them.

I don't like the Clintons....never had and never will like them....HOWEVER, Trump's tactics a-la, "lying-Ted", "crooked Hillary", "little Marco", etc. are downright stupid and childish....appealing to a population that is mostly stupid and childish.
Of course they are. So was "bimbo eruptions". They epitomize the level of political discourse that is common today, and it resonates with most voters, whether they agree or not. They all claim to not like negative campaigning, but it works. Expect to see Hillary and her sycophants to go into full attack mode now that they know who they need to destroy, since she has no new ideas to offer. She's going to try to win by default.


I know Republicans thought it was hilarious and still do, but what about the rest of America?

Not only that, this played all over the world. This crude man is how the rest of the world will see America. I'm surprised that Republicans are fine with that. Republicans have said Obama has no class. If this is the GOP's definition of class, what is their definition of crude?

Wow, we will be ridiculed and hated by the international left, that will certainly be different ...
It's not the left you have to worry about.... it's the middle.
I'm supporting the candidate with, imo, the best policies for America.

What more can I do?
They are not policies they are suggestions made to the uneducated and the stupid...that would be you...

LOL he said he supports Trumps policies lmao.

Dont even ask what those policies are or he'll just type in bold letters a nothing response and blame you for it

I've repeatedly discussed Trump's polices on this very site, and why I support them, and why I think they can get large portions of the democratic base to cross party lines and vote for him.

If you've missed that, it is because you are actively working to ignore information you don't like.

Riiight, you've talked about them so much you forgot to list them and how it would get done. Oh, right...you posted that other places than this thread.

The old Easter Egg defense. "I posted it somewhere, you have to look for it"

It is not credible that you have not heard Trump's many supporters on this site reference, state, and?or discuss Trump's policies.

I am not here to coddle you or pretend that your lies have any meaning.
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Barry Hussein said his bowling was like the "special olympics". Is that offensive. Democrats constantly made fun of Sarah Palin's Down's Syndrome child. Do democrats have a problem with special ed. kids?
I don't remember people making fun of Sarah Palin's child. Did they do what Trump did?

But why do Republicans always say "See? They did it first" as if that makes it OK?

Of course you don't remember it, b/c your a partisan dumb shit.

There's a difference between "Democrats" and "the Democrat nominee for President."

It's appalling that people would mock Palin's child. But it would be beyond belief if the Democrat nominee for President would do it.

NOthing is more damaging to this nation that the poisonous tactics of the Race Card, which EVERY Democratic Nominee for the President uses, either directly, indirectly, by proxy, or implicitly.

WIth the full support of their accomplices, the media.

So, your apparent belief in the civility and responsibility of the Democratic candidates seems very, very ill advised.

As a Republican, msm reporters are your enemy.

If you don't know that, you are kidding yourself.

THey will NEVER speak out in defense of you or yours.
Republicans are 90% white. The race gap is between them and everyone else.

Which shows that your lefty tactics of Race Baiting and Fear mongering has been effective.


I can see the fact that you've convinced a large portion of the nation that the majority of the nation is their enemy doesn't bother you at all.
Was Trump mocking the disabled "cool"?
Trump did not mock "the disabled", he mocked one particular stupidassdumbfuckinidiot. However, extraordinarily stupid people cannot comprehend that fact. They are such idiots that it goes way over their heads.
He mocked the guys disability. He could have mocked something else. But he didn't. He went with crude. Like most Republicans.

Tyrone mocked Trump for being a rich new yorker.

And plans to vote for Hillary.

Does that seem odd to you?

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