Was Trump mocking the disabled "cool"?

Leweman want to maintain his white entitlement in a country that no longer believes in it.

What was Hillary Clinton's quote or was she away at commending Robert Byrd at his funeral. But you pry don't support the racist Hillary do you?

Except that if you are able to read what I posted about the NAACP and Byrd then you would not have to keep representing the "stupid moron community"
How many times has rderp or any other liberal on THIS SITE used the terms:

Brain dead

All terms that could very easily describe a situation someone is BORN INTO or naturally became.

Fucking hypocrites

I've pointed such contradictions out to many of them in the past.

NONE of them EVER have shown the slightest concern that they are complete hypocrites.

They are vile pieces of shit.
I find it hilarious how leftards want the type of respect that they are not willing to reciprocate because they believe that they have some kind of "moral high ground". Leftards here or on any other board have no problem not only stooping to the lowest form of insults but will call in the posse to "dogpile" a poster that has a dissenting opinion.....especially like an issue concerning the 2nd Amendment. They are so thin-skinned when it comes to themselves and their sense of decorum is easily offended....unless they are the ones spewing out the most vile insults and rhetoric. This is something I have been witnessing since I started blogging 15 years ago. As a newbie back then, I accidentally used my real name and admitted where I was from...some troll Googled me and found that my mom died. He pulled up her obituary and made fun of her picture and of course the other leftards joined right in.

So I don't want to hear anything about how leftards take the "high road"....I have seen their true selves too many times.

They are vile pieces of shit.
The reality of the situation is liberals are scared shitless of Trump because he's taken away all their usual tactics for dealing with Republicans.

Gay marriage? Trump doesn't care and he's convinced most Republicans that there are bigger fish to fry
Abortion? It's legal now and Trump doesn't care to try to change that
Social Security? Nope Trump doesn't want to touch that either.

So, Trump has shit canned the usual liberal agenda, so what's left? Oh yeah let's call him a racist misogynist. Oops Trump throws that back in your faces.

Yep, liberals are scared, real scared.
Trump is hilarious when he mocks all libtards and their dysfunctional mentality.

Libtardism is a mental disease.
OK Sigmund what eveh you say..

I'm sure it was an oversight.....but you may have forgotten these ones on the "Presidential" photo array.



Are you dishonest or ignorant?

NO bowing, no showing of being subservient to a King, especially a King who's Divine Authority rests on holding and protecting an Islamic HOly site.
Only Republicans would vote for someone who ran on bravado and personal attacks and nothing else.
Wow, the Hillary machine is cranking up the hate early.
Crazy post. Trump is full of hate and personal attacks. But . . . wait until the ad campaign from left and right roll out aainst him.

Says the man that is incapable of going more than a few posts without making a personal attack.
Only Republicans would vote for someone who ran on bravado and personal attacks and nothing else.
Wow, the Hillary machine is cranking up the hate early.
Crazy post. Trump is full of hate and personal attacks. But . . . wait until the ad campaign from left and right roll out aainst him.
No doubt Trump is such. He's a real estate tycoon, and you don't get to that status by being a nice guy. That does not, however, detract from the hate and sleaze spewed from the Clinton machine. They're well known for it.
Trump started it, and I think the Dems have the bigger club on those issues. Time will tell.

You lefties have had NOTHING but the Politics of Personal Destruction for decades.
Only Republicans would vote for someone who ran on bravado and personal attacks and nothing else.
Wow, the Hillary machine is cranking up the hate early.
Crazy post. Trump is full of hate and personal attacks. But . . . wait until the ad campaign from left and right roll out aainst him.

Says the man that is incapable of going more than a few posts without making a personal attack.

The difference is, that you know that you are an asshole, and I know that I am not.

I'm here looking for the rare occasion when serious and honest discussion breaks out.

You are here to shut down any such discussion.

Because you really are an asshole.

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