Was Trump mocking the disabled "cool"?

The far right and Trump are held in contempt by most Americans.

You are lying to yourself if you think differently.

If you really believed that, you wouldn't lie about it.
Is English your first language?

Trump's policies are designed to appeal to Working Class and Middle Class workers.

There is nothing Far Right about wanting to deport Illegals or bringing back manufacturing jobs.

Trump has been lied about A LOT, by the media.

As the General Campaign heats up and more and more people pay more and more attention, hopefully the Truth will shine though the Media FIlter.
You dropped white from your Working and Middle class mantras. That is very good.

Mass deportation and round ups are far right wing hysteria in action.

Manufacturing jobs will not be brought back.

Whether through is filter or a fliter, Trump will not be able to escape the scrutiny of his past.
[QUOTE="rdean, post: 14267998, member: 20394”]
I know Republicans thought it was hilarious and still do, but what about the rest of America?

Not only that, this played all over the world. This crude man is how the rest of the world will see America. I'm surprised that Republicans are fine with that. Republicans have said Obama has no class. If this is the GOP's definition of class, what is their definition of crude?[/QUOTE]

I don’t know if Humor played as large a role as you think.

One has to remember that one of the basic primal things about Conservatism is hatred…conserving what you have so you don’t share it with others. Once this asshat named Jim Bowie on here said the following….

When the collapse comes, God Willing, I will be ready. And when yhou knock on my door for help , the answer is 'Go fuck yourself'

What Drumpf does by mocking people with disabilities is validate all of the hate that conservatives seem to naturally have.

I don’t think America has receded into this bastion of crazed lunatics despite my disagreements on policy and the like. Could’ve happened but I don’t think so.
Bennett's personal opinion carries far more right than yours, Correll.

So does Tyrone's for that matter.

"Weight"? Was that some sort of Appeal to Authority Logical Fallacy?

He has his opinion. Unless he can back it up with sound arguments, it has NO WEIGHT.

And he can't.

And can none of you leftists.
You saying that it did not carry weight above is an admission that authority does carry weight. Bennett's opinion is a thousand times more important than anything you could ever post. I am no more left than you are a patriot.
Trump's policies are designed to appeal to Working Class and Middle Class workers.

There is nothing Far Right about wanting to deport Illegals or bringing back manufacturing jobs.
He is selling you "dehydrated Trump brand water"
Here LOL poor poor sucker LOL

Trump Surrogate Says Border Wall Will Be 'Virtual', Deportation a 'Rhetorical' Exercise...
[ what is the difference between this and Bull Shit :2up:]

It was cool for Donnie and his nutjob supporters. I am sure they are proud.

The media is held in contempt by the majority of the American people.

Not a much as Donnie.

The difference is that their view of Donald Trump is based on media lies, while their opinion of the media is based on reality.

Hopefully as the General Campaign begins, and more people pay more attention, the Truth will shine though the media filter.
The only way Trump will get elected to the office of President is if Democrats vote for him.

This is going to be hilarious.

Trump's policies are designed to appeal to Working Class and Middle Class White Dems.

I've been getting a number of anecdotal reports from people who live in democratic areas where that is occurring.

There has also been some polls that indicate that the target demographic is open to Trump's message.
The far right and Trump are held in contempt by most Americans.

You are lying to yourself if you think differently.

If you really believed that, you wouldn't lie about it.
Is English your first language?

Trump's policies are designed to appeal to Working Class and Middle Class workers.

There is nothing Far Right about wanting to deport Illegals or bringing back manufacturing jobs.

Trump has been lied about A LOT, by the media.

As the General Campaign heats up and more and more people pay more and more attention, hopefully the Truth will shine though the Media FIlter.
You dropped white from your Working and Middle class mantras. That is very good.

Mass deportation and round ups are far right wing hysteria in action.

Manufacturing jobs will not be brought back.

Whether through is filter or a fliter, Trump will not be able to escape the scrutiny of his past.

1. THe policies are designed to benefit and thus appeal to Working CLass and Middle Class workers and their families.

It is likely that the most of the movement that occurs will be among WHITE working class and middle class dems.

This is a core constituency that the dems need and never represent their interests.

I understand that it is hard for you to think when a white person mentions color in any context other than a mea culpa.

2. Mass deportations and round ups are the only way to enforce the law, after decades of lax enforcement. That is not far right or hysteria.

3. There is no reason manufacturing jobs can't be brought back.

4. Trump's past is far superior to HIllary's.
The Hispanic community will vote in numbers never seen before and Donnie will go down in a flame.

Unless the whites vote in record numbers, which they have been, and Trump runs up the vote in the still majority ethnic group.
The Hispanic community will vote in numbers never seen before and Donnie will go down in a flame.
Unless the whites vote in record numbers, which they have been, and Trump runs up the vote in the still majority ethnic group.
Oh, they will, but the women will not vote for Trump in nearly the percentages as the men.
The Hispanic community will vote in numbers never seen before and Donnie will go down in a flame.
Unless the whites vote in record numbers, which they have been, and Trump runs up the vote in the still majority ethnic group.
Oh, they will, but the women will not vote for Trump in nearly the percentages as the men.

Most women are NOT "feminists" who will

a. Support Hillary's plank that being a woman is a qualification.


b. a "feminists" who threw her husband's victims under the bus to further her political career.

c. like such an unpleasant woman.
A woman does not have to be Correll's strange definition of 'feminist' to put paid to Trump's campaign.
Trump's policies are designed to appeal to Working Class and Middle Class workers.

There is nothing Far Right about wanting to deport Illegals or bringing back manufacturing jobs.
He is selling you "dehydrated Trump brand water"
Here LOL poor poor sucker LOL

Trump Surrogate Says Border Wall Will Be 'Virtual', Deportation a 'Rhetorical' Exercise...
[ what is the difference between this and Bull Shit :2up:]


Donald is playing the greatest "Snake Oil Salesman" job on the GOP that anyone has ever seen. They are selling their souls to Satan in order to have a chance to retake the WH. Romney knows what he is doing and Mitt also knows that if Donnie were able to win, the Republican Party that he knows is gone forever.
Trump's policies are designed to appeal to Working Class and Middle Class workers.

There is nothing Far Right about wanting to deport Illegals or bringing back manufacturing jobs.
He is selling you "dehydrated Trump brand water"
Here LOL poor poor sucker LOL

Trump Surrogate Says Border Wall Will Be 'Virtual', Deportation a 'Rhetorical' Exercise...
[ what is the difference between this and Bull Shit :2up:]


Donald is playing the greatest "Snake Oil Salesman" job on the GOP that anyone has ever seen. They are selling their souls to Satan in order to have a chance to retake the WH. Romney knows what he is doing and Mitt also knows that if Donnie were able to win, the Republican Party that he knows is gone forever.
Leftists are loath to admit that Beatle John Lennon openly mocked the handicapped on the streets of Liverpool. Yet when Trump mimics somebody who's giving him a ration of shit it's OMG! Hey, if you've got frozen hands and look like a circus freak, you should maybe think twice about getting into a public feud with a guy who ain't all cuddly PC....BIG DOGS BITE HARD.


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