Was Trump mocking the disabled "cool"?

Republicans are 90% white. The race gap is between them and everyone else.

Many of us may not be around by that date, but the census bureau estimates that by 2038 the US population will no longer have whites as a majority....a slim one or otherwise.

You have something against white people? Why would anyone else be Republican when Dems threaten lives of minorities that choose anything other than their precious Dem party. I can't blame them. It's sad that Dems are so pathetic.
You have something against white people? Why would anyone else be Republican when Dems threaten lives of minorities that choose anything other than their precious Dem party. I can't blame them. It's sad that Dems are so pathetic.

All I stated was a reported FACT....I was not disparaging whites (I'm one myself).....

But, regarding the rest of your poorly written blabber, I need to find my Moron-to-English dictionary to decipher.
Leweman want to maintain his white entitlement in a country that no longer believes in it.
Was Trump mocking the disabled "cool"?
Trump did not mock "the disabled", he mocked one particular stupidassdumbfuckinidiot. However, extraordinarily stupid people cannot comprehend that fact. They are such idiots that it goes way over their heads.
He mocked the guys disability. He could have mocked something else. But he didn't. He went with crude. Like most Republicans.

Bad taste I agree. I have two friends who suffer from arthrogryposis. One has been my best friend since the sixth grade. The other he is engaged to marry. I actually got a hernia and had to have surgery from lifting him into my explorer over the years. (It could have been a combination of things (gettin old) but the last time I did it was when I started to get the pain) The fact that he mocked him doesn't sit well with me but it was a heat in the moment issue with someone who was not remotely kind to him. Trump isn't the person I wish I had to defend yet its a million time easier than defending Hillary Clinton. What does that say about our electoral process? I'm conservative on many issues, but not all. There has to be a million people more capable of running our country than these guys but I'm not going to stay out of it as long as people think Trump is some awful person yet can support Hillary Clinton. It just doesn't make sense.
FDR served as Secretary of the Navy and Governor of NY before being President...LOL
FDR you are going to compare Donald Fucking Trump to FDR ??????????????????? wooooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooooooooo...FDR married only once never declared bankruptcy and was concerned for others ...Trump is narcissistic serial philanderer

Unbelievable how some morons would actually compare Trump to FDR.

As a man, I have no problem stating when another man is handsome, has charisma and sounds intelligent...HOWEVER, I cannot find one of those freaking attributes to state about Trump.

One has to wonder that were it not for his money, and was only making $50K per year, if this dimwit would attract ANY attention.

He defeated 16 other contenders to be the Republican Nominee.

If you can't see his "charisma" or his "intelligence", that's a reflection on your lack of objective perception, not reality.

And Tyrone mocked Trump for being a "rich slick new yorker".

Just like FDR.

But it turns out that WHAT Tyrone mocked Trump WITH was not the REASON he mocked Trump and NOT an indication that he was mocking the whole group of "rich slick new yorkers".

If I was to be the level of dishonest you lefties are, I would have rejected his claim to support FDR and accuse him of hating ALL "rich new yorkers".


Tyrone probably lives off his Bill Gates inspired Portfolio.

Do you think he really doesn't see how he just proved my point? Or is he just playing stupid?

"playing stupid"?
You ARE kind.
You have something against white people? Why would anyone else be Republican when Dems threaten lives of minorities that choose anything other than their precious Dem party. I can't blame them. It's sad that Dems are so pathetic.

All I stated was a reported FACT....I was not disparaging whites (I'm one myself).....

But, regarding the rest of your poorly written blabber, I need to find my Moron-to-English dictionary to decipher.

So facts are not you're friend obviously?
"playing stupid"?
You ARE kind.
"Trying for snark "?
you are hopeless :2up:
Way past you and your Avatar attempt at being cool.
yeah sure Junior LOL
And I can't understand how Hillary didn't know she was worth 85 Million.

She's the dumbest woman I've ever seen run for Politics and that includes Sarah Palin and Nancy Pelosi so I wouldn't be surprised.
"playing stupid"?
You ARE kind.
"Trying for snark "?
you are hopeless :2up:
Way past you and your Avatar attempt at being cool.
yeah sure Junior LOL
And I can't understand how Hillary didn't know she was worth 85 Million.

She's the dumbest woman I've ever seen run for Politics and that includes Sarah Palin and Nancy Pelosi so I wouldn't be surprised.
Oh, come on! I want Tyrone to explain why Hillary didn't know she was worth 85 Million.
How many times has rderp or any other liberal on THIS SITE used the terms:

Brain dead

All terms that could very easily describe a situation someone is BORN INTO or naturally became.

Fucking hypocrites
How many times has rderp or any other liberal on THIS SITE used the terms:

Brain dead

All terms that could very easily describe a situation someone is BORN INTO or naturally became.

Fucking hypocrites

Those words are Okay as long as its liberals using them against people they say use them

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