Was Trump mocking the disabled "cool"?

They accuse Trump of being narcicist because they are pissed off at that fact that the most self-absorbed president ever was their guy. Now they got to retaliate. It is like nan nan na boo boo boo politics or something. I wish the left would just grow up or something so we don't have to listen to this garbage anymore.
The narcissistic insult was from Republicans specifically Ted Cruz and maybe others ...Helpful Tyrone
If you can't see his "charisma" or his "intelligence", that's a reflection on your lack of objective perception, not reality.
Titty baby FDR was reelected 4 times and Obama 2 x s Think boy think LOL

Correl thinks a pudgy, red-faced, tiny fingered, combed-over blob is an "Alpha Male"...

FDR served as Secretary of the Navy and Governor of NY before being President...LOL
FDR you are going to compare Donald Fucking Trump to FDR ??????????????????? wooooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooooooooo...FDR married only once never declared bankruptcy and was concerned for others ...Trump is narcissistic serial philanderer

Unbelievable how some morons would actually compare Trump to FDR.

As a man, I have no problem stating when another man is handsome, has charisma and sounds intelligent...HOWEVER, I cannot find one of those freaking attributes to state about Trump.

One has to wonder that were it not for his money, and was only making $50K per year, if this dimwit would attract ANY attention.

He defeated 16 other contenders to be the Republican Nominee.

If you can't see his "charisma" or his "intelligence", that's a reflection on your lack of objective perception, not reality.

And Tyrone mocked Trump for being a "rich slick new yorker".

Just like FDR.

But it turns out that WHAT Tyrone mocked Trump WITH was not the REASON he mocked Trump and NOT an indication that he was mocking the whole group of "rich slick new yorkers".

If I was to be the level of dishonest you lefties are, I would have rejected his claim to support FDR and accuse him of hating ALL "rich new yorkers".


Tyrone probably lives off his Bill Gates inspired Portfolio.
FDR served as Secretary of the Navy and Governor of NY before being President...LOL
FDR you are going to compare Donald Fucking Trump to FDR ??????????????????? wooooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooooooooo...FDR married only once never declared bankruptcy and was concerned for others ...Trump is narcissistic serial philanderer

Unbelievable how some morons would actually compare Trump to FDR.

As a man, I have no problem stating when another man is handsome, has charisma and sounds intelligent...HOWEVER, I cannot find one of those freaking attributes to state about Trump.

One has to wonder that were it not for his money, and was only making $50K per year, if this dimwit would attract ANY attention.

He defeated 16 other contenders to be the Republican Nominee.

If you can't see his "charisma" or his "intelligence", that's a reflection on your lack of objective perception, not reality.

And Tyrone mocked Trump for being a "rich slick new yorker".

Just like FDR.

But it turns out that WHAT Tyrone mocked Trump WITH was not the REASON he mocked Trump and NOT an indication that he was mocking the whole group of "rich slick new yorkers".

If I was to be the level of dishonest you lefties are, I would have rejected his claim to support FDR and accuse him of hating ALL "rich new yorkers".


Tyrone probably lives off his Bill Gates inspired Portfolio.

Do you think he really doesn't see how he just proved my point? Or is he just playing stupid?

Or is he just playing stupid?
No one can accuse you of playing stupid ...you are the real deal in stupid ...

Only a very stupid Trump backer would start titty baby whining about insults when your "big bad Alpha Male Trump" is all about insults ...period that is it ...
FDR was lefty, Correll, compared to your far right nonsense.

Are you so confused you have crawled up your ass and is that your eye peeking out your butt?
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We keep telling you. He wasn't mocking a disabled reporter he was mocking OBama. If you guys didn't think he was a god or something you would see that he is clearly retarded.
When Trump imitates being disabled while talking about a disabled reporter, which the vids and audio clearly record, and you deny, you are either mentally feeble or ignorant or malignantly motivated, or all three.
Trump is hilarious when he mocks all libtards and their dysfunctional mentality.

Libtardism is a mental disease.
Visualize this :
It is discovered by the media that 25 years ago when Hillary Clinton's husband was POTUS she would call media pretending to be a White House spokes person called "Joanne Miller" or "Joanne Baron" . Under those identities she would defend Bill Clinton and just say all wonderful things about Bill.

Twenty five years ago she eventually goes on record saying "yes I pretended to be Joanne Miller"
Fast Forward to Today
A recording surfaces of the phone calls she had made 25 years ago...Incredibly she denies it in spite of the documented admission 25 years ago..

Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME ..She would be Crucified Upside down
Barry Hussein said his bowling was like the "special olympics". Is that offensive. Democrats constantly made fun of Sarah Palin's Down's Syndrome child. Do democrats have a problem with special ed. kids?
I don't remember people making fun of Sarah Palin's child. Did they do what Trump did?

But why do Republicans always say "See? They did it first" as if that makes it OK?

Well, okay….

I’m sure somewhere someone said something unkind about Palin’s child. And Obama shouldn’t have said that.

The only conclusion one can draw from the comparison is that Drumpf is no better than Obama or these other characters. Funny, we keep hearing how he is somehow different when his supporters are the ones who keep drawing the comparisons.

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