Was Trump mocking the disabled "cool"?

If the idiot is acting like an offensive retarded meathead, why shouldn't Trump make fun of the jerk?

The above is what passes for right wing "intelligentsia" ........???
That is the Trump supporter "Einstein"...Increible..

You do realize that Hillary Clinton should be in jail right? Not a supporter. The ACTUAL FUCKING CANDIDATE! You can't make this stuff up.

You just did.
You do realize that Hillary Clinton should be in jail right? Not a supporter. The ACTUAL FUCKING CANDIDATE! You can't make this stuff up.

Apparently, YOU CAN make this stuff up......Look at dumb people like yourself, convicting and jailing someone based on what Hannity and Beck told you to think.....
I'm supporting the candidate with, imo, the best policies for America.

What more can I do?
They are not policies they are suggestions made to the uneducated and the stupid...that would be you...

LOL he said he supports Trumps policies lmao.

Dont even ask what those policies are or he'll just type in bold letters a nothing response and blame you for it

I've repeatedly discussed Trump's polices on this very site, and why I support them, and why I think they can get large portions of the democratic base to cross party lines and vote for him.

If you've missed that, it is because you are actively working to ignore information you don't like.

Riiight, you've talked about them so much you forgot to list them and how it would get done. Oh, right...you posted that other places than this thread.

The old Easter Egg defense. "I posted it somewhere, you have to look for it"
You do realize that Hillary Clinton should be in jail right? Not a supporter. The ACTUAL FUCKING CANDIDATE! You can't make this stuff up.
Apparently, YOU CAN make this stuff up......Look at dumb people like yourself, convicting and jailing someone based on what Hannity and Beck told you to think.....
or John Miller and John Baron spokesmen for "The Donald"
You do realize that Hillary Clinton should be in jail right? Not a supporter. The ACTUAL FUCKING CANDIDATE! You can't make this stuff up.

Apparently, YOU CAN make this stuff up......Look at dumb people like yourself, convicting and jailing someone based on what Hannity and Beck told you to think.....

You're adorable.
Corrells defense is interesting.

Anyone Trump mocked in the past, present or future deserves it. And people think republicans are all sheep...I dont know why

You'll be getting lots of angry letters form the Sheep Defense League for your blatant disparaging remarks linking sheep's intelligence to right wing dimwits.
Dems will accept any ignorant POS candidate as long as they have a D by their name. It's amazing.
Was Trump mocking the disabled "cool"?
Trump did not mock "the disabled", he mocked one particular stupidassdumbfuckinidiot. However, extraordinarily stupid people cannot comprehend that fact. They are such idiots that it goes way over their heads.
Dems will accept any ignorant POS candidate as long as they have a D by their name. It's amazing.

A bit lame, don't you think?........I mean, what if someone stated about yourself that you'd probably vote for a narcissistic, flip-flopping, clown just because he has a [temporary] "R" after his name?
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What was Hillary Clinton's quote or was she away at commending Robert Byrd at his funeral. But you pry don't support the racist Hillary do you?
Robert Byrd repudiated his Klan past and at the time of his death was lauded by a leading Civil Rights Organization NAACP

NAACP Mourns the Passing of U.S. Senator Robert Byrd | Press Room .
NAACP mourns Byrd's death | TheHill

What was Hillary Clinton's quote or was she away at commending Robert Byrd at his funeral. But you pry don't support the racist Hillary do you?
Robert Byrd repudiated his Klan past and at the time of his death was lauded by a leading Civil Rights Organization NAACP

NAACP Mourns the Passing of U.S. Senator Robert Byrd | Press Room .
NAACP mourns Byrd's death | TheHill

AHHHAHAHAHAHHAHA ... another case of "because I say so" from a Dem. You morons. It's so sad.
Dems will accept any ignorant POS candidate as long as they have a D by their name. It's amazing.

A bit lame, don't you think?........I mean, what if someone stated about yourself that you'd probably vote for a narcissistic, flip-flopping, clown just because he has a [temporary] "R" after his name?

So you admit it? So pathetic. You are sick.
Barry Hussein said his bowling was like the "special olympics". Is that offensive. Democrats constantly made fun of Sarah Palin's Down's Syndrome child. Do democrats have a problem with special ed. kids?
I don't remember people making fun of Sarah Palin's child. Did they do what Trump did?

But why do Republicans always say "See? They did it first" as if that makes it OK?

Of course you don't remember it, b/c your a partisan dumb shit.

There's a difference between "Democrats" and "the Democrat nominee for President."

It's appalling that people would mock Palin's child. But it would be beyond belief if the Democrat nominee for President would do it.

NOthing is more damaging to this nation that the poisonous tactics of the Race Card, which EVERY Democratic Nominee for the President uses, either directly, indirectly, by proxy, or implicitly.

WIth the full support of their accomplices, the media.

So, your apparent belief in the civility and responsibility of the Democratic candidates seems very, very ill advised.

As a Republican, msm reporters are your enemy.

If you don't know that, you are kidding yourself.

THey will NEVER speak out in defense of you or yours.
Republicans are 90% white. The race gap is between them and everyone else.
Was Trump mocking the disabled "cool"?
Trump did not mock "the disabled", he mocked one particular stupidassdumbfuckinidiot. However, extraordinarily stupid people cannot comprehend that fact. They are such idiots that it goes way over their heads.
He mocked the guys disability. He could have mocked something else. But he didn't. He went with crude. Like most Republicans.
Republicans are 90% white. The race gap is between them and everyone else.

Many of us may not be around by that date, but the census bureau estimates that by 2038 the US population will no longer have whites as a majority....a slim one or otherwise.

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