Was Trump mocking the disabled "cool"?

Discussing the interests and possible voting of Working Class Whites is not playing a "White Race Card".

25% of the GOP is going to go above and beyond the call of duty to bring Trump down.

The freeks in the GOP are not going to take it over.

If the Establishment and their "moderate" supporters won't respect the results of the process and instead choose to destroy the Republican Party, we can't stop them.

THat's their call, and the results will be on them.

I'm supporting the candidate with, imo, the best policies for America.

What more can I do?
Corrells defense is interesting.

Anyone Trump mocked in the past, present or future deserves it. And people think republicans are all sheep...I dont know why
Whatever Trump decides to mock about that person is fair play as well. In the past, present and future. Thats real presidential stuff right there
I'm supporting the candidate with, imo, the best policies for America.

What more can I do?
They are not policies they are suggestions made to the uneducated and the stupid...that would be you...

LOL he said he supports Trumps policies lmao.

Dont even ask what those policies are or he'll just type in bold letters a nothing response and blame you for it
That you lefties are complete hypocrites who engage in the Politics of Personal Destruction constantly and cry like little girls when you get a small portion of it back.

..."cry like little girls"?????

Beside the sexism (typical and inbred among right wingers)...should I point out those evangelical pseudo-Christians who bawl when caught doing the nasties? Or the recent speaker of the house, weeping fits? LOL

Sorry. I've caught to many of you leftes with far more "phobic" statements and gotten nothing but dismissal for you to have any credibility with your pretense of being concerned about sexism.
That you lefties are complete hypocrites who engage in the Politics of Personal Destruction constantly and cry like little girls when you get a small portion of it back.

..."cry like little girls"?????

Beside the sexism (typical and inbred among right wingers)...should I point out those evangelical pseudo-Christians who bawl when caught doing the nasties? Or the recent speaker of the house, weeping fits? LOL

Sorry. I've caught to many of you leftes with far more "phobic" statements and gotten nothing but dismissal for you to have any credibility with your pretense of being concerned about sexism.

Another amazing response. All Liberals cant care about anything because you saw some other liberals dont care.

Need more straw?
I'm supporting the candidate with, imo, the best policies for America.

What more can I do?
They are not policies they are suggestions made to the uneducated and the stupid...that would be you...

LOL he said he supports Trumps policies lmao.

Dont even ask what those policies are or he'll just type in bold letters a nothing response and blame you for it

I've repeatedly discussed Trump's polices on this very site, and why I support them, and why I think they can get large portions of the democratic base to cross party lines and vote for him.

If you've missed that, it is because you are actively working to ignore information you don't like.
Discussing the interests and possible voting of Working Class Whites is not playing a "White Race Card".
It takes a city slicker NY Billionaire to be a champion of the working class LOL...

Like FDR?

FDR served as Secretary of the Navy and Governor of NY before being President...LOL
FDR you are going to compare Donald Fucking Trump to FDR ??????????????????? wooooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooooooooo...FDR married only once never declared bankruptcy and was concerned for others ...Trump is narcissistic serial philanderer

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