Was Trump mocking the disabled "cool"?


1. HE deserved to be mocked.

1. HE deserved to be mocked.

Asking the question again won't change the answer. That is your answer.
25% of the GOP is going to go above and beyond the call of duty to bring Trump down.

The freeks in the GOP are not going to take it over.

This is going to come down to which candidate is the least liked. I still stand by my opinion that the DoJ will receive a recommendation to indict and Hillary will be asked to step aside for the good of the party and Biden will be the nominee.
I have cautioned you repeatedly about civility, Correll, and you may respond civilly for a few posts.

But when you are rebutted competently, you deny it and get foul.

You seem to think that you can engage in personal smears and expect me to just take it like a door mat, or an old style Republican.

TImes have changed. We aren't playing that game anymore.

Adjust yourself to this new reality, old man.

The point is this: you far right vision of America, rooted in your commitment to the white working man, which is racist in and of itself, ignore the rest of America.

I take it you are referring to that fact that I have mentioned "White Working Class voters" as a group that Trump's policies serve their interests and thus can be attractive to them for their support.

a. It is not racist to discuss a racial voting demographic. Hell, YOU do it all the time.

b. Discussing how ONE demographic's interests are served by a set of policies, in no way implies that the REST of America's interests are ignored.

The country we were born into and grew up with is now gone. That is a fact. It is not coming back, and you are going to have to adjust. Mocking of women, disabled, veterans, etc., is not acceptable anymore.


I'm not sure where you are getting that. I think you are older than me.

You lefties engage in far worse than that all the time. It is silly of you to draw the line more restrictive than your own behavior.
Good picture of yourself, Correll. You are the one who melts down. We in the GOP who still hold to its traditions and values will bring down Trump along with women, minorities, veterans, whoever else Trump has maligned.

You can yell and smell, but that is how it is going to be. You will keep posting images and melt down.
Good picture of yourself, Correll. You are the one who melts down. We in the GOP who still hold to its traditions and values will bring down Trump along with women, minorities, veterans, whoever else Trump has maligned.

You can yell and smell, but that is how it is going to be. You will keep posting images and melt down.

You don't get to engage in vicious name calling and then expect your complaints about civility to be taken seriously.
Good picture of yourself, Correll. You are the one who melts down. We in the GOP who still hold to its traditions and values will bring down Trump along with women, minorities, veterans, whoever else Trump has maligned.

You can yell and smell, but that is how it is going to be. You will keep posting images and melt down.

You don't get to engage in vicious name calling and then expect your complaints about civility to be taken seriously.
You are projecting again, as you always do.

We will not let the far right tell the rest of us how it is going to be.
You are melting down, exactly as I said you would.

I'm tailoring my response to the individual posters and their behavior.

Tyrone is nothing but a brainless troll.

You have been very insulting so I return the favor.

YOu don't get to be an ass to me and expect politeness in return.

You want respect? Try giving some, old man.
Barry Hussein said his bowling was like the "special olympics". Is that offensive. Democrats constantly made fun of Sarah Palin's Down's Syndrome child. Do democrats have a problem with special ed. kids?
I don't remember people making fun of Sarah Palin's child. Did they do what Trump did?

But why do Republicans always say "See? They did it first" as if that makes it OK?

Of course you don't remember it, b/c your a partisan dumb shit.

There's a difference between "Democrats" and "the Democrat nominee for President."

It's appalling that people would mock Palin's child. But it would be beyond belief if the Democrat nominee for President would do it.

NOthing is more damaging to this nation that the poisonous tactics of the Race Card, which EVERY Democratic Nominee for the President uses, either directly, indirectly, by proxy, or implicitly.

WIth the full support of their accomplices, the media.

So, your apparent belief in the civility and responsibility of the Democratic candidates seems very, very ill advised.

As a Republican, msm reporters are your enemy.

If you don't know that, you are kidding yourself.

THey will NEVER speak out in defense of you or yours.
quit whining fool ...

AND more you.

You are melting down, exactly as I said you would.
I'm tailoring my response to the individual posters and their behavior. Tyrone is nothing but a brainless troll. You have been very insulting so I return the favor. YOu don't get to be an ass to me and expect politeness in return. You want respect? Try giving some, old man.
When you stop playing the white race card, sure, young man. But, regardless, the white far right is not going to run this country. And the ironic point is that even if Trump did win, he would have you guys screaming before next February that you were betrayed.
That you lefties are complete hypocrites who engage in the Politics of Personal Destruction constantly and cry like little girls when you get a small portion of it back.

..."cry like little girls"?????

Beside the sexism (typical and inbred among right wingers)...should I point out those evangelical pseudo-Christians who bawl when caught doing the nasties? Or the recent speaker of the house, weeping fits? LOL
You are melting down, exactly as I said you would.
I'm tailoring my response to the individual posters and their behavior. Tyrone is nothing but a brainless troll. You have been very insulting so I return the favor. YOu don't get to be an ass to me and expect politeness in return. You want respect? Try giving some, old man.
When you stop playing the white race card, sure, young man. But, regardless, the white far right is not going to run this country. And the ironic point is that even if Trump did win, he would have you guys screaming before next February that you were betrayed.

Discussing the interests and possible voting of Working Class Whites is not playing a "White Race Card".

Trump is, according to you "Far Right White" because he want to deport illegals and bring back manufacturing jobs.

That's not far right. THat's completely reasonable.

I can imagine some people who might have reasonable reasons to oppose those policies. But calling those policies "Far Right" is nonsense.

YOur opinion that he will betray his base seems to be just based on your opinion and is not very convincing.
He didn't mock disable people. He mocked an individual. Who deserved to be mocked.

Why did his disability deserve to be mocked?

YOu lefties are the ones trying to make this about "disabled people" as a group.

Why was he shaking if he was not mocking his disability? Come on show me some of that Crack Whore honesty!

1. HE deserved to be mocked.

1. HE deserved to be mocked.

1. HE deserved to be mocked.

2. That was how he mocked the reporter. D'uh.

I asked why did his DISABILITY deserve to be mocked. Try again

I tried three times. I will try more.

1. HE deserved to be mocked.

Asking the question again won't change the answer. That is your answer.

So you dont have an answer and this is the best you got. Hey, at least you showed off your crack whore honesty

I will try again.

1. HE deserved to be mocked.

1. HE deserved to be mocked.

1. HE deserved to be mocked.

1. HE deserved to be mocked.

1. HE deserved to be mocked.

1. HE deserved to be mocked.

1. HE deserved to be mocked.

1. HE deserved to be mocked.

1. HE deserved to be mocked.

1. HE deserved to be mocked.

1. HE deserved to be mocked.

1. HE deserved to be mocked.


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