Was Waterboarding Worth It?

Was Waterboarding Worth It?

  • Yes

    Votes: 68 77.3%
  • No

    Votes: 20 22.7%

  • Total voters
Bush and rumsfeld lied isn't that what we heard for 6 years? Why the change of heart why do you believe him now?

Continue to deflect. It's fine. We all see through it.

Hows iot deflecting? OH thats right you're deflecting the fact that the left was already to hang both Bush and Rumsfeld for lying but now it's ok because he somehow agree's with you.

It's deflecting because it's taking us off on another issue. The issue at hand was whether torture was used or not. That is all. Instead you deflected on your characterization of liberals.

It wasn't used - source = Rummmmy. The end
Continue to deflect. It's fine. We all see through it.

Hows iot deflecting? OH thats right you're deflecting the fact that the left was already to hang both Bush and Rumsfeld for lying but now it's ok because he somehow agree's with you.

It's deflecting because it's taking us off on another issue. The issue at hand was whether torture was used or not. That is all. Instead you deflected on your characterization of liberals.

It wasn't used - source = Rummmmy. The end

If Donald Rumsfeld said torture was not used at Gitmo, we can believe him. :thup:
Continue to deflect. It's fine. We all see through it.

Hows iot deflecting? OH thats right you're deflecting the fact that the left was already to hang both Bush and Rumsfeld for lying but now it's ok because he somehow agree's with you.

It's deflecting because it's taking us off on another issue. The issue at hand was whether torture was used or not. That is all. Instead you deflected on your characterization of liberals.

It wasn't used - source = Rummmmy. The end

Hows iot deflecting? OH thats right you're deflecting the fact that the left was already to hang both Bush and Rumsfeld for lying but now it's ok because he somehow agree's with you.

It's deflecting because it's taking us off on another issue. The issue at hand was whether torture was used or not. That is all. Instead you deflected on your characterization of liberals.

It wasn't used - source = Rummmmy. The end

If Donald Rumsfeld said torture was not used at Gitmo, we can believe him. :thup:

Yep thats what the left said then but they never did now.:eusa_whistle:
Newsmax and Rumsfield are credible now?

My, how times change....

When they're making statements that go against their own interests? Yes, I'd say they're 100% credible.

Neither would have any motivation to lie in this manner.

In addition, Carl Levin, Diane Feinstein, and the White House have all backed up this assessment, and they would all be in a position to know.

So, pretty much everyone agrees, except for a bunch of partisan pundits, and apparently Peter King.
How many rightwing myths is the killing of Bin Laden going to produce?

I am sure the most will give W full credit for the feat, instead of giving Obama credit for having the guts to call the shots.

They've already begun that one.

The funny part here is, all this rightwing spin and lies and propaganda over this, trying every trick in the book to diminish Obama,

outside the political junkie world, out in the normal world of regular Americans who aren't fixated on politics minute by minute 24/7,

none of that spin matters. All regular America knows or cares about is that Bin Laden got got,

and Obama was president when it happened.
Newsmax and Rumsfield are credible now?

My, how times change....

When they're making statements that go against their own interests? Yes, I'd say they're 100% credible.

Neither would have any motivation to lie in this manner.

In addition, Carl Levin, Diane Feinstein, and the White House have all backed up this assessment, and they would all be in a position to know.

So, pretty much everyone agrees, except for a bunch of partisan pundits, and apparently Peter King.

You think Rummy is going against his own interests by saying torture was not used at Gitmo?
For 6 years all we heard was bush and rumsfeld lied and now you want to believe him especially after all the hated comment’s and threats of being brought to justice for using water boarding? Dude you can't be for real.

So you really expect anyone in their right minds to believe that Rumsfeld would lie in order to defend the Liberal point of view here?

What possible motivation would he have?

Are you asking us to believe that Rumsfeld is a Liberal now???
Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is claiming the information that tipped the U.S. off to terrorist leader Osama bin Laden’s location was not collected through the controversial enhanced interrogation technique known as waterboarding.

“It is true that some information that came from normal interrogation approaches at Guantanamo did lead to information that was beneficial in this instance,” Rumsfeld said during an interview with the conservative magazine Newsmax. “But it was not harsh treatment and it was not waterboarding.”


Newsmax and Rumsfield are credible now?

My, how times change....

Why would Rumsfeld lie about this?
Some of you are fools.

Here is reality, and I guarantee you it went down EXACTLY like this.

CIA : Welcome Mr President, congratulations on winning the election

Obama: Thank you, I am here to discuss keeping my promise of ending enhanced interrogation techniques and closing GITMO

CIA: That's really nice, but this is the big boys Mr President, we waterboarded people long before Bush was President, and we will continue to do so long after you are no longer President, and GITMO stays, unless you would like to be known as the idiot who kept us from preventing the next attack

Obama: I see your point, just keep it quiet

CIA: We thought you'd see it our way

Get out of your fantasy land
Let's assume for a moment that information gleaned during enhanced interrogation techniques of Al Qaeda members at Gitmo led to the killing of OBL. Was it worth it?

Years of intelligence gathering, including details gleaned from controversial interrogations of Al Qaeda members during the Bush administration, ultimately led the Navy SEALs who killed Usama bin Laden to his compound in Pakistan.

Read more: Bush-Era Interrogations Provided Key Details on Bin Laden's Location - FoxNews.com

It was worth it....

Nothing gleans more info from filthy Muslim terrorists than a good old American water-slide...


Newsmax and Rumsfield are credible now?

My, how times change....

Why would Rumsfeld lie about this?

He would lie about it because many said Rumsfeld approved waterboarding at Gitmo during Bush's term and he claimed he didn't. This would be just another chance for him to deny that waterboarding occurred at Gitmo. Now I don't know the guy personally, but he is a very shady character. I wouldn't trust him.
irrespective of the ethical implications, and some of you may find this shocking, all you have to do while being waterboarding is tell the truth or breathe in the water. the latter is a definative way to end the "session", which is normally quite short.
Hillary said that the Taliban have a choice. To "abandon Al Quaida and participate in a peaceful political process." The other choice....be killed....LMAO!!. The hypocrisy of the "all loving, tolerant, and diverse" liberals has no bounds.

Seems you don't understand your political opponents at all.

Why wouldn't we kill any Taliban who will not abandon AlQaeda?

Contrary to the right-wing's attempt at pigeon-holing the left as "peaceniks"... Just because Democrats try to encourage diversity and peace doesn't mean they won't kick ass when needed.

That's why they killed Bin Laden, after all.

Oh, that's right, the right-wingers failed, didn't they?
Hillary said that the Taliban have a choice. To "abandon Al Quaida and participate in a peaceful political process." The other choice....be killed....LMAO!!. The hypocrisy of the "all loving, tolerant, and diverse" liberals has no bounds.

Seems you don't understand your political opponents at all.

Why wouldn't we kill any Taliban who will not abandon AlQaeda?

Contrary to the right-wing's attempt at pigeon-holing the left as "peaceniks"... Just because Democrats try to encourage diversity and peace doesn't mean they won't kick ass when needed.

That's why they killed Bin Laden, after all.

Oh, that's right, the right-wingers failed, didn't they?
So you have solid evidence that the SEAL team member/members who offed that sorry SOB were registered democrats?
You think Rummy is going against his own interests by saying torture was not used at Gitmo?

That's already been well documented. Now, by showing it was effective, he would be able to vindicate the actions taken.

It is not in his best interests to say that waterboarding had no influence on this, no.
So you have solid evidence that the SEAL team member/members who offed that sorry SOB were registered democrats?

I have evidence that the person who ordered the hit was a registered Democrat, yes.

You want to blame Obama for everything from unemployment, to the shoe bomber, to whatever the hell you people think of next?

Well then, as commander in chief of that SEAL team, and as the man who ordered the hit, you have to give him credit too.

That's the way it works.

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