Was Winston Churchill a catastrophe?

The fact that FDR was Stalin's Stooge

The fact that you spout complete nonsense speaks only of your substandard mental capacity.

If you want to use the word "stooge", re-construct your sentence: FDR was Rockfeller's stooge.
The fact that FDR was Stalin's Stooge

The fact that you spout complete nonsense speaks only of your substandard mental capacity.

If you want to use the word "stooge", re-construct your sentence: FDR was Rockfeller's stooge.

The fact that you do not know what "stooge" means, proves your lack of understanding. FDR did Stalin's bidding because he surrounded himself with Stalin's spies. Soviet spies operated in the highest levels of FDR's administration. FDR was repeatedly warned about Hiss and others, but he ignored those warnings and allowed Hiss and others complete access to the most sensitive information including all negotiations prior to and during Yalta. Research the following Soviet spies who were all close to FDR -- FDR was Stalin's stooge:
Harry Dexter White
Harry Lloyd Hopkins
Donald Hiss
Lauchlin Currie
Harold Glasser
Gregory Silvermaster
Judith Coplon
Duncan Lee
Owen Lattimore
Joseph Davies
Harold Ickes

But, I can agree that FDR was ALSO Rockefeller's and the financial elite's stooge, as indicated in my previous post....which apparently you missed....his own son-in-law said as much.
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FDR did Stalin's bidding because he surrounded himself with Stalin's spies.

You are a complete and utter idiot.
In exchange for American help to BRITAIN, FDR demanded British finances (Rothschild) out of USA (Rockfeller) , SA had to be given to US, and British Empire -- dismantled. All these measures gave US dollar a chance to become what it is now, and US to become world largest empire.
Do you think, FDR was doing it on Stalin's request?

look up the word "think" in a dictionary.
It is oft repeated that Churchill "ordered" the firebombing of Dresden as a "vicious payback" for the German bombing of Coventry.
The British were at least as responsible for the escalation to terror bombing of civilians.

Churchill did not think well of area bombing but began to believe it could be a grim necessity
This from The Churchill Centre and Museum, maybe not the most neutral source. lol

In the ever lengthening build-up to Normandy, the bomber offensive was about the best he had to hurt the Germans and their industrial war effort. Later, when he saw France liberated, Germany's defensive lines being pierced, and the war being won, he quickly lost taste for it.
The bombing of many cities, Dresden included, happened after D-day. WW II era bombing was completely inaccurate, civilians were as likely to be hit as munitions factories.
I've just been reading about Churchill's close advisor Frederick Lindemann.

What a monster! He seemed eager to kill off those he considered inferior.
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I've just been reading about Churchill's close advisor Frederick Lindemann.

What a monster! He seemed eager to kill off those he considered inferior.
With hindsight, Lindemann was wrong about the V2. However, hindsight is a funny thing. Lindemann's theories, like many others' which have fallen in the dustbin of history, may yet be borne out.

Someday, the sanctimonious tendencies of our age may be viewed in very much the same way many view Lindemann's.
Lindemann's theories, like many others' which have fallen in the dustbin of history, may yet be borne out.

Someday, the sanctimonious tendencies of our age may be viewed in very much the same way many view Lindemann's.
What do you think Lindemann was right about?
Lindemann's theories, like many others' which have fallen in the dustbin of history, may yet be borne out.

Someday, the sanctimonious tendencies of our age may be viewed in very much the same way many view Lindemann's.
What do you think Lindemann was right about?
I did not say he was right about anything. What I did say is that we tend to pass judgment on ideas from the perspective of our time who yet may be seen as prophets by future generations.
Lindemann's theories, like many others' which have fallen in the dustbin of history, may yet be borne out.

Someday, the sanctimonious tendencies of our age may be viewed in very much the same way many view Lindemann's.
What do you think Lindemann was right about?
I did not say he was right about anything. What I did say is that we tend to pass judgment on ideas from the perspective of our time who yet may be seen as prophets by future generations.

Yes, our 'present-ism' is our greatest fault when evaluating the past by our times and values and perspectives.
FDR did Stalin's bidding because he surrounded himself with Stalin's spies.

You are a complete and utter idiot.
In exchange for American help to BRITAIN, FDR demanded British finances (Rothschild) out of USA (Rockfeller) , SA had to be given to US, and British Empire -- dismantled. All these measures gave US dollar a chance to become what it is now, and US to become world largest empire.
Do you think, FDR was doing it on Stalin's request?

look up the word "think" in a dictionary.

You aren't very bright are you? You might get a history book on the subject, but then, you probably are incapable of comprehending the written word.

FDR took us to war to keep the power elite in place, after his epic failures in dealing with the Great Depression. He also aligned with Stalin allowing the USSR to become a superpower, while destroying Germany thus preventing the Germans from checking Soviet power. Many very intelligent experts, like myself, know this. But, a fool like you will not be able to understand it.
FDR did Stalin's bidding because he surrounded himself with Stalin's spies.

You are a complete and utter idiot.
In exchange for American help to BRITAIN, FDR demanded British finances (Rothschild) out of USA (Rockfeller) , SA had to be given to US, and British Empire -- dismantled. All these measures gave US dollar a chance to become what it is now, and US to become world largest empire.
Do you think, FDR was doing it on Stalin's request?

look up the word "think" in a dictionary.

You aren't very bright are you? You might get a history book on the subject, but then, you probably are incapable of comprehending the written word.

FDR took us to war to keep the power elite in place, after his epic failures in dealing with the Great Depression. He also aligned with Stalin allowing the USSR to become a superpower, while destroying Germany thus preventing the Germans from checking Soviet power. Many very intelligent experts, like myself, know this. But, a fool like you will not be able to understand it.

That is a fail by a very unintelligent person, you.
You aren't very bright are you?

You might get a history book on the subject,

No, darling. Compared to you I am like a spotlight in an underground cave.

So I can be as dim as you are? Thank you, but no; read your "history books" yourself.

Let me see if I can get down to your low level of intelligence.....Hey dumbass get your head out of your ass...get the shit out of your ears...and pay attention.

I think I failed in trying to get waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down to your level of ignorance. I just can't do it. Sorry.

You need to change your screen name from mememe to dumbdumbdumb.
Churchill was a great speaker and England needed him during the war but the people dumped Churchill at war's end. Churchill as noted made a number of bad decisions, and one involved Munich. While we blame Chamberlain for peace in our time, in no way could the English had done anything to resist Hitler's taking of the Sudentland. Churchill had voted with others at the end of WWI England's for the rule of ten. England was not prepared because of that rule. As I think of other mistakes, the soft underbelly and so forth, I say again, Churchill was a great speaker.
2. Feeding Hitler Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland had one aim: to strengthen German military might and bring Germany onto the Russian/USSR borders.
Then why did the UK declare war after the German invasion of Poland?

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