Was Winston Churchill a catastrophe?

Comrade, you are engaged in the failure of Stalinist revisionism. He along with Mao and Hitler and Pol Pot are among the very worst of humanity in the 20th century.

If you don't like the truth, no one cares, Comrade.
I have nothing against Ukrainians or Russians. I am not Czech but I have lived here for 16 years and speak the language (and a damned difficult one at that). I am well-aware that Czechs, Slovaks and Poles view their eastern cousins as a bit inferior, and I was channeling that mostly to get under mememe's skin. Try not to concern yourself with such things. You'll live longer.

And Slovaks can't stand Poles; Czechs hate Poles; Poles think of Czechs as sub-human, etc.


Generally speaking, such people are called bigots.
You, on the other hand are simply an idiot.
I have nothing against Ukrainians or Russians. I am not Czech but I have lived here for 16 years and speak the language (and a damned difficult one at that). I am well-aware that Czechs, Slovaks and Poles view their eastern cousins as a bit inferior, and I was channeling that mostly to get under mememe's skin. Try not to concern yourself with such things. You'll live longer.

And Slovaks can't stand Poles; Czechs hate Poles; Poles think of Czechs as sub-human, etc.
I can assure you that their opinion of Eastern Slavs is far lower than their opinions of each other. This, thanks in large part to the Soviet legacy.
I can assure you .

You already "assured" me of one thing: you are a complete moron. I had sandwiches more intelligent than you. That is it. To converse with you is the same as to converse with mentally challenged.
In the realms of the Cold War propaganda.
So you still serve a dictator, Stalin, who murdered millions of your fellow Soviets? Isn't that sort of twisted?

Stalin's Forced Famine

Considering that the Stalinists were defeated in the USSR and Communism fell in the USSR and the Stalinists lost in China, does it suck to be you?

Perhaps only one Stalinist paradise left, North Korea. Are you planning on moving? Maybe you would enjoy kissing Kim Jong-Un's fat ass?
If the British had not foolishly sided with their traditional enemies (Russia and France) during WW I, Europe only would have suffered a brief War of 1914 rather than a cataclysmic civilization-destroying World War. WW I also birthed the barbaric Soviet regime and WW II.


This is laughable at best.
Stalin idolaters are morons.

As are people that afix some sort of demonic affinity to Stalin.

He was a ruthless dictator. That's fine.

But he did not participate in genocide. Russia went through a civil war and basically won the European theater of WWII.

Lots of people died..and it wasn't by design.
You already "assured" me of one thing: you are a complete moron. I had sandwiches more intelligent than you. That is it. To converse with you is the same as to converse with mentally challenged.
I'm a moron.


That'a what I said. I am glad we are in agreement!

You really should stop editing people's posts.

You look like more of an idiot..as if that were possible.
Comrade, you are engaged in the failure of Stalinist revisionism. He along with Mao and Hitler and Pol Pot are among the very worst of humanity in the 20th century.

If you don't like the truth, no one cares, Comrade.

You talk about revisionism and throw Mao in with Pol Pot and Hitler?

You really should stop editing people's posts.

You look like more of an idiot..as if that were possible.

An opinion of an American counts only within the area of its natural habitation.

As British say: "Americans are dumber than pets".
In the numbers I provided, point me these "murdered millions".

If your literacy level ever improves you'll be able to comprehend this: In Moscow, Stalin responded to their unyielding defiance by dictating a policy that would deliberately cause mass starvation and result in the deaths of millions.

From the link provided earlier.

Communists destroyed Russia.

  • Decimated the Russian people. Abortion rates were extremely high.
  • Robbed people of their self-respect.
  • Murdered millions of Soviet citizens.
  • Destroyed the Russian economy. By the 1980's Russian technology was a joke.
  • Devastated Russian science.
    Trofim Lysenko
  • Demolished Russian culture.
  • Wrecked the Russian environment.
  • Alienated the Ukrainians which eventually led to break-up.
Communism left Russia a shrinking backward nation of alcoholics hated by their neighbors. And yet mememe can't stop himself from posting feeble excuses for Communist atrocities. Extraordinary.
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