Was WW2 even worth fighting for ???

Patton correctly assessed the end of WWII as a failure for the Western Allies, leaving Berlin, Prague and Vienna in “the hands of the descendants of Genghis Khan”
YES we got rid of a fairly EVIL group of people called the NAZI but now they have been replaced with a FAR FAR MORE EVIL group called the NEW ORDER

Instead of Heil H .. we now just say Heil Biden
Freedom is not free. It takes a lot of effort and work to be free. We began in 1776 declaring freedom. We fought that war. Then other wars like the war of 1812. Several other wars along the way like the Civil War. Then, World War 1 and 2. There will be many other battles. The battle of internal wars is going on. Right now, on a small scale. The hope is that we can keep them small, elect better leaders that reject communism, fascism and any other isms that want to take away our freedoms.
Most of the national socialist agenda is already in process of being enacted. Mr. Hitler's dream of socialized medicine, draconian gun control and open homosexuality that so many Americans died to stop is being given to us anyhow.

A lot of WW2 vets are sorry they answered the call, record numbers are dying in disgust because they realized their effort was in vain.
YES we got rid of a fairly EVIL group of people called the NAZI but now they have been replaced with a FAR FAR MORE EVIL group called the NEW ORDER

Instead of Heil H .. we now just say Heil Biden
America benefitted hugely but the Soviet Union won the war for GB.
Freedom is not free. It takes a lot of effort and work to be free. We began in 1776 declaring freedom. We fought that war. Then other wars like the war of 1812. Several other wars along the way like the Civil War. Then, World War 1 and 2. There will be many other battles. The battle of internal wars is going on. Right now, on a small scale. The hope is that we can keep them small, elect better leaders that reject communism, fascism and any other isms that want to take away our freedoms.

Everything we worked for centuries has been OBLITERATED by the Demons Biden and Obama
I have never understood why it was the Japs that attacked us but yet we sent millions of soldiers to Europe to fight.

By the time we entered the war in Europe the Russians had bled them pretty bad. The only thing America did was shorten the war by a year or two.

Besides, we essentially replaced a tyrannical Nazi power with a just as tyrannical Soviet power.

I think that everyone in the world would agree that it was a good thing for Hitler to be defeated. However, I don't think it was our job to do it.

If we hadn't sent so many resources to Europe we could have defeated the Japs in half the time it took us to do so.
We freed the JEWS only for them to Turn America into a MAoist state

Garland wont even persecute any high ranking Dems nor will Schumer stop the flooding of brown peasants for a single day
The Schumer’s and Schiffs have their 4th Reich New World order coming
YES we got rid of a fairly EVIL group of people called the NAZI but now they have been replaced with a FAR FAR MORE EVIL group called the NEW ORDER

Instead of Heil H .. we now just say Heil Biden
Boy are you ignorant. Hitler and Japan were attacking the United States in WW2. Next time your boating, Cruise along the east coast where American ships were sunk by German U-boats by our coast line. Dufus, they were working on the A bomb and without our intervention, it would have been Germany, not us as a nuclear world power. Amazing how ignorant Humpers have become.
Everything we worked for centuries has been OBLITERATED by the Demons Biden and Obama
You know, it's all still here. Lots of it has been put in storage or in second hand stores but it's still here. As long as we have the Constitution and the 9 member Supreme Court (no court packing), we can get much back.
Boy are you ignorant. Hitler and Japan were attacking the United States in WW2. Next time your boating, Cruise along the east coast where American ships were sunk by German U-boats by our coast line. Dufus, they were working on the A bomb and without our intervention, it would have been Germany, not us as a nuclear world power. Amazing how ignorant Humpers have become.

That is what Pol Pot America has become. A newer version of the USSR and 3rd Reich.
Both war like empires with lying media, corrupt govt, limited freedoms and anti-religion
Boy are you ignorant. Hitler and Japan were attacking the United States in WW2. Next time your boating, Cruise along the east coast where American ships were sunk by German U-boats by our coast line. Dufus, they were working on the A bomb and without our intervention, it would have been Germany, not us as a nuclear world power. Amazing how ignorant Humpers have become.

This NEW 4th Reich is the NEW WORLD ORDER

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