Washing machines/dryers prices up 17% under Trump (thank you, tariffs)

watching Fox kiss Trumps ass will cost you -

The National Retail Federation (NRF) and the Consumer Technology Association (CTA) examined the effects of 25 percent tariffs on imports of TVs and other products found that Americans would pay an estimated $711 million over the next year on televisions.

The study found that the proposed tariffs would increase TV prices from Chinese manufacturers by 23 percent and increase prices for all TVs by 4.1 percent.

The tariffs will lead to U.S. consumers cutting back on purchases of TVs by 7.8 percent.
its a TRADE War , time to support the USA over your foreign friends GGator .

So, we have about the lowest unemployment rate among all industrialized nations, lower than all of our trading partner except maybe Germany.

We have the highest GDP in the world, higher than the entire EU and higher than China.

And you think we are losing the war?

That is one hell of a good loss then! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
------------------------------------------------------- UNPOSSIBLE to lose the WAR . But its personal to me and i just want to kick their azzez and humiliate them throughout the world as the Trump slaps them around and gets them in line and on their knees . Same reason i want to get rid of 'mrobamas' legacy . Same reason for building a WALL on the Border so as to poke the 'mexicans' in the eyes GGator . Its fun plus HUMILIATION for the targeted is my goal GGator .

I guess we have very different goals in life. Mine is to provide the best possible life for me and my family. I cannot and will not support damaging our country so that some teenage boy on the internet cna get his thrills watching Trump try and fuck up the good thing we have going.
---------------------------------------------------- i've had it good for 68 years so your point is kinda moot GGator .

Yet you still have the mentality of a teenage boy that was dissed by another teenage boy.

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...Why do we need the central government to force people to do such things?
Because the governments of our economic competitors heavily subside their industries and manipulate their currencies to unfair advantage...unlike their American counterparts.

This levels the playing field, even if it means some short-term discomfort in pursuit of a worthwhile long-term goal ( reestablishing a decent manufacturing base here ).

So, you want the US government, and thus the US society, to become more like those of China and the EU? Is that what you are saying?
Nope. I want the playing field leveled. Tariffs do that.

No, not anymore than an artificial minimum wage does. Nothing beats freedom of choice

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its a TRADE War , time to support the USA over your foreign friends GGator .

So, we have about the lowest unemployment rate among all industrialized nations, lower than all of our trading partner except maybe Germany.

We have the highest GDP in the world, higher than the entire EU and higher than China.

And you think we are losing the war?

That is one hell of a good loss then! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
Typical myopic perception.

Yeah... we have the highest GDP today.

Trouble is, if we allow these imbalances to continue unchallenged, that will soon no longer be the case.

Corrective measures require a combination of Perception, Vision, Determination and Effective Action.

Something that globalists, internationalists and no-borders types demonstrate very little of, outside their own framework.

You talk in bumper stickers! Too fucking funny!

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Wanna buy laundry equipment for your home? Good luck paying more than you used to, thanks to Donald J. Trump and his tariffs. In this thread, we will come up with ideas as to how to lower said prices again:
Opinion | Trump’s tariffs are already backfiring

Yes, with protective tariffs, some items will cost more, because they're not being made in dirt-wage factories overseas but by Americans who are earning a decent wage and benefits in American factories. And instead of part of the profits going overseas, all of those profits are staying here in our country. And those American factory workers, instead of working at some service-industry job making $10-$15 an hour, are making $20-$30 an hour and are able to buy more goods and services in their area.

I do wish one of you folks who keep bashing protective tariffs would explain why China has grown by leaps and bounds with a fiercely protectionist tariffs. China's growth rate has dwarfed ours for years, and yet China has some of the highest tariffs in the world. China understands that protecting your own industries and products is sound policy. We used to understand that as well.

And you won’t hear one liberal bring up the fact that those cheap washers are built by people that get very little pay, and the factories don’t worry about pollution.

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Wanna buy laundry equipment for your home? Good luck paying more than you used to, thanks to Donald J. Trump and his tariffs. In this thread, we will come up with ideas as to how to lower said prices again:
Opinion | Trump’s tariffs are already backfiring

Yes, with protective tariffs, some items will cost more, because they're not being made in dirt-wage factories overseas but by Americans who are earning a decent wage and benefits in American factories. And instead of part of the profits going overseas, all of those profits are staying here in our country. And those American factory workers, instead of working at some service-industry job making $10-$15 an hour, are making $20-$30 an hour and are able to buy more goods and services in their area.

I do wish one of you folks who keep bashing protective tariffs would explain why China has grown by leaps and bounds with a fiercely protectionist tariffs. China's growth rate has dwarfed ours for years, and yet China has some of the highest tariffs in the world. China understands that protecting your own industries and products is sound policy. We used to understand that as well.

And you won’t hear one liberal bring up the fact that those cheap washers are built by people that get very little pay, and the factories don’t worry about pollution.

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what people
its a TRADE War , time to support the USA over your foreign friends GGator .

So, we have about the lowest unemployment rate among all industrialized nations, lower than all of our trading partner except maybe Germany.

We have the highest GDP in the world, higher than the entire EU and higher than China.

And you think we are losing the war?

That is one hell of a good loss then! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
Typical myopic perception.

Yeah... we have the highest GDP today.

Trouble is, if we allow these imbalances to continue unchallenged, that will soon no longer be the case.

Corrective measures require a combination of Perception, Vision, Determination and Effective Action.

Something that globalists, internationalists and no-borders types demonstrate very little of, outside their own framework.

You talk in bumper stickers! Too fucking funny!

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---------------------------------- yeah , its all so complicated [chuckle] but its in PLAIN English , The TRUMP speaks similar English . Now get out there and buy a new washer and dryer . Tell the wife its an early and MORE expensive Anniversary present and investment :afro:GGator .
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its a TRADE War , time to support the USA over your foreign friends GGator .

So, we have about the lowest unemployment rate among all industrialized nations, lower than all of our trading partner except maybe Germany.

We have the highest GDP in the world, higher than the entire EU and higher than China.

And you think we are losing the war?

That is one hell of a good loss then! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
Typical myopic perception.

Yeah... we have the highest GDP today.

Trouble is, if we allow these imbalances to continue unchallenged, that will soon no longer be the case.

Corrective measures require a combination of Perception, Vision, Determination and Effective Action.

Something that globalists, internationalists and no-borders types demonstrate very little of, outside their own framework.

You talk in bumper stickers! Too fucking funny!

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---------------------------------- its PLAIN English , The TRUMP speaks similar English GGator .

Trump English is inundated with lies.
This time the government picked the winner:

Of course you are upset.
He wants free shit and he could give a rat's ass if America workers make $3 bucks an hour and have locked factorys..

I do not want free shit, free shit is always low quality shit. I want the freedom to buy what I want to buy without the government trying to influence my decision.

Why do you hate freedom so very much?

Of course you want free shit by sweat shop labor it's obvious..

Your low IQ leads you to faulty conclusions.

Just because I don't want the central government picking winners and losers does not lead to me buying cheap made shit from other countries. I buy the best combination of price and quality.

For example I own two cars, one Chevy and one Kia as at the time I bought them both were the best deal for the best quality. I could not have cared less where either of them was made.

A fucking kia?
Yea we know now you want cheap ass shit from asia..

Dude I own a F150, a Chevy dually and a dodge ram I support American workers

I have a Ford Mustang Convertible. And so far, no one has pointed out that none of the trump products are made in America.....none.
Funny how the prices rise on products manufactured prior to the tariffs...
Trying to change the subject I see. What do you think companies in the past had to do to make those dramatic increases in wages and benefits when unions made the demand? What do you think businesses who are stuck in liberal cities with huge minimum wage increases have to do to pay those new higher wages?
Union workers make up about 10% of the private workforce but are all the problems, how does that make sense? How about your health benies bro.

We had them until Commie Care came out, and like many smaller companies, my employer dropped coverage.

Unions set the pace for America regardless how many operations were union or not. Unions seldom if ever went on strike in poor economic times. When they went on strike, it was usually during economies like we have today.

So the non-union companies had to pay higher wages too because help was harder to come by. Good and talented workers always went where the money was. Non-union companies had to pay just under what union companies were paying, and that's how we eventually priced ourselves out of the world market.

We have them and our benies increased. Of course so have premiums. But not as much as pre ACA.

You should be happy unions set a pay standard or you and I would be working for minimum wage. And our local has went on strike during recessions, try again.

Unless you work for the government, I doubt it.

We lost customer after customer because of unions. One of our customers is a crate company. They make crates from the size of suitcases to the size of tractor trailers. We used to deliver those huge crates to companies either leaving the state because of unions or leaving the country altogether.

Besides those companies, our regular customers too left the state or country because of unions. Some of these companies provided us with ten or more pickups and deliveries every week. Huge losses for us.

You can look at the good unions have done all you like, but in the end, they did more damage than good. For instance they lied and misled people. They promised their workers unions and union jobs would be around forever, and their members would always be paid well for doing monkey jobs like riding around on a floor sweeper.

When those jobs left, people were stuck in their middle-ages without any transferable skills or experience. They had a nice house, boat, vacation home, and no way to pay for it any longer. Because they were family men or women who had kids in college, they were unable to learn a new career because they didn't have the time and their age worked against them. Money also became a factor.

Without unions, those monkey jobs wouldn't have paid much, and people in their younger unmarried years would have sought an education or learned a trade before buying a home and starting a family.
Trying to change the subject I see. What do you think companies in the past had to do to make those dramatic increases in wages and benefits when unions made the demand? What do you think businesses who are stuck in liberal cities with huge minimum wage increases have to do to pay those new higher wages?
Union workers make up about 10% of the private workforce but are all the problems, how does that make sense? How about your health benies bro.

We had them until Commie Care came out, and like many smaller companies, my employer dropped coverage.

Unions set the pace for America regardless how many operations were union or not. Unions seldom if ever went on strike in poor economic times. When they went on strike, it was usually during economies like we have today.

So the non-union companies had to pay higher wages too because help was harder to come by. Good and talented workers always went where the money was. Non-union companies had to pay just under what union companies were paying, and that's how we eventually priced ourselves out of the world market.

We have them and our benies increased. Of course so have premiums. But not as much as pre ACA.

You should be happy unions set a pay standard or you and I would be working for minimum wage. And our local has went on strike during recessions, try again.

Unless you work for the government, I doubt it.

We lost customer after customer because of unions. One of our customers is a crate company. They make crates from the size of suitcases to the size of tractor trailers. We used to deliver those huge crates to companies either leaving the state because of unions or leaving the country altogether.

Besides those companies, our regular customers too left the state or country because of unions. Some of these companies provided us with ten or more pickups and deliveries every week. Huge losses for us.

You can look at the good unions have done all you like, but in the end, they did more damage than good. For instance they lied and misled people. They promised their workers unions and union jobs would be around forever, and their members would always be paid well for doing monkey jobs like riding around on a floor sweeper.

When those jobs left, people were stuck in their middle-ages without any transferable skills or experience. They had a nice house, boat, vacation home, and no way to pay for it any longer. Because they were family men or women who had kids in college, they were unable to learn a new career because they didn't have the time and their age worked against them. Money also became a factor.

Without unions, those monkey jobs wouldn't have paid much, and people in their younger unmarried years would have sought an education or learned a trade before buying a home and starting a family.

Don't doubt it it is true and hope I do not work for the government I am a Steamfitter working in the private sector. Maybd, just maybe your anger is misplaced and you should be angry with your company that WOULD NOT afford your health care and this was a nice excuse to drop you. Oh by the way good luck finding it now that Rump and the Rethugicons have dropped pre-existing conditions to help with MAGA!

Most employers want to get out of providing healthcare coverage, it's just that before that big-eared clown got into office, many didn't have a choice but to provide the benefit. It was either that or have low producing employees.

I've been looking around for a couple of years now, and what I find when inquiring about a job is that they too dropped employee coverage, so Obama started a cancer that's not likely going to stop unless something big happens in the industry.

Prior to that, I had coverage my entire adult life. I've had serious preexisting conditions since the age of 23, and have never had a problem getting on any company insurance plan. Thanks to DumBama, now it's a huge problem.

So don't lay the blame on Republicans. Every rep voted against Commie Care and every prediction they made came true. Your premiums are still going to skyrocket, you may not be able to keep your doctor, you may not be able to keep your healthcare facility. It's just a total mess now.
Wanna buy laundry equipment for your home? Good luck paying more than you used to, thanks to Donald J. Trump and his tariffs.
In this thread, we will come up with ideas as to how to lower said prices again:
Opinion | Trump’s tariffs are already backfiring
I will be happy to pay a bit more for various goods if it means that the money goes to American workers rather than Chinese or Mexican worker-bee slave-drones.

And you are free to do so, there are lots of products you can buy that are American made. Why do we need the central government to force people to do such things?

Good luck going to the store and finding them. Stores sell whatever is the cheapest, and foreign made products are exactly that.
Almost everything is made with steel or aluminum. The price of producing and buying a semi truck will no go up which in turn will drive up the cost of everything that is transported by truck. Which is everything.

As as truck driver for over 30 years, I can tell you our greatest costs are because of environmental regulations. Those are what really drove up the cost for trucks.

Today a truck doesn't have one computer, they have two or three and they all have to work in sync with each other; a whole lot of fun when the temperature hits single digits or below 0. Diesel fuel used to be around a buck per gallon less than gasoline until the lower suffer regulations hit. Now diesel is more expensive than gasoline. My truck averages around 6.5 MPG. Think of how much money transportation companies are forking out because of these prices.

Let's not forget Diesel Emission Fluid (or DEF) either. It's a separate container that squirts this shit in the exhaust pipes supposedly to make it burn cleaner. Run out of DEF, and it F's up your engine. We go through the stuff like water. In fact my employer has a 500 gallon tote for us to fill up from so he can save a few cents here and there.

Since all this government BS, trucks have engine problems all the time, and 90% of the time it's because some pollution gadget went haywire; something we never had to worry about years ago. In fact most trucks didn't experience any problems until they got past 100,000 miles. Today, I've driven new trucks off the lot and had problems with them the next day, sometimes several problems.

So if you're worried about transportation costs, don't look at what the price of steel costs with the tariffs. We are now spending tens of thousands of dollars a year thanks to pollution shit between the cost of a new truck, DEF, much higher diesel fuel prices, CAFE standards, and renting trucks while ours are in the shop all the time.
Wanna buy laundry equipment for your home? Good luck paying more than you used to, thanks to Donald J. Trump and his tariffs.
In this thread, we will come up with ideas as to how to lower said prices again:
Opinion | Trump’s tariffs are already backfiring
I will be happy to pay a bit more for various goods if it means that the money goes to American workers rather than Chinese or Mexican worker-bee slave-drones.

And you are free to do so, there are lots of products you can buy that are American made. Why do we need the central government to force people to do such things?

Good luck going to the store and finding them. Stores sell whatever is the cheapest, and foreign made products are exactly that.

Stores sell what we want to buy, that is how they stay in business. If there was a large demand for made in America goods, they would be there to sell
its a TRADE War , time to support the USA over your foreign friends GGator .

So, we have about the lowest unemployment rate among all industrialized nations, lower than all of our trading partner except maybe Germany.

We have the highest GDP in the world, higher than the entire EU and higher than China.

And you think we are losing the war?

That is one hell of a good loss then! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
Typical myopic perception.

Yeah... we have the highest GDP today.

Trouble is, if we allow these imbalances to continue unchallenged, that will soon no longer be the case.

Corrective measures require a combination of Perception, Vision, Determination and Effective Action.

Something that globalists, internationalists and no-borders types demonstrate very little of, outside their own framework.

You talk in bumper stickers! Too fucking funny!

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---------------------------------- yeah , its all so complicated [chuckle] but its in PLAIN English , The TRUMP speaks similar English . Now get out there and buy a new washer and dryer . Tell the wife its an early and MORE expensive Anniversary present and investment :afro:GGator .

Trump does not speak plain English, he speaks in 2nd grade English
watching Fox kiss Trumps ass will cost you -

The National Retail Federation (NRF) and the Consumer Technology Association (CTA) examined the effects of 25 percent tariffs on imports of TVs and other products found that Americans would pay an estimated $711 million over the next year on televisions.

The study found that the proposed tariffs would increase TV prices from Chinese manufacturers by 23 percent and increase prices for all TVs by 4.1 percent.

The tariffs will lead to U.S. consumers cutting back on purchases of TVs by 7.8 percent.
------------------------------------ back to the good old days when the only reason to get a new tv was because your old tv didn't work any more eh Siete .
Funny how the prices rise on products manufactured prior to the tariffs...

No it is not, companies are in the business of making money, of course they will jack them up as well

Yeah... sarcasm doesn't translate well in type... Oil companies do the same thing, oil prices go up Monday night, Tuesday morning prices at the pump have jumped...

My point was, as much as I dislike Trump, at this stage outrage should be directed at the companies not the juvenile sitting in the Oval Office...
This is not socialism, but common sense. Unless you want your future to be in China.

The biggest and best countries are by default the winners of trade wars, yet we have kept losing so much.

Trump and you all are wanting us to be emulating China, which has a socialist market economy. The more we copy them, the more we move towards socialism

Our country is in the 2nd longest period of economic expansion in its history. We have, as multiple threads on this forum tell us, record low unemployment and our economy is BOOMING.

Explain how that equals losing? If we are losing so much, how is our economy so amazing?

No, actually we want him to protect our national capital. If you have a problem with that, maybe China is the place for you. That's where all the jobs would be headed under your insane plan.

ZTE. Enuff said.

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