Washing machines/dryers prices up 17% under Trump (thank you, tariffs)

Union workers make up about 10% of the private workforce but are all the problems, how does that make sense? How about your health benies bro.

We had them until Commie Care came out, and like many smaller companies, my employer dropped coverage.

Unions set the pace for America regardless how many operations were union or not. Unions seldom if ever went on strike in poor economic times. When they went on strike, it was usually during economies like we have today.

So the non-union companies had to pay higher wages too because help was harder to come by. Good and talented workers always went where the money was. Non-union companies had to pay just under what union companies were paying, and that's how we eventually priced ourselves out of the world market.

We have them and our benies increased. Of course so have premiums. But not as much as pre ACA.

You should be happy unions set a pay standard or you and I would be working for minimum wage. And our local has went on strike during recessions, try again.

Unless you work for the government, I doubt it.

We lost customer after customer because of unions. One of our customers is a crate company. They make crates from the size of suitcases to the size of tractor trailers. We used to deliver those huge crates to companies either leaving the state because of unions or leaving the country altogether.

Besides those companies, our regular customers too left the state or country because of unions. Some of these companies provided us with ten or more pickups and deliveries every week. Huge losses for us.

You can look at the good unions have done all you like, but in the end, they did more damage than good. For instance they lied and misled people. They promised their workers unions and union jobs would be around forever, and their members would always be paid well for doing monkey jobs like riding around on a floor sweeper.

When those jobs left, people were stuck in their middle-ages without any transferable skills or experience. They had a nice house, boat, vacation home, and no way to pay for it any longer. Because they were family men or women who had kids in college, they were unable to learn a new career because they didn't have the time and their age worked against them. Money also became a factor.

Without unions, those monkey jobs wouldn't have paid much, and people in their younger unmarried years would have sought an education or learned a trade before buying a home and starting a family.
Union workers make up about 10% of the private workforce but are all the problems, how does that make sense? How about your health benies bro.

We had them until Commie Care came out, and like many smaller companies, my employer dropped coverage.

Unions set the pace for America regardless how many operations were union or not. Unions seldom if ever went on strike in poor economic times. When they went on strike, it was usually during economies like we have today.

So the non-union companies had to pay higher wages too because help was harder to come by. Good and talented workers always went where the money was. Non-union companies had to pay just under what union companies were paying, and that's how we eventually priced ourselves out of the world market.

We have them and our benies increased. Of course so have premiums. But not as much as pre ACA.

You should be happy unions set a pay standard or you and I would be working for minimum wage. And our local has went on strike during recessions, try again.

Unless you work for the government, I doubt it.

We lost customer after customer because of unions. One of our customers is a crate company. They make crates from the size of suitcases to the size of tractor trailers. We used to deliver those huge crates to companies either leaving the state because of unions or leaving the country altogether.

Besides those companies, our regular customers too left the state or country because of unions. Some of these companies provided us with ten or more pickups and deliveries every week. Huge losses for us.

You can look at the good unions have done all you like, but in the end, they did more damage than good. For instance they lied and misled people. They promised their workers unions and union jobs would be around forever, and their members would always be paid well for doing monkey jobs like riding around on a floor sweeper.

When those jobs left, people were stuck in their middle-ages without any transferable skills or experience. They had a nice house, boat, vacation home, and no way to pay for it any longer. Because they were family men or women who had kids in college, they were unable to learn a new career because they didn't have the time and their age worked against them. Money also became a factor.

Without unions, those monkey jobs wouldn't have paid much, and people in their younger unmarried years would have sought an education or learned a trade before buying a home and starting a family.

Don't doubt it it is true and hope I do not work for the government I am a Steamfitter working in the private sector. Maybd, just maybe your anger is misplaced and you should be angry with your company that WOULD NOT afford your health care and this was a nice excuse to drop you. Oh by the way good luck finding it now that Rump and the Rethugicons have dropped pre-existing conditions to help with MAGA!

Most employers want to get out of providing healthcare coverage, it's just that before that big-eared clown got into office, many didn't have a choice but to provide the benefit. It was either that or have low producing employees.

I've been looking around for a couple of years now, and what I find when inquiring about a job is that they too dropped employee coverage, so Obama started a cancer that's not likely going to stop unless something big happens in the industry.

Prior to that, I had coverage my entire adult life. I've had serious preexisting conditions since the age of 23, and have never had a problem getting on any company insurance plan. Thanks to DumBama, now it's a huge problem.

So don't lay the blame on Republicans. Every rep voted against Commie Care and every prediction they made came true. Your premiums are still going to skyrocket, you may not be able to keep your doctor, you may not be able to keep your healthcare facility. It's just a total mess now.

Funny Ray, my union ass has never been without coverage. I work all over the USA and no place I have worked have they been without coverage. You can thank Agent Orange for the fact no one will pick you up now. If you were union you would have coverage. To bad you hate them so.
If 17 bucks per 100 is going to break you, get a fuckin rock.

Considering machines can cost up to 1000 bucks each, that's a pretty good amount of change. Then again, these rednecks who claim they have money are actually dirty poor people who rather use that cash on opiates and meth.:113:
We had them until Commie Care came out, and like many smaller companies, my employer dropped coverage.

Unions set the pace for America regardless how many operations were union or not. Unions seldom if ever went on strike in poor economic times. When they went on strike, it was usually during economies like we have today.

So the non-union companies had to pay higher wages too because help was harder to come by. Good and talented workers always went where the money was. Non-union companies had to pay just under what union companies were paying, and that's how we eventually priced ourselves out of the world market.

We have them and our benies increased. Of course so have premiums. But not as much as pre ACA.

You should be happy unions set a pay standard or you and I would be working for minimum wage. And our local has went on strike during recessions, try again.

Unless you work for the government, I doubt it.

We lost customer after customer because of unions. One of our customers is a crate company. They make crates from the size of suitcases to the size of tractor trailers. We used to deliver those huge crates to companies either leaving the state because of unions or leaving the country altogether.

Besides those companies, our regular customers too left the state or country because of unions. Some of these companies provided us with ten or more pickups and deliveries every week. Huge losses for us.

You can look at the good unions have done all you like, but in the end, they did more damage than good. For instance they lied and misled people. They promised their workers unions and union jobs would be around forever, and their members would always be paid well for doing monkey jobs like riding around on a floor sweeper.

When those jobs left, people were stuck in their middle-ages without any transferable skills or experience. They had a nice house, boat, vacation home, and no way to pay for it any longer. Because they were family men or women who had kids in college, they were unable to learn a new career because they didn't have the time and their age worked against them. Money also became a factor.

Without unions, those monkey jobs wouldn't have paid much, and people in their younger unmarried years would have sought an education or learned a trade before buying a home and starting a family.
We had them until Commie Care came out, and like many smaller companies, my employer dropped coverage.

Unions set the pace for America regardless how many operations were union or not. Unions seldom if ever went on strike in poor economic times. When they went on strike, it was usually during economies like we have today.

So the non-union companies had to pay higher wages too because help was harder to come by. Good and talented workers always went where the money was. Non-union companies had to pay just under what union companies were paying, and that's how we eventually priced ourselves out of the world market.

We have them and our benies increased. Of course so have premiums. But not as much as pre ACA.

You should be happy unions set a pay standard or you and I would be working for minimum wage. And our local has went on strike during recessions, try again.

Unless you work for the government, I doubt it.

We lost customer after customer because of unions. One of our customers is a crate company. They make crates from the size of suitcases to the size of tractor trailers. We used to deliver those huge crates to companies either leaving the state because of unions or leaving the country altogether.

Besides those companies, our regular customers too left the state or country because of unions. Some of these companies provided us with ten or more pickups and deliveries every week. Huge losses for us.

You can look at the good unions have done all you like, but in the end, they did more damage than good. For instance they lied and misled people. They promised their workers unions and union jobs would be around forever, and their members would always be paid well for doing monkey jobs like riding around on a floor sweeper.

When those jobs left, people were stuck in their middle-ages without any transferable skills or experience. They had a nice house, boat, vacation home, and no way to pay for it any longer. Because they were family men or women who had kids in college, they were unable to learn a new career because they didn't have the time and their age worked against them. Money also became a factor.

Without unions, those monkey jobs wouldn't have paid much, and people in their younger unmarried years would have sought an education or learned a trade before buying a home and starting a family.

Don't doubt it it is true and hope I do not work for the government I am a Steamfitter working in the private sector. Maybd, just maybe your anger is misplaced and you should be angry with your company that WOULD NOT afford your health care and this was a nice excuse to drop you. Oh by the way good luck finding it now that Rump and the Rethugicons have dropped pre-existing conditions to help with MAGA!

Most employers want to get out of providing healthcare coverage, it's just that before that big-eared clown got into office, many didn't have a choice but to provide the benefit. It was either that or have low producing employees.

I've been looking around for a couple of years now, and what I find when inquiring about a job is that they too dropped employee coverage, so Obama started a cancer that's not likely going to stop unless something big happens in the industry.

Prior to that, I had coverage my entire adult life. I've had serious preexisting conditions since the age of 23, and have never had a problem getting on any company insurance plan. Thanks to DumBama, now it's a huge problem.

So don't lay the blame on Republicans. Every rep voted against Commie Care and every prediction they made came true. Your premiums are still going to skyrocket, you may not be able to keep your doctor, you may not be able to keep your healthcare facility. It's just a total mess now.

Funny Ray, my union ass has never been without coverage. I work all over the USA and no place I have worked have they been without coverage. You can thank Agent Orange for the fact no one will pick you up now. If you were union you would have coverage. To bad you hate them so.

More than likely if I were union, I wouldn't have a job like the millions that lost theirs because of unions.
Wanna buy laundry equipment for your home? Good luck paying more than you used to, thanks to Donald J. Trump and his tariffs.
In this thread, we will come up with ideas as to how to lower said prices again:
Opinion | Trump’s tariffs are already backfiring

And, if it stays that way the manufacturers will reopen their plants here and give jobs to AMERICAN workers to build them..

Wanna buy laundry equipment for your home? Good luck paying more than you used to, thanks to Donald J. Trump and his tariffs.
In this thread, we will come up with ideas as to how to lower said prices again:
Opinion | Trump’s tariffs are already backfiring
I will be happy to pay a bit more for various goods if it means that the money goes to American workers rather than Chinese or Mexican worker-bee slave-drones.

And you are free to do so, there are lots of products you can buy that are American made. Why do we need the central government to force people to do such things?

Good luck going to the store and finding them. Stores sell whatever is the cheapest, and foreign made products are exactly that.

Stores sell what we want to buy, that is how they stay in business. If there was a large demand for made in America goods, they would be there to sell

Absolutely, but that's not the case. Most Americans want cheap products and they don't care where they are made or who gets put out of a job. That's why Walmart is (and has been) number one. If they put out more expensive American made products, they simply wouldn't sell.
We have them and our benies increased. Of course so have premiums. But not as much as pre ACA.

You should be happy unions set a pay standard or you and I would be working for minimum wage. And our local has went on strike during recessions, try again.

Unless you work for the government, I doubt it.

We lost customer after customer because of unions. One of our customers is a crate company. They make crates from the size of suitcases to the size of tractor trailers. We used to deliver those huge crates to companies either leaving the state because of unions or leaving the country altogether.

Besides those companies, our regular customers too left the state or country because of unions. Some of these companies provided us with ten or more pickups and deliveries every week. Huge losses for us.

You can look at the good unions have done all you like, but in the end, they did more damage than good. For instance they lied and misled people. They promised their workers unions and union jobs would be around forever, and their members would always be paid well for doing monkey jobs like riding around on a floor sweeper.

When those jobs left, people were stuck in their middle-ages without any transferable skills or experience. They had a nice house, boat, vacation home, and no way to pay for it any longer. Because they were family men or women who had kids in college, they were unable to learn a new career because they didn't have the time and their age worked against them. Money also became a factor.

Without unions, those monkey jobs wouldn't have paid much, and people in their younger unmarried years would have sought an education or learned a trade before buying a home and starting a family.
We have them and our benies increased. Of course so have premiums. But not as much as pre ACA.

You should be happy unions set a pay standard or you and I would be working for minimum wage. And our local has went on strike during recessions, try again.

Unless you work for the government, I doubt it.

We lost customer after customer because of unions. One of our customers is a crate company. They make crates from the size of suitcases to the size of tractor trailers. We used to deliver those huge crates to companies either leaving the state because of unions or leaving the country altogether.

Besides those companies, our regular customers too left the state or country because of unions. Some of these companies provided us with ten or more pickups and deliveries every week. Huge losses for us.

You can look at the good unions have done all you like, but in the end, they did more damage than good. For instance they lied and misled people. They promised their workers unions and union jobs would be around forever, and their members would always be paid well for doing monkey jobs like riding around on a floor sweeper.

When those jobs left, people were stuck in their middle-ages without any transferable skills or experience. They had a nice house, boat, vacation home, and no way to pay for it any longer. Because they were family men or women who had kids in college, they were unable to learn a new career because they didn't have the time and their age worked against them. Money also became a factor.

Without unions, those monkey jobs wouldn't have paid much, and people in their younger unmarried years would have sought an education or learned a trade before buying a home and starting a family.

Don't doubt it it is true and hope I do not work for the government I am a Steamfitter working in the private sector. Maybd, just maybe your anger is misplaced and you should be angry with your company that WOULD NOT afford your health care and this was a nice excuse to drop you. Oh by the way good luck finding it now that Rump and the Rethugicons have dropped pre-existing conditions to help with MAGA!

Most employers want to get out of providing healthcare coverage, it's just that before that big-eared clown got into office, many didn't have a choice but to provide the benefit. It was either that or have low producing employees.

I've been looking around for a couple of years now, and what I find when inquiring about a job is that they too dropped employee coverage, so Obama started a cancer that's not likely going to stop unless something big happens in the industry.

Prior to that, I had coverage my entire adult life. I've had serious preexisting conditions since the age of 23, and have never had a problem getting on any company insurance plan. Thanks to DumBama, now it's a huge problem.

So don't lay the blame on Republicans. Every rep voted against Commie Care and every prediction they made came true. Your premiums are still going to skyrocket, you may not be able to keep your doctor, you may not be able to keep your healthcare facility. It's just a total mess now.

Funny Ray, my union ass has never been without coverage. I work all over the USA and no place I have worked have they been without coverage. You can thank Agent Orange for the fact no one will pick you up now. If you were union you would have coverage. To bad you hate them so.

More than likely if I were union, I wouldn't have a job like the millions that lost theirs because of unions.

Strangely enough I have never had a problem finding a job or health care. How is your search for health care going now that they got rid of the pre-existing conditions?
Wanna buy laundry equipment for your home? Good luck paying more than you used to, thanks to Donald J. Trump and his tariffs.
In this thread, we will come up with ideas as to how to lower said prices again:
Opinion | Trump’s tariffs are already backfiring
I will be happy to pay a bit more for various goods if it means that the money goes to American workers rather than Chinese or Mexican worker-bee slave-drones.

And you are free to do so, there are lots of products you can buy that are American made. Why do we need the central government to force people to do such things?

Good luck going to the store and finding them. Stores sell whatever is the cheapest, and foreign made products are exactly that.

Stores sell what we want to buy, that is how they stay in business. If there was a large demand for made in America goods, they would be there to sell

Absolutely, but that's not the case. Most Americans want cheap products and they don't care where they are made or who gets put out of a job. That's why Walmart is (and has been) number one. If they put out more expensive American made products, they simply wouldn't sell.

You are correct. Seems where we differ is on whether it is the function of the central government to take that choice away from its citizens

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Ted Frazier is so dumb that he may be dumber than left wing white women.

Then again, being a liberal guy, is generally the same thing as being a left wing woman. Of course, left wing men are worse than a left wing woman. They are men with no nuts.
Funny how the prices rise on products manufactured prior to the tariffs...

No it is not, companies are in the business of making money, of course they will jack them up as well

Yeah... sarcasm doesn't translate well in type... Oil companies do the same thing, oil prices go up Monday night, Tuesday morning prices at the pump have jumped...

My point was, as much as I dislike Trump, at this stage outrage should be directed at the companies not the juvenile sitting in the Oval Office...

Companies have one purpose, to make money. They have shareholders to answer to and in today's world even 1 bad quarter will get a CEO fired.

I honestly do not believe there is reason for outrage. Trade deficits make for good political fodder, but they are not the end of the world as many would want us to believe.
Wanna buy laundry equipment for your home? Good luck paying more than you used to, thanks to Donald J. Trump and his tariffs.
In this thread, we will come up with ideas as to how to lower said prices again:
Opinion | Trump’s tariffs are already backfiring

And, if it stays that way the manufacturers will reopen their plants here and give jobs to AMERICAN workers to build them..


And if If all the raindrops were lemon drops and gum drops Oh what a rain that will be.

Sorry buddy, all the "ifs" in the world cannot turn back time.
Wanna buy laundry equipment for your home? Good luck paying more than you used to, thanks to Donald J. Trump and his tariffs.
In this thread, we will come up with ideas as to how to lower said prices again:
Opinion | Trump’s tariffs are already backfiring
Well, people buy washers and dryer’s what.. once every 20 years give or take?
Anyway progressive tree hugging hippie types don’t wash anyways…
So shut the fuck up
...Nothing beats freedom of choice ...
Right up to the moment when foreigners control all the mechanisms of production and we cannot satisfy our own strategic needs utilizing our own people.

A leveling of the playing field which is designed to strengthen existing native production capabilities and to restore vanished ones, is more important, strategically.
...Nothing beats freedom of choice ...
Right up to the moment when foreigners control all the mechanisms of production and we cannot satisfy our own strategic needs utilizing our own people.

A leveling of the playing field which is designed to strengthen existing native production capabilities and to restore vanished ones, is more important, strategically.

So, we should give up our freedoms now to avoid them maybe being taken away later...sorry, I can never agree with that.
Wanna buy laundry equipment for your home? Good luck paying more than you used to, thanks to Donald J. Trump and his tariffs.
In this thread, we will come up with ideas as to how to lower said prices again:
Opinion | Trump’s tariffs are already backfiring

And, if it stays that way the manufacturers will reopen their plants here and give jobs to AMERICAN workers to build them..


And if If all the raindrops were lemon drops and gum drops Oh what a rain that will be.

Sorry buddy, all the "ifs" in the world cannot turn back time.

Tell that to every country that was led down the primrose path by progressivism but then figured out how to get rid of those shackles. Romania was a progressive hell hole but, after their revolution (begun with single shot target pistols, just imagine how many fewer casualties the heroic revolutionaries would have suffered were they not disarmed by their progressive government) they have become an IT hot spot and the wealth is flowing in. There are few useful roads, yet there are Ferrari's Lambo's and Teslas all over the place. Something you would have never seen under their former progressive government.
Funny how the prices rise on products manufactured prior to the tariffs...

No it is not, companies are in the business of making money, of course they will jack them up as well

Yeah... sarcasm doesn't translate well in type... Oil companies do the same thing, oil prices go up Monday night, Tuesday morning prices at the pump have jumped...

My point was, as much as I dislike Trump, at this stage outrage should be directed at the companies not the juvenile sitting in the Oval Office...

Companies have one purpose, to make money. They have shareholders to answer to and in today's world even 1 bad quarter will get a CEO fired.

I honestly do not believe there is reason for outrage. Trade deficits make for good political fodder, but they are not the end of the world as many would want us to believe.

Spoken like a true progressive. Tariffs that flow in one direction lead to the country without tariffs losing its manufacturing base, along with all of those high paying jobs. Jobs, that pay well even though the workers need no higher education to do them. Academics hate high paying blue collar work, but they're the only ones. Well, them and their elitist friends.
...Nothing beats freedom of choice ...
Right up to the moment when foreigners control all the mechanisms of production and we cannot satisfy our own strategic needs utilizing our own people.

A leveling of the playing field which is designed to strengthen existing native production capabilities and to restore vanished ones, is more important, strategically.

So, we should give up our freedoms now to avoid them maybe being taken away later...sorry, I can never agree with that.

Your freedoms have been taken away from your for decades why do you suddenly seem to care...but in an ineffectual way?
Wanna buy laundry equipment for your home? Good luck paying more than you used to, thanks to Donald J. Trump and his tariffs.
In this thread, we will come up with ideas as to how to lower said prices again:
Opinion | Trump’s tariffs are already backfiring


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