Washing machines/dryers prices up 17% under Trump (thank you, tariffs)

Three points, the small one first.

1. There are a lot of factors driving medical cost, such as technology advances and degree inflation. Don't put too much weight on wages.

2. If we can't compete against Third World labor, then what is the game plan for trade and economic policy, in regards to serving the interests of the American citizens?

Because productivity increases used to translate to increased wages. That is not happening anymore.

What is the new plan?

THe only answer I have gotten so far on this, is that the US working class doesn't get a raise, until the entire Third World catches up.

That is not a viable solution in my opinion.

3. And that doesn't explain our trade deficit with the EU or Japan, or South Korean or Taiwan, the cheating bastards.

I don’t know what the solution is other than Americans sticking together and buying American made products not produced with automation.

The problem is we have three things to choose from:

Cheap products

Good paying American jobs.

Strong market growth for our personal investments or our IRA.

We can’t have all three. We must choose one or perhaps two. We chose cheaper products and stock market growth.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I always try to buy American, and where I can I do buy union made. Do not care if I have to pay more. Same as grocery shopping, I try to only shop at grocery stores that are union. I absolutely do not do self checkout because that is taking away jobs.

Employing people with good wages and good benies is always a good thing for people. MAGA!

I don't ever use self-checkout myself because in doing so, I'm helping to eliminate jobs.
I do, because I'm so damn sick of the mouth-breath idiots on the registers. I'd much rather use the self-checkouts and finish in half the time, and without things like bread bagged under canned fruit, or raw meat with insecticide.

Well to each their own. But if we continue down this path, we won't be able to complain when people are not working. If you are not working today, it's because you're lazy unless disabled in some way. But then again we have plenty of jobs for people. Once we become totally dependent on machines, then those jobs will no longer be around.
well technically, you still need employees to work the self checkout. can't buy alcohol without one, and many price checks are needed for those too stupid to actually use it. You're fighting automation dude.
This is not socialism, but common sense. Unless you want your future to be in China.

The biggest and best countries are by default the winners of trade wars, yet we have kept losing so much.

Trump and you all are wanting us to be emulating China, which has a socialist market economy. The more we copy them, the more we move towards socialism

Our country is in the 2nd longest period of economic expansion in its history. We have, as multiple threads on this forum tell us, record low unemployment and our economy is BOOMING.

Explain how that equals losing? If we are losing so much, how is our economy so amazing?

No, actually we want him to protect our national capital. If you have a problem with that, maybe China is the place for you. That's where all the jobs would be headed under your insane plan.

My insane plan is this weird thing called "freedom" and a free market. Perhaps you've heard of them, they used to be the hallmarks of this great country. But now we have people like you that want the central government to dictate to us what to buy and to punish us if we do not buy the right product made in the right place.

You want to take away freedom of choice and then you tell me to move to China. Fuck, I do not need to move there, people like you are turning our great country into China.

I love how you totally ignored the fact our economy is doing great right, prior to the socialist tariffs being put into place by our dear leader.
The free market is the best option. Protecting an industry that can't compete in world markets will just make it less competitive and less able to compete. On a worldwide stage, tariffs reward companies that are less efficient, penalize those that are. Consumers pay more and get less. The only sure winners are the people that collect the tariffs.

Consider a tariff of 25% on widgets. A small manufactures buys widgets in china because they are 10% below the US price so he will order from the US company paying an additional 10% rather pay a 25% tariff but what if there is no suitable US source. A large manufacture buys from China at 40% lower than the US price. So he has no choice but to continue to buy from China and thus pay the 25% tariff. Assuming he sells to a large domestic and foreign market, his prices are now no longer competitive so he must make adjustments such as moving production outside the US, dropping the product line.

Since the future of tariffs can't be predicted, businesses can not plan efficiently. A tariff may be a windfall and the company expands expecting more business and suddenly the tariff is eliminated.
there is no free trade today without the tariffs Trump is talking about. How do you fks get there?
And Harley says they plan to move operation to EU and Trump threatens them with more taxes.

The first causalities of Trumps tariff war is 60 workers at Mid-Continent Nail, America's largest nail manufacturer. They lost their jobs on June 15 at a factory in a part of Missouri that voted overwhelmingly for Trump. The whole company could be out of business by Labor Day. There will be more to come, a lot more as the Trump war expands.

lol 60? We lost millions under the Bush-Clinton NAFTA scam. Milloins more under Carter's Favored Nation scam for Red China, hundreds of thousands to Viet Nam alone.

You don't find it odd that 'globalists' loves them some communist countries with police states?

The imbalance of trade has been a terrible burden on the US. It robs us of our wealth when more money is going out of our country than is coming in.

Trumps understands that. No other President in my life time has really understood it.

Trump is a businessman that understands the problem. He is putting pressure on other countries to correct the problem. It will not be easy but thank goodness he is working it. There is a possibility it could all blow up but Trump is usually competent in what he does so we will see.

Beats the hell out of the trade policy of previous Presidents to give away the store.

It's complete idiocy to turn a country into a consumer economy while simultaneously stripping it of nearly all of the high productivity jobs and the disposable incomes necessary for a 'consumer economy' to work. Wall Street doesn't have to care, they have all the tax credits and subsidies that make Red China a grand investment for them.

Trump is trying to reverse that, and hopefully he gets some of it done. The problem is they looted the domestic economy for decades, and it will take some time to correct that, and the attention spans of the 'It's All About Me!!' generations is measured in seconds, not years.

You are correct.

Back in my college days I took a course in International Economics. The thing that I remember the most about that course is the importance of a balance in trade.

When a country has more moeny going out than it has coming in then all that extra money becomes a drain of wealth.

Back in the 1980s we had all our money going to Japan. With the extra dollars they were able to buy a good portion of Hawaii and California. In addition they bought American business and the profits started going to the Japanese. We are poorer because of that trade deficit.

I am just glad Trump understand the problem and is working hard to fix it and yes we are going to have some disruptions until we get it back in line.

Other Presidents didn't have the balls to confront the problem. God bless Trump.

Right now not to worry. The tariffs are a small fraction of our booming economy.

Trump Hates the Trade Deficit. Most Economists Don’t.

Most economists do not see the trade gap as money “lost” to other countries, nor do they worry about trade deficits to a large degree. That’s because trade imbalances are affected by a host of macroeconomic factors, including the relative growth rates of countries, the value of their currencies, and their saving and investment rates. For instance, America’s trade deficit narrowed dramatically during the Great Recession, when national consumption faltered.
who fking cares what an economists thinks. they don't pay others bills. fk them
This is not socialism, but common sense. Unless you want your future to be in China.

The biggest and best countries are by default the winners of trade wars, yet we have kept losing so much.

Trump and you all are wanting us to be emulating China, which has a socialist market economy. The more we copy them, the more we move towards socialism

Our country is in the 2nd longest period of economic expansion in its history. We have, as multiple threads on this forum tell us, record low unemployment and our economy is BOOMING.

Explain how that equals losing? If we are losing so much, how is our economy so amazing?

No, actually we want him to protect our national capital. If you have a problem with that, maybe China is the place for you. That's where all the jobs would be headed under your insane plan.

My insane plan is this weird thing called "freedom" and a free market. Perhaps you've heard of them, they used to be the hallmarks of this great country. But now we have people like you that want the central government to dictate to us what to buy and to punish us if we do not buy the right product made in the right place.

You want to take away freedom of choice and then you tell me to move to China. Fuck, I do not need to move there, people like you are turning our great country into China.

I love how you totally ignored the fact our economy is doing great right, prior to the socialist tariffs being put into place by our dear leader.
The free market is the best option. Protecting an industry that can't compete in world markets will just make it less competitive and less able to compete. On a worldwide stage, tariffs reward companies that are less efficient, penalize those that are. Consumers pay more and get less. The only sure winners are the people that collect the tariffs.

Consider a tariff of 25% on widgets. A small manufactures buys widgets in china because they are 10% below the US price so he will order from the US company paying an additional 10% rather pay a 25% tariff but what if there is no suitable US source. A large manufacture buys from China at 40% lower than the US price. So he has no choice but to continue to buy from China and thus pay the 25% tariff. Assuming he sells to a large domestic and foreign market, his prices are now no longer competitive so he must make adjustments such as moving production outside the US, dropping the product line.

Since the future of tariffs can't be predicted, businesses can not plan efficiently. A tariff may be a windfall and the company expands expecting more business and suddenly the tariff is eliminated.
there is no free trade today without the tariffs Trump is talking about. How do you fks get there?

And there will be less free trade with more and more and more tariffs.
lol 60? We lost millions under the Bush-Clinton NAFTA scam. Milloins more under Carter's Favored Nation scam for Red China, hundreds of thousands to Viet Nam alone.

You don't find it odd that 'globalists' loves them some communist countries with police states?

The imbalance of trade has been a terrible burden on the US. It robs us of our wealth when more money is going out of our country than is coming in.

Trumps understands that. No other President in my life time has really understood it.

Trump is a businessman that understands the problem. He is putting pressure on other countries to correct the problem. It will not be easy but thank goodness he is working it. There is a possibility it could all blow up but Trump is usually competent in what he does so we will see.

Beats the hell out of the trade policy of previous Presidents to give away the store.

It's complete idiocy to turn a country into a consumer economy while simultaneously stripping it of nearly all of the high productivity jobs and the disposable incomes necessary for a 'consumer economy' to work. Wall Street doesn't have to care, they have all the tax credits and subsidies that make Red China a grand investment for them.

Trump is trying to reverse that, and hopefully he gets some of it done. The problem is they looted the domestic economy for decades, and it will take some time to correct that, and the attention spans of the 'It's All About Me!!' generations is measured in seconds, not years.

You are correct.

Back in my college days I took a course in International Economics. The thing that I remember the most about that course is the importance of a balance in trade.

When a country has more moeny going out than it has coming in then all that extra money becomes a drain of wealth.

Back in the 1980s we had all our money going to Japan. With the extra dollars they were able to buy a good portion of Hawaii and California. In addition they bought American business and the profits started going to the Japanese. We are poorer because of that trade deficit.

I am just glad Trump understand the problem and is working hard to fix it and yes we are going to have some disruptions until we get it back in line.

Other Presidents didn't have the balls to confront the problem. God bless Trump.

Right now not to worry. The tariffs are a small fraction of our booming economy.

Trump Hates the Trade Deficit. Most Economists Don’t.

Most economists do not see the trade gap as money “lost” to other countries, nor do they worry about trade deficits to a large degree. That’s because trade imbalances are affected by a host of macroeconomic factors, including the relative growth rates of countries, the value of their currencies, and their saving and investment rates. For instance, America’s trade deficit narrowed dramatically during the Great Recession, when national consumption faltered.
who fking cares what an economists thinks. they don't pay others bills. fk them

Economist are a dime a dozen. Some of them will tell you anything you want to hear. Some will even tell you really really stupid things like the American economy will be more prosperous if we have higher taxes and take money away from the people that earned it and giving it away to people that didn't earn it. How dumb is that?

If anybody with the title of "Economist" tells you that it is OK to have a negative balance of trade needs to go back to school and get reeducated because they really didn't learn a damn thing.

Foxconn plans to invest as much as $10 billion to build a flat-screen production factory in Wisconsin that initially would have a workforce of 3,000 but the company said that could grow to 13,000.

Under the bill, Foxconn would receive $2.85 billion in cash payments over 15 years if it invests $10 billion in the state and employs 13,000 people. It could also qualify for $150 million in sales tax exemptions for construction equipment.

Foxconn is the largest contract maker of electronics, best known for making iPhones, but with a long list of customers including Sony Corp., Dell Inc. and BlackBerry Ltd.

Foxconn would be allowed to build in wetland and waterways and construct its 20-million-square-foot campus without first doing an environmental impact statement.

If it's one thing I didn't see in this article, it was an property tax abatement (which most cities and states use to attract businesses). Now I don't know how large a 20 million square foot campus is, but it certainly sounds huge and expensive when it comes to property taxes which goes to support cities and schools.
They won't be paying property taxes. And as you can see it says as much as $10 billion. That could be $1 million. There are no guarantees. And its only 3000 workforce for 3 billion. You have to be a real dumbass to think that is a good investment...

Comprehension problems I see. Why don't you go back to your article to fully understand what it said?
Even neo-Cons don't get it through their heads that American employment is good.
All they care about is gains on investment.
Tariffs have always lost jobs. It seems you don't support American employment.
name somewhere jobs were lost due to tariffs today. and don't say HD. they were leaving before them.
The first layoffs from Trump's tariffs are here
They won't be paying property taxes. And as you can see it says as much as $10 billion. That could be $1 million. There are no guarantees. And its only 3000 workforce for 3 billion. You have to be a real dumbass to think that is a good investment...

Comprehension problems I see. Why don't you go back to your article to fully understand what it said?
Even neo-Cons don't get it through their heads that American employment is good.
All they care about is gains on investment.
Tariffs have always lost jobs. It seems you don't support American employment.
name somewhere jobs were lost due to tariffs today. and don't say HD. they were leaving before them.
The first layoffs from Trump's tariffs are here
The law of unintended consequeces ... any why any first year econ book tells you tariffs are a horrible idea, and Hayek would be appalled, yet most of these Trumpchumps were on the "Hayek wagon" last year without any clue to what he wrote. LOL

But, seriously, does anyone really think we're suddenly going to have a bunch of washers and driers being built here?
No we don't liar, we want trade to be fair, which is exactly the opposite of what you libwit shills want.

Fair is a fairy tale, there is no "fair" in the adult world.

What we should want is mutually beneficial trade deals.

And there are a dozen threads in the last week verify that we have indeed benefited as they have praised the amazing economy.

Uhm that's what Trump is trying to do yet you are against it..

No, that is what we have now or else our economy would not be in the midst of the second longest period of economic expansion in its history.

What Trump is doing is trying to fix what is not broken and that always leads to bad things.

Who decided that 500 billion trade deficit is not broken?

Is that an axiom in your naive libertarian ideology? Maybe it's time to upgrade that to reality based functional libertarian ideology then...

There is nothing broken about a trade deficit. We all have trade deficits, you have one with your grocery store, you give them cash and all they ever give you is stuff.

A trade deficit merely means that the people of this country have freely chosen to buy things from other countries. And you wish to curtil that freedom.
so it's ok for them to charge us for our exports but we can't on theirs? And you call that free trade? LOL.
I do not want free shit, free shit is always low quality shit. I want the freedom to buy what I want to buy without the government trying to influence my decision.

Why do you hate freedom so very much?

Of course you want free shit by sweat shop labor it's obvious..

Your low IQ leads you to faulty conclusions.

Just because I don't want the central government picking winners and losers does not lead to me buying cheap made shit from other countries. I buy the best combination of price and quality.

For example I own two cars, one Chevy and one Kia as at the time I bought them both were the best deal for the best quality. I could not have cared less where either of them was made.

A fucking kia?
Yea we know now you want cheap ass shit from asia..

Dude I own a F150, a Chevy dually and a dodge ram I support American workers

I am happy for you, my Kia is a great car and perfect for my commute to work and back. And it came with a 9 year, 110,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty that includes normal wear and tear as well as factory defect.

I'm sure that's a comfort to unemployed Americans.
he loves americans to be unempolyed. he admits daily in here.
Uhm that's what Trump is trying to do yet you are against it..

No, that is what we have now or else our economy would not be in the midst of the second longest period of economic expansion in its history.

What Trump is doing is trying to fix what is not broken and that always leads to bad things.

Who decided that 500 billion trade deficit is not broken?

Is that an axiom in your naive libertarian ideology? Maybe it's time to upgrade that to reality based functional libertarian ideology then...

There is nothing broken about a trade deficit. We all have trade deficits, you have one with your grocery store, you give them cash and all they ever give you is stuff.

A trade deficit merely means that the people of this country have freely chosen to buy things from other countries. And you wish to curtil that freedom.

Since when, buy shit on Amazon from any country in the world, who is stopping you?

You dear leader is imposing a punishment on me for doing so in the form of tariffs which make everything cost more
how so exactly is trump punishing you?
Trump and you all are wanting us to be emulating China, which has a socialist market economy. The more we copy them, the more we move towards socialism

Our country is in the 2nd longest period of economic expansion in its history. We have, as multiple threads on this forum tell us, record low unemployment and our economy is BOOMING.

Explain how that equals losing? If we are losing so much, how is our economy so amazing?

No, actually we want him to protect our national capital. If you have a problem with that, maybe China is the place for you. That's where all the jobs would be headed under your insane plan.

My insane plan is this weird thing called "freedom" and a free market. Perhaps you've heard of them, they used to be the hallmarks of this great country. But now we have people like you that want the central government to dictate to us what to buy and to punish us if we do not buy the right product made in the right place.

You want to take away freedom of choice and then you tell me to move to China. Fuck, I do not need to move there, people like you are turning our great country into China.

I love how you totally ignored the fact our economy is doing great right, prior to the socialist tariffs being put into place by our dear leader.
The free market is the best option. Protecting an industry that can't compete in world markets will just make it less competitive and less able to compete. On a worldwide stage, tariffs reward companies that are less efficient, penalize those that are. Consumers pay more and get less. The only sure winners are the people that collect the tariffs.

Consider a tariff of 25% on widgets. A small manufactures buys widgets in china because they are 10% below the US price so he will order from the US company paying an additional 10% rather pay a 25% tariff but what if there is no suitable US source. A large manufacture buys from China at 40% lower than the US price. So he has no choice but to continue to buy from China and thus pay the 25% tariff. Assuming he sells to a large domestic and foreign market, his prices are now no longer competitive so he must make adjustments such as moving production outside the US, dropping the product line.

Since the future of tariffs can't be predicted, businesses can not plan efficiently. A tariff may be a windfall and the company expands expecting more business and suddenly the tariff is eliminated.
there is no free trade today without the tariffs Trump is talking about. How do you fks get there?

And there will be less free trade with more and more and more tariffs.
well the other countries can lift theirs and we'd lift ours when they did. Then we're back fair trading again. It is simple. Why are other countries unwilling to agree? So you don't think a tariff is tough on them? hmmmm
This is not socialism, but common sense. Unless you want your future to be in China.

The biggest and best countries are by default the winners of trade wars, yet we have kept losing so much.

Trump and you all are wanting us to be emulating China, which has a socialist market economy. The more we copy them, the more we move towards socialism

Our country is in the 2nd longest period of economic expansion in its history. We have, as multiple threads on this forum tell us, record low unemployment and our economy is BOOMING.

Explain how that equals losing? If we are losing so much, how is our economy so amazing?

No, actually we want him to protect our national capital. If you have a problem with that, maybe China is the place for you. That's where all the jobs would be headed under your insane plan.

My insane plan is this weird thing called "freedom" and a free market. Perhaps you've heard of them, they used to be the hallmarks of this great country. But now we have people like you that want the central government to dictate to us what to buy and to punish us if we do not buy the right product made in the right place.

You want to take away freedom of choice and then you tell me to move to China. Fuck, I do not need to move there, people like you are turning our great country into China.

I love how you totally ignored the fact our economy is doing great right, prior to the socialist tariffs being put into place by our dear leader.
The free market is the best option. Protecting an industry that can't compete in world markets will just make it less competitive and less able to compete. On a worldwide stage, tariffs reward companies that are less efficient, penalize those that are. Consumers pay more and get less. The only sure winners are the people that collect the tariffs.

Consider a tariff of 25% on widgets. A small manufactures buys widgets in china because they are 10% below the US price so he will order from the US company paying an additional 10% rather pay a 25% tariff but what if there is no suitable US source. A large manufacture buys from China at 40% lower than the US price. So he has no choice but to continue to buy from China and thus pay the 25% tariff. Assuming he sells to a large domestic and foreign market, his prices are now no longer competitive so he must make adjustments such as moving production outside the US, dropping the product line.

Since the future of tariffs can't be predicted, businesses can not plan efficiently. A tariff may be a windfall and the company expands expecting more business and suddenly the tariff is eliminated.
there is no free trade today without the tariffs Trump is talking about. How do you fks get there?
That makes no sense. Free trade by definition is trade without tariffs
They won't be paying property taxes. And as you can see it says as much as $10 billion. That could be $1 million. There are no guarantees. And its only 3000 workforce for 3 billion. You have to be a real dumbass to think that is a good investment...

Comprehension problems I see. Why don't you go back to your article to fully understand what it said?
Even neo-Cons don't get it through their heads that American employment is good.
All they care about is gains on investment.
Tariffs have always lost jobs. It seems you don't support American employment.
name somewhere jobs were lost due to tariffs today. and don't say HD. they were leaving before them.
The first layoffs from Trump's tariffs are here
question, here is from your link:
"After the tariff, the company was forced to hike its prices and customers fled. Orders are a mere 30 percent of what they were a year ago, said George Skarich, the vice president of sales. He suspects many customers are now buying Chinese nails."

How are chinese nails cheaper?

Smells like bullshit to me.
Fair is a fairy tale, there is no "fair" in the adult world.

What we should want is mutually beneficial trade deals.

And there are a dozen threads in the last week verify that we have indeed benefited as they have praised the amazing economy.

Uhm that's what Trump is trying to do yet you are against it..

No, that is what we have now or else our economy would not be in the midst of the second longest period of economic expansion in its history.

What Trump is doing is trying to fix what is not broken and that always leads to bad things.

Who decided that 500 billion trade deficit is not broken?

Is that an axiom in your naive libertarian ideology? Maybe it's time to upgrade that to reality based functional libertarian ideology then...

There is nothing broken about a trade deficit. We all have trade deficits, you have one with your grocery store, you give them cash and all they ever give you is stuff.

A trade deficit merely means that the people of this country have freely chosen to buy things from other countries. And you wish to curtil that freedom.
so it's ok for them to charge us for our exports but we can't on theirs? And you call that free trade? LOL.
BTW, military families deal with loss of life and the sacrifice their loved ones made for this country, and idiots in here think paying a couple extra dollars for something to keep americans at work ain't worth it. wow.....fk you all who think that.
Trump and you all are wanting us to be emulating China, which has a socialist market economy. The more we copy them, the more we move towards socialism

Our country is in the 2nd longest period of economic expansion in its history. We have, as multiple threads on this forum tell us, record low unemployment and our economy is BOOMING.

Explain how that equals losing? If we are losing so much, how is our economy so amazing?

No, actually we want him to protect our national capital. If you have a problem with that, maybe China is the place for you. That's where all the jobs would be headed under your insane plan.

My insane plan is this weird thing called "freedom" and a free market. Perhaps you've heard of them, they used to be the hallmarks of this great country. But now we have people like you that want the central government to dictate to us what to buy and to punish us if we do not buy the right product made in the right place.

You want to take away freedom of choice and then you tell me to move to China. Fuck, I do not need to move there, people like you are turning our great country into China.

I love how you totally ignored the fact our economy is doing great right, prior to the socialist tariffs being put into place by our dear leader.
The free market is the best option. Protecting an industry that can't compete in world markets will just make it less competitive and less able to compete. On a worldwide stage, tariffs reward companies that are less efficient, penalize those that are. Consumers pay more and get less. The only sure winners are the people that collect the tariffs.

Consider a tariff of 25% on widgets. A small manufactures buys widgets in china because they are 10% below the US price so he will order from the US company paying an additional 10% rather pay a 25% tariff but what if there is no suitable US source. A large manufacture buys from China at 40% lower than the US price. So he has no choice but to continue to buy from China and thus pay the 25% tariff. Assuming he sells to a large domestic and foreign market, his prices are now no longer competitive so he must make adjustments such as moving production outside the US, dropping the product line.

Since the future of tariffs can't be predicted, businesses can not plan efficiently. A tariff may be a windfall and the company expands expecting more business and suddenly the tariff is eliminated.
there is no free trade today without the tariffs Trump is talking about. How do you fks get there?
That makes no sense. Free trade by definition is trade without tariffs
then how can you call it that if the other countries are using tariffs on american goods? that makes no sense.
Comprehension problems I see. Why don't you go back to your article to fully understand what it said?
Even neo-Cons don't get it through their heads that American employment is good.
All they care about is gains on investment.
Tariffs have always lost jobs. It seems you don't support American employment.
name somewhere jobs were lost due to tariffs today. and don't say HD. they were leaving before them.
The first layoffs from Trump's tariffs are here
question, here is from your link:
"After the tariff, the company was forced to hike its prices and customers fled. Orders are a mere 30 percent of what they were a year ago, said George Skarich, the vice president of sales. He suspects many customers are now buying Chinese nails."

How are chinese nails cheaper?

Smells like bullshit to me.
The tariffs, in one day, caused their sales to plummet.
Such is the power of the unstoppable Donald!
Damn, Liberals are fuck dumb!
No, actually we want him to protect our national capital. If you have a problem with that, maybe China is the place for you. That's where all the jobs would be headed under your insane plan.

My insane plan is this weird thing called "freedom" and a free market. Perhaps you've heard of them, they used to be the hallmarks of this great country. But now we have people like you that want the central government to dictate to us what to buy and to punish us if we do not buy the right product made in the right place.

You want to take away freedom of choice and then you tell me to move to China. Fuck, I do not need to move there, people like you are turning our great country into China.

I love how you totally ignored the fact our economy is doing great right, prior to the socialist tariffs being put into place by our dear leader.
The free market is the best option. Protecting an industry that can't compete in world markets will just make it less competitive and less able to compete. On a worldwide stage, tariffs reward companies that are less efficient, penalize those that are. Consumers pay more and get less. The only sure winners are the people that collect the tariffs.

Consider a tariff of 25% on widgets. A small manufactures buys widgets in china because they are 10% below the US price so he will order from the US company paying an additional 10% rather pay a 25% tariff but what if there is no suitable US source. A large manufacture buys from China at 40% lower than the US price. So he has no choice but to continue to buy from China and thus pay the 25% tariff. Assuming he sells to a large domestic and foreign market, his prices are now no longer competitive so he must make adjustments such as moving production outside the US, dropping the product line.

Since the future of tariffs can't be predicted, businesses can not plan efficiently. A tariff may be a windfall and the company expands expecting more business and suddenly the tariff is eliminated.
there is no free trade today without the tariffs Trump is talking about. How do you fks get there?

And there will be less free trade with more and more and more tariffs.
well the other countries can lift theirs and we'd lift ours when they did. Then we're back fair trading again. It is simple. Why are other countries unwilling to agree? So you don't think a tariff is tough on them? hmmmm
Protective tariffs on imports from a country are often needed to protect an industry vital to a nation. When there is no way to make that industry competitive, then tariffs are necessary. However, when countries begin protecting industries that really don't need protection then the tariffs stifle needed completion. Trade negotiators attempt to eliminate these tariffs.

Punitive tariffs such as Trump is applying to China have a goal of correcting perceive unfair practices of the government and usually cover many industries. Unlike simple tariffs to protect an industry, they imply misdeeds on the part of government which often ends in trade wars, military confrontations, and economic damage to both economies.

Negotiations are never as simple as you drop your tariffs and I'll drop mine.
My insane plan is this weird thing called "freedom" and a free market. Perhaps you've heard of them, they used to be the hallmarks of this great country. But now we have people like you that want the central government to dictate to us what to buy and to punish us if we do not buy the right product made in the right place.

You want to take away freedom of choice and then you tell me to move to China. Fuck, I do not need to move there, people like you are turning our great country into China.

I love how you totally ignored the fact our economy is doing great right, prior to the socialist tariffs being put into place by our dear leader.
The free market is the best option. Protecting an industry that can't compete in world markets will just make it less competitive and less able to compete. On a worldwide stage, tariffs reward companies that are less efficient, penalize those that are. Consumers pay more and get less. The only sure winners are the people that collect the tariffs.

Consider a tariff of 25% on widgets. A small manufactures buys widgets in china because they are 10% below the US price so he will order from the US company paying an additional 10% rather pay a 25% tariff but what if there is no suitable US source. A large manufacture buys from China at 40% lower than the US price. So he has no choice but to continue to buy from China and thus pay the 25% tariff. Assuming he sells to a large domestic and foreign market, his prices are now no longer competitive so he must make adjustments such as moving production outside the US, dropping the product line.

Since the future of tariffs can't be predicted, businesses can not plan efficiently. A tariff may be a windfall and the company expands expecting more business and suddenly the tariff is eliminated.
there is no free trade today without the tariffs Trump is talking about. How do you fks get there?

And there will be less free trade with more and more and more tariffs.
well the other countries can lift theirs and we'd lift ours when they did. Then we're back fair trading again. It is simple. Why are other countries unwilling to agree? So you don't think a tariff is tough on them? hmmmm
Protective tariffs on imports from a country are often needed to protect an industry vital to a nation. When there is no way to make that industry competitive, then tariffs are necessary. However, when countries begin protecting industries that really don't need protection then the tariffs stifle needed completion. Trade negotiators attempt to eliminate these tariffs.

Punitive tariffs such as Trump is applying to China have a goal of correcting perceive unfair practices of the government and usually cover many industries. Unlike simple tariffs to protect an industry, they imply misdeeds on the part of government which often ends in trade wars, military confrontations, and economic damage to both economies.

Negotiations are never as simple as you drop your tariffs and I'll drop mine.
They have way more tariffs than we do.
The free market is the best option. Protecting an industry that can't compete in world markets will just make it less competitive and less able to compete. On a worldwide stage, tariffs reward companies that are less efficient, penalize those that are. Consumers pay more and get less. The only sure winners are the people that collect the tariffs.

Consider a tariff of 25% on widgets. A small manufactures buys widgets in china because they are 10% below the US price so he will order from the US company paying an additional 10% rather pay a 25% tariff but what if there is no suitable US source. A large manufacture buys from China at 40% lower than the US price. So he has no choice but to continue to buy from China and thus pay the 25% tariff. Assuming he sells to a large domestic and foreign market, his prices are now no longer competitive so he must make adjustments such as moving production outside the US, dropping the product line.

Since the future of tariffs can't be predicted, businesses can not plan efficiently. A tariff may be a windfall and the company expands expecting more business and suddenly the tariff is eliminated.
there is no free trade today without the tariffs Trump is talking about. How do you fks get there?

And there will be less free trade with more and more and more tariffs.
well the other countries can lift theirs and we'd lift ours when they did. Then we're back fair trading again. It is simple. Why are other countries unwilling to agree? So you don't think a tariff is tough on them? hmmmm
Protective tariffs on imports from a country are often needed to protect an industry vital to a nation. When there is no way to make that industry competitive, then tariffs are necessary. However, when countries begin protecting industries that really don't need protection then the tariffs stifle needed completion. Trade negotiators attempt to eliminate these tariffs.

Punitive tariffs such as Trump is applying to China have a goal of correcting perceive unfair practices of the government and usually cover many industries. Unlike simple tariffs to protect an industry, they imply misdeeds on the part of government which often ends in trade wars, military confrontations, and economic damage to both economies.

Negotiations are never as simple as you drop your tariffs and I'll drop mine.
They have way more tariffs than we do.
I expect Trump will announce a tremendous victory, just in time for the mid terms. Trump can't push China too hard; without China's sanctions on North Korea, NK US negotiation would likely collapse.
China is NK's largest trading partner which accounts for 82% of it's trade. US sanctions are nothing compared to China.

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