Washington Governor Signs Sweeping Police Reform Measures

Here is some very good news.

These bills will do a lot of good to stop the unrest from the unnecessary deaths of people by the police.

Chokeholds and other restraining measures are now banned.

No knock warrants are now banned.

Along with several other measures that will go a long way to stop people from being killed at the hands of the police.

I hope more states take these steps to make our nation a more safer one.

From your link:

dozen bills Inslee signed include... no-knock warrants such as the one that helped lead to Taylor's killing in Louisville, Kentucky.

That a common lib lie.

The cops knocked before entering the apartmant
I agree. Those idiots get what they voted for. All those cops should resign and let Seattle take care of itself. Wonder how many Seattle citizens will get robbed or killed??
You can't get any good cops in until the bad cops are kicked out. But you can't fire a bad cop because of the Seattle Police Guild, and bad cops are always allowed to carry guns even if they are felons.
Because police have been killing people in Washington State, oh wait they haven't. :itsok: If you want to ban something in Washington State ban rampant drug related theft, meth and heroin trafficking by illegals.

Your laziness has made a total fool of you.

If you had not been so lazy you would have read the article and would have known what you posted is a lie and maybe not posted it because you didn't want to show the board what a liar and fool you are.

Here is a screen shot from the article you were too down right lazy to read.

Screen Shot 2021-05-19 at 11.13.36 AM.png
Here is some very good news.

These bills will do a lot of good to stop the unrest from the unnecessary deaths of people by the police.

Chokeholds and other restraining measures are now banned.

No knock warrants are now banned.

Along with several other measures that will go a long way to stop people from being killed at the hands of the police.

I hope more states take these steps to make our nation a more safer one.

Now if he can just manage the backbone to just say "NO" to violent protests and take the step necessary to once again teach his out of control rabble that "NO" means "NO". He might have something. Personnaly, I might have attacked this issue first, but his state, not mine.

You really need to learn the truth about what happened in Seattle last year.

The city didn't burn down.

The protests were mostly peaceful. The looting and violence came in the evenings. Some of the violence has been proven to have been started and caused by far right groups such as the proud boys and boogaloo bois. The looting happened once.

The one guy who drove a car into the protesters is the brother of one of the cops who was inside the police building people were outside peacefully protesting.

The city was peaceful all summer long with just a couple nights of violence with zero buildings being burned down.

The city handled it mostly well. Nothing is perfect but by and large, most of what the news media reported was distortions, half truths and outright lies.
Here is some very good news.
These bills will do a lot of good to stop the unrest from the unnecessary deaths of people by the police.

Along with several other measures that will go a long way to stop people from being killed at the hands of the police.
WRONG AGAIN. None of this CRAP will do one bit of good, crime will go up, complaints will go up and the black community will not be ONE BIT more satisfied at the result.


The problem is the A-holes out on the street committing crimes, resisting arrest and getting away with giving flack to the cops.
Maybe instead of signing bills to reform the police we should be signing bills to make people not break the law.

Crime is the real problem. If people didn't break the law they wouldn't find themselves face to face with the cops.

But with over a year of people saying fuck the police I am not surprised now politicians are trying to blame police so they can win votes.

Society needs to be reformed, not the cops. Society needs to stop playing the blame card everytime one of them breaks the law.

Again this should be mandatory viewing

Maybe instead of signing bills to reform the police we should be signing bills to make people not break the law.

How does that work? Do You mean creating new laws stating that breaking the existing laws is illegal?

Seems a tad redundant.
Here is some very good news.

These bills will do a lot of good to stop the unrest from the unnecessary deaths of people by the police.

Chokeholds and other restraining measures are now banned.

No knock warrants are now banned.

Along with several other measures that will go a long way to stop people from being killed at the hands of the police.

I hope more states take these steps to make our nation a more safer one.

just zap the shit out of the assholes who can't comply. I'd drug them as well, a little chloroform never hurt anyone.
Here is some very good news.

These bills will do a lot of good to stop the unrest from the unnecessary deaths of people by the police.

Chokeholds and other restraining measures are now banned.

No knock warrants are now banned.

Along with several other measures that will go a long way to stop people from being killed at the hands of the police.

I hope more states take these steps to make our nation a more safer one.

Now if he can just manage the backbone to just say "NO" to violent protests and take the step necessary to once again teach his out of control rabble that "NO" means "NO". He might have something. Personnaly, I might have attacked this issue first, but his state, not mine.

You really need to learn the truth about what happened in Seattle last year.

The city didn't burn down.

The protests were mostly peaceful. The looting and violence came in the evenings. Some of the violence has been proven to have been started and caused by far right groups such as the proud boys and boogaloo bois. The looting happened once.

The one guy who drove a car into the protesters is the brother of one of the cops who was inside the police building people were outside peacefully protesting.

The city was peaceful all summer long with just a couple nights of violence with zero buildings being burned down.

The city handled it mostly well. Nothing is perfect but by and large, most of what the news media reported was distortions, half truths and outright lies.
You are not telling me anything new. I have no problem with protests. You are correct. Daytime protests can and often are peaceful. The violence started at dusk. It aways seems to starts at dusk. That is why you should cancel all peaceful demonstration permits 2 hours before dark and have enough armed shock troops on the streets to clear the peaceful protesters out of the area, off the streets and anybody and everybody to a man, woman or child, dumb enough to still be there after dusk subject to immediate, (violent if necessary) arrest and immediate incarceration, holding them for 30 days or until all riots have ceased, just to get a chance at a bail hearing. Obviously, if caught doing something violent in the community during a protest turned riot, bail be denied as a continuing threat to the community, no matter how long it takes or how backed up the courts or court for this type offense gets backlogged. I have no problem with automatic martial law at 6PM, suspending the rights and protections to be on the streets at that time to protect property. At the very least, it would protect expensive downtown properties, limiting the destructive attacks to attacks on community stuff close enough, the rioters could only attack, then run and hide in their homes to avoid being captured or injured, or both.
That is a fair, reasoned systematic approach to JUST SAY NO and mean it. Couple it with traffic control points extending out in bands and you control movement after dark. It ain't nice. Doesn't even look American, but it would work. It would be manpower intensive, but every state has National Guard forces under governors control in sufficient number to not have to draw on units in the effected metropolitan area. Just depends on if you approve of nighttime riots or you don't.
Because police have been killing people in Washington State, oh wait they haven't. :itsok: If you want to ban something in Washington State ban rampant drug related theft, meth and heroin trafficking by illegals.

Your laziness has made a total fool of you.

If you had not been so lazy you would have read the article and would have known what you posted is a lie and maybe not posted it because you didn't want to show the board what a liar and fool you are.

Here is a screen shot from the article you were too down right lazy to read.

View attachment 491211
5 generations of my family have lived in Washington fool, you know jack about our state. And Inslee is a flaming liberal stupid shit. He and all the flaming liberal invaders from California have ruined the state.
Here is some very good news.

These bills will do a lot of good to stop the unrest from the unnecessary deaths of people by the police.

Chokeholds and other restraining measures are now banned.

No knock warrants are now banned.

Along with several other measures that will go a long way to stop people from being killed at the hands of the police.

I hope more states take these steps to make our nation a more safer one.

Now if he can just manage the backbone to just say "NO" to violent protests and take the step necessary to once again teach his out of control rabble that "NO" means "NO". He might have something. Personnaly, I might have attacked this issue first, but his state, not mine.

You really need to learn the truth about what happened in Seattle last year.

The city didn't burn down.

The protests were mostly peaceful. The looting and violence came in the evenings. Some of the violence has been proven to have been started and caused by far right groups such as the proud boys and boogaloo bois. The looting happened once.

The one guy who drove a car into the protesters is the brother of one of the cops who was inside the police building people were outside peacefully protesting.

The city was peaceful all summer long with just a couple nights of violence with zero buildings being burned down.

The city handled it mostly well. Nothing is perfect but by and large, most of what the news media reported was distortions, half truths and outright lies.
People were killed in side Chop or Chas or whatever it was called. That had nothing to do with right wing any thing, that had to do with rioters. My son lives in Seattle and watched rioting that was occurring in the city from his apartment building. As soon as his company approves permanent work from home, he is moving out of Seattle and out of the area. He has been told by police in Seattle it is not a safe place. He is moving somewhere where he will be safe from the crime and violence and won’t need to deal from rioters.
Here is some very good news.

These bills will do a lot of good to stop the unrest from the unnecessary deaths of people by the police.

Chokeholds and other restraining measures are now banned.

No knock warrants are now banned.

Along with several other measures that will go a long way to stop people from being killed at the hands of the police.

I hope more states take these steps to make our nation a more safer one.

LOL! While the anti-government terrorists continue their insurrection in Seattle.

Have fun!
I gotta laugh at those idiots. Seattle was under attack all Summer by BLM and Antifa and the powers that be told their police to stand down. They sat around and watched looters, murders and arsonists. Businesses were burned to the ground and they come down on the police??

If I were every Seattle cop. I'd quite. Let those idiots take the calls and face looters, murderers and arsonists. What a pack of idiots run that city.

I think it's great, and I sincerely hope Seattle completely implodes; and every resident without the sense to have already gone is left dead, starving, or being used as a sex slave for the horde.
Dems are wrecking the state. Soon the state will seize a % of everyone's paycheck each month to gift long term care insurance to all the deadbeats.

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