Washington Post audio of Trump berating and threatening Georgia Secretary of State for not "finding" votes to change election result. Sedition?

No but highly likely he violated privacy laws by leaking this. All conversations with the president are considered classified unless declassified by POTUS himself.

The GA Sec should be in jail.

Post the law that states "ALL" conversations with a president are classified...
President Trump urged fellow Republican Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia secretary of state, to “find” enough votes to overturn his defeat in an extraordinary one-hour phone call Saturday that election experts said raised legal questions.

The Washington Post obtained a recording of the conversation in which Trump alternately berated Raffensperger, tried to flatter him, begged him to act and threatened him with vague criminal consequences if the secretary of state refused to pursue his false claims, at one point warning that Raffensperger was taking “a big risk.”

Throughout the call, Raffensperger and his office’s general counsel rejected Trump’s assertions, explaining that the president is relying on debunked conspiracy theories and that President-elect Joe Biden’s 11,779-vote victory in Georgia was fair and accurate.

Trump is engaging of sedition and overturning the will of the people through fraud.

Trump should be arrested for sedition for attempting to overthrow the newly elected government of the United States of America.

Everything Trump touches dies.

Is American democracy next?
He just pulled a Biden, urkraine style. Nothing to see, right?

You must be ignorant of US foreign policy with regard to Ukraine.. The UN was also on board.
He threatened a government official that he better fire a prosecuter investigating his son. Trump asked them to look into it and got impeached for it.
Liar. The prosecutor he had fired was not actively investigating his son.
The company he ran.
But you said he was investigating Hunter Biden? Your admission you're a flaming idiot is graciously accepted.
A flaming idiot thinks there is nothing wrong with what the whole situation at hand.
Imbecile, show where I ever said there was nothing wrong with that situation...

When you can't, since I've said it was a conflict of interest for Hunter to take that position, then slap yourself on the forehead and then remind yourself you were stupid enough to actually claim Hunter ran Burisma and that Hunter was under investigation; when in reality, neither idiotic claim was true.
But you can't. They are part of the US. I love it how you guys always put in exceptions. "Oh take out the inner city black on black murders, then look at our murder rate". Well, no. You don't get to pick and choose stats. Facts are facts and stats are stats.

you are right about obesity though....that is definitely one of the underlying things that is killing people with COVID.
NYC is run by Democrats and Cuomo and DeBlasio killed all those people. Facts.

Patients who came from nursing homes had no place else to go on discharge, genius.
Oh and NYC then had homeless druggies stay at 4 star hotels on the taxpayer $$$ maybe they should have place COVID patients there instead? Also maybe they should not have eliminated the need for bail. NYC is a mess. No wonder people are leaving in droves.

Seniors who come out of nursing homes have people to dress, feed, bathe and take them to the toilet. Use your brain.
Not all. Some. Many can take care of themselves. You are making excuses for the executioner, Andrew Cuomo.

Not in nursing homes and assisted living.
Bullshit. My grandmother lived in assisted living for 13 years and only in her last year could she not take care of herself and she was 93 then. Most are just fine.
I note you switched from "nursing homes" ... to ... "assisted living."

Are you really too stupid to know the difference?
But you can't. They are part of the US. I love it how you guys always put in exceptions. "Oh take out the inner city black on black murders, then look at our murder rate". Well, no. You don't get to pick and choose stats. Facts are facts and stats are stats.

you are right about obesity though....that is definitely one of the underlying things that is killing people with COVID.
NYC is run by Democrats and Cuomo and DeBlasio killed all those people. Facts.

Patients who came from nursing homes had no place else to go on discharge, genius.
Oh and NYC then had homeless druggies stay at 4 star hotels on the taxpayer $$$ maybe they should have place COVID patients there instead? Also maybe they should not have eliminated the need for bail. NYC is a mess. No wonder people are leaving in droves.

Seniors who come out of nursing homes have people to dress, feed, bathe and take them to the toilet. Use your brain.
Not all. Some. Many can take care of themselves. You are making excuses for the executioner, Andrew Cuomo.

Not in nursing homes and assisted living.
Bullshit. My grandmother lived in assisted living for 13 years and only in her last year could she not take care of herself and she was 93 then. Most are just fine.
I note you switched from "nursing homes" ... to ... "assisted living."

Are you really too stupid to know the difference?
This is from a guy who posted a link during our last debate that actually supported my own argument. She was in the nursing home her last year and could still bathe herself. She just could no longer cook for herself. Not every nursing home patient is the same and sending them to die from COVID was an interesting strategy, only used in NYC it seems.
I would say that every black person alive in the USA today has been impacted by slavery, even if their families were never slaves.
Of course you would say that, because you are an idiot.

By the way, the only people that should pay them any reparations are Democrats, since they were the ones who ideologically and historically fight for slavery.
How about the confederate states pay it, even though they they're mostly Republican-led states now, since they seceded in their failed attempt to preserve the institution of slavery codified in their Constitution?
Because they are Republican now. Dems were the slave owners. Time for you Dems to own it.

There were no Democrats in 1776, or the 150 years before 1776 when slavery existed in the USA.

Speaking as someone who is not an American, demonizing the "other" party is one of tohe dumber things that Republicans do, and it is Republicans that do it. Why? Because Republicans have no platform, no ideals that they live by, and no plan for the future. All they have is hate.

Republicans used to hate communism, but communism is dead. They used to hate Russia, but Trump doesn't allow that any more, so now it's the Chinese, and Democrats. Of the two, Republicans hate Democrats more.

Hate is useless and exhausting, but that's Republicans. Wasting all of their time and energy on besting Democrats and not on solving the problems of the nation. If Trump had spent half the time and energy he's spent on overturning the election results, on fighting the pandemic and saving lives, literally hundreds of thousands of American lives would be saved.
But you can't. They are part of the US. I love it how you guys always put in exceptions. "Oh take out the inner city black on black murders, then look at our murder rate". Well, no. You don't get to pick and choose stats. Facts are facts and stats are stats.

you are right about obesity though....that is definitely one of the underlying things that is killing people with COVID.
NYC is run by Democrats and Cuomo and DeBlasio killed all those people. Facts.

Patients who came from nursing homes had no place else to go on discharge, genius.
Oh and NYC then had homeless druggies stay at 4 star hotels on the taxpayer $$$ maybe they should have place COVID patients there instead? Also maybe they should not have eliminated the need for bail. NYC is a mess. No wonder people are leaving in droves.

Seniors who come out of nursing homes have people to dress, feed, bathe and take them to the toilet. Use your brain.
Not all. Some. Many can take care of themselves. You are making excuses for the executioner, Andrew Cuomo.

Not in nursing homes and assisted living.
Bullshit. My grandmother lived in assisted living for 13 years and only in her last year could she not take care of herself and she was 93 then. Most are just fine.
I note you switched from "nursing homes" ... to ... "assisted living."

Are you really too stupid to know the difference?
This is from a guy who posted a link during our last debate that actually supported my own argument. She was in the nursing home her last year and could still bathe herself. She just could no longer cook for herself. Not every nursing home patient is the same and sending them to die from COVID was an interesting strategy, only used in NYC it seems.
ShortBus, your lies are as easy to spot as is your ignorance. Assisted living facilities cook for their residents.
The GA Secretary of State is Exhibit A of a

post 1998 "Republican" Zionist Traitor

All "Brad" cares about is ISRAEL and starting a US war with Iran, and that's why his horse is Low IQ Joe

In a Jan. 13 opinion piece, Andrew Adler offered three possible options to ensure Israel’s security in the Middle East: a strike against the terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah, an attack against Iran, and having Israel's U.S.-based Mossad agents assassinate Obama.

Adler said “a hit” against the president would “preserve Israel’s existence.” He said Vice President Joe Biden would then be able “to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States' policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.”

The media is already hyping up Iran. Low IQ Joe needs the "cover" for being a total kleptocratic traitor his entire life....

But "Brad" doesn't care. "Brad" only cares about ISRAEL. "Brad" is a post 1998 "Republican," meaning his only concern is that the US start wars over lies to help Israel.
But you can't. They are part of the US. I love it how you guys always put in exceptions. "Oh take out the inner city black on black murders, then look at our murder rate". Well, no. You don't get to pick and choose stats. Facts are facts and stats are stats.

you are right about obesity though....that is definitely one of the underlying things that is killing people with COVID.
NYC is run by Democrats and Cuomo and DeBlasio killed all those people. Facts.

Patients who came from nursing homes had no place else to go on discharge, genius.
Oh and NYC then had homeless druggies stay at 4 star hotels on the taxpayer $$$ maybe they should have place COVID patients there instead? Also maybe they should not have eliminated the need for bail. NYC is a mess. No wonder people are leaving in droves.

Seniors who come out of nursing homes have people to dress, feed, bathe and take them to the toilet. Use your brain.
Not all. Some. Many can take care of themselves. You are making excuses for the executioner, Andrew Cuomo.

Not in nursing homes and assisted living.
Bullshit. My grandmother lived in assisted living for 13 years and only in her last year could she not take care of herself and she was 93 then. Most are just fine.
I note you switched from "nursing homes" ... to ... "assisted living."

Are you really too stupid to know the difference?
This is from a guy who posted a link during our last debate that actually supported my own argument. She was in the nursing home her last year and could still bathe herself. She just could no longer cook for herself. Not every nursing home patient is the same and sending them to die from COVID was an interesting strategy, only used in NYC it seems.
ShortBus, your lies are as easy to spot as is your ignorance. Assisted living facilities cook for their residents.
Nope. Not where my grandmother was. Had a full kitchen and cooked for herself. She died 10 years ago so to be fair I am not certain what type of place it was but when I would visit it was all old people in one bedroom apartments with a nurse on staff. I am assuming that is assisted living but maybe it has a different official name. Why do you persist with ad hominems? Does it make you feel like a big man? LOL

Give it up.
Seems to me Trump rattled off some 25k votes there....hmmmm
On nothing more than a hunch. Sorry, in the real world, hunches aren't evidence. "I have a hunch j-mac likes to run naked through malls and likes to participate in bondage". Using Trump's standard of evidence I'm right on both counts. Not only am I right, but it's up to you to prove me wrong, otherwise I am right.

See how ridiculous he is sounding now?
So video evidence and hundreds of sworn affidavits isn’t evidence anymore, at least to the same crowd that gave us Russia Collusion and called Bret Kavanaugh a gang rapist.
Seems to me Trump rattled off some 25k votes there....hmmmm
On nothing more than a hunch. Sorry, in the real world, hunches aren't evidence. "I have a hunch j-mac likes to run naked through malls and likes to participate in bondage". Using Trump's standard of evidence I'm right on both counts. Not only am I right, but it's up to you to prove me wrong, otherwise I am right.

See how ridiculous he is sounding now?
So video evidence and hundreds of sworn affidavits isn’t evidence anymore, at least to the same crowd that gave us Russia Collusion and called Bret Kavanaugh a gang rapist.
You have no video evidence of fraud and affidavits signed by people such as Mellissa Carone and Richard Hopkins proved to be utterly worthless. What else ya got?
Trump trusted Jews.

That was his #1 biggest error as President.
I thought you like Trump?

It is sad that we as Americans have disintegrated into YOU MUST AGREE 100% etc....

I disagree with Trump around 40% of the time.

I disagree with anyone who says Trump is a "bad guy" because he isn't a "bad guy." Low IQ Joe is a bad guy, which is why you love him....
Trump trusted Jews.

That was his #1 biggest error as President.
I thought you like Trump?

It is sad that we as Americans have disintegrated into YOU MUST AGREE 100% etc....

I disagree with Trump around 40% of the time.

I disagree with anyone who says Trump is a "bad guy" because he isn't a "bad guy." Low IQ Joe is a bad guy, which is why you love him....
But Trump hired Jewish doctors, lawyers and accountants because he said Jews excel at those jobs. He knows better than you, right?
President Trump urged fellow Republican Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia secretary of state, to “find” enough votes to overturn his defeat in an extraordinary one-hour phone call Saturday that election experts said raised legal questions.

The Washington Post obtained a recording of the conversation in which Trump alternately berated Raffensperger, tried to flatter him, begged him to act and threatened him with vague criminal consequences if the secretary of state refused to pursue his false claims, at one point warning that Raffensperger was taking “a big risk.”

Throughout the call, Raffensperger and his office’s general counsel rejected Trump’s assertions, explaining that the president is relying on debunked conspiracy theories and that President-elect Joe Biden’s 11,779-vote victory in Georgia was fair and accurate.

Trump is engaging of sedition and overturning the will of the people through fraud.

Trump should be arrested for sedition for attempting to overthrow the newly elected government of the United States of America.

Everything Trump touches dies.

Is American democracy next?
So if Beijing biden comes out Inauguration Day and bullies governors to order mask mandates that’s some how different?

Another stupid comment ^^^, not even up to the status of an Idiot-Gram.

1st. President-Elect Biden is not a bully, Trump is. Neither Presidents nor Governors have the power to order that masks be worn.

2nd. Only stupid people will go out in public and not wear a mask or keep social distancing.

3rd. Ivanka Trump and her daddy are Beijing Buddies, see below:

Seniors who come out of nursing homes have people to dress, feed, bathe and take them to the toilet. Use your brain.
Not all. Some. Many can take care of themselves. You are making excuses for the executioner, Andrew Cuomo.
You don't put people in nursing homes because you can't find a hotel for them. These people need trained nursing care in order to survive.
So you put them into facilities where COVID kills them? Got it! No other state did that.

No other state had the outbreak that New York did at the time, and New York was following the guidelines issued by the White House. Nursing homes are required to have quarantine facilities for patients, and PPE for staff. There should not have been a problem in sending these people back to the facilities where they came from, if the nursing homes were properly run.

It should be noted, that very few people died as a result of this decision. I know you idiots have made a huge honking deal out of this, but nursing home deaths in New York were no higher than in any other state, and much lower than in places like Arizona and Florida. Yet another example of Republicans blowing something WAY out of proportion in order to use the pandemic for political purposes.

And as previously stated, "assisting living" and "long term care" are two very different things. Nursing homes are "long term care" - where we put family members we can no longer care for at home, or provide sufficient assistance for. I know people who are still driving and have active social lives who are in assisted living, but I also know people in wheelchairs as well.

Nursing homes are not "assisted living". Nursing homes are long term care facilities. Patients are bedridden and require full time nursing and care.
The GA Secretary of State is Exhibit A of a

post 1998 "Republican" Zionist Traitor

All "Brad" cares about is ISRAEL and starting a US war with Iran, and that's why his horse is Low IQ Joe

In a Jan. 13 opinion piece, Andrew Adler offered three possible options to ensure Israel’s security in the Middle East: a strike against the terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah, an attack against Iran, and having Israel's U.S.-based Mossad agents assassinate Obama.

Adler said “a hit” against the president would “preserve Israel’s existence.” He said Vice President Joe Biden would then be able “to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States' policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.”

The media is already hyping up Iran. Low IQ Joe needs the "cover" for being a total kleptocratic traitor his entire life....

But "Brad" doesn't care. "Brad" only cares about ISRAEL. "Brad" is a post 1998 "Republican," meaning his only concern is that the US start wars over lies to help Israel.

So now he's not Trumpy enough for you, is that what you're saying. That in order to be a "real" Republican, you have to be prepared to commit multiple felonies at the President's request, and anyone who refuses to break the law, is just a Deep State phony baloney Never Trumper?
Trump trusted Jews.

That was his #1 biggest error as President.
I thought you like Trump?

It is sad that we as Americans have disintegrated into YOU MUST AGREE 100% etc....

I disagree with Trump around 40% of the time.

I disagree with anyone who says Trump is a "bad guy" because he isn't a "bad guy." Low IQ Joe is a bad guy, which is why you love him....
Is Joe the "bad guy" the one who robbed his own foundation and bilked 4,000 suckers out of 25 million dollars at a bogus university? Was he caught trying to rig the election in Ukraine? Being called a "bad guy" by a Stupid guy should be worn like a badge of honor.
Seniors who come out of nursing homes have people to dress, feed, bathe and take them to the toilet. Use your brain.
Not all. Some. Many can take care of themselves. You are making excuses for the executioner, Andrew Cuomo.
You don't put people in nursing homes because you can't find a hotel for them. These people need trained nursing care in order to survive.
So you put them into facilities where COVID kills them? Got it! No other state did that.

No other state had the outbreak that New York did at the time, and New York was following the guidelines issued by the White House. Nursing homes are required to have quarantine facilities for patients, and PPE for staff. There should not have been a problem in sending these people back to the facilities where they came from, if the nursing homes were properly run.

It should be noted, that very few people died as a result of this decision. I know you idiots have made a huge honking deal out of this, but nursing home deaths in New York were no higher than in any other state, and much lower than in places like Arizona and Florida. Yet another example of Republicans blowing something WAY out of proportion in order to use the pandemic for political purposes.

And as previously stated, "assisting living" and "long term care" are two very different things. Nursing homes are "long term care" - where we put family members we can no longer care for at home, or provide sufficient assistance for. I know people who are still driving and have active social lives who are in assisted living, but I also know people in wheelchairs as well.

Nursing homes are not "assisted living". Nursing homes are long term care facilities. Patients are bedridden and require full time nursing and care.
The GA Secretary of State is Exhibit A of a

post 1998 "Republican" Zionist Traitor

All "Brad" cares about is ISRAEL and starting a US war with Iran, and that's why his horse is Low IQ Joe

In a Jan. 13 opinion piece, Andrew Adler offered three possible options to ensure Israel’s security in the Middle East: a strike against the terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah, an attack against Iran, and having Israel's U.S.-based Mossad agents assassinate Obama.

Adler said “a hit” against the president would “preserve Israel’s existence.” He said Vice President Joe Biden would then be able “to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States' policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.”

The media is already hyping up Iran. Low IQ Joe needs the "cover" for being a total kleptocratic traitor his entire life....

But "Brad" doesn't care. "Brad" only cares about ISRAEL. "Brad" is a post 1998 "Republican," meaning his only concern is that the US start wars over lies to help Israel.

So now he's not Trumpy enough for you, is that what you're saying. That in order to be a "real" Republican, you have to be prepared to commit multiple felonies at the President's request, and anyone who refuses to break the law, is just a Deep State phony baloney Never Trumper?
Too long and nothing to do with the thread.
President Trump urged fellow Republican Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia secretary of state, to “find” enough votes to overturn his defeat in an extraordinary one-hour phone call Saturday that election experts said raised legal questions.

The Washington Post obtained a recording of the conversation in which Trump alternately berated Raffensperger, tried to flatter him, begged him to act and threatened him with vague criminal consequences if the secretary of state refused to pursue his false claims, at one point warning that Raffensperger was taking “a big risk.”

Throughout the call, Raffensperger and his office’s general counsel rejected Trump’s assertions, explaining that the president is relying on debunked conspiracy theories and that President-elect Joe Biden’s 11,779-vote victory in Georgia was fair and accurate.

Trump is engaging of sedition and overturning the will of the people through fraud.

Trump should be arrested for sedition for attempting to overthrow the newly elected government of the United States of America.

Everything Trump touches dies.

Is American democracy next?
Actually I'm thinking that is abuse of power and attempted election fraud.

This tape should be plenty to lock the bastard up for sedition.
What exactly did he say to think you could prove that?

If I ask you if you would please murder my wife and you refuse, I have committed a crime even though you refused. He asked that a specific number of Biden ballots be tossed in order for Georgia to "recalculate" and toss their electors to him. He threatened them with a lawsuit if they did not comply. That is a crime.

Solicitation/ Abuse of Power/ Election Tampering - I could go on :rolleyes-41: Last night someone went through Georgia law on this matter. He violated SEVERAL statutes and the Fulton County DA is looking at it.

In a statement, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis said that the president's interaction was "disturbing" and indicated a willingness to prosecute potential infractions pending further investigation.​
“As district attorney, I will enforce the law without fear or favor. Anyone who commits a felony violation of Georgia law in my jurisdiction will be held accountable,“ said Willis, a Democrat.​

First, it is impossible Biden got that many votes,
China braindead Joe did not get that many votes. Scan the ballots and it will be proven.

As for your second sentence. In Georgia, the ballots were counted manually and electronically. Several times. All was found ok.
You can count illegal ballots over and over. Scan the ballots then you can talk.

Er, you need to watch citygator's vid in post 1319 on this thread. Actually, you can't count illegal ballots over and over because as the guy says, the check and double checked all the information. There were no illegal ballots,

It's not possible to count the same ballot over multiple times. Or even an illegal ballot.

They all have bar codes on them. Once they are run through the counter they can't be run through again because the bar code on them won't allow it to be counted more than once.

So a person can feed a ballot into a counter over and over again but that counter will only count it once.

If it's an illegal ballot as in a fraudulent one, it won't have the proper bar codes on it so the counter will reject it without counting it.

All this talk about multiple ballot is nothing but a load of BS relying on stupid people not knowing that there are bar codes on those ballots that won't allow a fraudulent ballot to be counted or the same ballot to be counted more than once.

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