Washington Post: Clinton Campaign paid for research that led to Trump-Russia dossier

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier

The Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped fund research that resulted in a now-famous dossier containing allegations about President Trump’s connections to Russia and possible coordination between his campaign and the Kremlin, people familiar with the matter said.

Marc E. Elias, a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC, retained Fusion GPS, a Washington firm, to conduct the research.

After that, Fusion GPS hired dossier author Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer with ties to the FBI and the U.S. intelligence community, according to those people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

We knew all along where it was coming from.

What's surprising is that this shitty paper actually is reporting it.
Guess you didn't see the news report this evening not only did DNC pay them they also found out some republican operative was paying them for the same info.

Someone in a presidential campaign paid for opposition research!!


Unheard of!!!! Someone, at once, convene a committee!!
Well, OF COURSE Clinton and the DNC paid for the Trumped Up Dossier...and then Comey subsidized it.
There's a mole in the DNC. A deep throat has come forward to expose the Clinton and Russian connection. A connection that was facilitated by none other than Paul Manafort.

Tucker Carlson is going over it right now. No wonder Trump canned his ass.
The squeeze put on by the demanding of bank records now coupled with the mega civil cases against Steel, Buzzfeed and Fusion are going to blow this Russian collusion deal wide open.


What "mega civil cases" would those be, exactly?

Here you go. Things are heating up now.

Christopher Steele: US court ruling could force ex-British spy to testify on Trump-Russia dossier
The ruling is part of a libel suit against Buzzfeed News, which first published the dossier

US court ruling could force ex-British spy to reveal details from Trump-Russia dossier

This Lawsuit Could Reveal Mysteries Of The Trump Dossier

This Lawsuit Could Reveal Mysteries Of The Trump Dossier

Someone in a presidential campaign paid for opposition research!!


Unheard of!!!! Someone, at once, convene a committee!!

Oh I see. When Dems do it it's not fucking collusion. BUT HOLY FUCKING TOLEDO when R's do it its a fucking collusion. Trump Tower meeting.
This is going to be fun watching D's turn into pretzels over this one. NOW getting dirt on an opponent isn't fucking collusion.


Someone in a presidential campaign paid for opposition research!!


Unheard of!!!! Someone, at once, convene a committee!!

Oh I see. When Dems do it it's not fucking collusion. BUT HOLY FUCKING TOLEDO when R's do it its a fucking collusion. Trump Tower meeting.
You are still pretty slow, but you are catching on, comrade

Snow White Hillary is as clean as the driven snow

trump is Russian pond scum
DEMS are pissing into the wind.....I LOVE IT!!

Jeb Bush started paying for it, then DNC took it after Jeb gave up.
Already, the dossier has been validated; who paid for it doesnt change that.

Watch for leaks.. The house intel committee is completely corrupted by Nunes. This is why they're testifying before muellers team instead.

Someone in a presidential campaign paid for opposition research!!


Unheard of!!!! Someone, at once, convene a committee!!

Oh I see. When Dems do it it's not fucking collusion. BUT HOLY FUCKING TOLEDO when R's do it its a fucking collusion. Trump Tower meeting.
What the fuck are you talking about, ditz for brains?

Fusion GPS is an AMERICAN company.

Do you ever tire of making an idiot of yourself?
I bet Slick Willie came up with the urination section when they were brainstorming the fake ass dossier narrative!
I bet Slick Willie came up with the urination section when they were brainstorming the fake ass dossier narrative!

That seems like something John Podesta would be into instead of Bubba.

Someone in a presidential campaign paid for opposition research!!


Unheard of!!!! Someone, at once, convene a committee!!

Oh I see. When Dems do it it's not fucking collusion. BUT HOLY FUCKING TOLEDO when R's do it its a fucking collusion. Trump Tower meeting.
What the fuck are you talking about, ditz for brains?

Fusion GPS, is a Washington firm.
trump cultists are desperate, wildly thrashing about like children

Sounds like trump, doesn't it?

They are sheep
That seems like something John Podesta would be into instead of Bubba.

Good point. It seems that literally every accusation the Fake News and Fake Politicians have made against President Trump is what Crooked Hillary, Slick Willie, Obama, and DNC members actually did.
For those who can't access the WaPo, here is another link.

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier

I doubt there's much wrong with the DNC trying to dig up dirt on their opponents, but having McCain involved and FBI paying for political researchers is wrong on many levels and looks terrible for the FBI. Considering who was running the FBI at the time, it's not surprising at all.

Let's not forget, McCain had delivered the copy to Comey.

John McCain: I gave Russia blackmail dossier on Trump to FBI
That seems like something John Podesta would be into instead of Bubba.

Good point. It seems that literally every accusation the Fake News and Fake Politicians have made against President Trump is what Crooked Hillary, Slick Willie, Obama, and DNC members actually did.

That's a big tell. When the Dem-Progs start spewing coordinated talking points accusing the opposition of something, it's basically a confession that they themselves are guilty of said transgression.
The squeeze put on by the demanding of bank records now coupled with the mega civil cases against Steel, Buzzfeed and Fusion are going to blow this Russian collusion deal wide open.

Whatever they found in the Manafort raid seems to point directly to Manafort working on behalf of the DNC and the Podesta group to give favors to Russia (including uranium) in exchange for lots of money.

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