Washington Post: Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries like Haiti

Who denies that Haiti is a shit-hole.

It got its Independence about the same time America as did.

One is the greatest country in the history of the world. The other is the shit-hole of the Western Hemisphere, possibly of the whole world.

Lots of differences between the USA and Haiti---but one of the main ones is...as soon as Haiti got its Independence, first thing they did was KILL all the White People.

Let them continue to govern themselves...and live there with such as they come up with.
No kidding
1804 Haiti massacre - Wikipedia
Women and children were generally killed last. White women were "often raped or pushed into forced marriages under threat of death."[19]

you get what you sow..........they killed all the people with brains and ambition.......ok not all, just 99.99%

Trump's right. I spent a year in Haiti one week and never want to go back.


I love this President, some people aren't comfortable with the truth.....go Donnie go!!!!!!!!!!!!

About time a politician says something real and not stepford wifish.
Classless fucks everywhere are celebrating...

You may not like the truth, but you aint changing it

while you want class.....aka ignore the issues of these countries......maybe people will start trying to figure out, why they are shit holes...and fix the issues. Your way, nothing was changing or happening.........the truth shall set you free.
I mean..why can't they gather forces in small sections of where they live and CLEAN IT UP? It won't make much of a dent, but at least where they live..it would. Like I said..being poor does not mean one has to live so nastily. What will bring this world to the brink of disease are those countries shown above. Filth. Nasty. Gross. Lazy people even if poor. And that is what is trying to come HERE.

Even animals don't shit in their homes. Well, except birds.

Because their Government won't allow them, This is what the TARDS/ANTIFA wants problem is they are to gawd dam stupid to understand this what they protest for.
Of course they do. Both of my kids have learned plenty of history and both have excellent English.

Did they learn that Abraham Lincoln was a democrat who defeated the slave holding Republicans? :dunno:

The problem with you Marxist is that pretty much everything you say is a lie... :eusa_whistle:
Lincoln was a progressive, and the Republicans were progressives....150 years ago. You would have hated the party of Lincoln. And I am not a Marxist.
He wasn't and republicans were not....I've already crushed lefties on this.....

as for republicans......there have been large numbers of conservatives back to the founding of the party........You can google it, you can even watch Spielberg's movie and they talk about the conservatives

Here is my test...name me the last time a democrat was more conservative than the republican in a presidential election
Let's start protecting American Citizens again. That's the dramatic shift we need in our disastrous Immigration System. It's not about non-citizens, it's about American Citizens. I wish Trump the best of luck. Good on em. :thup:
Lincoln was a progressive, and the Republicans were progressives....150 years ago. You would have hated the party of Lincoln. And I am not a Marxist.

Of course they were. Look at the vast welfare system Lincoln put in place. He socialized medicine and built the largest public employee apparatus in history...


Fucking lying Marxists, y'all are a hoot...
That's a pretty stupid post. Progressivism is not defined by three issues. It is defined in many contexts, and one who is a progressive on one issue may not be so on another. But Lincoln was quite a progressive, and so much so that a bunch of slavers directed half the country to go to the war with the other half because of it.

Lincoln was not a progressive.......he was anti slavery....but was not going to end it in the confederacy....in fact the Emancipation Proclamation didn't free states in the Union border states of KY, MD, MO, and DE........He didn't like it, but he was also not a progressive forcing his shit on people...the South struck first and Lincoln kicked their asses, but it took time......
Instead of facing the fact that progressive policies are the reason we have a ridiculously outsized black criminal community the left maintains they are criminal because they are black..and therefore we must accommodate them.
Indeed true. That makes liberals the most racist group of all. To lower expectations for an entire race of people and think that only through massive, generational federal intervention, can they ever hope to break even...is racist to the core.
If only ceos like trump didn’t feel the way they do about brown people
Good we can end affirmative action.......
We already knew what you two think.

I’m glad trumps confirming what we thought.

If the people trump offends don’t show up more power to trump in 2021
He is a proven winner baby. Pulse of American people. Mainstream media is sooo outta touch.
I know what you mean. Even black people don’t want more blacks from Africa flooding their job market.

Legal Mexicans don’t necessarily care about illegals.

It’s up to women blacks Muslims Mexicans and gays to decide if they like a klansman as potus
How is Trump a Klansman? Do justify your post?
Like I said they don’t wear hoods anymore they wear $5000 suits. It’s not overt anymore. Trumps slip was refreshing admittance
Personally, I dont think Trump is a racist. Well, maybe against the entire human race, he is. But that's more sociopathy than it is racism.

He's not racist and was never said to be on until he ran for President....
He's asking questions....and good ones....we get a bunch of 3rd world people who don't offer anything to our country but voodoo dolls.....Sure they can be productive, but's its very inefficient.....
Same shit was said about the Irish and the Italians.........it's not just them, it's the AMOUNT of them.....you have a bunch of Germans come over, they will face a bunch of shit from people like me....who is of German descent

The Ass Clown has done it again. There was no reason to make that comment. There was no reason to offend Haiti, El Salvador & the continent of Africa.

Trump is really a National Security threat. We have Americans all over the world sometimes in very dangerous places, that depend on these people to work with them, giving them intelligence that protects not only this country but our allies. We have Americans living in these countries that may get beat up by a few angry people, or even killed because Trump can't control his mouth and his crazy tweets.

I am 65 years old, and have lived through many administrations and Presidents, and I can honestly say I have never been embarrassed to be an American, until now.

Donald Trump is a national disgrace.


The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of ignorance, hate, bigotry & misogyny. This country elected a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility, no decency & the only loyalty he has ever shown to anyone was to himself and Vladimir Putin.


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He's right though.

Why not import educated westerners that will benefit and grow our economy, instead of uneducated poor masses that will drag down our standard of living?
or Educated Asians.....this diversity lottery caused this crap...seeing how bad it is, he made the statement and the media had a cow.........they never look at facts or results....because they don't want them

This Ass Clown has done it again. There was no reason to make that comment. There was no reason to offend Haiti, El Salvador & the continent of Africa.

Trump is really a National Security threat. We have Americans all over the world sometimes in very dangerous places, that depend on these people to work with them, giving them intelligence that protects not only this country but our allies. We have Americans living in these countries that may get beat up by a few angry people, or even killed because Trump can't control his mouth and his crazy tweets.

I am 65 years old, and have lived through many administrations and Presidents, and I can honestly say I have never been embarrassed to be an American, until now.

Donald Trump is a national disgrace.


The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of ignorance, hate, bigotry & misogyny. This country elected a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility, no decency & the only loyalty he has ever shown to anyone was to himself and Vladimir Putin.


Oh please you guys say this with every republican....snooooze
You have to be brain dead to think this is acceptable behavior for a president.
This is just the beginning of the backlash of this monumental faux pas.

LOL. What is Haiti and Africa going to do? Boycott us??

Truthfully, I think our country has devolved into a South Park episode and you are as much responsible for it as the president is.
He's right though.

Why not import educated westerners that will benefit and grow our economy, instead of uneducated poor masses that will drag down our standard of living?
Are we turning away educated westerners? Frankly, this country is a bit of a laughingstock among "educated westerners" right now.
They aren’t coming here.

I actually like slowing down immigration. Stop flooding the job market
Because there are so few jobs available, right?

U.S. job openings hit record high, nearly 6.2 million
The people out of work can’t fill those jobs and neither can poor immigrants from shitholes
Indians do, and that country is a shit hole......but he didn't say anything about them...why?

because the produce....the actually do more than pick cotton.

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