Washington Post: Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries like Haiti

I mean..why can't they gather forces in small sections of where they live and CLEAN IT UP? It won't make much of a dent, but at least where they live..it would. Like I said..being poor does not mean one has to live so nastily. What will bring this world to the brink of disease are those countries shown above. Filth. Nasty. Gross. Lazy people even if poor. And that is what is trying to come HERE.

Even animals don't shit in their homes. Well, except birds.

Because their Government won't allow them, This is what the TARDS/ANTIFA wants problem is they are to gawd dam stupid to understand this what they protest for.
Bullshit. The government doesn't give a damn what they do in their own neighborhoods, nor ever see the places. The people can gather in groups and choose to clean up their areas if they wanted to. But they are poor and I guess decided to live that way in filth.

This Ass Clown has done it again. There was no reason to make that comment. There was no reason to offend Haiti, El Salvador & the continent of Africa.

Trump is really a National Security threat. We have Americans all over the world sometimes in very dangerous places, that depend on these people to work with them, giving them intelligence that protects not only this country but our allies. We have Americans living in these countries that may get beat up by a few angry people, or even killed because Trump can't control his mouth and his crazy tweets.

I am 65 years old, and have lived through many administrations and Presidents, and I can honestly say I have never been embarrassed to be an American, until now.

Donald Trump is a national disgrace.


The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of ignorance, hate, bigotry & misogyny. This country elected a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility, no decency & the only loyalty he has ever shown to anyone was to himself and Vladimir Putin.


Oh please you guys say this with every republican....snooooze

I was a life long Republican until you made this Ass clown the Poster Boy of the Republican party. I have over 16k posts on this board to prove that, and have been on here since 2008. I changed my party status to Independent and followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN. This party no longer represents me. It no longer represents millions of moderate Republicans.

You have effectively killed the grand ol' party of Lincoln & Reagan. There will be no coming back from Donald Trump.



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This Ass Clown has done it again. There was no reason to make that comment. There was no reason to offend Haiti, El Salvador & the continent of Africa.

Trump is really a National Security threat. We have Americans all over the world sometimes in very dangerous places, that depend on these people to work with them, giving them intelligence that protects not only this country but our allies. We have Americans living in these countries that may get beat up by a few angry people, or even killed because Trump can't control his mouth and his crazy tweets.

I am 65 years old, and have lived through many administrations and Presidents, and I can honestly say I have never been embarrassed to be an American, until now.

Donald Trump is a national disgrace.


The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of ignorance, hate, bigotry & misogyny. This country elected a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility, no decency & the only loyalty he has ever shown to anyone was to himself and Vladimir Putin.


Oh please you guys say this with every republican....snooooze

I was a life long Republican until you made this Ass clown the Poster Boy of the Republican party. I have over 16k posts on this board to prove that, and have been on here since 2008. I changed my party status to Independent and followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN. This party no longer represents me. It no longer represents millions of moderate Republicans.

You have effectively killed the grand ol' party of Lincoln & Reagan. There will be no coming back from Donald Trump.



Do refer me to a few of those posts.....I heard this all the time...and almost always it's bullshit.
We have 60,000 troops in Africa and when the news breaks tomorrow morning our troops will be at risk.

Well if that causes our soldiers to be at risk, those leaders have much thinner skin than you attribute to Trump....and they would be stupid........

Basically they have this option.......

or build a better country for God's sake
I have spent all my life being very careful not to say anything that might offend Black People. Have watched half a century of the War on Poverty, the Great Society, and Affirmative Action...and it seems that things have only gotten worse, particularly in the rotting cities of the north run by Democrats for those same 50 years.

Everybody knows Haiti is a shit-hole, but almost everybody is afraid to say so....for fear of offending Blacks...because Haiti is all Black.

Everybody doesn't know that Haiti got it independence at about the same time as the USA. One is the basket case of the Western Hemisphere, perhaps the whole world, the other is the greatest achievement in the history of human society.

Lots of differences between Haiti and the USA, but one of the main ones is: As soon as Haiti got its Independence, the first thing they did was KILL all the White People.

Yes, Haiti is a shit-hole, and finally we have a president who will say so, not be cowed by the Political Correctness Nazis.

And, by the way, Detroit is a shit-hole and Baltimore is a shit-hole too...It would suit me if Trump said that too....its the Truth.

Maybe if we acknowledged that, we could talk about WHY and do something about it...something different than what we have done for the last 50 years.
It wasn't just Haiti. He also said the same thing about El Salvador and African nations.
The main idea here is you trump humps have totally forgotten what's appropriate behavior for a president.
You don't care that he acts like one of you idiots on a political forum. The country and world expects more from a President of the United States.
If Obama said what the racist in chief said today you'd be calling to lynch him.
We have 60,000 troops in Africa and when the news breaks tomorrow morning our troops will be at risk.

Well if that causes our soldiers to be at risk, those leaders have much thinner skin than you attribute to Trump....and they would be stupid........

Basically they have this option.......

or build a better country for God's sake

It wouldn't be the leaders you dumb SOB, the PEOPLE of Africa are going to be outraged and want to take it out on someone. That someone just might be the American military in their backyard. If you can't see this... you have terminal trump disease
We have 60,000 troops in Africa and when the news breaks tomorrow morning our troops will be at risk.

Well if that causes our soldiers to be at risk, those leaders have much thinner skin than you attribute to Trump....and they would be stupid........

Basically they have this option.......

or build a better country for God's sake

It wouldn't be the leaders you dumb SOB, the PEOPLE of Africa are going to be outraged and want to take it out on someone. That someone just might be the American military in their backyard. If you can't see this... you have terminal trump disease

Reasonable you are an idiot... What time is it on the African Continent right now? Why don't you call the Pentagon and warn them sfb...





If Trump was in White Appalachia, he would think he was in a sh!thole country. He would insist they never come here.
I'd also be willing to bet my paycheck everyone in these pictures that's old enough to vote is a Democrat.
You would lose. Appalachia covers 13 Red States.



Dude, just stop it with your facts and figures. Only the bible and fox news speaks the truth.

Strange how Democrats hate America, yet they love shithole countries. So much so that they're busy turning parts of America into a total shithole. If you look at where Democrats are in charge, Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, New York City, the entire state of California....total shitholes.


But when some unknown source claims Trump is calling Haiti a shithole we're supposed to feel insulted. Even people who live there have to admit Haiti is a shithole.

Here's a short list of other countries that are total shitholes:

  1. Venezuela
  2. Columbia
  3. Brazil
  4. Mexico
  5. Iraq
  6. Lebanon
  7. Ethiopia
  8. Somalia
  9. Uganda
  10. India
  11. Pakistan
  12. Russia



It never ceases to amaze me when I hear liberals screaming about a president that loves the country he's in charge of more than the countries that have hundreds of thousands of refugees pouring out of them spreading all over the globe.

Hillary and Obama hate America and hate Americans......but we're supposed to love them.

I just don't understand this type of mindset.
Trump is turning America into a shithole country, so you should feel right at home.
Love said his comments were "unkind" and "fly in the face of our nation's values. This behavior is unacceptable from the leader of our nation." Love said her parents "proudly took an oath of allegiance to the United States and took on the responsibilities of everything that being a citizen comes with. They never took a thing from our federal government. They worked hard, paid taxes, and rose from nothing to take care of and provide opportunities for their children. They taught their children to do the same. That's the American Dream."

And they came here for a reason. Hint, it wasn't because Haiti is a highly stable, well functioning society.

Not the point and you know it.
You’re telling me you’re even making excuses for him on THIS?
Obviously you have no shame.

For what, stating the obvious, that requires no apologies. FUCK THE PC POLICE, Trump said form the beginning he wasn't going to be concerned with your PC crap.

You've totally lost all concept of what respectability even means.
We have 60,000 troops in Africa and when the news breaks tomorrow morning our troops will be at risk.

Well if that causes our soldiers to be at risk, those leaders have much thinner skin than you attribute to Trump....and they would be stupid........

Basically they have this option.......

or build a better country for God's sake

It wouldn't be the leaders you dumb SOB, the PEOPLE of Africa are going to be outraged and want to take it out on someone. That someone just might be the American military in their backyard. If you can't see this... you have terminal trump disease

Reasonable you are an idiot... What time is it on the African Continent right now? Why don't you call the Pentagon and warn them sfb...

How do you even remember how to breathe?
He was right. Haiti is a shithole
What did you say when President Donald Trump referred to Haiti, El Salvador and some African nations as “shithole countries”?
Your response to Trump’s racist ‘shithole’ comment will be remembered

What did you say when the president of the United States followed that comment by suggesting he’d rather see more immigrants from countries like Norway?

Whether now or in the future, you will be asked this question: What did you say?

Did you call out the obvious racism behind those statements? Did you acknowledge that the leader of the free world — by title, anyway — had shown himself to be a white supremacist, casually expressing his dislike of brown-skinned immigrants and preference for white European immigrants?

Were you outraged that such comments from a sitting president were antithetical to the ideals that have always made America a beacon of hope and opportunity?

What did you say?

Did you speak out?

Did you denounce the comments, as Rep. Mia Love, a Utah Republican whose parents came to America from Haiti, did, saying in a statement: “This behavior is unacceptable from the leader of our nation. … The President must apologize to both the American people and the nations he so wantonly maligned.”

Or did you keep quiet?
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Love said his comments were "unkind" and "fly in the face of our nation's values. This behavior is unacceptable from the leader of our nation." Love said her parents "proudly took an oath of allegiance to the United States and took on the responsibilities of everything that being a citizen comes with. They never took a thing from our federal government. They worked hard, paid taxes, and rose from nothing to take care of and provide opportunities for their children. They taught their children to do the same. That's the American Dream."

And they came here for a reason. Hint, it wasn't because Haiti is a highly stable, well functioning society.

Not the point and you know it.
You’re telling me you’re even making excuses for him on THIS?
Obviously you have no shame.

For what, stating the obvious, that requires no apologies. FUCK THE PC POLICE, Trump said form the beginning he wasn't going to be concerned with your PC crap.

You've totally lost all concept of what respectability even means.

Respectability has gotten this country screwed, it's way past time for a new tone. I just hope the rest of the GOP adopts Trumps tone, then they will be on equal footing with you fucking regressives.

He was right. Haiti is a shithole
Behavior and language unbecoming a president of the United States.
And that’s putting it mildly.

Well Clinton's behavior was unbecoming.....you guys started it, we're accelerating it.......you should have listened to us back in the 90s......you reap what you sow.

Clinton was impeached. If Trump is accelerating it then when is he leaving?
Because Clinton committed a crime.....Trump has not......and the Senate did not convict him.....

I was referring to the boorish behavior..
He was right. Haiti is a shithole
What did you say when President Donald Trump referred to Haiti, El Salvador and some African nations as “shithole countries”?
Your response to Trump’s racist ‘shithole’ comment will be remembered

What did you say when the president of the United States followed that comment by suggesting he’d rather see more immigrants from countries like Norway?

Whether now or in the future, you will be asked this question: What did you say?

Did you call out the obvious racism behind those statements? Did you acknowledge that the leader of the free world — by title, anyway — had shown himself to be a white supremacist, casually expressing his dislike of brown-skinned immigrants and preference for white European immigrants?

Were you outraged that such comments from a sitting president were antithetical to the ideals that have always made America a beacon of hope and opportunity?

What did you say?

Did you speak out?

Did you denounce the comments, as Rep. Mia Love, a Utah Republican whose parents came to America from Haiti, did, saying in a statement: “This behavior is unacceptable from the leader of our nation. … The President must apologize to both the American people and the nations he so wantonly maligned.”

Or did you keep quiet?

what did he say that was untrue?

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