Washington Post: Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries like Haiti

I have spent all my life being very careful not to say anything that might offend Black People. Have watched half a century of the War on Poverty, the Great Society, and Affirmative Action...and it seems that things have only gotten worse, particularly in the rotting cities of the north run by Democrats for those same 50 years.

Everybody knows Haiti is a shit-hole, but almost everybody is afraid to say so....for fear of offending Blacks...because Haiti is all Black.

Everybody doesn't know that Haiti got it independence at about the same time as the USA. One is the basket case of the Western Hemisphere, perhaps the whole world, the other is the greatest achievement in the history of human society.

Lots of differences between Haiti and the USA, but one of the main ones is: As soon as Haiti got its Independence, the first thing they did was KILL all the White People.

Yes, Haiti is a shit-hole, and finally we have a president who will say so, not be cowed by the Political Correctness Nazis.

And, by the way, Detroit is a shit-hole and Baltimore is a shit-hole too...It would suit me if Trump said that too....its the Truth.

Maybe if we acknowledged that, we could talk about WHY and do something about it...something different than what we have done for the last 50 years.
Love said his comments were "unkind" and "fly in the face of our nation's values. This behavior is unacceptable from the leader of our nation." Love said her parents "proudly took an oath of allegiance to the United States and took on the responsibilities of everything that being a citizen comes with. They never took a thing from our federal government. They worked hard, paid taxes, and rose from nothing to take care of and provide opportunities for their children. They taught their children to do the same. That's the American Dream."

And they came here for a reason. Hint, it wasn't because Haiti is a highly stable, well functioning society.

Not the point and you know it.
You’re telling me you’re even making excuses for him on THIS?
Obviously you have no shame.

For what, stating the obvious, that requires no apologies. FUCK THE PC POLICE, Trump said form the beginning he wasn't going to be concerned with your PC crap.

Love doesn't lose much love in Utah for her comments. Trump's support in the Beehive State is wishy-washy, but he's in no danger of losing the state if he decides to run again.
Love doesn't lose much love in Utah for her comments. Trump's support in the Beehive State is wishy-washy, but he's in no danger of losing the state if he decides to run again.

He's becoming more embarrassing. At least use language proper for a President.
Everybody knows Haiti is a shit-hole, but almost everybody is afraid to say so....for fear of offending Blacks...because Haiti is all Black.
Nobody should EVER be afraid of that. You will offend black people, no matter what you do.

The black community has been dutifully trained and conditioned to take offense at all times, even when no reasonable person would think to do so.

Am I racist for saying so?
Love doesn't lose much love in Utah for her comments. Trump's support in the Beehive State is wishy-washy, but he's in no danger of losing the state if he decides to run again.

He's becoming more embarrassing. At least use language proper for a President.

Trump is going to do and say whatever he feels like...for better or worse.
Love doesn't lose much love in Utah for her comments. Trump's support in the Beehive State is wishy-washy, but he's in no danger of losing the state if he decides to run again.

He's becoming more embarrassing. At least use language proper for a President.

Trump is going to do and say whatever he feels like...for better or worse.

Mia is learning a lesson about her GOP Pres.
Anybody care to guess what happens when social security and medicare get cut to balance budgets while we keep adding folks from other countries and handing out welfare, healthcare, education, housing and food to our new friends--a/k/a Democratic Voters to be?
I know, right?

What's the big deal?

We all know Trump and the Republicans are racists.

The only Republicans I trust are those that admit to who they are. The ones who stand up and say, "Yea, we hate minorities and non whites". You can trust them because they aren't lying. Or dissembling.

I say put it all out there and let everyone know who you are.

So Haiti isn't a shithole?
Those are the only people that will come. Especially now. I like it that way to be honest. The less coming in the better
Many Americans do not know this but we have completely stopped all immigration to our nation for long periods of time to allow for assimilation...we stopped immigration for 30 years once but unfortunately they don't teach that in our PC public schools...
We have the right to allow who we want and forbid who we don't want....
They don't teach any history in our public schools.

Or English.

Obviously untrue.
I love this President, some people aren't comfortable with the truth.....go Donnie go!!!!!!!!!!!!

About time a politician says something real and not stepford wifish.
Incarceration of the great President Andrew Jackson. .....

"Incarceration"? Not quite what you were aiming at there. And an argument could be made that our current president is more the incarnation of Andrew Johnson than Andrew Jackson.
Which leaves me to another point...why don’t we take in more Japanese, Indian, and Singapore immigrants. Successful capitalist and allies against Chinese expansion.
Because they're too successful and they would be educated and do well.....meaning they wouldn't need democrats

Just a reminder to racist morons like Trump:

In the much lauded and often cited (by Republicans) Fraser Institute rankings of economic freedom, El Salvador nets a 7.13 out of 10 and Slovenia only nets a 7.0… i.e. El Salvadore has more economic freedom than Melania’s country of birth.


So, from the standpoint of the only metric conservatives care about (other than white skin color), Donald Trump’s wife comes from a bigger sh%thole than the one he was crying about this afternoon.

But of course Trump wasn’t talking about economic freedom or capitalism or free market opportunity… all things that Norway (7.67 out of 10) has in spades BECAUSE of its socialist policies.

He was talking about skin color.

Because he’s a racist.

Either that or I guess he thinks his wife’s home country is a sh%thole.

Sh%thole Countries... Like Slovenia?

No he wasn't.........there isn't one European country that is worse than Haiti, El Salvador, or any country in Africa............if so name the shithole country and the European one?
I love this President, some people aren't comfortable with the truth.....go Donnie go!!!!!!!!!!!!

About time a politician says something real and not stepford wifish.
Incarceration of the great President Andrew Jackson. .....

"Incarceration"? Not quite what you were aiming at there. And an argument could be made that our current president is more the incarnation of Andrew Johnson than Andrew Jackson.
Which leaves me to another point...why don’t we take in more Japanese, Indian, and Singapore immigrants. Successful capitalist and allies against Chinese expansion.

Why not take them in and more Chinese immigrants too?
I'm ok with that......Indians are great.....they fucking speak English and actually know how to do shit like Doctors and IT work.
I love this President, some people aren't comfortable with the truth.....go Donnie go!!!!!!!!!!!!

About time a politician says something real and not stepford wifish.
i have a dumb question,,is a chit hole country a nation that cannot afford toilets, so all they have is holes all over the place and everyone does no1 and no 2 in public? kinda like in Manhattan?

it's a poor country, that sucks in just about everything, run by a dictator, and has for 50-100 years....... I mean fuck Haiti has been a a shithole forever........what is the fucking problem?
I love this President, some people aren't comfortable with the truth.....go Donnie go!!!!!!!!!!!!

About time a politician says something real and not stepford wifish.
Can you guys tell us which countries are shitholes? A complete list.
3rd world countries.......
I love this President, some people aren't comfortable with the truth.....go Donnie go!!!!!!!!!!!!

About time a politician says something real and not stepford wifish.
Can you guys tell us which countries are shitholes? A complete list.
Third World - Wikipedia

The green countries, brazil is the best of the lot, but it's still shitholish........

these are countries that are not updated and corrupt and never get issues fixed.......I mean what the fuck.....Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere for like 50 years now.........They used to blame it on Baby Doc Duvalier........but he's long gone.....

so a basic definition would be countries that never improve nor care too.....usually because of very corrupt governments....and usually socialist in nature......it's a horrible system.......

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