Washington Post: Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries like Haiti

The fake outrage over calling a spade a spade is getting unreal.
Wow, You racist fucks are soooooo cute when you think you are fooling anyone with your "call a spade a spade"

Do you really think no one knows you are talking about black people?

Are you really that fucking stupid?

If you are going to post a racial slur, be man enough to say it.
He's talking about Haiti being a shithole, moron.

Do you think you're fooling anyone with your incessant accusations of racism? You can't defend Dim immigration policies, so pulling out the race card is all you got. Dims simply cannot justify their stance to the voters. There is no reason for the US to take in all the refuse from third world countries.

You racist fucks stick up for each other.

You are just as bad as your orange buddy.

Your racist is so inbred into your very being, you can't recognize it.

The US has always allowed immigrants from all over the world including countries that are mostly black.

To explain it to you ignorant uneducated Trumpettes, when you assume everyone in these black countries are "refuse", you are bring a racist fuck.

You are a rscviostg fuck. A big, fat, ignorant racist fuck.

LOL !!

Go fuck yourself Dave, you truly are a piece of shit.

The truth hurts, doesn't it. If you Trumpettes aren't racist fucks, you are defending them.
So Trump goes beyond calling people 'deplorables'. And Trump supporters are fine with calling 'others' deplorables.

As we knew from the beginning, hypocrisy at it's worst.
All they have is unkind words as they shit with pride....
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Who really knows, Haiti might be a Tropical Paradise
Before the earthquake, some called it that.



Then there are the recovery photo's. After the earthquake and on to recovery:


How Haiti becomes the poorest country in the western hemisphere

Before the 80s, Haiti was a thriving export of sugar, cacao, coffee, and many other raw materials. She was self-sustaining. Haitians had livestock such as pigs and chickens. Haiti produced enough rice in those days to sustain herself.

The country was fine until the government was forced by the US to take a few loans from the World Bank and the IMF in the 80s. Almost immediately the country was gone through a spiral of rapid economic decline that no one has ever seen before. Today Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere.


That's what Republicans want to do here to the poor and the middle class. We will know by the end of the year how well it's working.

Hati is a shit hole by which all other shit holes are judged. No need to wait for the Donald to say it, just ask a Guy from Hati. He will flat tell you it’s a shit hole.
Incorrect. Only 2 republicans denied hearing it but never said Durbin lied. Graham talked to Trump after he made that despicable racist slur.
ASide from Trump, there were only 3 people in the Room, Durbin and two Republicans. Durbin is the only one who claims Trump used the "shithole" word.
There were at least 4 and Durban was not the only one to say that TRump said something inappropriate

Senator Durbin, who was in the room with Trump, says president said ‘racist’ things - The Boston Globe

But Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina), whom Durbin said had voiced objection to Trump’s comments during the meeting, issued a statement that did not dispute the remarks.

‘‘Following comments by the President, I said my piece directly to him yesterday. The President and all those attending the meeting know what I said and how I feel,’’ he said, adding: ‘‘I've always believed that America is an idea, not defined by its people but by its ideals.’’
Lindsey Graham didn't confirm or deny, which is the same as a denial. Graham hates Trump. He's also a big amnesty supporter.
Poor Donnie everyone is out to get him. Never his fault.

The MSM fake media is out to get him. They have made that as plain as anyone can make it. This whole phoney sanctimonious uproar over the supposed "shit hole" comment is all the proof needed. It was totally manufactured by Dick Durbin who wanted to derail the DACA negotiations from the start. The Dims never had any intention of negotiating an agreement.

Who do you assholes think you're fooling?
Denying the shithole comment?

And you call other people duped.

You've been fooled by an oversized ignorant con man named Donald Trump.
You've been to one or two African nations and you think you know Africa.
For one thing Africa is a diverse continent through and through and has been that way for thousands of years before Euro-peons set foot there. Contrary to your visual assessment about African skin color African skin color ranges from blue black to
golden brown...and if you count the albinos some are whiter than YOU. And those cosmetic dynamics existed well before your ilk invaded.

And as far as your universal divide and conquer notion that Africans hate American Blacks, Muhammed Ali and James Brown put that White lie to rest a long time ago.
My ilk never invaded Africa.
The reason they supported Ali was because, you guessed it, he was a Muslim.
And I don't think it's a matter of hatred. It's more a feeling the UK has about Canadians and Australians.
And I lived in Africa for long enough to get a feel for what they're like. Sure, not all are the same, but skin tone shouldn't be an issue, but it is.

If skin color is an issue in the one country you visited its only because Pink people instigated it. As I said it wasn't an issue until Caucs invaded. And lighter skin doesn't mean some black mixed with a Caucasian.
Yep.....you're one of those idiots that blames everything on whitey.
And lighter skin means that they're mixed with Native American, Asian, or Caucasians.
But then again, you seem to have this habit that some Libs on this site have of trying to put words in my mouth instead of fucking reading what I post.

Most of the problems Blacks have in Africa are because of other Blacks, dumbass, not because of whites. As a matter of fact Kenya was totally different than Somalia because of British rule. Somalia is a classic SHITHOLE, because of Islam and fighting amongst tribes.

When is the last time you looked in the mirror, pinkie. Your whiteness is an illusion created by German pseudoscientists to make you feel superior to darker people.
You aren't; and, more and more people of color and pink folks are starting to realize that.

That aside, Africans got along for thousands of years before pink invaders came to rape the land and Africans themselves. But you are mistaken if you assume all Africans were jet Black before then.
The varying skin colors of Africa: light, dark, and all in between | Penn Current

Ali fought Foreman in Zaire but you are to damn lazy or too stupid to realize most Zairians are Christians.

And does this video look like Africans hate James Brown...heh heh hehHEEEEEEEYYYYYYY!

Jesus Christ.....you are one serious racist bastard.
Oh FYI, after all of the ethnic cleansing going on I doubt that Christians in any African country can sleep well at night.
Christians are an endangered species in Africa and the Middle-East.
BTW, Zaire doesn't exist anymore. As of 1997. Another thing.....just because a country is predominantly Christian doesn't mean there are no Muslims there. Africa is swarming with Muslims....EXCEPT IN ZAIRE WHERE EVERYONE IS A CHRISTIAN, RIGHT!!!
You can't tell me that it has been a very stable place....and you can't blame whites for these problem, bud. This is all their doing. Inner fighting between tribes and between different religions. In Mogadishu usually once or twice a month they'd get high on Khat and just start shooting at each other.
And sure, Africans enjoy James Brown's music because he's a celebrity, they sometimes admire rich blacks. They want to come to our countries and some of them learn to get along, but it seems Muslims have a tendency not to blend. Course this is the case with any country they move to.

My nephew's father was Somali pilot who came to America to go to flight school. When the civil war started he stayed here and refused to return. Now Somalia has no air force anyway. Just a few rusting wrecked aircraft laying around in the sand.

The problem with you is you are a bigot. I know that the African people are very diverse. They're like any country, they're not always nationalists or monolithic. Religious and tribal differences play a big part in their lives and in their suffering. Some of those pink invaders you hate violently brought technology and peace to some parts of that continent. Kenya is a perfect example of it. Somalia is a good example of the what happens when people cannot learn to settle their differences and turn the other cheek. They can't work together. But then you showed me exactly why this is the case.

Another great post from Mud.
The difference is that when a president of country says it, he sends a message of hate and insensitivity. We loose allies and we make new enemies that way....with the Orange is by the day. China is taking over slowly, I bet their boats are sailing to Haiti as we Speak.

Do you think they'll steal billions from em like hillary did?
What's your evidence?

Are you saying all those Haitians are lying?
Are you saying that most Americans and the world are lying when we tell you he is not fit to be a bus driver let alone a president.

It must grind your gears to see the economy take off,the stock market setting records day after day all brought about by someone you despise.
I love it!!!!
Oh...ya might want to have someone hide the razor blades and prescription painkillers.

There was no other GOP candidate that wouldn't have done the same on regulations & taxes dumbass. And if you're going to take credit for the rise in the stock market, you can also take credit for the crash that ALWAYS follows.

That will happen when fund managers start to look at price to earnings ratio's and when the Fed starts dramatically raising interest rates to slow the economy down. Irrational exuberance always plays a part in the stock market crashes.


Republicans are left with two options:
1. Remove Trump and his Russian cohorts from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018--2020 & beyond.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with TREASON, OBSTRUCTION AND LIES when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education into what that Emoluments clause in the Consititution is all about, which is another reason for impeachment, if Democrats don't want to go along with the current setup.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump
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Do you think they'll steal billions from em like hillary did?
What's your evidence?

Are you saying all those Haitians are lying?
Are you saying that most Americans and the world are lying when we tell you he is not fit to be a bus driver let alone a president.

It must grind your gears to see the economy take off,the stock market setting records day after day all brought about by someone you despise.
I love it!!!!
Oh...ya might want to have someone hide the razor blades and prescription painkillers.

There was no other GOP candidate that wouldn't have done the same on regulations dumbass. And if you're going to take credit for the rise in the stock market, you can also take credit for the crash that ALWAYS follows.

That will happen when fund managers start to look at price to earnings ratio's and when the Fed starts dramatically raising interest rates to slow the economy down. Irrational exuberance always plays a part in the stock market crashes.


Republicans are left with two options:
1. Remove Trump and his Russian cohorts from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018--2020 & beyond.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with TREASON, OBSTRUCTION AND LIES when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education into what that Emoluments clause in the Consititution is all about, which is another reason for impeachment, if Democrats don't want to go along with the current setup.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump

Complete bullshit.
Every single Republican that ran was a fuken RINO and we would just have more of the same.
What's your evidence?

Are you saying all those Haitians are lying?
Are you saying that most Americans and the world are lying when we tell you he is not fit to be a bus driver let alone a president.

It must grind your gears to see the economy take off,the stock market setting records day after day all brought about by someone you despise.
I love it!!!!
Oh...ya might want to have someone hide the razor blades and prescription painkillers.

There was no other GOP candidate that wouldn't have done the same on regulations dumbass. And if you're going to take credit for the rise in the stock market, you can also take credit for the crash that ALWAYS follows.

That will happen when fund managers start to look at price to earnings ratio's and when the Fed starts dramatically raising interest rates to slow the economy down. Irrational exuberance always plays a part in the stock market crashes.


Republicans are left with two options:
1. Remove Trump and his Russian cohorts from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018--2020 & beyond.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with TREASON, OBSTRUCTION AND LIES when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education into what that Emoluments clause in the Consititution is all about, which is another reason for impeachment, if Democrats don't want to go along with the current setup.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump

Complete bullshit.
Every single Republican that ran was a fuken RINO and we would just have more of the same.

No, you actually elected a RINO. Trump would work much better with Nancy Pelosi & Chuck Schummer. That's something you can look forward to in 2018 also.

1. Anyone that is for single payer health care is not a Conservative nor a Republican.
Trump Pushes Single Payer Healthcare, Tax Increase on Wealthy - Breitbart
2. Anyone that states they are "the KING of debt" and loves DEBT is not a Conservative nor a Republican.
Donald Trump: 'I'm the king of debt'
3. Anyone that states they are for Eminent Domain, is neither a Republican nor a Conservative.
Opinion | Donald Trump’s history of eminent domain abuse
4. Anyone that proposed CHILD CARE subsidies aka (another Obamacare type program) is neither a Republican nor a Conservative.
Donald Trump Proposes Child-Care Subsidies


A very true & funny article about this is right here.
All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not
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You've been to one or two African nations and you think you know Africa.
For one thing Africa is a diverse continent through and through and has been that way for thousands of years before Euro-peons set foot there. Contrary to your visual assessment about African skin color African skin color ranges from blue black to
golden brown...and if you count the albinos some are whiter than YOU. And those cosmetic dynamics existed well before your ilk invaded.

And as far as your universal divide and conquer notion that Africans hate American Blacks, Muhammed Ali and James Brown put that White lie to rest a long time ago.
My ilk never invaded Africa.
The reason they supported Ali was because, you guessed it, he was a Muslim.
And I don't think it's a matter of hatred. It's more a feeling the UK has about Canadians and Australians.
And I lived in Africa for long enough to get a feel for what they're like. Sure, not all are the same, but skin tone shouldn't be an issue, but it is.

If skin color is an issue in the one country you visited its only because Pink people instigated it. As I said it wasn't an issue until Caucs invaded. And lighter skin doesn't mean some black mixed with a Caucasian.
Yep.....you're one of those idiots that blames everything on whitey.
And lighter skin means that they're mixed with Native American, Asian, or Caucasians.
But then again, you seem to have this habit that some Libs on this site have of trying to put words in my mouth instead of fucking reading what I post.

Most of the problems Blacks have in Africa are because of other Blacks, dumbass, not because of whites. As a matter of fact Kenya was totally different than Somalia because of British rule. Somalia is a classic SHITHOLE, because of Islam and fighting amongst tribes.

When is the last time you looked in the mirror, pinkie. Your whiteness is an illusion created by German pseudoscientists to make you feel superior to darker people.
You aren't; and, more and more people of color and pink folks are starting to realize that.

That aside, Africans got along for thousands of years before pink invaders came to rape the land and Africans themselves. But you are mistaken if you assume all Africans were jet Black before then.
The varying skin colors of Africa: light, dark, and all in between | Penn Current

Ali fought Foreman in Zaire but you are to damn lazy or too stupid to realize most Zairians are Christians.

And does this video look like Africans hate James Brown...heh heh hehHEEEEEEEYYYYYYY!

Jesus Christ.....you are one serious racist bastard.
Oh FYI, after all of the ethnic cleansing going on I doubt that Christians in any African country can sleep well at night.
Christians are an endangered species in Africa and the Middle-East.
BTW, Zaire doesn't exist anymore. As of 1997. Another thing.....just because a country is predominantly Christian doesn't mean there are no Muslims there. Africa is swarming with Muslims....EXCEPT IN ZAIRE WHERE EVERYONE IS A CHRISTIAN, RIGHT!!!
You can't tell me that it has been a very stable place....and you can't blame whites for these problem, bud. This is all their doing. Inner fighting between tribes and between different religions. In Mogadishu usually once or twice a month they'd get high on Khat and just start shooting at each other.
And sure, Africans enjoy James Brown's music because he's a celebrity, they sometimes admire rich blacks. They want to come to our countries and some of them learn to get along, but it seems Muslims have a tendency not to blend. Course this is the case with any country they move to.

My nephew's father was Somali pilot who came to America to go to flight school. When the civil war started he stayed here and refused to return. Now Somalia has no air force anyway. Just a few rusting wrecked aircraft laying around in the sand.

The problem with you is you are a bigot. I know that the African people are very diverse. They're like any country, they're not always nationalists or monolithic. Religious and tribal differences play a big part in their lives and in their suffering. Some of those pink invaders you hate violently brought technology and peace to some parts of that continent. Kenya is a perfect example of it. Somalia is a good example of the what happens when people cannot learn to settle their differences and turn the other cheek. They can't work together. But then you showed me exactly why this is the case.

How many times have I told you I don't believe in race? That being the case it is impossible for me to be a racist. People who accept the pseudoconcept off race are automatically racists. That would be pink faced mutants like you and black surrogates who hug pink balls like Ben Carson.

You may call me a colorist but not a racist like you.

And as for the feigned benevolence and altruistic overtures Europeans show publicly towards Africa. It's always been a sham.
Pinks have raped Africa of it's precious resources, colonized it and treated the natives like shit. Then, when they forced the pink bastards out they Instigated conflicts between various tribes to facilitate arms sales to stupid tyrants they set up as puppets for western interests.
To pay for all those armaments the IMF and World Bank stepped in with Usurious loans.
That strategy was devastating to developing African nations as the priority to repay those loans with oppressive interest required tight austerity measures that depleted the economies and bled the fledgling economies dry. So yes... Pink mutanrs are responsible for much of any misery found in Africa. But some countries are thriving because they didn't take the bait.
My ilk never invaded Africa.
The reason they supported Ali was because, you guessed it, he was a Muslim.
And I don't think it's a matter of hatred. It's more a feeling the UK has about Canadians and Australians.
And I lived in Africa for long enough to get a feel for what they're like. Sure, not all are the same, but skin tone shouldn't be an issue, but it is.

If skin color is an issue in the one country you visited its only because Pink people instigated it. As I said it wasn't an issue until Caucs invaded. And lighter skin doesn't mean some black mixed with a Caucasian.
Yep.....you're one of those idiots that blames everything on whitey.
And lighter skin means that they're mixed with Native American, Asian, or Caucasians.
But then again, you seem to have this habit that some Libs on this site have of trying to put words in my mouth instead of fucking reading what I post.

Most of the problems Blacks have in Africa are because of other Blacks, dumbass, not because of whites. As a matter of fact Kenya was totally different than Somalia because of British rule. Somalia is a classic SHITHOLE, because of Islam and fighting amongst tribes.

When is the last time you looked in the mirror, pinkie. Your whiteness is an illusion created by German pseudoscientists to make you feel superior to darker people.
You aren't; and, more and more people of color and pink folks are starting to realize that.

That aside, Africans got along for thousands of years before pink invaders came to rape the land and Africans themselves. But you are mistaken if you assume all Africans were jet Black before then.
The varying skin colors of Africa: light, dark, and all in between | Penn Current

Ali fought Foreman in Zaire but you are to damn lazy or too stupid to realize most Zairians are Christians.

And does this video look like Africans hate James Brown...heh heh hehHEEEEEEEYYYYYYY!

Jesus Christ.....you are one serious racist bastard.
Oh FYI, after all of the ethnic cleansing going on I doubt that Christians in any African country can sleep well at night.
Christians are an endangered species in Africa and the Middle-East.
BTW, Zaire doesn't exist anymore. As of 1997. Another thing.....just because a country is predominantly Christian doesn't mean there are no Muslims there. Africa is swarming with Muslims....EXCEPT IN ZAIRE WHERE EVERYONE IS A CHRISTIAN, RIGHT!!!
You can't tell me that it has been a very stable place....and you can't blame whites for these problem, bud. This is all their doing. Inner fighting between tribes and between different religions. In Mogadishu usually once or twice a month they'd get high on Khat and just start shooting at each other.
And sure, Africans enjoy James Brown's music because he's a celebrity, they sometimes admire rich blacks. They want to come to our countries and some of them learn to get along, but it seems Muslims have a tendency not to blend. Course this is the case with any country they move to.

My nephew's father was Somali pilot who came to America to go to flight school. When the civil war started he stayed here and refused to return. Now Somalia has no air force anyway. Just a few rusting wrecked aircraft laying around in the sand.

The problem with you is you are a bigot. I know that the African people are very diverse. They're like any country, they're not always nationalists or monolithic. Religious and tribal differences play a big part in their lives and in their suffering. Some of those pink invaders you hate violently brought technology and peace to some parts of that continent. Kenya is a perfect example of it. Somalia is a good example of the what happens when people cannot learn to settle their differences and turn the other cheek. They can't work together. But then you showed me exactly why this is the case.

Another great post from Mud.

FOTs stick together...Validating each others lies is nothing new.
What about protections for American Citizens? Why have so many forgotten about that? It's why i'll always oppose the Globalists. Our Immigration System is broken. It currently only benefits non-citizens. This mass Immigration both legal & illegal, is not benefiting American Citizens. Above all, any Immigration needs to serve American Citizen interests. And that's just not happening at this point. Something's very wrong.

We need to end Illegal Immigration once and for all, and place new stringent requirements/limits on Legal Immigration. Anything less than that is just another Government Dog & Pony Show. Trump shouldn't sign anything that doesn't solely serve American Citizen interests. Period, end of story. .
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My ilk never invaded Africa.
The reason they supported Ali was because, you guessed it, he was a Muslim.
And I don't think it's a matter of hatred. It's more a feeling the UK has about Canadians and Australians.
And I lived in Africa for long enough to get a feel for what they're like. Sure, not all are the same, but skin tone shouldn't be an issue, but it is.

If skin color is an issue in the one country you visited its only because Pink people instigated it. As I said it wasn't an issue until Caucs invaded. And lighter skin doesn't mean some black mixed with a Caucasian.
Yep.....you're one of those idiots that blames everything on whitey.
And lighter skin means that they're mixed with Native American, Asian, or Caucasians.
But then again, you seem to have this habit that some Libs on this site have of trying to put words in my mouth instead of fucking reading what I post.

Most of the problems Blacks have in Africa are because of other Blacks, dumbass, not because of whites. As a matter of fact Kenya was totally different than Somalia because of British rule. Somalia is a classic SHITHOLE, because of Islam and fighting amongst tribes.

When is the last time you looked in the mirror, pinkie. Your whiteness is an illusion created by German pseudoscientists to make you feel superior to darker people.
You aren't; and, more and more people of color and pink folks are starting to realize that.

That aside, Africans got along for thousands of years before pink invaders came to rape the land and Africans themselves. But you are mistaken if you assume all Africans were jet Black before then.
The varying skin colors of Africa: light, dark, and all in between | Penn Current

Ali fought Foreman in Zaire but you are to damn lazy or too stupid to realize most Zairians are Christians.

And does this video look like Africans hate James Brown...heh heh hehHEEEEEEEYYYYYYY!

Jesus Christ.....you are one serious racist bastard.
Oh FYI, after all of the ethnic cleansing going on I doubt that Christians in any African country can sleep well at night.
Christians are an endangered species in Africa and the Middle-East.
BTW, Zaire doesn't exist anymore. As of 1997. Another thing.....just because a country is predominantly Christian doesn't mean there are no Muslims there. Africa is swarming with Muslims....EXCEPT IN ZAIRE WHERE EVERYONE IS A CHRISTIAN, RIGHT!!!
You can't tell me that it has been a very stable place....and you can't blame whites for these problem, bud. This is all their doing. Inner fighting between tribes and between different religions. In Mogadishu usually once or twice a month they'd get high on Khat and just start shooting at each other.
And sure, Africans enjoy James Brown's music because he's a celebrity, they sometimes admire rich blacks. They want to come to our countries and some of them learn to get along, but it seems Muslims have a tendency not to blend. Course this is the case with any country they move to.

My nephew's father was Somali pilot who came to America to go to flight school. When the civil war started he stayed here and refused to return. Now Somalia has no air force anyway. Just a few rusting wrecked aircraft laying around in the sand.

The problem with you is you are a bigot. I know that the African people are very diverse. They're like any country, they're not always nationalists or monolithic. Religious and tribal differences play a big part in their lives and in their suffering. Some of those pink invaders you hate violently brought technology and peace to some parts of that continent. Kenya is a perfect example of it. Somalia is a good example of the what happens when people cannot learn to settle their differences and turn the other cheek. They can't work together. But then you showed me exactly why this is the case.

How many times have I told you I don't believe in race? That being the case it is impossible for me to be a racist. People who accept the pseudoconcept off race are automatically racists. That would be pink faced mutants like you and black surrogates who hug pink balls like Ben Carson.

You may call me a colorist but not a racist like you.

And as for the feigned benevolence and altruistic overtures Europeans show publicly towards Africa. It's always been a sham.
Pinks have raped Africa of it's precious resources, colonized it and treated the natives like shit. Then, when they forced the pink bastards out they Instigated conflicts between various tribes to facilitate arms sales to stupid tyrants they set up as puppets for western interests.
To pay for all those armaments the IMF and World Bank stepped in with Usurious loans.
That strategy was devastating to developing African nations as the priority to repay those loans with oppressive interest required tight austerity measures that depleted the economies and bled the fledgling economies dry. So yes... Pink mutanrs are responsible for much of any misery found in Africa. But some countries are thriving because they didn't take the bait.


You talk about "Pinks" like they're all evil scum.....and you claim you aren't a racist??

The only Pink I know about is this Pink:

I have spent all my life being very careful not to say anything that might offend Black People. Have watched half a century of the War on Poverty, the Great Society, and Affirmative Action...and it seems that things have only gotten worse, particularly in the rotting cities of the north run by Democrats for those same 50 years.

Everybody knows Haiti is a shit-hole, but almost everybody is afraid to say so....for fear of offending Blacks...because Haiti is all Black.

Everybody doesn't know that Haiti got it independence at about the same time as the USA. One is the basket case of the Western Hemisphere, perhaps the whole world, the other is the greatest achievement in the history of human society.

Lots of differences between Haiti and the USA, but one of the main ones is: As soon as Haiti got its Independence, the first thing they did was KILL all the White People.

Yes, Haiti is a shit-hole, and finally we have a president who will say so, not be cowed by the Political Correctness Nazis.

And, by the way, Detroit is a shit-hole and Baltimore is a shit-hole too...It would suit me if Trump said that too....its the Truth.

Maybe if we acknowledged that, we could talk about WHY and do something about it...something different than what we have done for the last 50 years.
It wasn't just Haiti. He also said the same thing about El Salvador and African nations.
The main idea here is you trump humps have totally forgotten what's appropriate behavior for a president.
You don't care that he acts like one of you idiots on a political forum. The country and world expects more from a President of the United States.
If Obama said what the racist in chief said today you'd be calling to lynch him.

If Obama or Hillary Clinton had done 1/16th of what this Ass Clown has done, said & tweeted, these same Reich wingers would be out in the streets rioting and demanding a public hanging.


When protecting the political party is more important than this country.

Ahh, back with the clown meme again. One of these days all you assholes might actually dream up some new insult.

Insults and degradations are obviously why you elected Trump.--:badgrin: He's the master of them.

All the insulting posts I see in this form were authored by snowflakes. Yours is a perfect example.
The fake outrage over calling a spade a spade is getting unreal.
Wow, You racist fucks are soooooo cute when you think you are fooling anyone with your "call a spade a spade"

Do you really think no one knows you are talking about black people?

Are you really that fucking stupid?

If you are going to post a racial slur, be man enough to say it.
He's talking about Haiti being a shithole, moron.

Do you think you're fooling anyone with your incessant accusations of racism? You can't defend Dim immigration policies, so pulling out the race card is all you got. Dims simply cannot justify their stance to the voters. There is no reason for the US to take in all the refuse from third world countries.

You racist fucks stick up for each other.

You are just as bad as your orange buddy.

Your racist is so inbred into your very being, you can't recognize it.

The US has always allowed immigrants from all over the world including countries that are mostly black.

To explain it to you ignorant uneducated Trumpettes, when you assume everyone in these black countries are "refuse", you are bring a racist fuck.

You are a rscviostg fuck. A big, fat, ignorant racist fuck.

LOL !!

Go fuck yourself Dave, you truly are a piece of shit.

The truth hurts, doesn't it. If you Trumpettes aren't racist fucks, you are defending them.

Turds like you accuse ever Republican of being a racist, so how would it be possible to have an election without as defending someone you have accused of being a racist?
What's your evidence?

Are you saying all those Haitians are lying?
Are you saying that most Americans and the world are lying when we tell you he is not fit to be a bus driver let alone a president.

It must grind your gears to see the economy take off,the stock market setting records day after day all brought about by someone you despise.
I love it!!!!
Oh...ya might want to have someone hide the razor blades and prescription painkillers.

There was no other GOP candidate that wouldn't have done the same on regulations dumbass. And if you're going to take credit for the rise in the stock market, you can also take credit for the crash that ALWAYS follows.

That will happen when fund managers start to look at price to earnings ratio's and when the Fed starts dramatically raising interest rates to slow the economy down. Irrational exuberance always plays a part in the stock market crashes.


Republicans are left with two options:
1. Remove Trump and his Russian cohorts from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018--2020 & beyond.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with TREASON, OBSTRUCTION AND LIES when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education into what that Emoluments clause in the Consititution is all about, which is another reason for impeachment, if Democrats don't want to go along with the current setup.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump

Complete bullshit.
Every single Republican that ran was a fuken RINO and we would just have more of the same.
Cruz and a couple of others weren't RINOs, but they just didn't have thechutzpah to beat Trump.
What about protections for American Citizens. Looks like our Government has abandoned them. Another sad result of Globalist policies. Our Government needs to put American Citizen interests first. That's its job. I'm tired of hearing about what best serves non-citizen interests. They get elected to only do what's best for American Citizens. And this unfettered Immigration certainly isn't serving American Citizens' best interests. Something's very wrong. The Globalists are very dangerous destructive people. Americans better wake up to the imminent threat.
What's your evidence?

Are you saying all those Haitians are lying?
Are you saying that most Americans and the world are lying when we tell you he is not fit to be a bus driver let alone a president.

It must grind your gears to see the economy take off,the stock market setting records day after day all brought about by someone you despise.
I love it!!!!
Oh...ya might want to have someone hide the razor blades and prescription painkillers.

There was no other GOP candidate that wouldn't have done the same on regulations dumbass. And if you're going to take credit for the rise in the stock market, you can also take credit for the crash that ALWAYS follows.

That will happen when fund managers start to look at price to earnings ratio's and when the Fed starts dramatically raising interest rates to slow the economy down. Irrational exuberance always plays a part in the stock market crashes.


Republicans are left with two options:
1. Remove Trump and his Russian cohorts from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018--2020 & beyond.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with TREASON, OBSTRUCTION AND LIES when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education into what that Emoluments clause in the Consititution is all about, which is another reason for impeachment, if Democrats don't want to go along with the current setup.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump

Complete bullshit.
Every single Republican that ran was a fuken RINO and we would just have more of the same.

"RINO" is a bullshit term with no legitimacy.


Because elected officials work for their constituency. The voters who gave them the job. They''re not there to work for a fucking political party.
The difference is that when a president of country says it, he sends a message of hate and insensitivity. We loose allies and we make new enemies that way....with the Orange is by the day. China is taking over slowly, I bet their boats are sailing to Haiti as we Speak.

I think we'll survive if Haiti isn't our ally.

Furthermore, Dick Durbin is the only one who was in the room who claims he said that, and he's a notorious liar.

Incorrect. Only 2 republicans denied hearing it but never said Durbin lied. Graham talked to Trump after he made that despicable racist slur.
ASide from Trump, there were only 3 people in the Room, Durbin and two Republicans. Durbin is the only one who claims Trump used the "shithole" word.

You can defend Trump every pubic hair you have left. Trump is a despicable human being.
He's an angel compared to Hillary. It looks like the whole sorry Obama administration will soon be doing the perp walk for trying to overthrow a lawfully elected government.

Compared between these 2 Hillary is better and honest than Trump.
Hillary never been charged or indicted of any wrong doings.
Lousy crooked Trump cannot even show his tax returns, cheated, sued many times and paid millions for fraud.
Are you saying all those Haitians are lying?
Are you saying that most Americans and the world are lying when we tell you he is not fit to be a bus driver let alone a president.

It must grind your gears to see the economy take off,the stock market setting records day after day all brought about by someone you despise.
I love it!!!!
Oh...ya might want to have someone hide the razor blades and prescription painkillers.

There was no other GOP candidate that wouldn't have done the same on regulations dumbass. And if you're going to take credit for the rise in the stock market, you can also take credit for the crash that ALWAYS follows.

That will happen when fund managers start to look at price to earnings ratio's and when the Fed starts dramatically raising interest rates to slow the economy down. Irrational exuberance always plays a part in the stock market crashes.


Republicans are left with two options:
1. Remove Trump and his Russian cohorts from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018--2020 & beyond.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with TREASON, OBSTRUCTION AND LIES when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education into what that Emoluments clause in the Consititution is all about, which is another reason for impeachment, if Democrats don't want to go along with the current setup.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump

Complete bullshit.
Every single Republican that ran was a fuken RINO and we would just have more of the same.

"RINO" is a bullshit term with no legitimacy.


Because elected officials work for their constituency. The voters who gave them the job. They''re not there to work for a fucking political party.
I think you live on that alternate planet Obama spoke of.

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