Washington Post: Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries like Haiti

surely you've heard of Flint Michigan and how the Republican governor and his emergency managers poisoned the water there.
Sure....yeah....right....some RINO Democrat posing as a Republican won election and immediately starts doing shit to piss everyone off.
We've seen this crap all over the country.
Gray Davis and Arnold Schwarzenegger were RINOs and they led to Jerry Brown.
Bloomberg was one and he led to De Blasio.
Sundquist was one here in TN and he led to Bredesen.
Every one of them a RINO Democrat posing as Repubicans which intentionally did things to piss off the voters to assure a Democrat win.
Are you going batshit crazy? Your response had nothing to do wiith what I said. Get some rest, read my post again and try to construct
a meaningful reply that has some modicum of pertinence to what I said.
Sorry if I pointed out the truth.
And I think you need to get a life and maybe read a book, because you spend too much time with your head up your ass.
Pointing out the truth is fine at the appropriate time and place: but, when you point out something irrelevant to an ongoing conversation it becomes a non sequitur. Doing so causes me to question your sanity.
But there's the rub. You didn't see or hear the actual conversation.....so you don't know what the context was, do you?

The rub is I said this in post #953:
"surely you've heard of Flint Michigan and how the Republican governor and his emergency managers poisoned the water there."

Your responded with this weird retort:


"Sure....yeah....right....some RINO Democrat posing as a Republican won election and immediately starts doing shit to piss everyone off.
We've seen this crap all over the country.
Gray Davis and Arnold Schwarzenegger were RINOs and they led to Jerry Brown.
Bloomberg was one and he led to De Blasio.
Sundquist was one here in TN and he led to Bredesen.
Every one of them a RINO Democrat posing as Repubicans which intentionally did things to piss off the voters to assure a Democrat win."

You tried to flip the script... I think you meant this response for another poster and just got mixed up... Get some rest.
Whenever I hear a black person bitching about racism in America I sometimes say, "Why haven't you immigrated back to Africa?"
They usually say I'm crazy.
Then I tell them that I've been to Africa several times, and I describe what I saw. How in some countries they don't take baths because of a lack of water. How darker Africans are extremely prejudice against lighter skinned Africans. They don't like people with white blood. Also, most Africans look down their noses at American Blacks......because they know they were removed during the Islamic ethnic cleansing that took place periodically hundreds of years ago. They treat them like Islamic countries treat Palestinians.....like bums. Homeless people. I also told them when we went out in the bush, that the only person in an entire tribe with a clean shirt was the tribal chief. That's how I knew who he was without asking.

Then they get real quiet and say..'Maybe America isn't so bad"

You've been to one or two African nations and you think you know Africa.
For one thing Africa is a diverse continent through and through and has been that way for thousands of years before Euro-peons set foot there. Contrary to your visual assessment about African skin color African skin color ranges from blue black to
golden brown...and if you count the albinos some are whiter than YOU. And those cosmetic dynamics existed well before your ilk invaded.

And as far as your universal divide and conquer notion that Africans hate American Blacks, Muhammed Ali and James Brown put that White lie to rest a long time ago.
surely you've heard of Flint Michigan and how the Republican governor and his emergency managers poisoned the water there.
Sure....yeah....right....some RINO Democrat posing as a Republican won election and immediately starts doing shit to piss everyone off.
We've seen this crap all over the country.
Gray Davis and Arnold Schwarzenegger were RINOs and they led to Jerry Brown.
Bloomberg was one and he led to De Blasio.
Sundquist was one here in TN and he led to Bredesen.
Every one of them a RINO Democrat posing as Repubicans which intentionally did things to piss off the voters to assure a Democrat win.
Are you going batshit crazy? Your response had nothing to do wiith what I said. Get some rest, read my post again and try to construct
a meaningful reply that has some modicum of pertinence to what I said.
Sorry if I pointed out the truth.
And I think you need to get a life and maybe read a book, because you spend too much time with your head up your ass.
Pointing out the truth is fine at the appropriate time and place: but, when you point out something irrelevant to an ongoing conversation it becomes a non sequitur. Doing so causes me to question your sanity.

It's hardly irrelevant.
In the context of post #953 it was irrelevant.
a small country wiped off the planet by a huge quake ...

POS RW's have the mentality of earthworms - not to insult earthworms.
Haiti has been an abject disaster for years. It's an ongoing tragedy. It's a shithole.

Had a friend of yours called it a shithole, you wouldn't have been offended or outraged in the least.

Had a friend of yours called Appalachia a shithole, you wouldn't have been offended or outraged in the least.

Again I have to ask: Is this all just a game? Are we EVER supposed to take partisans seriously?
The difference is that when a president of country says it, he sends a message of hate and insensitivity. We loose allies and we make new enemies that way....with the Orange is by the day. China is taking over slowly, I bet their boats are sailing to Haiti as we Speak.

I think we'll survive if Haiti isn't our ally.

Furthermore, Dick Durbin is the only one who was in the room who claims he said that, and he's a notorious liar.

Incorrect. Only 2 republicans denied hearing it but never said Durbin lied. Graham talked to Trump after he made that despicable racist slur.
ASide from Trump, there were only 3 people in the Room, Durbin and two Republicans. Durbin is the only one who claims Trump used the "shithole" word.

You can defend Trump every pubic hair you have left. Trump is a despicable human being.
I used this mage as my signature awhile back when Trump was campaigning....its time for a resurrection:
Whenever I hear a black person bitching about racism in America I sometimes say, "Why haven't you immigrated back to Africa?"
They usually say I'm crazy.
Then I tell them that I've been to Africa several times, and I describe what I saw. How in some countries they don't take baths because of a lack of water. How darker Africans are extremely prejudice against lighter skinned Africans. They don't like people with white blood. Also, most Africans look down their noses at American Blacks......because they know they were removed during the Islamic ethnic cleansing that took place periodically hundreds of years ago. They treat them like Islamic countries treat Palestinians.....like bums. Homeless people. I also told them when we went out in the bush, that the only person in an entire tribe with a clean shirt was the tribal chief. That's how I knew who he was without asking.

Then they get real quiet and say..'Maybe America isn't so bad"

You've been to one or two African nations and you think you know Africa.
For one thing Africa is a diverse continent through and through and has been that way for thousands of years before Euro-peons set foot there. Contrary to your visual assessment about African skin color African skin color ranges from blue black to
golden brown...and if you count the albinos some are whiter than YOU. And those cosmetic dynamics existed well before your ilk invaded.

And as far as your universal divide and conquer notion that Africans hate American Blacks, Muhammed Ali and James Brown put that White lie to rest a long time ago.

Wow...albinos are pale.....learn something new every day.

BTW, my ilk never invaded Africa. I was over there to help the UN save lives.

The reason they supported Ali was because, you guessed it, he was a Muslim.
And I don't think it's a matter of hatred. It's more a feeling the UK has about Canadians and Australians.
And I lived in Africa for long enough to get a feel for what they're like. Sure, not all are the same. Skin tone shouldn't be an issue, but it is to some.
For some reason my wife, who is black, doesn't like extremely dark Blacks. Dark blacks sometimes feel that pale Blacks aren't real Blacks. Then again some Blacks feel if they have a drop of Black blood they're all Black, but few are in America.
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Whenever I hear a black person bitching about racism in America I sometimes say, "Why haven't you immigrated back to Africa?"
They usually say I'm crazy.
Then I tell them that I've been to Africa several times, and I describe what I saw. How in some countries they don't take baths because of a lack of water. How darker Africans are extremely prejudice against lighter skinned Africans. They don't like people with white blood. Also, most Africans look down their noses at American Blacks......because they know they were removed during the Islamic ethnic cleansing that took place periodically hundreds of years ago. They treat them like Islamic countries treat Palestinians.....like bums. Homeless people. I also told them when we went out in the bush, that the only person in an entire tribe with a clean shirt was the tribal chief. That's how I knew who he was without asking.

Then they get real quiet and say..'Maybe America isn't so bad"

You've been to one or two African nations and you think you know Africa.
For one thing Africa is a diverse continent through and through and has been that way for thousands of years before Euro-peons set foot there. Contrary to your visual assessment about African skin color African skin color ranges from blue black to
golden brown...and if you count the albinos some are whiter than YOU. And those cosmetic dynamics existed well before your ilk invaded.

And as far as your universal divide and conquer notion that Africans hate American Blacks, Muhammed Ali and James Brown put that White lie to rest a long time ago.
My ilk never invaded Africa.
The reason they supported Ali was because, you guessed it, he was a Muslim.
And I don't think it's a matter of hatred. It's more a feeling the UK has about Canadians and Australians.
And I lived in Africa for long enough to get a feel for what they're like. Sure, not all are the same, but skin tone shouldn't be an issue, but it is.

If skin color is an issue in the one country you visited its only because Pink people instigated it. As I said it wasn't an issue until Caucs invaded. And lighter skin doesn't mean some black mixed with a Caucasian.
You posted pictures of 8 people who may have a septic system. I'm talking hundreds of millions of gallons of Dem sewage spilled input public waterways so polluting the water swimming had to be banned. Good job on the environment Dem's /SARCASM
If what you've said is true, you can probably easily cite many sources backing up your wild claims. I mean reputable sources, — not right wing nutjobs and their worthless dishonest blogs or websites.

Thanks, we'll all look forward to reading the sources you provide.

How many times do I have to post the links on the forum? I have lost count at this point. :eusa_hand:
It was 1884: that is not 'long, long ago.'

OK Skippy, pick on words and assign your own meaning.....cheap tactic.

The America value it expresses is still very, very much alive today.

There are no American values without language, borders and culture because, without them, there will be no more America.

Trump was not talking about illegal aliens; he was talking about people of one race from poor countries.

Leftist spin alert!! :spinner:Trying to paint Trump as a racist because he want's to limit immigration from chaotic, known, terrorist-harboring countries that can't control their own immigration.
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Just read that fiat Chrysler is bringing back jobs to the USA and investing a billion bucks. Gotta suck being you! Go president Trump!
These kinds of decisions by major corporations are made over a period of years — they have NOTHING to do with the Orange Fuckhead.
Tax cuts, please keep up. Your transgendered gay boy said those kinda jobs were gone for good. Sucks to be you too.
They would NOT make those decisions in just a couple of days. How simple are you...?

Please think before speaking so stupidly — you're embarrassing yourself. Of course, you, probably don't know it. As usual...
Obama said it, not me.
Haiti has been an abject disaster for years. It's an ongoing tragedy. It's a shithole.

Had a friend of yours called it a shithole, you wouldn't have been offended or outraged in the least.

Had a friend of yours called Appalachia a shithole, you wouldn't have been offended or outraged in the least.

Again I have to ask: Is this all just a game? Are we EVER supposed to take partisans seriously?
The difference is that when a president of country says it, he sends a message of hate and insensitivity. We loose allies and we make new enemies that way....with the Orange is by the day. China is taking over slowly, I bet their boats are sailing to Haiti as we Speak.

I think we'll survive if Haiti isn't our ally.

Furthermore, Dick Durbin is the only one who was in the room who claims he said that, and he's a notorious liar.

Incorrect. Only 2 republicans denied hearing it but never said Durbin lied. Graham talked to Trump after he made that despicable racist slur.
ASide from Trump, there were only 3 people in the Room, Durbin and two Republicans. Durbin is the only one who claims Trump used the "shithole" word.

You can defend Trump every pubic hair you have left. Trump is a despicable human being.
He's an angel compared to Hillary. It looks like the whole sorry Obama administration will soon be doing the perp walk for trying to overthrow a lawfully elected government.
Whenever I hear a black person bitching about racism in America I sometimes say, "Why haven't you immigrated back to Africa?"
They usually say I'm crazy.
Then I tell them that I've been to Africa several times, and I describe what I saw. How in some countries they don't take baths because of a lack of water. How darker Africans are extremely prejudice against lighter skinned Africans. They don't like people with white blood. Also, most Africans look down their noses at American Blacks......because they know they were removed during the Islamic ethnic cleansing that took place periodically hundreds of years ago. They treat them like Islamic countries treat Palestinians.....like bums. Homeless people. I also told them when we went out in the bush, that the only person in an entire tribe with a clean shirt was the tribal chief. That's how I knew who he was without asking.

Then they get real quiet and say..'Maybe America isn't so bad"

You've been to one or two African nations and you think you know Africa.
For one thing Africa is a diverse continent through and through and has been that way for thousands of years before Euro-peons set foot there. Contrary to your visual assessment about African skin color African skin color ranges from blue black to
golden brown...and if you count the albinos some are whiter than YOU. And those cosmetic dynamics existed well before your ilk invaded.

And as far as your universal divide and conquer notion that Africans hate American Blacks, Muhammed Ali and James Brown put that White lie to rest a long time ago.
My ilk never invaded Africa.
The reason they supported Ali was because, you guessed it, he was a Muslim.
And I don't think it's a matter of hatred. It's more a feeling the UK has about Canadians and Australians.
And I lived in Africa for long enough to get a feel for what they're like. Sure, not all are the same, but skin tone shouldn't be an issue, but it is.

If skin color is an issue in the one country you visited its only because Pink people instigated it. As I said it wasn't an issue until Caucs invaded. And lighter skin doesn't mean some black mixed with a Caucasian.
Yep.....you're one of those idiots that blames everything on whitey.
And lighter skin means that they're mixed with Native American, Asian, or Caucasians.
But then again, you seem to have this habit that some Libs on this site have of trying to put words in my mouth instead of fucking reading what I post.

Most of the problems Blacks have in Africa are because of other Blacks, dumbass, not because of whites. As a matter of fact Kenya was totally different than Somalia because of British rule. Somalia is a classic SHITHOLE, because of Islam and fighting amongst tribes.
Whenever I hear a black person bitching about racism in America I sometimes say, "Why haven't you immigrated back to Africa?"
They usually say I'm crazy.
Then I tell them that I've been to Africa several times, and I describe what I saw. How in some countries they don't take baths because of a lack of water. How darker Africans are extremely prejudice against lighter skinned Africans. They don't like people with white blood. Also, most Africans look down their noses at American Blacks......because they know they were removed during the Islamic ethnic cleansing that took place periodically hundreds of years ago. They treat them like Islamic countries treat Palestinians.....like bums. Homeless people. I also told them when we went out in the bush, that the only person in an entire tribe with a clean shirt was the tribal chief. That's how I knew who he was without asking.

Then they get real quiet and say..'Maybe America isn't so bad"

You've been to one or two African nations and you think you know Africa.
For one thing Africa is a diverse continent through and through and has been that way for thousands of years before Euro-peons set foot there. Contrary to your visual assessment about African skin color African skin color ranges from blue black to
golden brown...and if you count the albinos some are whiter than YOU. And those cosmetic dynamics existed well before your ilk invaded.

And as far as your universal divide and conquer notion that Africans hate American Blacks, Muhammed Ali and James Brown put that White lie to rest a long time ago.
My ilk never invaded Africa.
The reason they supported Ali was because, you guessed it, he was a Muslim.
And I don't think it's a matter of hatred. It's more a feeling the UK has about Canadians and Australians.
And I lived in Africa for long enough to get a feel for what they're like. Sure, not all are the same, but skin tone shouldn't be an issue, but it is.

If skin color is an issue in the one country you visited its only because Pink people instigated it. As I said it wasn't an issue until Caucs invaded. And lighter skin doesn't mean some black mixed with a Caucasian.
Yep.....you're one of those idiots that blames everything on whitey.
And lighter skin means that they're mixed with Native American, Asian, or Caucasians.
But then again, you seem to have this habit that some Libs on this site have of trying to put words in my mouth instead of fucking reading what I post.

Most of the problems Blacks have in Africa are because of other Blacks, dumbass, not because of whites. As a matter of fact Kenya was totally different than Somalia because of British rule. Somalia is a classic SHITHOLE, because of Islam and fighting amongst tribes.

When is the last time you looked in the mirror, pinkie. Your whiteness is an illusion created by German pseudoscientists to make you feel superior to darker people.
You aren't; and, more and more people of color and pink folks are starting to realize that.

That aside, Africans got along for thousands of years before pink invaders came to rape the land and Africans themselves. But you are mistaken if you assume all Africans were jet Black before then.
The varying skin colors of Africa: light, dark, and all in between | Penn Current

Ali fought Foreman in Zaire but you are to damn lazy or too stupid to realize most Zairians are Christians.

And does this video look like Africans hate James Brown...heh heh hehHEEEEEEEYYYYYYY!

The difference is that when a president of country says it, he sends a message of hate and insensitivity. We loose allies and we make new enemies that way....with the Orange is by the day. China is taking over slowly, I bet their boats are sailing to Haiti as we Speak.

I think we'll survive if Haiti isn't our ally.

Furthermore, Dick Durbin is the only one who was in the room who claims he said that, and he's a notorious liar.

Incorrect. Only 2 republicans denied hearing it but never said Durbin lied. Graham talked to Trump after he made that despicable racist slur.
ASide from Trump, there were only 3 people in the Room, Durbin and two Republicans. Durbin is the only one who claims Trump used the "shithole" word.

There were six senators in the room, and four of them confirmed what Trump said. Durbin quoted Trump, Graham confirmed what Durbin said. Republicans are being shitheads trying to defend shithole Trump.
This issue has blown up in a way regressives didn’t expect. Everyone talking about this agrees 100% those countries are shitholes, and most agree we shouldn’t be taking so many immigrants and refugees from those shitholes.
Everyone? LOL.....on my FB feeds dozens of people from all over the world, 4 languages they are all insulting Trump because of his comments....What fucking world you live in ? Do you even travel outside your county? Trump is the most laughed at president and persona in the world right now....they also know that he has the dumbest followers.
For your next holiday, I recommend you go to Haiti. Great weather!!!
Haiti is more interesting than most red states shitholes !!!
a small country wiped off the planet by a huge quake ...

POS RW's have the mentality of earthworms - not to insult earthworms.
Haiti has been an abject disaster for years. It's an ongoing tragedy. It's a shithole.

Had a friend of yours called it a shithole, you wouldn't have been offended or outraged in the least.

Had a friend of yours called Appalachia a shithole, you wouldn't have been offended or outraged in the least.

Again I have to ask: Is this all just a game? Are we EVER supposed to take partisans seriously?
The difference is that when a president of country says it, he sends a message of hate and insensitivity. We loose allies and we make new enemies that way....with the Orange is by the day. China is taking over slowly, I bet their boats are sailing to Haiti as we Speak.

Do you think they'll steal billions from em like hillary did?
What's your evidence?
This issue has blown up in a way regressives didn’t expect. Everyone talking about this agrees 100% those countries are shitholes, and most agree we shouldn’t be taking so many immigrants and refugees from those shitholes.
Everyone? LOL.....on my FB feeds dozens of people from all over the world, 4 languages they are all insulting Trump because of his comments....What fucking world you live in ? Do you even travel outside your county? Trump is the most laughed at president and persona in the world right now....they also know that he has the dumbest followers.
For your next holiday, I recommend you go to Haiti. Great weather!!!
Haiti is more interesting than most red states shitholes !!!

you have every RIGHT to your opinion on Haiti
This issue has blown up in a way regressives didn’t expect. Everyone talking about this agrees 100% those countries are shitholes, and most agree we shouldn’t be taking so many immigrants and refugees from those shitholes.
Everyone? LOL.....on my FB feeds dozens of people from all over the world, 4 languages they are all insulting Trump because of his comments....What fucking world you live in ? Do you even travel outside your county? Trump is the most laughed at president and persona in the world right now....they also know that he has the dumbest followers.

Yes, people are crying about it, but have any of them disputed that Haiti is a shithole? Even the liberals here won’t deny it.
Haiti is a shithole, Africa is a shithole, Europe is invaded and have no go zones, do you guys guys even know how shitty most of the state' are ? Compared to other countries ? I have visited cities and states where it looks worse than world countries.
a small country wiped off the planet by a huge quake ...

POS RW's have the mentality of earthworms - not to insult earthworms.
Haiti has been an abject disaster for years. It's an ongoing tragedy. It's a shithole.

Had a friend of yours called it a shithole, you wouldn't have been offended or outraged in the least.

Had a friend of yours called Appalachia a shithole, you wouldn't have been offended or outraged in the least.

Again I have to ask: Is this all just a game? Are we EVER supposed to take partisans seriously?
The difference is that when a president of country says it, he sends a message of hate and insensitivity. We loose allies and we make new enemies that way....with the Orange is by the day. China is taking over slowly, I bet their boats are sailing to Haiti as we Speak.

Do you think they'll steal billions from em like hillary did?
What's your evidence?

Are you saying all those Haitians are lying?
This issue has blown up in a way regressives didn’t expect. Everyone talking about this agrees 100% those countries are shitholes, and most agree we shouldn’t be taking so many immigrants and refugees from those shitholes.
Everyone? LOL.....on my FB feeds dozens of people from all over the world, 4 languages they are all insulting Trump because of his comments....What fucking world you live in ? Do you even travel outside your county? Trump is the most laughed at president and persona in the world right now....they also know that he has the dumbest followers.

"Trump is the most laughed at president and persona in the world right now....they also know that he has the dumbest followers."


When did you become a follower? Lord knows a liberal dumb ass could never be a leader!
Liberals founded this great country

True, they were liberals who then instantly became conservatives immediately after founding a new nation and liking what they had created.

The next generation of liberals came from with the Republicans who opposed slavery. Then they became conservatives again until the Democrats refused to allow Blacks equal rights in the 50s and 60s.

After completing that mission, and liking what they created, they became conservatives again.

Democrats and thus their current liberal ilk are almost always on the wrong side of right and wrong. That's the way it has been throughout history.
I'm a neutral....but since I can remember cnservatives are always in the wrong...they started most of the wars, have racists in their ranks, and now with Trump: you guys hate the FBI, the Pope, liberals, immigrants, refugees, planet earth, Blacks, Muslims, Gays, Africans, Europeans ...You basically hate everyone except Russia and Israel.

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