Washington Post: Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries like Haiti

You could say that the President limits old expired protections for immigrants or you could say "Trump attacks protections". Which phrase is more likely to appear in the MSM?
Those are whites in RED states. Please. Try to be honest for once in your life. There have been a couple of long, in depth articles about these poor folks recently.

If you want to learn the truth about these problems always remember Google is your friend.

You posted pictures of 8 people who may have a septic system. I'm talking hundreds of millions of gallons of Dem sewage spilled input public waterways so polluting the water swimming had to be banned. Good job on the environment Dem's /SARCASM
surely you've heard of Flint Michigan and how the Republican governor and his emergency managers poisoned the water there.
Sure....yeah....right....some RINO Democrat posing as a Republican won election and immediately starts doing shit to piss everyone off.
We've seen this crap all over the country.
Gray Davis and Arnold Schwarzenegger were RINOs and they led to Jerry Brown.
Bloomberg was one and he led to De Blasio.
Sundquist was one here in TN and he led to Bredesen.
Every one of them a RINO Democrat posing as Repubicans which intentionally did things to piss off the voters to assure a Democrat win.
Are you going batshit crazy? Your response had nothing to do wiith what I said. Get some rest, read my post again and try to construct
a meaningful reply that has some modicum of pertinence to what I said.
Sorry if I pointed out the truth.
And I think you need to get a life and maybe read a book, because you spend too much time with your head up your ass.
Pointing out the truth is fine at the appropriate time and place: but, when you point out something irrelevant to an ongoing conversation it becomes a non sequitur. Doing so causes me to question your sanity.
You posted pictures of 8 people who may have a septic system. I'm talking hundreds of millions of gallons of Dem sewage spilled input public waterways so polluting the water swimming had to be banned. Good job on the environment Dem's /SARCASM
surely you've heard of Flint Michigan and how the Republican governor and his emergency managers poisoned the water there.
Sure....yeah....right....some RINO Democrat posing as a Republican won election and immediately starts doing shit to piss everyone off.
We've seen this crap all over the country.
Gray Davis and Arnold Schwarzenegger were RINOs and they led to Jerry Brown.
Bloomberg was one and he led to De Blasio.
Sundquist was one here in TN and he led to Bredesen.
Every one of them a RINO Democrat posing as Repubicans which intentionally did things to piss off the voters to assure a Democrat win.
Are you going batshit crazy? Your response had nothing to do wiith what I said. Get some rest, read my post again and try to construct
a meaningful reply that has some modicum of pertinence to what I said.
Sorry if I pointed out the truth.
And I think you need to get a life and maybe read a book, because you spend too much time with your head up your ass.
Pointing out the truth is fine at the appropriate time and place: but, when you point out something irrelevant to an ongoing conversation it becomes a non sequitur. Doing so causes me to question your sanity.

It's hardly irrelevant.
So Trump goes beyond calling people 'deplorables'. And Trump supporters are fine with calling 'others' deplorables.

As we knew from the beginning, hypocrisy at it's worst.
It was Hillary Who Call Trump Supporter deplorables one of the reasons she lost the election
The fake outrage over calling a spade a spade is getting unreal.
Wow, You racist fucks are soooooo cute when you think you are fooling anyone with your "call a spade a spade"

Do you really think no one knows you are talking about black people?

Are you really that fucking stupid?

If you are going to post a racial slur, be man enough to say it.
He's talking about Haiti being a shithole, moron.

Do you think you're fooling anyone with your incessant accusations of racism? You can't defend Dim immigration policies, so pulling out the race card is all you got. Dims simply cannot justify their stance to the voters. There is no reason for the US to take in all the refuse from third world countries.

You racist fucks stick up for each other.

You are just as bad as your orange buddy.

Your racist is so inbred into your very being, you can't recognize it.

The US has always allowed immigrants from all over the world including countries that are mostly black.

To explain it to you ignorant uneducated Trumpettes, when you assume everyone in these black countries are "refuse", you are bring a racist fuck.

You are a rscviostg fuck. A big, fat, ignorant racist fuck.
So Trump goes beyond calling people 'deplorables'. And Trump supporters are fine with calling 'others' deplorables.

As we knew from the beginning, hypocrisy at it's worst.
It was Hillary Who Call Trump Supporter deplorables one of the reasons she lost the election
The deplorables were deplorable due to their ACTIONS you fucking idiot.

You people are dumber than shit.
So Trump goes beyond calling people 'deplorables'. And Trump supporters are fine with calling 'others' deplorables.

As we knew from the beginning, hypocrisy at it's worst.

Trump didn't call Americans "deplorables." I don't have a problem with calling certain groups of foriegners "deplorables." There isn't a thing hypocritical about it.
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So Trump goes beyond calling people 'deplorables'. And Trump supporters are fine with calling 'others' deplorables.

As we knew from the beginning, hypocrisy at it's worst.
It was Hillary Who Call Trump Supporter deplorables one of the reasons she lost the election
The deplorables were deplorable due to their ACTIONS you fucking idiot.

You people are dumber than shit.
Hillary did call Trump Supporter déplorables and they were not
The fake outrage over calling a spade a spade is getting unreal.
Wow, You racist fucks are soooooo cute when you think you are fooling anyone with your "call a spade a spade"

Do you really think no one knows you are talking about black people?

Are you really that fucking stupid?

If you are going to post a racial slur, be man enough to say it.
He's talking about Haiti being a shithole, moron.

Do you think you're fooling anyone with your incessant accusations of racism? You can't defend Dim immigration policies, so pulling out the race card is all you got. Dims simply cannot justify their stance to the voters. There is no reason for the US to take in all the refuse from third world countries.

You racist fucks stick up for each other.

You are just as bad as your orange buddy.

Your racist is so inbred into your very being, you can't recognize it.

The US has always allowed immigrants from all over the world including countries that are mostly black.

To explain it to you ignorant uneducated Trumpettes, when you assume everyone in these black countries are "refuse", you are bring a racist fuck.

You are a rscviostg fuck. A big, fat, ignorant racist fuck.

First off, your claim is just plain false: we haven't always allowed immigrants from all over the world including countries that are mostly black.

Second, apparently you answered one of those ads in the back of comic books for X-Ray glasses that allow you to see what plainly isn't visible. Plenty of the people living in these countries are refuse. They are ignorant, uneducated, superstitious and barbaric. That has nothing to do with skin color. It has to do with the culture they grow up in. Intelligent people don't swallow the leftwing Voo Doo that says all cultures are equal. They obviously aren't.
So Trump goes beyond calling people 'deplorables'. And Trump supporters are fine with calling 'others' deplorables.

As we knew from the beginning, hypocrisy at it's worst.
It was Hillary Who Call Trump Supporter deplorables one of the reasons she lost the election
The deplorables were deplorable due to their ACTIONS you fucking idiot.

You people are dumber than shit.

What "actions" are you referring to other than supporting Trump?
I doubt it...................However there is plenty of evidence that Haiti is a shithole for sure




Corpses rotting in the streets and no one cares, why? Well because it's a shithole
They keep coming here and this is what USA will look like.
You posted pictures of 8 people who may have a septic system. I'm talking hundreds of millions of gallons of Dem sewage spilled input public waterways so polluting the water swimming had to be banned. Good job on the environment Dem's /SARCASM
surely you've heard of Flint Michigan and how the Republican governor and his emergency managers poisoned the water there.
Sure....yeah....right....some RINO Democrat posing as a Republican won election and immediately starts doing shit to piss everyone off.
We've seen this crap all over the country.
Gray Davis and Arnold Schwarzenegger were RINOs and they led to Jerry Brown.
Bloomberg was one and he led to De Blasio.
Sundquist was one here in TN and he led to Bredesen.
Every one of them a RINO Democrat posing as Repubicans which intentionally did things to piss off the voters to assure a Democrat win.
Are you going batshit crazy? Your response had nothing to do wiith what I said. Get some rest, read my post again and try to construct
a meaningful reply that has some modicum of pertinence to what I said.
Sorry if I pointed out the truth.
And I think you need to get a life and maybe read a book, because you spend too much time with your head up your ass.
Pointing out the truth is fine at the appropriate time and place: but, when you point out something irrelevant to an ongoing conversation it becomes a non sequitur. Doing so causes me to question your sanity.
But there's the rub. You didn't see or hear the actual conversation.....so you don't know what the context was, do you?
So Trump goes beyond calling people 'deplorables'. And Trump supporters are fine with calling 'others' deplorables.

As we knew from the beginning, hypocrisy at it's worst.
It was Hillary Who Call Trump Supporter deplorables one of the reasons she lost the election
And the big difference here is Hillary was talking about American voters.....not Haiti or foreign countries.
She was talking about us.
But the left is in love with people from other countries and hate with a passion people from they country they live in. They have some insane imaginary impression of people that hate our country almost as much as they do.
I've been to those countries. Some of them come here because they're trying to escape a terrible life.....in a shithole of a country.
Trump simply said that we tend to favor people who come from those shitholes over people who come from decent countries. He doesn't want Democrats granting special privileges to people who can't run the country they live in. We want someone who can contribute to our society, not suck up all of our benefits.
Liberals don't understand this principle.
Friend of mine, Immigrant from India, owns a small business, partner in a real estate business, running for public office as a Republican, and believes in capitalism. All Democrats want to bring is a dependent victim class to vote Democrat for more handouts.

The fabian socialists want people that want to be ruled. That is what they have always wanted. They would trade every single non-leftist (with highly coveted skills) for a bunch of non-skilled, uneducated illegals. They want people that would be easy to rule while they sit on their little thrones and micro-manage. It pisses them off that their leftard clown posse utopia has been shelved for the time being.

Racism runs deep on the right.

You want to see uneducated people? Look at Trump voters.

Coming from someone that is a leftard that STILL clings to the DNC even after the revelations of the DNC and their criminality and corruption? That HAS to be one of the most ironic comments posted here by a leftard.
You posted pictures of 8 people who may have a septic system. I'm talking hundreds of millions of gallons of Dem sewage spilled input public waterways so polluting the water swimming had to be banned. Good job on the environment Dem's /SARCASM
If what you've said is true, you can probably easily cite many sources backing up your wild claims. I mean reputable sources, — not right wing nutjobs and their worthless dishonest blogs or websites.

Thanks, we'll all look forward to reading the sources you provide.
yes, he is a racist, so what. He stands up for racists everywhere, and we are proud to finally have a racist president.

Whites are finally taking back America. It won't be long before dreamers are shipped off to Gitmo starting in March. After dreamers, trump will create a national police force that reports directly to him, and they will be exempted from US laws, allowing them to do whatever it takes to get ride of everyone deemed "undesirable" by trump.
Thanks for your admission.

You're describing a Hitler wannabe, complete with imbecilic followers too brain dead to know they're worshipping a steaming sack of shit.

When did you finally realize you hate America?
Just read that fiat Chrysler is bringing back jobs to the USA and investing a billion bucks. Gotta suck being you! Go president Trump!
These kinds of decisions by major corporations are made over a period of years — they have NOTHING to do with the Orange Fuckhead.
Tax cuts, please keep up. Your transgendered gay boy said those kinda jobs were gone for good. Sucks to be you too.
They would NOT make those decisions in just a couple of days. How simple are you...?

Please think before speaking so stupidly — you're embarrassing yourself. Of course, you, probably don't know it. As usual...
The fake outrage over calling a spade a spade is getting unreal.
Wow, You racist fucks are soooooo cute when you think you are fooling anyone with your "call a spade a spade"

Do you really think no one knows you are talking about black people?

Are you really that fucking stupid?

If you are going to post a racial slur, be man enough to say it.
He's talking about Haiti being a shithole, moron.

Do you think you're fooling anyone with your incessant accusations of racism? You can't defend Dim immigration policies, so pulling out the race card is all you got. Dims simply cannot justify their stance to the voters. There is no reason for the US to take in all the refuse from third world countries.

You racist fucks stick up for each other.

You are just as bad as your orange buddy.

Your racist is so inbred into your very being, you can't recognize it.

The US has always allowed immigrants from all over the world including countries that are mostly black.

To explain it to you ignorant uneducated Trumpettes, when you assume everyone in these black countries are "refuse", you are bring a racist fuck.

You are a rscviostg fuck. A big, fat, ignorant racist fuck.

LOL !!

Go fuck yourself Dave, you truly are a piece of shit.

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